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1、It is _.It is celebrated on_. What do you do during it? The Spring Festivallunar January 1路神生日路神生日 正正月初五月初五Birthday of Road GodIt is _. It is celebrated on_. What do you do this day?The Lantern FestivalLunar January 15春龙节春龙节-农历二月初二农历二月初二Spring Dragon Festival寒食节寒食节-农历四月初四农历四月初四纪念春秋的介之推纪念春秋的介之推 It is

2、 _. It is celebrated on _. What do you do this day?Clean Brightness Festival Lunar April 5It is _. It is celebrated on _. What do you do this day?Dragon Boat Festival Lunar May 5天贶节天贶节-宋真宗赵恒。宋真宗赵恒。家家晒龙袍家家晒龙袍 翻经节翻经节-佛教的一个节日,佛教的一个节日,传说唐僧到西天取经回来,传说唐僧到西天取经回来,不慎将所有经书丢落到海中,不慎将所有经书丢落到海中,捞起来晒干了,方才保存下捞起来晒干了,

3、方才保存下来。因此寺院藏经也在天贶来。因此寺院藏经也在天贶节这一天翻检曝晒。节这一天翻检曝晒。 姑姑节姑姑节 -农村的风俗都要农村的风俗都要请回已出嫁的老少姑娘,请回已出嫁的老少姑娘,好好招待一番再送回去。好好招待一番再送回去。 农历六月初六农历六月初六It is _.It is celebrated on _.七夕节七夕节农历七月初七农历七月初七Seventh Night of the Seventh Lunar MonthLunar July 7It is _. It is celebrated on _.盂兰盆节盂兰盆节 -农历七月十五日也称农历七月十五日也称“中中元节元节”有些地方又州

4、俗称有些地方又州俗称“鬼节鬼节” Ghost FestivalLunar July 15地藏节-农历七月三十是一个宗教节日 地藏神Tiezang FestivalIt is _. It is celebrated on _.Mid-Autumn FestivalLunar August 15It is _. It is celebrated on _.Double Ninth FestivalLunar September 9It is also called _.祭祖节农历十月初一,祭祖节农历十月初一,又称为又称为“烧衣烧衣节节” Ancestor Sacrificing Festival冬

5、至节冬至节在二十四节在二十四节气中,冬至也最受重视气中,冬至也最受重视 The Winter Solstice Festival腊八节腊八节-农历腊月初八农历腊月初八 灶王爷灶王爷小年小年-腊月二十三日腊月二十三日It is _.It is on _.What do you do this night?New Years EveLunar December 30岁岁岁岁平平安安年年年年如如意意世界传统节日世界传统节日Tell me what festival it isThanksgiving DayThanksgiving Day(感恩节) Thanksgiving Day is the m

6、ost traditional holiday of America. Its always celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Thanksgiving Day is not only a day to give thanks but also a day for family members to get together .每年的11月的第四个星期四是感恩节。感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日,因此美国人提起感恩节总是倍感亲切。每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非常,人们按照习俗前往教堂做感恩祈祷,城乡市

7、镇到处都有化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等。劳燕分飞了一年的亲人们也会从天南海北归来,一家人团团圆圆,品尝美味的感恩节火鸡。 Another festival in the Westand guess what it is:Christmas Santa ClausChristmasThe word Christmas comes from the words Cristes maesse, or Christs Mass. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus for members of the Christian religi

8、on. Most historians peg the first celebration of Christmas to Rome ChristmasChristmasChristmas是是ChristChrist(基督)和(基督)和MassMass(凯撒)的缩写(凯撒)的缩写, , 恺恺撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节圣诞节是一个宗教节日,是一个宗教节日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,因而又名是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,因而又名“ “耶诞节耶诞节” ”。 每年的每年的1212月月2525日,世界所有的基督教会都会举行特别的日,世界所有的基督教会都会举行特别的礼拜仪式

9、礼拜仪式西方人以红、绿、白三色为圣诞色,圣诞节来临时家家西方人以红、绿、白三色为圣诞色,圣诞节来临时家家户户都要用圣诞色来装饰。户户都要用圣诞色来装饰。红色与白色相映成趣的是红色与白色相映成趣的是圣诞老人圣诞老人,他是圣诞节活动,他是圣诞节活动中最受欢迎的人物。西方儿童在圣诞夜临睡之前,要在中最受欢迎的人物。西方儿童在圣诞夜临睡之前,要在壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只袜子壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只袜子(Christmas stocking)(Christmas stocking),等,等候圣诞老人在他们入睡后把礼物放在袜子内。在西方,候圣诞老人在他们入睡后把礼物放在袜子内。在西方,扮演圣诞老人也是一种习俗

10、。扮演圣诞老人也是一种习俗。Who can tell me the name of this festival from the following picture?Holi(洒红节洒红节)Holi(洒红节) 从前有个叫希兰亚卡西普从前有个叫希兰亚卡西普(HIRANYAKASHIPU)(HIRANYAKASHIPU)的的邪恶国王,强迫臣民尊他为神,而小王子普拉拉德邪恶国王,强迫臣民尊他为神,而小王子普拉拉德(PRAHLAD)(PRAHLAD)却依然坚持对毗湿奴的信仰。国王为此却依然坚持对毗湿奴的信仰。国王为此让他的妹妹、不怕火烧的霍利嘉让他的妹妹、不怕火烧的霍利嘉(HOLIKA)(HOLIKA

11、)抱着普拉抱着普拉拉德跳进火堆之中,妄图除掉小王子。然而事与愿拉德跳进火堆之中,妄图除掉小王子。然而事与愿违,霍利嘉被烧为灰烬,普拉拉德却因为毗湿奴的违,霍利嘉被烧为灰烬,普拉拉德却因为毗湿奴的保护安然无恙。百姓们为了庆祝,便向小王子身上保护安然无恙。百姓们为了庆祝,便向小王子身上泼撒红颜色的水。泼撒红颜色的水。 因此,人们把每年印历因此,人们把每年印历1212月的望月的望日定为洒红节。洒红节的第二天,人们便用水和各日定为洒红节。洒红节的第二天,人们便用水和各种颜料互相泼撒、涂抹。在节日期间,人们互相抛种颜料互相泼撒、涂抹。在节日期间,人们互相抛洒红粉,投掷水球。洒红粉,投掷水球。 洒红节来临

12、时,人们不管相识与否,都可以向洒红节来临时,人们不管相识与否,都可以向对方泼红水,或是用各种颜色的粉泼撒对方,用各对方泼红水,或是用各种颜色的粉泼撒对方,用各色颜料把对方涂成大花脸和大花袍。除了人之外,色颜料把对方涂成大花脸和大花袍。除了人之外,汽车也不能幸免。那架势很像我国傣族的泼水节。汽车也不能幸免。那架势很像我国傣族的泼水节。Another festival in the WestCarnival(狂欢节狂欢节) Carnival狂欢节(Carnival)起源于欧洲的中世纪。有些地区还把它称之为谢肉节和忏悔节。该节日曾与复活节有密切关系。期间,人们禁止娱乐,禁食肉食,反省、忏悔以纪念复活

13、节前3天遭难的耶稣,生活肃穆沉闷,于是在斋期开始的前3天里,人们会专门举行宴会、舞会、游行,纵情欢乐,故有狂欢节之说。如今已没有多少人坚守大斋期之类的清规戒律,但传统的狂欢活动却保留了下来,成为人们抒民对幸福和自由向往的重要节日。 各国的狂欢节都颇具特色,但总的来说,都是以毫无节制的纵酒饮乐著称。其中最负盛名的要数巴西的狂欢节。 Halloween How much do you know about the festival Halloween?Halloween(万圣节)On October 31st, dozens of children dressed in costumes(节日服装

14、)knock on their neighbors doors and yell Trick or Treat when the door opens. Pirates and princesses, ghosts and popular heroes of the day all hold bags open to catch the candy or other goodies that the neighbors drop in. As they give each child a treat the neighbors exclaim over the costumes and try

15、 to guess who is under the masks.Halloween(万圣节)万圣节从10月31日午夜开始持续整整一天。在那天晚上他们伟大的死神-萨曼把那年死去人的鬼魂统统召来,这些恶鬼要受到托生为畜类的惩罚。当然,只要想到这种鬼魅的聚会,就足以令当时那些头脑简单的愚民胆战心谅的了。于是他们点起冲天的篝火,并严密监视这些恶鬼。因为万圣节前夜到处有女巫和鬼魂。GhostsUgly ghostscacodaemon ghosts(恶鬼)Beautiful ghostsHalloweenCome to Part 41.When do children wear new clothes

16、 in China?2. On which day do we usually receive some special gifts?3.When do you usually sing and dance?Come to Part 41.When do children wear new clothes in China?- Festivals or their birthday2. On which day do we usually receive some special gifts? -Birthday3. When do you usually sing and dance? -H

17、aving a party Read the passage and do the following:The tradition(The tradition(传统传统) of sending cards to friends ) of sending cards to friends was started in 1840 in the UK and now millions was started in 1840 in the UK and now millions of Christmas cards and emails are sent all round of Christmas

18、cards and emails are sent all round the world. Cards are a good way of keeping in the world. Cards are a good way of keeping in touch with family and friends who live far away.touch with family and friends who live far away.1.Which is the headline of this passage?1.Which is the headline of this passage? A. Food B. Trees C. Cards A. Food B. Trees C. Cards2. Why do they send cards to each other?2. Why do they send cards to each other?-The festivals in the Westwe have learnt this timeCarnival(狂欢节)Holi (洒红节)Halloween (万圣节)Thanksgiving Day(感恩节)Christmas(圣诞节圣诞节)Thanks for your coming



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