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1、Chapter 6 Forms of Business Organization第六章第六章 企业组织的形式企业组织的形式1Key Terms Introduced or Emphasized in Chapter 6 (page 281)nBoard of directors 董事会董事会n nCapital stockCapital stock 股本股本n nCloselyClosely heldheld corporation corporation 不公开招股公司不公开招股公司n nCorporation Corporation 股份公司股份公司n nDividend Dividend

2、 股利股利n nDoubleDouble taxation taxation 双重征税或重复征税双重征税或重复征税n nDrawingDrawing account account 提款帐户提款帐户n nGeneralGeneral partner partner 普通合伙人普通合伙人n nIncomeIncome (or loss)(or loss) beforebefore incomeincome taxes taxes 所得税前损益所得税前损益n nIncomeIncome taxes expensetaxes expense 所得税费用所得税费用2Key Terms Introduc

3、ed or Emphasized in Chapter 6n nLimited liability partnership Limited liability partnership 有限责任合伙企业有限责任合伙企业n nLimitedLimited partner partner 有限合伙者有限合伙者n nLimitedLimited partnership partnership 有限合伙企业有限合伙企业n nLimitedLimited personalpersonal liabilityliability有限的个人责任有限的个人责任n nMutualMutual agency agen

4、cy 共同代理共同代理n nPartnership Partnership 合伙企业合伙企业n nPartnershipPartnership contract: contract: 合伙契约合伙契约n nPublicPublic informationinformation公开的信息公开的信息n nPubliclyPublicly ownedowned corporation corporation 上市公司上市公司3Key Terms Introduced or Emphasized in Chapter 6n nRetainedRetained earnings earnings 留存收

5、益留存收益n nS CorporationS Corporation S公司公司n nSoleSole proprietorshipproprietorship独资(个体)企业独资(个体)企业n nStatementStatement of partnersof partners equityequity合伙人权益报表合伙人权益报表n nStatementStatement of retained earningsof retained earnings留存收益表留存收益表n nStockholderStockholder (or shareholders) (or shareholders)

6、 股东股东n nTaxableTaxable income income 应纳税所得应纳税所得n nTaxTax planning planning 税务筹划税务筹划n nUnincorporatedUnincorporated businessbusiness非公司制企业非公司制企业n nUnlimitedUnlimited personalpersonal liabilityliability无限的个人责任无限的个人责任4Board of directors 董事会董事会 (p.263)n nPersons elected by the stockholders of a corporat

7、ion to set corporate policies and hire managers and officers.n n董事会是由公司的股东选出来的人,董事会是由公司的股东选出来的人,他们负责制定公司政策并雇佣管理他们负责制定公司政策并雇佣管理者和办公人员者和办公人员。5Capital stock 股本股本(p.262)n nTransferable units of ownership in a corporation.n n股本是指一个公司中可转让的所有股本是指一个公司中可转让的所有权单位。权单位。6Closely held corporation不公开招股公司不公开招股公司(p.

8、264)nA corporation owned by a limited group of stockholders - that is, not publicly owned.n n不公开招股公司,是由很少股东拥不公开招股公司,是由很少股东拥有的公司有的公司-即非公众拥有的公司。即非公众拥有的公司。7Corporation股份公司股份公司(p.262)nA business recognized under the law as an entity separate and distinct from its owners. nA corporation is chartered by a

9、 state government and has transferable shares of ownership, called capital stock.n n股份公司,是一个根据法律成立的企业,股份公司,是一个根据法律成立的企业,是一个法律实体,它独立于其业主。公是一个法律实体,它独立于其业主。公司是由洲政府批准的,持有可转让的所司是由洲政府批准的,持有可转让的所有权股份,称为股本。有权股份,称为股本。8Dividend股利股利(p.267)nA distribution of assets (usually cash) by a corporation to its stockho

10、lders.n股利是一种股份公司向其股东分股利是一种股份公司向其股东分配的资产(通常是现金)。配的资产(通常是现金)。9Double taxation双重征税或重复征税双重征税或重复征税(p.271)nThe concept of taxing corporate earnings to the corporation when earned, and then again to the stockholders when these earnings are distributed as dividends.n n双重征税或重复征税,这个概念是指公双重征税或重复征税,这个概念是指公司在赚得收

11、益时交纳公司所得税;而股司在赚得收益时交纳公司所得税;而股东个人收到分配的股利时还要交纳所得东个人收到分配的股利时还要交纳所得税。税。10Drawing account提款帐户提款帐户(p.257)nThe account used to record the withdrawals of cash or other assets by an owner of an unincorporated business.n n提款帐户,是用来记录不公开招股提款帐户,是用来记录不公开招股公司的业主从企业提出现金或其他公司的业主从企业提出现金或其他资产的帐户。资产的帐户。11General partne

12、r普通合伙人普通合伙人(p.259)nA partner is a business organized as a partnership who possesses the traditional rights and responsibilities of a partner, including mutual agency and unlimited personal liability.n n普通合伙人,指合伙制企业的合伙人,普通合伙人,指合伙制企业的合伙人,拥有合伙人的传统权利和责任,包括相拥有合伙人的传统权利和责任,包括相互代理关系和无限的个人责任。互代理关系和无限的个人责任。12

13、Income (or loss) before income taxes所得税前损益所得税前损益 (p.265)nA subtotal often appearing in a corporate income statement.n n所得税前损益是一种通常出现在公司收益所得税前损益是一种通常出现在公司收益表上的小计。表上的小计。nRepresents total revenue, less all expenses other than income taxes. Income taxes then are deducted to determine net income or loss.

14、 n n表示为总收入减不包括所得税的总费用。表示为总收入减不包括所得税的总费用。扣减所得税后确定净收益或亏损。扣减所得税后确定净收益或亏损。 13Income taxes expense 所得税费用所得税费用(p.264)nThe portion of a corporations taxable income owed to federal, state, and other income tax authorities.n n所得税费用是公司欠联邦政府、州所得税费用是公司欠联邦政府、州政府、和其他所得税权威机构的应政府、和其他所得税权威机构的应税所得的部分。税所得的部分。14Limited

15、 liability partnership 有限责任合伙企业有限责任合伙企业(p.260)nA partnership in which all partners may participate in management, but have limited liability for the actions of fellow partners. n n有限责任合伙企业是一种所有合伙人都有限责任合伙企业是一种所有合伙人都参加管理,但对其联属合伙人的行为负参加管理,但对其联属合伙人的行为负有有限责任的合伙企业。有有限责任的合伙企业。15nA relatively new form of or

16、ganization, now widely used in associations of professionals, such as accountants, physicians, and attorneys.n n它是一种目前广泛应用于职业协会的相它是一种目前广泛应用于职业协会的相当新的组织形式,例如会计师、医师和当新的组织形式,例如会计师、医师和律师协会。律师协会。16Limited partner有限合伙者有限合伙者(p.259)nA partner in a limited partnership who has the right to participate in prof

17、its, but whose liability for losses is limited to the amount of his or her investment, and who does not have the right to participate in management. n n有限合伙者是有限合伙制企业中的一种合有限合伙者是有限合伙制企业中的一种合伙人。他们有参与企业利润分配的权力,伙人。他们有参与企业利润分配的权力,但对企业债务以自己的出资额为限承担个但对企业债务以自己的出资额为限承担个人责任,他们没有参与企业管理的权力。人责任,他们没有参与企业管理的权力。17有限

18、合伙者有限合伙者:n A limited partners role is that of an investor, rather than that of a traditional partner.n n一个有限合伙者实际在企业中承担一个有限合伙者实际在企业中承担的是投资者的角色,而不是传统意的是投资者的角色,而不是传统意义上的合伙人(普通合伙人)。义上的合伙人(普通合伙人)。18Limited partnership有限合伙企业有限合伙企业(p.259)nA partnership which has one or more limited partners, as well as on

19、e or more general partners.n有限合伙企业是拥有一个或多个有限合伙企业是拥有一个或多个有限合伙者及一个或多个普通合有限合伙者及一个或多个普通合伙者的合伙制企业。伙者的合伙制企业。19Limited personal liability有限的个人责任有限的个人责任(p.263)nThe concept that some or all of the owners of a business are not personally responsible for the debts of the organization, and their potential losse

20、s, therefore, are “limited” to the amount of their equity investment. n n有限的个人责任:指对企业债务不承担个有限的个人责任:指对企业债务不承担个人责任的部分或全部所有者,即他们在企人责任的部分或全部所有者,即他们在企业中最大的损失以个人投资额为限。业中最大的损失以个人投资额为限。20有限的个人责任:有限的个人责任:nThis concept normally applies to stockholders in a corporation and to the limited partners in a limited

21、partnership.n n这个概念适用于公司的股东及有限这个概念适用于公司的股东及有限责任合伙企业中的有限合伙人。责任合伙企业中的有限合伙人。21Mutual agency共同代理共同代理(p.259)nThe right of each partner to act as an agent for a partnership and to bind the business to contracts.n n共同代理:每个合伙人所拥有的、共同代理:每个合伙人所拥有的、可作为合伙企业代理人及企业合同可作为合伙企业代理人及企业合同签订人的权力。签订人的权力。22Partnership合伙企业合

22、伙企业(p.258)nAn unincorporated business owned by two or more persons voluntarily associated as partners.n合伙企业:由二个或更多人自愿合伙企业:由二个或更多人自愿的组成合伙人所拥有的非公司制的组成合伙人所拥有的非公司制企业。企业。23Partnership contract合伙契约合伙契约(p.261)nAn agreement among partners as to the operation of a partnership. Usually includes the plan for s

23、haring profits and losses.n合伙契约:合伙人之间达成的关合伙契约:合伙人之间达成的关于合伙企业经营的协议。一般包于合伙企业经营的协议。一般包括对利润或损失的分配。括对利润或损失的分配。24Public information公开的信息公开的信息 (p.258)nInformation which by laws available to the general public. Includes the annual financial statements of publicly owned companies.n公开的信息:由法律规定的普通公公开的信息:由法律规定的

24、普通公众有权获得的信息。它包括上市公众有权获得的信息。它包括上市公司的年度财务报表。司的年度财务报表。25Publicly owned corporation上市公司上市公司 (p.264)nAny corporation whose capital stock is available for purchase by the general public. Includes most large, well-known corporations.n n上市公司(公开招股公司、公众拥上市公司(公开招股公司、公众拥有的公司):是任何可由一般公众有的公司):是任何可由一般公众购买股票的公司。它包括

25、许多大的购买股票的公司。它包括许多大的知名公司。知名公司。26Retained earnings留存收益留存收益(p.267)nThat portion of stock holders equity resulting from retaining profits in the business. Consists of the lifetime profits (or losses) of a corporation, less all dividends.n n留存收益:是股东权益中的一部分,留存收益:是股东权益中的一部分,来源于公司的留存利润。由公司存来源于公司的留存利润。由公司存续期

26、内的利润(或损失)组成,减续期内的利润(或损失)组成,减去所有的股利。去所有的股利。27S Corporation S S公司公司(p.271)nA corporation which, for tax purposes, is treated as if it were a partnership.n nS S公司:是一种为了纳税目的而组成公司:是一种为了纳税目的而组成的类似合伙制企业的公司。的类似合伙制企业的公司。28Sole proprietorship独资(个体)企业独资(个体)企业(p.255)nAn unincorporated business owned by one pers

27、on.n n独资(个体)企业:由一个人拥有独资(个体)企业:由一个人拥有的非公司制企业。的非公司制企业。29Statement of partners equity合伙人权益报表合伙人权益报表(p.261)nA financial statement, for a partnership showing the changes during the accounting period in each partners capital account.n n合伙人权益报表:是一种反映某一合伙人权益报表:是一种反映某一会计期间,每个合伙人资本账户变会计期间,每个合伙人资本账户变化的财务报表。化的财

28、务报表。30Statement of retained earnings留存收益表留存收益表 (p.269)nA financial statement for a corporation showing the changes during the accounting period in the amount of retained earnings.n留存收益表:用于反映公司某一留存收益表:用于反映公司某一会计年度留存收益数额变化的财会计年度留存收益数额变化的财务报表。务报表。31Stockholder (or shareholders)股股 东东 (p.262)nOwners of a

29、 corporation whose ownership is represented by the shares of stock they own. n股东是公司的所有者,股东对公股东是公司的所有者,股东对公司的所有权由他们所持有的公司司的所有权由他们所持有的公司股票代表。股票代表。32股东股东:nThey take no part in the active management of the corporation, and their liability is limited to the amount of the investment in their shares of sto

30、ck, but they receive any profits that are distributed as dividends.n n股东不参与公司的经营管理活动,股东不参与公司的经营管理活动,对公司的债务以投入股票金额为限,对公司的债务以投入股票金额为限,但是他们接受以股利形式分配的公但是他们接受以股利形式分配的公司利润。司利润。33Taxable income应纳税所得应纳税所得(p.265)nThe amount of a corporations income which is subject to income taxes. n应纳税所得是公司的应纳税所得应纳税所得是公司的应纳

31、税所得金额。金额。34应纳税所得应纳税所得nTaxable income is determined in conformity with income tax regulations, rather than generally accepted accounting principles. But in most cases, taxable income is similar in amount to income before income taxes.n n应纳税所得是根据所得税规则(非公认应纳税所得是根据所得税规则(非公认会计原则)计算的。但在多数情况下,会计原则)计算的。但在多数

32、情况下,应纳税所得在数额上与会计税前收益差应纳税所得在数额上与会计税前收益差不多。不多。35Tax planning税务筹划税务筹划(p.271)nStructuring transactions in a manner that legally minimizes the impact of income taxes.n n税务筹划:是以合法降低所得税影税务筹划:是以合法降低所得税影响的方式所计划的交易。响的方式所计划的交易。36Unincorporated business非公司制企业非公司制企业(p.264)nAny business that is not organized as a

33、 corporation. Includes both sole proprietorships and partnerships.n n非公司制企业:任何以非公司组织非公司制企业:任何以非公司组织形式存在的企业。包括独资和合伙形式存在的企业。包括独资和合伙企业。企业。37Unlimited personal liability无限的个人责任无限的个人责任(p.256)nThe concept that a business owner has unlimited personal liability for the debts of the business. Applies to sole

34、 proprietorships and general partners in partnerships.n n无限的个人责任:用于表示一个企业无限的个人责任:用于表示一个企业的所有者对企业债务承担无限个人偿的所有者对企业债务承担无限个人偿付责任的概念。这一概念适用于独资付责任的概念。这一概念适用于独资企业主和合伙企业中的普通合伙者。企业主和合伙企业中的普通合伙者。38Learning Objectiven n1. Describe the basic characteristics of sole proprietorship.n n2. Identify factors to consi

35、der in evaluating the profitability and solvency of a sole proprietor ship.n n1、描述独自企业、描述独自企业的特点;的特点;n n2、论证在评估独、论证在评估独自企业的获利能力自企业的获利能力和偿债能力时应该和偿债能力时应该考虑的因素。考虑的因素。39Learning Objectiven n3. Describe the basic characteristics of a general partnership and of partnerships that limit personal liability.n

36、 n3、阐述普通合、阐述普通合伙人与有限责任伙人与有限责任合伙人的基本特合伙人的基本特点。点。40Learning Objectiven4. Describe the basic characteristics of a corporation.n5. Account for corporate income taxes;explain the effects of these taxes on before-tax profit and losses.n n4、描述一个股份、描述一个股份公司的基本特征。公司的基本特征。n n5、公司所得税的、公司所得税的核算,解释这些税核算,解释这些税收对税

37、前利润和损收对税前利润和损的影响。的影响。41Learning Objectiven n6. Account for the issuance of capital stock.n n7. Explain the nature of retained earnings, account for dividends, and prepare a statement of retained earnings.n n6、发行股票的核、发行股票的核算。算。n n7、说明留存收益、说明留存收益的本质、股利的核的本质、股利的核算,以及编制留存算,以及编制留存收益表。收益表。42Learning Objec

38、tiven n8. Explain why the financial statements of a corporation are interpreted differently from those of an unincorporated business.n n8、解释为什么股、解释为什么股份公司的财务报表份公司的财务报表与非股份公司企业与非股份公司企业的财务报表不同。的财务报表不同。43n n9. Discuss the principal factors to consider in selecting a form of business organization.n n10.

39、 Allocate partnership net income among the partners.n n9、讨论在选择企业、讨论在选择企业组织形式时,应该组织形式时,应该考虑的主要因素。考虑的主要因素。n n10、在合伙人之间、在合伙人之间分配合伙企业的净分配合伙企业的净利润。利润。441、Sole proprietorships(p255)nDefinition: a sole proprietorship is an unincorporated business owned by one person.nA sole proprietorship is an accounting

40、entity, not a legal entity. n(p256)Under the law, the proprietor is the “entity,” and a sole proprietorship merely represents some of this individuals financial activities. 45(1) Characteristics:(p256)nThe legal status of a sole propriety result in the following characteristics.nA. Easy of formation

41、.nB. “Business assets” actually belong to the proprietor.nC. The business pays no income taxes.nD. The business pays no “salary” to the owner.nE. The owner is personally liable for the debts of the business.46(2) Unlimited personal liability(p256)nUnlimited personal liability n-the greatest disadvan

42、tage to sole proprietorship.nUnlimited personal liability means the owner of a sole proprietor ship is personally responsible for all the companys debts.47(3) Accounting practice in sole proprietorships(p257)n(a) Capital account (balance sheet account)n n DR: debit balance transferred from Drawing a

43、/c and the Income Summary a/cCR: investment from the owner48n(b) Drawing account (temporary account)n n DR: withdrawal of assets by the owner.CR: balance transferred to Capital a/c492. Evaluating the Financial Statements of a ProprietorshipNet Income (p257)nThe net income of sole proprietorship shou

44、ld be sufficient to compensate the owner for three factors:Personal services rendered to the businessCapital investmentThe degree of financial risk which the owner is taking.50Evaluating the Financial Statements of a ProprietorshipSolvency(p257)nSince the owner of a proprietorship has unlimited pers

45、onal liability for the companys debts, the ability of such business to pay its debts depends upon solvency of the owner. nThe solvency of a sole proprietorship may be affected by many things which do not appear in financial statements of the business.513. Partnerships(p258)n(1) Definition: A partner

46、ship is an unincorporated business owned by two or more partners. A partnership often is referred to as a firm.nExample: nPrice Waterhouse nfounded in 1865, only 2 partners, Samuel Price & Edwin Waterhouse. In PW now there are more than 3,000 partners. nPW combined with Coopers & Lybrand in 1999. 52

47、General PartnershipPartnerships that Limit Personal LiabilityLimited PartnershipsLimited liability partnershipsPartnerships(2) Types of Partnerships (p259):53(2) Characteristics of Partnerships (p258-9) n(a)General characteristics: (p258)-Not a separate legal entity, but an accounting separate entit

48、y.-Assets of the business belong to all partners.-Income from the business is taxable to partners not to the business.54(b)Characteristics of a general partnership(p259)nIn a general partnership, each partner has rights and responsibilities similar to those of a sole proprietor.nCombining the charac

49、teristics of unlimited personal liability and mutual agency makes it more dangerous than other forms of business, because one general partner is unconditionally responsible for the losses brought by other partners unwise decisions.55(c)Characteristics of limited partnerships(p259)nLimited Partnershi

50、p- limited partners - general partners.nThe general partners has unlimited personal liability for the debts of the business, and also the right to make managerial decisions.nThe limited partners share in the profits of the business, but they do not participate in management and are not personally li

51、able for debts of the business.56(d)Characteristics of limited liability partnerships(p260)nA limited liability partnership is a relatively new form of business organization. nEach partner has unlimited personal liability for his or her own professional activities, but not for the actions of other p

52、artners. 57nUnlike a limited partnership, all partners in a limited liability partnership may participate in management of the firm, but have limited liability for the actions of fellow partners. 58 (3)Accounting practices in partnershipsnSeparate capital A/Cs and drawing A/Cs is maintained for each

53、 partner.nDR Capital account CR(1) Allocation ofbusiness losses to this partner(1) Paid in capital by a certain partner.(2) Allocation of business income to this partner.59Drawing account for partnershipnDR Drawing account CRThe amount withdrew by this partner during a year.Balance transferred to Ca

54、pital a/c60(4) Note for Allocation(p261):Allocation does not mean distributions of cash or other assets to the partners.The amount of allocation does not necessarily equal to the amount of withdrawing.All partners pay personal income taxes on the amount of partnership income allocated to the them.Ho

55、w to allocate is specified in the partner contract in advance.61Evaluating the Financial Statement of a partnershipNet Income(p261)nThe net income of a partnership should compensate for:(1)partners personal services;(2)invest capital(3)assuming the risk of ownership.nNote: the individual partners mu

56、st separately evaluate their respective shares of the net income in light of their personal contributions to the firm.62Evaluating the Financial Statement of a partnershipsolvency (p262)n(1) In a general partnership or a limited partnership, creditors should pay more attention to the solvency of the

57、 general partners rather than that of the business. n(2) In a limited liability partnership, liability for negligence or malpractice extends only to those partners directly.634. Corporations (p262)n(1) Definition: nA corporation is a legal entity, having an existence separate and distinct form that

58、of its owners. A corporation issues capital stocks to its stockholders.64(2) Characteristics of corporation n(p262)nA corporation is more difficult and costly to form.nA corporation is a separate legal entity, and has legal status in court.nOn a daily basis, corporations are run by salaried professi

59、onal managers.nThe stockholders are primarily investors, rather than active participants.65nBOD were elected by stockholders. Its function includes setting company policy and appoint managers and corporate officers.nThe corporate ownership is transferable.nStockholders has no personal liability for

60、corporate debts (limited personal liability)66Characteristics of three forms of business organizations nA summary of characteristics of three forms of business organizationsnSee page 26367(3) Types of corporations(p264)n companies shares are traded on organized securities markets and anyone may purc

61、hase the stock.n corporations which are not publicly owned.Closely held corporations不公开招股公司不公开招股公司Publicly owned corporations公开招股公司公开招股公司685. Accounting for Corporate Income Taxes (p265):nCorporations, separate legal entities, should pay for their own income taxes.nNotice that income taxes reduce th

62、e amounts of both profits and losses (see p266).Formulation:Taxable income (determined accounting to tax regulations) tax rate (set by law)=income taxes expense69Accounting entriesn(a) Accounting entry for a profitable period:nDR. Income Taxes Expensen CR. Income Taxes Payablen(b) Accounting entry f

63、or an unprofitable period:nDR. Income Taxes Payable.n CR. Income Taxes Expense.70nThe debit balance of Income Taxes Payable account at the year-end should be reclassified as an assets in the balance sheet, called “Income Tax Refund Receivable”.716. Account for Issuance of Capital Stockn(p267)nCapita

64、l Stock account represents “invested capital,” or “paid-in capital”nDR. Cash/other assetsn CR. Capital Stock727. Retained Earnings(p267)nRetained Earning account represents the owners equity created through profitable operation of the business.73nIncreases in Retained Earning is the result of profit

65、able operations.nDecreases in Retained Earning is caused by losses or distribution of dividends.nYear-end balance of retained earnings = beginning balance of retained earnings + yearly net income (-yearly net losses) - dividends of the year.nThe balance of Retained Earnings represents the earnings w

66、hich have been retained in the corporation.74n Entry to record the declaration of a dividend:nDR. Dividendsxxxn CR. Dividends payablexxxn Entry to record its payment:nDR. Dividends payable xxxn CR. Cash xxx75Closing EntriesnNet income increases Retained Earnings:nDR. Income Summary.n CR. Retained Ea

67、rningsnDividends reduce Retained EarningsnDR. Retained Earningsn CR.Dividends.768. Evaluating the Financial Statement of a corporationnSince the corporation is now a legal entity separated from the activities of its owner:n(1) Net Income becomes an indicator of the return of the stockholders financi

68、al investment.n(2) The financial strength of a corporation becomes much more important to outsiders.77Double Taxation(p271)nCorporate earnings may end up being taxed twice: nonce to the corporation as the income is earned, nand then again to the stockholders when the profits are distributed as divid

69、ends.789. The difference of FSs between a corporation & an unincorporated businessnWhy the financial statements of a corporation are interpreted differently from those of an unincorporated business?nSee Page 28179 The principal factors to consider in selecting a form of business organizationThe prin

70、cipal factors in selecting a form of business organization. (p.272)80Incorporating an Established BusinessnDefinition: na sole proprietorship or a partnership or a closely held corporation goes public, meaning that it issues stock to the general public and its shares are traded on an organized stock

71、 exchange. 81nIncorporating an established business needs the following basic accounting practices:nvalues the corporations assets and liabilities, nand then calculates the amount of capital stock.82Discuss questionsnDiscuss questions 6-2nDiscuss questions 6-6nDiscuss questions 6-13nDiscuss questions 6-1483Exercises & ProblemsExercise 6-2 Problem6-1Exercise 6-7 Problem6-3Exercise 6-8 Problem6-5Exercise 6-10 Problem6-684



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