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1、Jonathan-SwiftJonathan-SwiftContent Introduction ofJonathan SwiftJonathan Swifts worksJonathan Swifts influenceIntroductionBorn in Dublin, Ireland.Studied at Dublins Trinity CollegeAt 19, Swift went to England to serve as a private secretary to Sir William Temple , a powerful English statesman.the e

2、ditor of the official Tory organ, The Examiner Ordained an Anglican priest of St. Patricks Cathedral, Dublin in 1695. He joined in the struggle of the Irish people against their English oppressors. In 1742 he was declared of unsound mind and memory and died 19 October 1745. Jonathan Swift (16671745)

3、Lifestoryposthumous child(遗腹子)at war with Authorities ;“special favor”Temples househelp the talented young manbrain diseaseMajor Works A Tale of a Tub ( 1704 ). Battle of the Books ( 1704 ). The Abolishing of Christianity ( 1708 ).Meditation upon a Broomstick ( 1710 ).Journal to Stella ( 1710-1713 )

4、.Proposal for Correcting ( 1712 ). The Drapers Letters ( 1724 ).Gullivers Travels ( 1726 ). The Day Of Judgment ( 1731 ). Verses on the Death of Dr Swift ( 1731 ).Correspondence. Five Volumes. The Battle of the Books(1679) : a satirical dialogue on the respective merit of ancient and modern writers.

5、 A Tale of a Tub(1704) : written in the form of allegory, a sharp attack on the disputes among the different branches of Christian religion.Gullivers Travels(1726)A great satireGullivers Travels makes use of naivety to convey satirical attacks on society.It was originally intended as an attack on th

6、e hypocrisy of the establishment, including the government, the courts, and the clergy(神职人员), but it was so well written that it immediately became a childrens favorite.Gullivermakesvoyages,whicharedescribedinthefourpartsofthebook.LilliputLaputaBrobdingnagHouyhnhnmsWhenbendingmyeyesdownwardasmuchasI

7、could,Iperceivedahumannotsixincheshigh! On the whole, the Brobdingnagians are good-natured creatures, and they treat Gulliver kindly, though they are amused by his tiny size and looked upon him as a plaything.Thirdvoyage-HesoonembarksonhisthirdvoyagetotheflyingislandofLaputaFinalvoyage-Houyhnhnm Onc

8、e again Gulliver returns to England before a final journey, to the land of the HouyhnhnmAnalysisIt is a book simple enough for a child, and yet complex enough to carry an adult beyond his depth. It is a satire on the 18th century English society, touching upon the political, religious, legal, milita

9、ry, scientific, philosophical as well as literary institutions, about almost every aspect of the society. Bitterly satirical, the book takes great pains to bring to light the wickedness of English society, with its tyranny, its political intrigues and corruption, its aggressive wars and colonialism,

10、 its religious disputes and persecution, and its ruthless oppression and exploitation of the common people. Extra information 格列佛游记的作者格列佛游记的作者Jonathan Swift发明发明了了yahoo这个单词。这个单词。Yahoo! 的创始人杨致的创始人杨致远和远和David 选择这个名字的原因是他们觉选择这个名字的原因是他们觉得自己是得自己是yahoo。他们选择这个名称的原因。他们选择这个名称的原因是他们喜欢字典里对是他们喜欢字典里对yahoo的定义:的定义:

11、“粗鲁,粗鲁,不通世故,粗俗。不通世故,粗俗。SatirenA common form of the 18th Century, basically the ridiculing of any objects through laughter which will soften the blow nDifferent types and degrees: light or harshSatire 讽刺是一种文学手法,用于暴露对象的缺点和可笑之处,常采用夸张或反讽(irony)等方式,从而产生幽默的效果。当然也可以用拙劣模仿,作戏, 并列,对比,类似, 类推等也经常用于讽刺手法中。如果说反话(反

12、讽)就是讽刺的话,是一个很大的错误。严格来说,讽刺(satire)是一种俗称类型;而反讽(irony)则是一种比较具体的修饰手法 SwiftsArtisticFeaturesSatireHissatireisusuallymaskedbyanoutwardgravityandanapparentearnestnesswhichrendershissatireallthemorepowerful.SimplicityandDirectnessSwiftisalwaysmostunsurpassedinthewriting.Hedefinedagoodstyleas“properwordsinpr

13、operplaces.”Comments on Jonathan Swift1.Swifts satire is relatively unique in that he offers no resolutions. 2.He never offers the reader a positive set of values to embrace. 3.He does not persuade to any position, but he does persuade readers from an assortment of positions.LiteraryPositionandinfluenceuSwiftisoneofthegreatestmastersofEnglishprose.uSwiftisamastersatirist.uSwiftwasamanofgreatmoralintegrity(节操,气节)andsocialcharm.Imagination If you have the chance to travel with Gulliver, which country would you prefer?Thank you!BM 英语英语091 李菲菲李菲菲结束结束



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