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1、Unit 2How often do you exercise?Section A 1. 初步了解并会使用频度副词描述从事活动的频率(Adverbs of frequency)always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never2.能谈论从事活动的频率 (Talk about how often you do things)help with houseworkread booksexercise watch TV go shoppingWhat do you usually do on weekends?I always/often/us

2、ually/sometimes.do homeworkplay footballwatch TVdo some reading does homework.What does she usually do on weekends? does some reading.She always/often/usually/sometimes.goes shopping exercises.What _he usually do on weekends?plays football.doesHe always/often/usually/sometimes.watches TV go to the m

3、ovies.What_ they usually do on weekends? go shopping.doThey always/often/usually/sometimes.What do you usually do on weekends? readexercisewatch TVgo shopping1aListen and fill in the blanks:always(100%)_ usually _often_ sometimes_hardly ever_ never(0%)_exercise,readwatchTVhelpwithhouseworkgoshopping

4、watchTVgoshoppingListen and write the activities next to the correct frequency words.1bOral practiceHow often do you do these activities?do homeworkevery dayA: How often do you do your homework?B: I do my homework every day.exercisethree times a weekA: How often do you exercise?B: I exercise three t

5、imes a week.play basketballonce a weekA: How often do you .?B: I . once a week.play footballtwice a weekA: How often do you .?B: I . twice a week.play computer gamesevery dayA: How often does he .?B: He plays . every day.read booksthree times a weekA: How often does he .?B: He reads . three times a

6、week.go swimmingonce a monthA: How often does he .?B: He goes . once a month.help with houseworktwice a monthA: How often does she .?B: She helps . twice a month. A: How often ? B: 100分surf the internetthree times a week watch TV twice a week.20分go to the beachonce a month100分play footballthree time

7、s a week40分80分smokeneverdo homeworkevery day20分exercise once a week.60分80分swimhardly everListen and number the activities. 2a_ go to the movies_ watch TV_ shop _ exercise _ read123452bMatch the activities of ChengActivitiesHow oftena. go to the moviesb. watch TVc. shopd. exercisee. readevery dayonce

8、 a weektwice a weekthree times a weekonce a monthtwice a month2cA: How often do you watch TV? B: I watch TV every day.A: Whats your favorite program? B: Animal World.A: How often do you watch it? B: Twice a week.Jack: Hi, Claire, are you free next week?Claire: Hmmnext week is quite full for me, Jack

9、.Jack: Really? How come?Claire: I have dance and piano lessons.Jack: What kind of dance are you learning?Claire: Oh, swing dance. Its fun! I have class once a week, every Monday.Jack: How often do you have piano lessons?Claire: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday.Jack: Well, how about Tuesday?Clai

10、re: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come?Jack: Sure.neverhardly eversometimesoftenusuallyalways 从未从未很少;几乎不很少;几乎不有时有时常常常常通常通常总是总是100% 0%Adverbsoffrequency0%never20%hardlyever40%sometimes60%often80%usually100%always频度副词(Adverbs of Frequency)频度副词是用来回答how often(经常与否)这样问题的副词

11、。常用的频度副词有常用的频度副词有:always, almost always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever (seldom), never等。 这些频度副词在频度差异上可以这样表示:always (100%) almost alwaysusually often sometimes hardly ever (0%) 频度副词频度副词通常放在动词动词前面前面,若句子里有情态动词、助动词或系动词be,则放在这类动词(第一个)的后面后面。A: What you weekends? B: I usually/often/sometimesPairwo

12、rk:5101555106132755-55(1)(3)5-105205Pairwork:65143278always 总是总是,usually 通常通常,often 经常经常,sometimes 有时有时,hardly ever 几乎不几乎不,never 从不从不,every day 每一天每一天once a week 一周一次一周一次twice a month 一月两次一月两次three times a year 一年三次一年三次模糊概念的频度副词a.*对其提问How often。b.*它们放在V助,V情,be之后, V实之前。c.eg.Tony is always friendly.d.

13、 She often/never goes to the movies.*every dayonce a week twice a weekthree times a weekfive times two months每天一周一次一周一次一周两次一周两次一周三次一周三次二个月五次二个月五次*表示具体的频率一般放在句末尾,也用How often提问。*everyday adj 每天的,日常的+n.eg. everyday life日常生活*How often “多久(多长时间)一次(频率)多久(多长时间)一次(频率)”How long “(物体(物体/时间)多长,多久时间)多长,多久” How

14、many “多少多少” (可数(可数n.复数)复数)How much “多少多少”(价格,不可数(价格,不可数n.)How soon “多久(以后)多久(以后)”,表将来,用,表将来,用“in+一段时间一段时间”回答回答How far “(距离距离)多远多远”do homeworkWork in pairs.brushyourteeth(刷牙刷牙)cutyourhair(理发理发)washyourclothestakeashowercleanyourroomvisityouruncle/grandmothersurftheInternetplaycomputergamesgoshopping/





19、hengwatchTV?-HewatchesTVtwiceaweek.GrammarFocus课时重点回顾课时重点回顾请对下面句子划线部分提问。请对下面句子划线部分提问。1.Heusuallyvisitshisgrandpaeverywinter.2.Ivisitmygrandparentstwiceayear.Whatdoesheusuallydoeverywinter?Howoftendoyouvisityourgrandparents?2d.Role-play the conversation.Jack: Hi, Claire, are you free next week?Claire

20、: Hmmnext week is quite full for me, Jack.Jack: Really? How come?Claire: I have dance and piano lessons.Jack: What kind of dance are you learning?Claire: Oh, swing dance. Its fun! I have class once a week, every Monday.Jack: How often do you have piano lessons?Claire: Twice a week, on Wednesday and

21、Friday.Jack: Well, how about Tuesday?Claire: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come?Jack: Sure.What kind of +复数名词/不可数名词。常用来询问某物的种类或类型。意为“哪种?”拓展:Knid of 意为“有点儿,有几分”后面常接形容词。That made me feel kind of sad.Grammar Focus3aCompletethequestionswithdo ordoes.Thenmatchthequestionsa



24、rbestfriendexerciseWhatdoyouusuallydoafterschoolHow often do you exercise? 英语中次数次数的表达方法once a day每每天天一次一次twice a week每每周周两次两次three times a month 每每月月三次三次每每年年四次四次five times a season 每个每个季节季节五次五次four times a year Section BTolearntounderstandandusewhquestions:What do?How often? andadverbsoffrequency:al

25、l/ most/ some/none Toread,write,andspeakabouthowtokeephealthyFree talkHow to keep healthy? ahealthydietexercisesleepwell.Doyouhaveahealthydiet?Doyouofteneatjunkfood?Isthefoodinthefollowingpictureshealthyorunhealthy?Healthy foodJunk foodWhat food and drink are unhealthy?junk food“junkfood意为意为“垃圾食品垃圾食

26、品”,指那些仅,指那些仅仅提供热量,别无其他营养素的食物;或指仅提供热量,别无其他营养素的食物;或指提供超过人体需求,变成多余成分的食品。提供超过人体需求,变成多余成分的食品。如:西式快餐中的汉堡、薯条、炸鸡,中式如:西式快餐中的汉堡、薯条、炸鸡,中式小吃中的油炸饼、方便面、早餐常吃的油条、小吃中的油炸饼、方便面、早餐常吃的油条、烧饼等。烧饼等。Doctors want us to eat every day.Doctors want us to drink every day.Doctors want us to every day.Because is good for our healt

27、h.Doctors want us to every day.Because is good for our health.Doctors want us to every day.Because arebe good / bad for healthCoffeeisbadforourhealth.be good/ bad for healthPotato chips are bad for health.potatochips=Frenchfriescolabe good/ bad for healthbe good/ bad for healthbe good/ bad for healt

28、h?be good/ bad for health?be good/ bad for health?hotdogunhealthy不健康的不健康的junk foodbe bad for healthnothealthycolasalad souphot dogtomatooniondumplingbroccolihealthy or unhealthy?-Whatdoyouthinkofjunkfood?-Althoughitsbadforourhealth,Iloveit.Ieatitonceortwiceaweek.the McDonalds-How often do you eat ju

29、nk food?- I eat junk food once a month.- Do you like it?- Yes, although its not good for my health. - (No, its bad for my health.)junkfoodfruitA: How often do you eat fruit?B: I eat fruit every day.A: Do you like it?B: Yes, its good for my health. (No. But my mother wants me to eat it. She says its

30、good for my health.)vegetables1._junkfood2._milk3._fruit4._vegetables5._sleep6._coffeebfead1acMatchthewordswiththepictures.1bAskandanswerquestions.Usethewordsfrom1a.PairworkA:Howoftendoyoudrinkmilk?B:Idrinkmilkeveryday.A:Doyoulikeit?B:No.Butmymotherwantsmetodrinkit.Shesaysitsgoodformyhealth.Listen.T

31、hencircleyouranswertoeachquestion.2aevery dayhardly eversometimesevery dayneverninenineevery daynevertwo or three times a weekthree or four times a weekevery dayneverfour times a dayListenagainandfillintheblanks.2b1.Momwantsmetogetupat6:00and2.playping-pongwithher.wanttodosth.想要做某事想要做某事wantsb.todost

32、h.想要某人做某事想要某人做某事Doyouwanttogotothemovieswithme?你想和我一起去看电影吗?你想和我一起去看电影吗?Theteacherdoesntwantustoeat1.hamburgers.2.老师不想让我们吃汉堡包。老师不想让我们吃汉堡包。Notes 2.Shesaysitsgoodformyhealth.begoodfor.表示表示对对有益有益(有好处有好处)(这里这里for是是介词介词,后跟,后跟名词、代词、动名名词、代词、动名词或动词的词或动词的-ing形式形式。)如:如:Itsgoodforustodomorereading.多读书对我们有好处。多读书


34、点课本重点】Shesaysitsgoodformyhealth.【中考考点中考考点】Anappleadayisgood_yourhealth.A.atB.forC.inD.with【解析解析】begoodat表示表示“擅长于擅长于”,begoodfor表示表示“对对有益有益/好处好处”。begood一般不与介词一般不与介词in或或with搭配。根据句意可搭配。根据句意可知,该题只能选知,该题只能选B。中考链接中考链接1aMatch the words with the pictures.1._junkfood2._milk3._fruit4._vegetables5._sleep6._coff

35、eebaecfdabcdef1bPairworkAskandanswerquestions.Usethewordsfrom1a.A: How often do you drink milk?B: I drink milk every day.A: Do you like it?B: No. But my mother wants me to drink it. She says its good for my health.2aListen. Then circle your answer to each question.Topic sentences1.How often do you e

36、xercise?对动作发生的对动作发生的频率频率提问提问, always. usually. often.sometimes. hardly ever. neverHe got up early every day last year.How often did he get up early last year?2.How far 多远 How far is it from your home to the zoo? 从你家到动物园有多远相当于How many times.+时间段.How many times a week do you do sports?.How long 多久 How

37、 long can I keep this dictionary?我能借这字典我能借这字典多久多久? How soon 多久(之后) How soon will your father come back? 你爸爸你爸爸多久后多久后回来?回来? How much/many 多少/多少钱 How much water is there in the bottle?You can keep it for three weeks.He ll come back in three days.2aRanktheseactivitiesaccordingtohowoftenyouthinkyourclas


39、ernetforhomework.4.OnlytwentypercentofthestudentswatchTVtwoorthreetimesaweek.5.Doexerciseishealthyforthemindandthebody.FTFFT2bReadthearticleandcompletethepiechartsonPage14.34 64 63watch TV152cReadthearticleagainandanswerthequestions.1.Howmanypercentofthestudentsdonotexerciseatall?2.Howmanypercentoft




43、ind.D.Thatsallright.Wouldyoumindmytakingthisseat?_.(2010年巴中市年巴中市中考中考)A.Sorry,IcantB.No,notatallC.ItsapleasureAB2.atleast至少至少例如:例如:Weshouldbrushourteethatleasttwiceaday.我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。Agoodcigarettewillsmokeatleasttenminutes.一支好烟至少可以抽一支好烟至少可以抽10分钟。分钟。 反义短语反义短语:atmost至多至多3.although虽然;尽管虽然;尽


45、xercise.A.becauseB.andC.althoughC前后意义有转折。前后意义有转折。4.Itis+adj. todosth.干某事是干某事是例如:例如:Itisinterestingtoplaycomputergames.玩电脑很有趣。玩电脑很有趣。-Itisveryimportant_makeaplanbeforeanewterm.-Yes.Youmusttrytomakeitcarefully.A.ofB.forC.toC5.spendv.花费;消耗花费;消耗例如:例如:Howdidyouspendyoursummervacation?你是如何度过暑假的?你是如何度过暑假的?

46、Ispent5yuanonthisbook.这本书花了我五十元。这本书花了我五十元。辨析辨析take,spend,pay例如:例如:Itusuallytakesmehalfanhourtodomyhomework.做作业通常花费我半小时的时间。做作业通常花费我半小时的时间。Studentsoftenspendoneandahalfhours(in)doinghomework.学生们经常花一个半小时的时间做作业。学生们经常花一个半小时的时间做作业。Ipaid10yuan forthisbook.我买这本书付了十元钱。我买这本书付了十元钱。根据以上例句可知:根据以上例句可知:Ittakessb.s



49、slotsoftime_(read)iteveryday.(2009宿迁宿迁)6.IttookAlicefiveminutestofinishreadingthebook.Alice_fiveminutes_readingthebook.Areadingspentin百分数百分数用基数用基数+percent表示表示50fiftypercent百分之五十百分之五十3threepercent百分之三百分之三0.12zeropointonetwopercent百分百分之零点一二之零点一二这里的这里的percent前半部前半部per表示表示“每一每一”,cent这一后半部分表示这一后半部分表示“百百”,所以百,所以百分之几中分之几中percent不用复数形式。不用复数形式。百分比英语表示法百分比英语表示法2dAccordingtothearticleandthepiecharts,writesentenceswiththepercentagesusingalways,usually orsometimes.1.90%:_2.85%:_3.45%:_4.10%:_5.13%:_6.2%:_NinetypercentofthestudentsalwaysusetheInternet.



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