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1、ComputerSecurity1高等课堂 master useful terms understand what are threats to computer security and how to protect computer securityRequirements:2高等课堂terms or phrases v1 electronic break-in 电路中断电路中断v2 authorized user 授权的用户授权的用户v3 destructive computer program 破坏性计算机程序破坏性计算机程序 v4 computer virus 计算机病毒计算机病毒

2、v5 electronic bulletin board 电子公告板电子公告板v6 detection program 检测程序检测程序 v7 virus checker 病毒检查程序病毒检查程序 v8 software piracy 软件侵权软件侵权 v9 primary storage 主存储器主存储器 v10. power line 电力线,输电线电力线,输电线 3高等课堂v10voltage surge 电涌,浪涌电压电涌,浪涌电压v12electronic component 电子器件电子器件v13 surge protector 浪涌电压保护器浪涌电压保护器 v14 power s

3、ource 电源电源 v15 circuit breaker 断路器断路器v16 hard-disk drive 硬盘驱动器硬盘驱动器 v17data-entry error 数据输入错误数据输入错误v18deletion command 删除命令删除命令v19backup copy 备份的副本备份的副本v20encryption program 加密程序加密程序4高等课堂vact outvget back (at)vintend tovintroduceintovfillwithvin the form ofvin case ofvbe concerned withvact asvin th

4、e event ofvfrom time to timev实现,实行;出于v报复v打算(做),企图(做).v往放置v用填满v以/用的形式;被看作v以防v关于;与有关;参与v起的作用,担当v万一,倘若,如果发生v时常,不时5高等课堂Text I. Threats to Computer Security Threats to computer security are computer crimes (including viruses and electronic break-ins) and natural and other hazards. 1. Computer Criminals A

5、 computer crime is an illegal action in which the perpetrator uses special knowledge of computer technology. Computer criminals are of four types:一、计算机安全面临的威胁一、计算机安全面临的威胁 计计算算机机安安全全面面临临的的威威胁胁是是计计算算机机犯犯罪罪(包包括括病病毒毒和和电电子子闯闯入入)以以及及自自然然与与其其他他危害。危害。1 1、计算机罪犯、计算机罪犯 计计算算机机犯犯罪罪是是犯犯罪罪者者使使用用专专门门计计算算机机技技术术知知识识所

6、所做做出出的的非非法法行行为为。计计算算机机罪罪犯犯有有4 4种类型:种类型: 6高等课堂Q: What kind of things the employee steals from the employer?(1) Employees The largest category of computer criminals consists of those with the easiest access to computersnamely, employees. Sometimes the employee is simply trying to steal something from

7、the employerequipment, software, electronic funds, proprietary information, or computer time. Sometimes the employee may be acting out of resentment and is trying to “get back” at the company.7高等课堂 (1) Employees The largest category of computer criminals consists of those with the easiest access to

8、computersnamely, employees. Sometimes the employee is simply trying to steal something from the employerequipment, software, electronic funds, proprietary information, or computer time. Sometimes the employee may be acting out of resentment and is trying to “get back” at the company.(1 1)雇员)雇员 人人数数最

9、最多多的的计计算算机机罪罪犯犯类类型型由由那那些些最最容容易易接接近近计计算算机机的的人人,亦亦即即雇雇员员,构构成成。有有时时,雇雇员员只只是是设设法法从从雇雇主主那那盗盗窃窃某某种种东东西西设设备备、软软件件、电电子子资资金金、专专有有信信息息或或计计算算机机时时间间。有有时时,雇雇员员可可能能出出于于怨怨恨恨而而行行动动,试图试图“报复报复”公司。公司。 8高等课堂(2) Outside Users Not only employees but also some suppliers or clients may have access to a companys computer sy

10、stem. Examples are bank customers who use an automatic teller machine. Like employees, these authorized users may obtain confidential passwords or find other ways of committing computer crimes.(2 2)外部用户)外部用户 不不仅仅雇雇员员,而而且且有有些些供供应应商商或或客客户户也也可可能能有有机机会会访访问问公公司司的的计计算算机机系系统统。使使用用自自动动柜柜员员机机( (取取款款机机) )的的银银

11、行行客客户户就就是是一一例例。像像雇雇员员一一样样,这这些授权的用户可能获取些授权的用户可能获取秘密口令秘密口令,或者找到进行计算机犯罪的其他途径。,或者找到进行计算机犯罪的其他途径。 9高等课堂Q:What is a hacker? What is the difference between hacker and cracker? (3) “Hackers” and “Crackers” Some people think of these two groups as being the same, but they are not. Hackers are people who gain

12、 unauthorized access to a computer system for the fun and challenge of it. Crackers do the same thing but for malicious purposes. They may intend to steal technical information or to introduce what they call a “bomb”a destructive computer programinto the system.10高等课堂 (3) “Hackers” and “Crackers” So

13、me people think of these two groups as being the same, but they are not. Hackers are people who gain unauthorized access to a computer system for the fun and challenge of it. Crackers do the same thing but for malicious purposes. They may intend to steal technical information or to introduce what th

14、ey call a “bomb”a destructive computer programinto the system.(3 3)“黑客黑客”与与“非法侵入者非法侵入者” 有有些些人人以以为为这这两两类类人人相相同同,其其实实不不然然。黑黑客客获获取取对对计计算算机机系系统统未未经经授授权权的的访访问问,是是因因为为这这种种行行为为有有趣趣和和具具有有挑挑战战性性。非非法法侵侵入入者者行行为为相相同同,但但出出于于恶恶意意。他他们们可可能能企企图图窃窃取取技技术术信信息息,或或者者往往系系统统里里放放置置他他们们所所谓谓的的“炸弹炸弹”一种一种破坏性破坏性计算机程序。计算机程序。 11高等

15、课堂(4) Organized Crime Organized crime has discovered that computers can be used just like legitimate business people use them, but for illegal purposes. For example, computers are useful for keeping track of stolen goods or illegal gambling debts. In addition, counterfeiters and forgers use microcom

16、puters and printers to produceproduce sophisticated-looking documents such as checks and drivers licenses. (4 4)犯罪团伙)犯罪团伙 犯犯罪罪团团伙伙发发现现,可可以以像像合合法法的的商商业业人人员员一一样样使使用用计计算算机机,但但为为了了非非法法的的目目的的。例例如如,计计算算机机可可用用于于跟跟踪踪赃赃物物或或非非法法赌赌债债。另另外外,伪伪造造者者使使用微机和打印机用微机和打印机伪造伪造伪造伪造支票、驾驶证等看起来很复杂的证件。支票、驾驶证等看起来很复杂的证件。 12高等课堂2

17、. Computer Crime Computer crime can take various forms, including: (1) Damage Disgruntled employees sometimes attempt to destroy computers, programs, or files. In recent years, computer viruses have gained wide notoriety. Viruses are programs that “migrate” through networks and operating systems and

18、 attach themselves to different programs and databases.2 2、计算机犯罪、计算机犯罪 计算机犯罪可能采取各种形式,包括:计算机犯罪可能采取各种形式,包括:(1 1)破坏)破坏 不不满满的的雇雇员员有有时时企企图图破破坏坏计计算算机机、程程序序或或文文件件。近近年年来来,计计算算机机病病毒毒已已是是臭臭名名远远扬扬。病病毒毒是是一一种种程程序序,在在网网络络和和操操作作系系统统中中“迁迁移移”,并并附加到不同的程序和数据库上附加到不同的程序和数据库上。 13高等课堂 A variant on the virus is the worm. T

19、his destructive program fills a computer system with self-replicating information, clogging the system so that its operations are slowed or stopped. The most infamous is known as the Internet Worm. In 1988, it traveled across North America, stopping thousands of computers along its way. 病病毒毒的的一一个个变变

20、种种是是蠕蠕虫虫病病毒毒。这这种种破破坏坏性性程程序序用用自自我我复复制制的的信信息息填填满满计计算算机机系系统统,以以阻阻塞塞系系统统,使使系系统统的的运运行行减减慢慢或或停停止止。其其中中最最臭臭名名昭昭著著的的是是因因特特网网蠕蠕虫虫。19881988年年,它它行行遍遍北北美美,途途中中使使成成千千上上万万的的计计算算机机瘫瘫痪。痪。 14高等课堂 Viruses typically find their way into microcomputers through copied floppy disks or programs downloaded from electronic b

21、ulletin boards.Because viruses can be so seriouscertain “disk-killer” viruses can destroy all the information on ones systemcomputer users are advised to exercise care in accepting new programs and data from other sources. 病病毒毒一一般般是是通通过过复复制制的的软软盘盘或或从从电电子子公公告告版版上上下下载载的的程程序序进进入入微微机机。因因为为病病毒毒可可造造成成严严重重

22、危危害害某某些些“磁磁盘盘杀杀手手”病病毒毒能能毁毁坏坏系系统统上上的的所所有有信息,建议计算机用户信息,建议计算机用户在接受来自其他途径的新程序和数据时在接受来自其他途径的新程序和数据时一定要小心。一定要小心。 V. 费劲心力费劲心力15高等课堂 Detection programs called virus checkers are available to alert users when certain kinds of viruses enter the system. Unfortunately, new viruses are being developed all the ti

23、me, and not all viruses can be detected. There are recommended procedures to reduce the risk of catching a computer virus and to minimize its potential damage. 现在有被称为现在有被称为病毒检查程序病毒检查程序的的检测程序检测程序可供使用,在某些种类的病可供使用,在某些种类的病毒进入系统时,向用户毒进入系统时,向用户发出警告发出警告。不幸的是,新的病毒不断被开发出来,。不幸的是,新的病毒不断被开发出来,而且并不是所有的病毒都能被检测出来。

24、而且并不是所有的病毒都能被检测出来。现在有现在有降低计算机病毒感染风降低计算机病毒感染风险并尽量减少其潜在破坏的险并尽量减少其潜在破坏的推荐步骤推荐步骤。 16高等课堂Q:What are the forms of theft? (2) Theft Theft can take many formsof hardware, of software, of data, of computer time. Thieves steal equipment, of course, but there are also “white-collar crimes.” Thieves steal data

25、in the form of confidential information such as preferred client lists. They also use (steal) their companys computer time to run another business.17高等课堂 (2) Theft Theft can take many formsof hardware, of software, of data, of computer time. Thieves steal equipment, of course, but there are also “wh

26、ite-collar crimes.” Thieves steal data in the form of confidential information such as preferred client lists. They also use (steal) their companys computer time to run another business.(2 2)盗窃)盗窃 盗窃可能采取多种形式盗窃可能采取多种形式盗窃硬件、盗窃软件、盗窃数据、盗窃盗窃硬件、盗窃软件、盗窃数据、盗窃计算机时间等。窃贼当然盗取设备,但也有计算机时间等。窃贼当然盗取设备,但也有“白领白领犯罪行为犯罪

27、行为”。窃贼盗。窃贼盗取取被看作被看作机密信息的数据,如机密信息的数据,如优先客户名单优先客户名单。他们也使用(盗窃)公司。他们也使用(盗窃)公司的计算机时间处理其他事务。的计算机时间处理其他事务。 以以/用用的形式的形式18高等课堂 Unauthorized copyinga form of theftof programs for personal gain is called software piracy. Pirated software accounts for 40 percent of software used in the United States. The incide

28、nce of pirated software is even higher overseas in such countries as Italy (82 percent) and Thailand (92 percent). 为个人利益而为个人利益而对程序进行的未经授权的拷贝对程序进行的未经授权的拷贝也是一种盗窃形式,也是一种盗窃形式,被被称为软件盗版称为软件盗版。盗版盗版软件软件占到占到美国所使用的软件的美国所使用的软件的40%40%。盗版软件在海。盗版软件在海外的外的比例比例甚至更高,如在意大利(甚至更高,如在意大利(82%82%)和泰国()和泰国(92%92%)等国家。)等国家。 1

29、9高等课堂(3) Manipulation Finding entry into someones computer network and leaving a pranksters message may seem like fun, which is why hackers do it. It is still against the law. Moreover, even if the manipulation seems harmless, it may cause a great deal of anxiety and wasted time among network users.

30、(3 3)操控)操控 进入某人的计算机网络并留下进入某人的计算机网络并留下恶作剧恶作剧式的信息,可能显得很好玩。这也式的信息,可能显得很好玩。这也是为什么黑客这样做的原因。这样做仍然是违法的。此外,即使这样的操作是为什么黑客这样做的原因。这样做仍然是违法的。此外,即使这样的操作似乎没有危害,它也可能给网络用户造成很大的似乎没有危害,它也可能给网络用户造成很大的焦虑焦虑和时间浪费。和时间浪费。 20高等课堂Q:what kind of hazard can threat computer systems and data besides criminals?3. Other Hazards Th

31、ere are plenty of other hazards to computer systems and data besides criminals. They include the following: (1)Natural Hazards Natural forces include fires, floods, wind, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. Even home computer users should store backup disks of programs and data in safe locations

32、 in case of fire or storm damage.3 3、其他危害、其他危害 除除了了罪罪犯犯之之外外,计计算算机机系系统统和和数数据据还还面面临临大大量量其其他他的的危危害害。这这包包括括如如下危害:下危害:(1 1)自然危害)自然危害 大自然的力量大自然的力量包括火灾、水灾、风、包括火灾、水灾、风、飓风飓风、龙卷风龙卷风和地震。即使家用和地震。即使家用计算机用户也应在安全地点保存程序与数据的备份磁盘,计算机用户也应在安全地点保存程序与数据的备份磁盘,以防以防火灾或暴风火灾或暴风的毁坏。的毁坏。 21高等课堂 (2) Civil Strife and Terrorism Wa

33、rs, riots, and other forms of political unrest are real risks in some parts of the world. Even people in developed countries, however, must be mindful that acts of sabotage are possible.(2 2)内乱内乱与与恐怖主义恐怖主义 战争、战争、暴乱暴乱和其他形式的政治和其他形式的政治动荡动荡在世界的某些地区是实实在在的在世界的某些地区是实实在在的威胁。然而,即使是发达国家的人们,也必须保持威胁。然而,即使是发达国家的

34、人们,也必须保持警惕警惕,在他们国家也,在他们国家也可能发生可能发生破坏破坏行为。行为。 留神的、注意的留神的、注意的22高等课堂 (3) Technological Failures Hardware and software dont always do what they are supposed to do.For instance, too little electricity, caused by a brownout or blackout, may cause the loss of data in primary storage. Too much electricity,

35、as when lightning or other electrical disturbance affects a power line, may cause a voltage surge, or spike. This excess of electricity may destroy chips or other electronic components of a computer.(3 3)技术故障)技术故障 硬件和软件并不总是做它们该做的事。例如,硬件和软件并不总是做它们该做的事。例如,电压不足电压不足或或断电断电引起的电引起的电流过小,可能造成主存储器中的数据丢失。电流过大,

36、如闪电或其他电流过小,可能造成主存储器中的数据丢失。电流过大,如闪电或其他电干扰干扰影响影响输电线输电线时,可能造成电压时,可能造成电压浪涌浪涌或形成电压或形成电压尖峰尖峰。这种电流过大可能毁坏。这种电流过大可能毁坏计算机的芯片或其他计算机的芯片或其他电子元件电子元件。 23高等课堂 Most microcomputer users buy a surge protector, a device that separates the computer from the power source of the wall outlet. When a voltage surge occurs, i

37、t activates a circuit breaker in the surge protector,protecting the computer system. 大大多多数数微微机机用用户户购购买买浪浪涌涌电电压压保保护护器器,一一种种将将计计算算机机与与壁壁装装电电源源插插座座的的电电源源分分开开的的设设备备。电电压压浪浪涌涌发发生生时时,就就会会激激活活浪浪涌涌电电压压保保护护器器中中的的断断路器路器,从而保护计算机系统。,从而保护计算机系统。24高等课堂 Another technological catastrophe is when a hard-disk drive sud

38、denly “crashes,” or fails, perhaps because it has been bumped inadvertently. If the user has forgotten to make backup copies of data on the hard disk, data may be lost. 还还有有一一种种技技术术灾灾难难:硬硬盘盘驱驱动动器器突突然然“崩崩溃溃”或或出出故故障障,原原因因可可能能是是不小心的不小心的碰撞碰撞。如果用户忘记在硬盘上备份数据,数据就可能丢失。如果用户忘记在硬盘上备份数据,数据就可能丢失。25高等课堂(4) Human

39、Errors Human mistakes are inevitable. Data-entry errors are probably the most commonplace. Programmer errors also occur frequently. Some mistakes may result from faulty design, as when a software manufacturer makes a deletion command closely resembling another command. Some errors may be the result

40、of sloppy procedures. One such example occurs when office workers keep important correspondence under filenames that no one else in the office knows.(4 4)人为差错)人为差错 人人为为差差错错不不可可避避免免。数数据据输输入入错错误误或或许许是是最最常常发发生生的的。程程序序员员错错误误也也经经常常发发生生。有有些些错错误误可可能能是是由由有有毛毛病病的的设设计计所所致致,如如软软件件制制造造商商将将删删除除命命令令设设计计得得与与另另一一个个

41、命命令令非非常常相相似似。有有些些错错误误可可能能起起因因于于马马虎虎的的操操作作步步骤骤。办办公公室室工工作作人人员员将将重重要要函函件件保保存存在在办办公公室室其其他他人人不不知知道道的的文文件件名名下,就是这样的一个例子。下,就是这样的一个例子。26高等课堂 II. Measures to Protect Computer Security Security is concerned with protecting information, hardware, and software. Security measures consist of encryption, restricti

42、ng access, anticipating disasters, and making backup copies.二、保护计算机安全的措施二、保护计算机安全的措施 安全安全与与信息、硬件和软件的保护信息、硬件和软件的保护有关有关。安全措施包括加密、限制访。安全措施包括加密、限制访问、问、预防预防灾难和制作备份。灾难和制作备份。 anticipate:v. 预感、预料预感、预料27高等课堂 1. Encrypting Messages Whenever information is sent over a network, the possibility of unauthorized a

43、ccess exists. The longer the distance the message has to travel, the higher the security risk is. For example, an e-mail message on a LAN meets a limited number of users operating in controlled environments such as offices. An e-mail message traveling across the country on the National Information H

44、ighway affords greater opportunities for the message to be intercepted.1 1、给信息加密、给信息加密 每每当当信信息息通通过过网网络络发发送送,总总是是存存在在越越权权访访问问的的可可能能性性。信信息息传传输输的的距距离离越越远远,安安全全风风险险就就越越大大。例例如如,局局域域网网上上的的电电子子邮邮件件只只会会遭遭遇遇在在办办公公室室等等受受控控环环境境中中进进行行操操作作的的有有限限数数量量的的用用户户。而而在在国国家家信信息息高高速速公公路路上上横横穿穿国家的国家的电子邮件电子邮件,则,则提供了更多的提供了更多的被

45、被截取截取的的机会机会。 提供机会提供机会28高等课堂 Businesses have been encrypting, or coding, messages for years. They have become so good at it that some law enforcement agencies are unable to “wiretap” messages from suspected criminals. Some federal agencies have suggested that a standard encryption procedure be used s

46、o that law enforcement agencies can monitor suspected criminal communications. 工工商商企企业业给给信信息息加加密密或或译译码码已已达达多多年年。它它们们在在这这方方面面已已十十分分擅擅长长,致致使使有有些些执执法法机机构构难难以以“窃窃听听”疑疑犯犯发发送送的的信信息息。一一些些联联邦邦机机构构建建议议采采用用标准的加密程序标准的加密程序,以便执法机构能够监控疑犯的通信。,以便执法机构能够监控疑犯的通信。 29高等课堂 The government is encouraging businesses that us

47、e the National Information Highway to use a special encryption program. This program is available on a processor chip called the clipper chip and is also known as the key escrow chip.政政府府鼓鼓励励使使用用国国家家信信息息高高速速公公路路的的工工商商企企业业采采用用一一种种专专门门的的加加密密程程序序。这这种种程程序序可可在在一一种种处处理理器器芯芯片片上上得得到到,该该芯芯片片称称为为加加密密芯芯片片,通通常常

48、也也称称为为密钥托管芯片密钥托管芯片。 30高等课堂 Individuals are also using encryption programs to safeguard their private communications. One of the most widely used personal encryption programs is Pretty Good Privacy. 个人也使用加密程序来保护其私人通信。使用最广泛的个人加密程个人也使用加密程序来保护其私人通信。使用最广泛的个人加密程序之一是序之一是PGPPGP加密软件。加密软件。 31高等课堂Q:How to rest

49、rict unauthorized access?2. Restricting Access Security experts are constantly devising ways to protect computer systems from access by unauthorized persons. Sometimes security is a matter of putting guards on company computer rooms and checking the identification of everyone admitted.2 2、限制访问、限制访问

50、安安全全专专家家不不断断设设计计新新方方法法,用用以以保保护护计计算算机机系系统统免免于于未未经经授授权权之之人人的的访访问问。有有时时,保保护护安安全全就就是是派派警警卫卫看看护护公公司司计计算算机机室室和和检检查查每每个个进进入入之人的身份证明。之人的身份证明。 32高等课堂 Oftentimes it is a matter of being careful about assigning passwords to people and of changing them when people leave a company. Passwords are secret words or

51、numbers that must be keyed into a computer system to gain access. In some “dial-back” computer systems, the user telephones the computer, punches in the correct password, and hangs up. The computer then calls back at a certain preauthorized number.保保护护安安全全常常常常也也是是谨谨慎慎地地将将口口令令分分配配与与人人,并并且且在在他他们们离离开开公

52、公司司时时更更换换口口令令。口口令令是是秘秘密密的的单单词词或或数数字字,必必须须键键入入计计算算机机系系统统才才能能进进行行访访问问。在在一一些些“回回叫叫”式式计计算算机机系系统统情情况况下下,用用户户打打电电话话给给计计算算机机,键键入入正正确确的口令,然后的口令,然后挂断挂断。计算机随后会。计算机随后会回叫回叫某个某个预先授权的号码预先授权的号码。 33高等课堂 Most major corporations today use special hardware and software called firewalls to control access to their inter

53、nal computer networks. These firewalls act as a security buffer between the corporations private network and all external networks, including the Internet. All electronic communications coming into and leaving the corporation must be evaluated by the firewall. Security is maintained by denying acces

54、s to unauthorized communications. 今天,大多数大公司都使用被称为防火墙的专门硬件和软件,来控今天,大多数大公司都使用被称为防火墙的专门硬件和软件,来控制对其内部计算机网络的访问。这些防火墙,在公司制对其内部计算机网络的访问。这些防火墙,在公司专用网络专用网络与包括因与包括因特网在内的所有外部网络之间,特网在内的所有外部网络之间,起到起到安全安全缓冲区缓冲区的作用的作用。所有进出公司。所有进出公司的电子通信都必须经过防火墙的评估。通过拒绝未经授权的通信进出,的电子通信都必须经过防火墙的评估。通过拒绝未经授权的通信进出,来维护安全。来维护安全。 34高等课堂 3.

55、 Anticipating Disasters Companies (and even individuals) that do not make preparations for disasters are not acting wisely. Physical security is concerned with protecting hardware from possible human and natural disasters. Data security is concerned with protecting software and data from unauthorize

56、d tampering or damage.Most large organizations have a disaster recovery plan describing ways to continue operating until normal computer operations can be restored. 3 3、预防灾难、预防灾难 不不做做灾灾难难预预防防工工作作的的公公司司(甚甚至至个个人人)是是不不明明智智的的。物物理理安安全全涉涉及及到到保保护护硬硬件件免免遭遭可可能能发发生生的的人人为为或或自自然然灾灾难难的的破破坏坏。数数据据安安全全涉涉及及到到保保护护软软件

57、件和和数数据据免免遭遭非非法法篡篡改改或或毁毁坏坏。大大多多数数大大机机构构都都有有灾灾难难恢恢复复计计划划,描述继续操作直到计算机可以描述继续操作直到计算机可以恢复恢复正常运行的方法。正常运行的方法。35高等课堂 Hardware can be kept behind locked doors, but often employees find this restriction a hindrance, so security is lax. Fire and water (including the water from ceiling sprinkler systems) can do

58、great damage to equipment. 硬件可以锁起来,但雇员常常觉得这种约束很硬件可以锁起来,但雇员常常觉得这种约束很麻烦麻烦,因此安全措施,因此安全措施也就也就松弛松弛了。火与水(包括来自天花板上了。火与水(包括来自天花板上喷洒灭火系统喷洒灭火系统的水)可能对设的水)可能对设备造成极大的损害。备造成极大的损害。 36高等课堂 Many companies therefore will form a cooperative arrangement to share equipment with other companies in the event of catastroph

59、e. Special emergency facilities called hot sites may be created if they are fully equipped computer centers. They are called cold sites if they are empty shells in which hardware must be installed. 因此,许多公司会与其他公司达成因此,许多公司会与其他公司达成合作协议合作协议,在出现灾难的情况下,在出现灾难的情况下合用设备。公司也可能创设专门的应急设施。这些设施如果是合用设备。公司也可能创设专门的应急

60、设施。这些设施如果是设备齐全设备齐全的计算机中心就称为热场地,如果是必须安装硬件的空壳则称为冷场地的计算机中心就称为热场地,如果是必须安装硬件的空壳则称为冷场地。 万一、倘若万一、倘若37高等课堂4. Backing up Data Equipment can always be replaced. A companys data, however, may be irreplaceable. Most companies have ways of trying to keep software and data from being tampered with in the first pl

61、ace. They include careful screening of job applicants, guarding of passwords, and auditing of data and programs from time to time. The safest procedure, however, is to make frequent backups of data and to store them in remote locations.4 4、备份数据、备份数据 设备随时可以替换。然而,一个公司的数据可能设备随时可以替换。然而,一个公司的数据可能无法替代无法替代

62、。大多数。大多数公司首先采取一些方法,力图防止软件和数据被篡改。这些方法包括仔公司首先采取一些方法,力图防止软件和数据被篡改。这些方法包括仔细审查求职者,严守口令,以及时常细审查求职者,严守口令,以及时常检查检查数据和程序。然而,最保险的数据和程序。然而,最保险的办法是经常制作数据备份,并将其存放在远距离地点。办法是经常制作数据备份,并将其存放在远距离地点。 38高等课堂5. Security for Microcomputers If you own a microcomputer system, there are several procedures to follow to keep

63、it safe:(1) Avoid Extreme Conditions Dont expose the computer to extreme conditions. Direct sun, rain from an open window, extreme temperatures, cigarette smoke, and spilled drinks or food are harmful to microcomputers. Clean your equipment regularly. Use a surge protector to protect against voltage

64、 surges.5 5、微机的安全、微机的安全如果你拥有微机系统,可以遵照以下几个步骤保护其安全:如果你拥有微机系统,可以遵照以下几个步骤保护其安全:(1 1)避开极端的环境)避开极端的环境 不要将计算机暴露在极端的环境中。直接照射的阳光、从开着的窗户飘不要将计算机暴露在极端的环境中。直接照射的阳光、从开着的窗户飘进的雨、极端温度、香烟的烟以及进的雨、极端温度、香烟的烟以及溅出溅出的饮料或食物对微机都是有害的。的饮料或食物对微机都是有害的。经常清洁你的设备。使用浪涌电压保护器经常清洁你的设备。使用浪涌电压保护器预防预防电压浪涌。电压浪涌。 39高等课堂 (2) Guard the Comput

65、er Put a cable lock on the computer. If you subscribe or belong to an online information service, do not leave passwords nearby in a place accessible by others. Etch your drivers license number or social security number into your equipment. That way it can be identified in the event it is recovered

66、after theft.(2 2)保护计算机)保护计算机 给计算机装上给计算机装上链条锁链条锁。如果你是在线信息服务机构的。如果你是在线信息服务机构的用户用户或成员,或成员,不要将口令放在附近别人能进入的地方。在你的设备上不要将口令放在附近别人能进入的地方。在你的设备上蚀刻蚀刻你的驾驶证你的驾驶证号码或社会保险号码。这样,万一被盗,追回之后,可以辨认。号码或社会保险号码。这样,万一被盗,追回之后,可以辨认。 如果如果40高等课堂 (3) Guard Programs and Data Store disks properly, preferably in a locked container.

67、 Make backup copies of all your important files and programs. Store copies of your files in a differentand safelocation from the site of your computer.(3 3)保护程序与数据)保护程序与数据 妥当地保存磁盘,最好锁起来。将你所有的重要文件和程序进行备妥当地保存磁盘,最好锁起来。将你所有的重要文件和程序进行备份。将你的文件备份放在与你的计算机不同份。将你的文件备份放在与你的计算机不同且安全且安全的位置。的位置。 41高等课堂IFill in th

68、e blanks with the information given in the text:1 employees2 Hackers3 Crackers4 damage; manipulation5 Worm6 software piracy7 access; backup8 Passwords42高等课堂IITranslate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:v1 encryption program 加密程序加密程序v2 deletion command 删除命令删除命令v3

69、 authorized user 授权的用户授权的用户v4 backup copy 备份的副本备份的副本v5 voltage surge 电涌,浪涌电压电涌,浪涌电压v6 circuit breaker 断路器断路器v7 electronic component 电子器件电子器件v8 data-entry error 数据输入错误数据输入错误v9 electronic break-in 电路中断电路中断v10.power line 电力线,输电线电力线,输电线 43高等课堂v1 detection program 检测程序检测程序 v2 power source 电源电源 v3 destruc

70、tive computer program 破坏性计算机程序破坏性计算机程序 v4 computer virus 计算机病毒计算机病毒 v5 software piracy 软件侵权软件侵权 v6 hard-disk drive 硬盘驱动器硬盘驱动器 v7 virus checker 病毒检查程序病毒检查程序 v8 primary storage 主存储器主存储器 v9 electronic bulletin board 电子公告板电子公告板 v10 surge protector 浪涌电压保护器浪涌电压保护器 44高等课堂vAn e-mail message on a LAN meets a

71、 limited number of users operating in controlled environments such as offices. 局域网上的电子邮件只会遭遇在办公室等受控环境中进行操作的有限数量的用户。v现在分词作后置定语 被修饰的名词与作定语的动词为主动关系,表示该动作正在进行或于主句动作同时发生,或是经常性行为时,用现在分词做定语。45高等课堂v分词作定语时有下面几个特点: 1)现在分词表示主动意义,过去分词一般表示被动含意。 2)现在分词表示正在进行,过去分词表示状态或做完(完成)的事。The child standing over there is my brother. 站在那儿的男孩子是我弟弟。Have you got your watch repaired? 你拿到那个修好的表了吗? 46高等课堂



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