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1、高三理科班优生辅导英语资料高三理科班优生辅导英语资料(一)(一)完形填空完形填空技巧点拨技巧点拨高考完形填空考什么高考完形填空考什么完形填空主要考查考生对语篇意义的理解,完形填空主要考查考生对语篇意义的理解,对上下文意义关系的把握。其空格只能是名对上下文意义关系的把握。其空格只能是名词、动词、形容词和副词这词、动词、形容词和副词这4种实词。种实词。而以下四种情况,一般不考:而以下四种情况,一般不考: (1)不考虚词。不考虚词。即不考冠词、代词、介词、即不考冠词、代词、介词、连词等虚词。连词等虚词。(2)不考语法。不考语法。(3)不考固定搭配。不考固定搭配。即不会考查只要你背熟固即不会考查只要你

2、背熟固定词组,无需理解短文意思,就可选出答案定词组,无需理解短文意思,就可选出答案的题。的题。(4)不考词语辨析。不考词语辨析。一般说来,四个选项的意一般说来,四个选项的意义相差很大。教师要花十分钟八分钟来辨析,义相差很大。教师要花十分钟八分钟来辨析,但你依然不是十分清楚的那些同义词或近义但你依然不是十分清楚的那些同义词或近义词,在高考完形填空中,至今尚未同时出现词,在高考完形填空中,至今尚未同时出现在选项之中。在选项之中。模拟训练模拟训练 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的题所给的A、B、C和和D项中,选出最佳项中,选出最佳选项。选项。 When a

3、sked to point out one or two things that are most important to themselves, many put friends ahead of homes, jobs, clothes and cars. A true 1 carries along history of experience that determines who we are and keeps us connected. It is a treasure we should prove it. 2 , the better friends you are, the

4、 more probably youll have disagreements. 1.A. success B. leadership C. friendship D. agreement2. A. Uncertainly B. Unfairly C. Luckily D. UnfortunatelyD因因“朋友越好越有分歧朋友越好越有分歧”,可见,这是,可见,这是“不幸不幸”的事。的事。C与前句中的与前句中的friends是同源复现。是同源复现。And the 3 can be what you dont want-an end to the relationship. The good n

5、ews is that most troubled friendships can be 4 . First, dont let your pride get in your way. 3. A. result B. connection C. relation D. Experience4. A. mended B. gained C. proved D. continuedA因因troubled与与mend是同现,意思是是同现,意思是“最困扰的友最困扰的友谊也可以修补谊也可以修补”。A因因result与与end是近义复现,由是近义复现,由“结束结束”想到这是想到这是“结果结果”了。了。Mo

6、st of us can forgive each other when 5 are brought out in the open. Second, apologize when youre wrong even if youve been 6 . 5. A. secrets B. differences C. mistakes D. clothes6. A. admitted B. wronged C. fired D. beaten6. B因因wronged与下文中的与下文中的wronged是原词复现。指是原词复现。指“被被冤枉冤枉”。5. B因因differences与与disagre

7、ements近义复现。近义复现。Over the course of friendship, even the best people 7 mistakes. Sometimes, it may be best if the wronged person takes the lead and 8 . When you apologize, give your friend a 9 to admit that he has been wrong. 7. A. correct B. record C. admit D. make8. A. opens B. mends C. apologizes

8、D. Considers9. A. chance B. gift C. car D. treasure9. A因因“承认错误承认错误”与与“机会机会”是同现。由常识也可知道,是同现。由常识也可知道,指给别人认错的指给别人认错的“机会机会”。7. D由上下文别人冤枉你,可知此处指由上下文别人冤枉你,可知此处指“犯错误犯错误”。8. C因因apologizes与下句中的与下句中的apologize是原词复现。是原词复现。Third, see things from your friends point of view. And 10 , accept that friendships 11 as

9、our needs and lifestyles change. Making friends can sometimes seem 12 . 10. A. Naturally B. finally C. possibly D. Happily11. A. end B. begin C. change D. finish12. A. difficult B. loose C. upset D. easy11. C与本句末的与本句末的change是原词复现,句意是,是原词复现,句意是,“友谊也会友谊也会随着我们的需要和生活方式的改变而改变随着我们的需要和生活方式的改变而改变”。10. B因因fi

10、nally与与first, second, third属同现。属同现。12. D与下文与下文hard是反义同现。意思是,交朋友有时似乎是是反义同现。意思是,交朋友有时似乎是容易的,难就难在将关系保持下去。容易的,难就难在将关系保持下去。The hard part is 13 the connections strong during the nature ups and downs that have an effect on all 14 . My suggestion: Consider friendship an honor and a gift, and worth the effor

11、t to 15 and nurture. 13. A. developing B. improving C. keeping D. producing14. A. partners B. teenagers C. lifestyles D. relationships15. A. treasure B. recover C. swap D. concern13. C由常识可知是由常识可知是“保持关系保持关系”; 虽然也可说虽然也可说“发展关系发展关系”和和“改善关系改善关系”,但,但develop和和improve一般不需再接形容词作宾补了。一般不需再接形容词作宾补了。15. A因友谊是荣誉和

12、礼物,所以值得珍惜因友谊是荣誉和礼物,所以值得珍惜(treasure)和和培养培养(nurture)。treasure 是是nurture同现。同现。 14. D因因relationships与与connections是近义重现,都指是近义重现,都指“关系关系”。高考完形填空怎么考高考完形填空怎么考在保证语境充足的情况,将名词、动词、形在保证语境充足的情况,将名词、动词、形容词和副词留空。四个选项必须是:容词和副词留空。四个选项必须是: (1)词类相同。词类相同。即四个选项要么都是名词即四个选项要么都是名词, 要要么都是动词么都是动词, 要么都是形容词要么都是形容词, 要么都是副词。要么都是副

13、词。技巧点拨技巧点拨?(2)语法形式相同。语法形式相同。即四个选项即四个选项, 如果是动词如果是动词, 要么都是要么都是-ing形式形式, 要么都是要么都是-ed形式形式, 要么要么都是原形都是原形; 如果是名词如果是名词, 要么都是单数要么都是单数, 要么要么都是复数都是复数; 如果是形容词或副词如果是形容词或副词, 要么都是原要么都是原级级, 要么都是比较级要么都是比较级, 要么都是最高级。要么都是最高级。(3)正确选项的分布基本均等。正确选项的分布基本均等。即即A、B、C、D四个选项各自所占比例基本相同。如四个选项各自所占比例基本相同。如15个个小题小题, A、B、C、D各占各占34个。

14、个。 (2010辽宁辽宁) When I first entered university,my aunt, who is an English professor, gaveme a new English-English dictionary. I was 1 to see that it was an English dictionary, alsoKnown as a monolingual dictionary. 1.A. worried B. sad 2. C. surprised D. nervous真题演练真题演练1.C通读全文可知通读全文可知, 作者是一个中国大学生作者是一个

15、中国大学生, 中国人学英语中国人学英语, 尤其是初学者习惯使用英汉词典。当作者看到英英词典的尤其是初学者习惯使用英汉词典。当作者看到英英词典的时候时候, 他感到他感到“吃惊吃惊”。Although it was a dictionary intended for non-native learners, none of my classmates had one but, to be honest, I found it extremely 2 to use at first. I would look up words in the dictionary and still not full

16、y understand the meaning. 2. A. difficultB. interesting C. ambiguousD. practical2.A最初用英英词典最初用英英词典, 不习惯不习惯, 所以作者感觉用起所以作者感觉用起来来“很难很难”。I was used to the 3 bilingual dictionaries, in which the words are 4 both in English and Chinese. 3. A. new B. familiar C. earlier D. ordinary3.B固定搭配固定搭配be used to 表示表示

17、“习惯习惯,对作者来说习惯,对作者来说习惯了双语词典,或者说是英汉词典。这里指双语词典的使用了双语词典,或者说是英汉词典。这里指双语词典的使用对他来说是熟悉的。对他来说是熟悉的。4. A. explainedB. expressed C. describedD. created4.A此句是一个此句是一个in which引导的定语从句,其中引导的定语从句,其中words是主是主语,根据常识在词典中单词的意思是被语,根据常识在词典中单词的意思是被“解释出来解释出来”的,的,所以用所以用explained.I really wondered why my aunt 5 to make things

18、so difficult for me. Now, after studying English at university for three years, I 6 that monolingual dictionaries are 7 in learning a foreign language.5. A. offered B. agreed C. decided D. happened5.C我真想知道我姑妈为什么决定这么为难我。我真想知道我姑妈为什么决定这么为难我。6. A. imagine B. recommend C. predictD. understand6.D过去不理解过去不理

19、解, 经过一段时间后经过一段时间后, 明白了明白了(understand)。7. A. natural B. better C. easier D. convenient7.B此句中此句中monolingual dictionaries和和bilingual dictionaries比较比较, A和和D项没用比较级项没用比较级, better强调更好强调更好, 更实用更实用, 而而easier则不可能。则不可能。As I found out, there is in fact often no perfect equivalence(对应对应)between two 8 in two lang

20、uages. My aunt even goes so far as to 9 that a Chinese “equivalent” can never give you the 10 meaning of a word in English! 8. A. wordsB. namesC. ideas D. characters8.A词典上重点的内容应该是单词。词典上重点的内容应该是单词。9. A. hopeB. declareC. doubt D. tell9.B我姑妈甚至还声称汉语意思绝不能给出一个英语单词我姑妈甚至还声称汉语意思绝不能给出一个英语单词的确切意思。的确切意思。10. A.

21、exactB. basicC. translated D. expected 10.A前面的前面的a Chinese equivalent和和the meaning of a word in English对应,所表明还是对应不准确的问题,所以用对应,所表明还是对应不准确的问题,所以用exact。 11 , she insisted that I read the definition(定定义义)of a word in a monolingual dictionary when I wanted to get a better understanding of its meaning. 12

22、 , I have come to see what she meant.11. A. RatherB. However C. ThereforeD. Instead11.C此空后面的句子和前面表示的是一种此空后面的句子和前面表示的是一种“因果因果”关系关系, 所以用所以用therefore。12. A. LargelyB. Generally C. GraduallyD. Probably12.C该句的谓语该句的谓语have come to see是表示是表示“变化过程变化过程”, 所所以用以用gradually表示表示“渐渐地渐渐地”。Using a monolingual diction

23、ary for learners has helped me in another important way. This dictionary uses a 13 number of words, around 2, 000, in its definitions. 13. A. greatB. used C. totalD. limited13.D从后面的从后面的around 2, 000可知词典中用于解释词义的词可知词典中用于解释词义的词是限制在是限制在2, 000左右。左右。When I read these definitions, I am 14 exposed to(接触接触)t

24、he basic words and learn how they are used to explain objects and ideas. 15 this, I can express myself more easily in English.14. A. repeatedlyB. nearly C. immediatelyD. anxiously14.A在有限的范围内,查阅阅读释义的话,就会反复接触在有限的范围内,查阅阅读释义的话,就会反复接触基本词汇、学会这些词汇是怎样解释事物和观点的,所以基本词汇、学会这些词汇是怎样解释事物和观点的,所以用用repeatedly表示表示“反复地,

25、经常地反复地,经常地”。 15. A. According toB. In relation to C. In addition toD. Because of15.D后面主句部分后面主句部分I can express myself more easily in English表达的是结果,此处表达的应该是原因,说明使表达的是结果,此处表达的应该是原因,说明使用这种词典所带来的好处。用这种词典所带来的好处。monolingual 只用一种语言的只用一种语言的object 物体;目标物体;目标bilingual 双语的双语的extremely 极其;非常极其;非常助读词汇助读词汇解答完形的三项原

26、则解答完形的三项原则解答完形填空应遵循以下三项基本原则。解答完形填空应遵循以下三项基本原则。1.上下求索上下求索寻信息。寻信息。这是因为有的空格的答案信息点在空格前,这是因为有的空格的答案信息点在空格前,有的在空格后有的在空格后, 有的在前文和后文都有出现,有的在前文和后文都有出现,需要综合起来考虑或起相互印证的效果。如:需要综合起来考虑或起相互印证的效果。如: 一、完形填空一、完形填空技巧点拨技巧点拨The school decided that when the driver opened both the front and back doors, 27 who were getting

27、 off the bus should get off first, and students who were getting on should get on later. (2010广东广东)27. A. parentsB. students C. teachersD. drivers解析:解析: 由下文与之并列的由下文与之并列的and students who were getting on should get on .可知可知, 只能选只能选B (students)。2.左顾右盼左顾右盼找搭配。找搭配。答题时答题时, 眼睛不能只盯在空格上眼睛不能只盯在空格上, 或盯或盯在一个句子上

28、在一个句子上, 一定要一定要“左顾右盼左顾右盼”,弄清前后的习惯搭配或句式结构。如:弄清前后的习惯搭配或句式结构。如: On April 12, 1888, Alfreds brother Ludwig died of heart attack. A major French newspaper 21 his brother for him and .(2009广东广东)21. A. foundB. Misunderstood C. MistookD. Judged解析:解析:四个选项中四个选项中, 能与后面能与后面for搭配的搭配的, 只只有有mistook; 即即mistake A for

29、 B (将将A误以为误以为B)。3.思前想后思前想后通全文。通全文。有时,若单独看空格处或空格所在句,其中有时,若单独看空格处或空格所在句,其中两个、三个甚至四个选项填入格中都没有语两个、三个甚至四个选项填入格中都没有语法错误,句子也通顺,但结合全文内容来理法错误,句子也通顺,但结合全文内容来理解,就只有一个是最佳答案了。因此,选择解,就只有一个是最佳答案了。因此,选择答案时,一定要考虑到此选项不但在本句中答案时,一定要考虑到此选项不但在本句中合符语境,而且要在全文中也讲得通,即贯合符语境,而且要在全文中也讲得通,即贯通全文。如:通全文。如: Nobel arranged in his wil

30、l to .give the largest part of his money to establish the Nobel Prizes, which would be awarded to people .who made great 29 to the causes of peace, literature, and the sciences.29. A. additionsB. Sacrifices C. ChangesD. contributions解析解析: 若单独看空格处若单独看空格处, 选项选项B、C、D都可以填都可以填, 从文章从文章内容或常识来看内容或常识来看, 诺贝尔奖

31、金应当是奖给那些为世界和平、诺贝尔奖金应当是奖给那些为世界和平、文学和科学等领域文学和科学等领域“作出过巨大贡献作出过巨大贡献”的人的人, 故只能选故只能选D。真题演练真题演练(2010陕西陕西)I used to live selfishly, I should admit. But one moment changed me.I was on my lunch break and had 1 the office to get something to eat. 1. A. leftB. cleaned C. preparedD. searched1.A由本句中的由本句中的to get s

32、omething to eat及后文内容可知及后文内容可知, 作作者者“离开离开”了办公室外出了。了办公室外出了。On the way, I 2 a busker (街头艺人街头艺人),with a hat in front of him. I had some 3 in my pocket, but I would not give them to him, thinking to myself he would only use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol. 2. A. led B. chose C. saw D.

33、 fooled2.C由末段中由末段中I saw the busker again可提到启示。可提到启示。3. A. chocolates B. coins C. tins D. drugs3.B根据空后的根据空后的in my pocket可以推断出。可以推断出。He 4 like that type-young and ragged. But what was I going to spend the money on? Only to feed my addiction to Coca-Cola or chocolate! I then 5 I had no right to place m

34、yself above him just because he was busking.4. A. acted B. looked C. sounded D. smelt4.B根据本句中的根据本句中的young and ragged可以推断出所填词和可以推断出所填词和like构成搭配构成搭配, 意思是:看起来像。意思是:看起来像。5. A. declared B. realized C. expected D. guessed5.B句意是:后来我意识到我不能把我置于他之上句意是:后来我意识到我不能把我置于他之上, 因为因为他在街头卖艺。他在街头卖艺。I 6 and dropped all th

35、e coins into his 7 , and he smiled at me, I watched for a while.6. A. waited B. followed C. stopped D. arrived6.C由后文的由后文的dropped和和walked off可以推断出此处可以推断出此处所填词意思是:停下来。所填词意思是:停下来。7. A. rag B. hat C. pocket D. counter7.B由前文的由前文的with a hat in front of him可知。可知。As 8 as it sounds, I expected something more

36、 to come from that moment a feeling of 9 or satisfaction, for example.8. A. selfish B. awkward C. innocent D. special8. A根据文章首句可知。根据文章首句可知。9.A. happiness B. sadness C. love D. hate10.9. A所填词与所填词与satisfaction并列并列, 意思应该相近意思应该相近, 由由此此11.可以推断出。可以推断出。But nothing happened. 10 , I walked off. “It proved to

37、 be a waste of 11 ,”I thought.10. A. Disappointedly B. Unfortunately C. Coincidentally D. Comfortably10.A根据前一句根据前一句But nothing happened可知此处选可知此处选A, 意思是:失望地。意思是:失望地。11. A. words B. effort C. space D. money11.D由前文的由前文的coins可知。可知。On my way home at the end of the 12 , I saw the busker again and he was 1

38、3 . I watched him pick up the hat and walk to a cafe counter. 12. A. moment B. day C. break D. event12. B 根据本句中的根据本句中的on my way home可知所填词意可知所填词意思是:当天,一天。思是:当天,一天。13. A. walking around B. passing by C. packing up D. running off13. C pack up:收拾行李:收拾行李, 句意是:我看到他在收句意是:我看到他在收拾行李。拾行李。There he poured the 1

39、4 contents into a tin collecting for an earthquake fund-raising(募募捐捐)event. He was busking for charity(慈善慈善)! Now I donate any 15 I have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.14. A. chief B. basic C. actual D. total14.D 根据谓语动词根据谓语动词poured可以推断出。可以推断出。15. A. work B. time C. energy D. change1

40、5.D change根据动词根据动词donate和和have可以推断出。可以推断出。 selfishly 自私地自私地pocket 口袋口袋addiction 嗜好嗜好drug 毒品毒品alcohol 白酒白酒ragged 破烂的破烂的busk 卖艺卖艺counter 柜台柜台poured 倒进倒进助读词汇助读词汇一、完形填空一、完形填空技巧点拨技巧点拨 五个根据五个根据解答完形填空题,有以下五个解答完形填空题,有以下五个“根据根据”: 1根据首句暗示。根据首句暗示。高考完形填空首句往往不设空高考完形填空首句往往不设空, 是个完整的是个完整的句子句子, 通过它可以了解全文通过它可以了解全文,

41、判断文章的大意判断文章的大意或主题或主题, 建立正确的思维导向建立正确的思维导向, 对解题非常关对解题非常关键。键。2. 根据逻辑推理。根据逻辑推理。考生要懂得根据文段意思和日常生活经考生要懂得根据文段意思和日常生活经验及科普常识等进行简单的逻辑推理来验及科普常识等进行简单的逻辑推理来确定答案。确定答案。3. 根据语言结构。根据语言结构。就是根据选项所在句的对比结构、排比就是根据选项所在句的对比结构、排比结构、类似结构等语言结构形式来判断结构、类似结构等语言结构形式来判断和选择答案。和选择答案。4根据词语复现。根据词语复现。词汇复现往往会使语篇中的句子相互衔接得词汇复现往往会使语篇中的句子相互

42、衔接得更紧密。利用词语的复现更紧密。利用词语的复现, 对解题很有帮助。对解题很有帮助。5根据前后语境。根据前后语境。高考完形填空中绝大多数题是要通过理解上高考完形填空中绝大多数题是要通过理解上下文语境才能选出正确答案。有的根据上文下文语境才能选出正确答案。有的根据上文, 有的根据下文有的根据下文, 有的要上下文结合有的要上下文结合, 甚至通篇甚至通篇看完并理解才能作出正确的选择。看完并理解才能作出正确的选择。真题演练真题演练 2010广东广东 Every country has its ownculture. Even though each country uses doors,doors

43、may have 1 functions and purposeswhich lead to 2 differences.1. A. different B. important C. practicalD. unusual1.A从本句的后半句得知。从本句的后半句得知。2. A. nationalB. embarrassing C. culturalD. amazing2.C根据文章首段提示可知根据文章首段提示可知, 门的功能不同导致了文化差门的功能不同导致了文化差异。异。When I first came to America, I noticed that a public buildin

44、g had two different 3 and they had distinct functions. You have to 4 the door with the word “PUSH” to go out of the building and to pull the door with the word “PULL” to 5 the building. 3. A. exits B. entrances C. signs D. doors3.D从下文从下文“push the door with the word PUSH”和和“pull the door with the wor

45、d PULL”及及two different可可知。知。4. A. move B. push C. pull D. knock4.B根据后面的根据后面的with the word “PUSH”得知。得知。5. A. enter B. leave C. open D. close5.A与与go out of相对应的显然是相对应的显然是enter。This was new to me, because we use the 6 door in South Korea. For quite a few times I 7 to go out of a shopping centre and was

46、embarrassed.6. A. main B. same C. front D. back6.B与前面第三题的与前面第三题的different doors相反的是相反的是the same door。7. A. managed B. succeeded C. failed D. tried7.C从后面的从后面的was embarrassed得知作者没能走出购物中心。得知作者没能走出购物中心。The way of using school bus doors was also 8 to me. I used to take the school bus to 9 . 8. A. annoyin

47、gB. Hard C. SatisfyingD. strange8.D根据第三段内容得知根据第三段内容得知, 公共建筑门的使用方式公共建筑门的使用方式不同不同, 使作者感到尴尬。因此使作者感到尴尬。因此, 这里的巴士门对作这里的巴士门对作者来说也是陌生的。者来说也是陌生的。9. A. classes B. homes C. workplacesD. libraries9.A坐校巴当然是去上课了。坐校巴当然是去上课了。The school decided that when the driver opened both the 10 and back doors, 11 who were get

48、ting off the bus should get off first, and students who were getting on should get on 12 . 10. A. left B. right C. real D. front 10.D与与back相对应的是相对应的是front。11. A. parents B. students C. teachers D. drivers11.B由下文的由下文的and students who were getting on should get on .可可推知。推知。12. A. sooner B. later C. fa

49、ster D. earlier 12.B与前面的与前面的first相对相对, 即要先下后上。即要先下后上。In South Korea, we do not need to wait for people to 13 . One morning, I hurried to the bus, and when the bus doors opened, I 14 tried to get on the school bus through the front door. 13. A. get on B. get back C. get in D. get off 13.D在韩国不必等乘客下车在韩

50、国不必等乘客下车(get off)后便可以上车。后便可以上车。14. A. politely B. patiently C. unconsciously D. slowly14.C由上文由上文 “In south to get off” 可知作者在生活中已可知作者在生活中已经养成了习惯经养成了习惯, 由生活常识知道由生活常识知道, 到美国后到美国后, 就无意识的就无意识的遵循以往的习惯遵循以往的习惯, 就就“无意识地无意识地”上车了。上车了。All the students around looked at me, I was totally 15 , and my face went red.15. A. embarrassedB. annoyed C. unsatisfiedD. excited 15.A从下文的从下文的my face went red可知可知, 周围所周围所有的人都看着自己有的人都看着自己, 当然当然“感到尴尬感到尴尬”了。了。



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