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1、1_ adj. 满满足的;足的;满满意的意的 n. vt. 使使满满足足2 adj. 幸运的;吉利的幸运的;吉利的 3_ vt. & vi. 战胜战胜;克服;克服4_ adj. 突出的;杰出的;突出的;杰出的;显显著的著的5_ n. 姿姿态态;手;手势势 vi. 做手做手势势contentfortunateoutstandinggestureovercome6 adj. 特殊的;特特殊的;特别的的 n. 细节;细目目7 n. 时刻;刻;场合合8 vt.& vi. (使使)滑滑动;(使使)滑行滑行 n. 滑;滑滑;滑动;幻灯片;幻灯片9 n. 耳耳语;低;低语vt.& vi. 低低语;小声;小声

2、说10 n. 脏或乱的状或乱的状态11 vi. 作出反作出反应;回;回应particularslidemesswhisperoccasionreact12 n幽默;滑稽幽默;滑稽 adj.滑稽的;幽默的滑稽的;幽默的13 n表演者;演出者表演者;演出者 v执行;表演行;表演 n执行;演出行;演出14 vt.& vi.导演;指示;指演;指示;指挥adj.直的;直接的;直率的直的;直接的;直率的 n导演演 n指指导_ adv.& conj.直接地;径直地;一直接地;径直地;一就就15 vt.使信服使信服 adj.令人信服的令人信服的 adj.坚信不移的信不移的16 n失失败(者者) vi.失失败1

3、7 vt.& vi.使使欢乐;款待;款待 n娱乐 adj.愉快的;有趣的愉快的;有趣的humourhumourousperformerperformperformancedirectdirectordirectiondirectlyconvinceconvincingconvincedfailurefailentertainentertainmententertaining.重点短语必背重点短语必背1_对对满足满足*2_ 穷的;缺少的穷的;缺少的*3_ 挑出;辨别出挑出;辨别出*4_ 切断;断绝切断;断绝*5_ 担任主角;主演担任主角;主演*6_ 直到现在直到现在*7_ 寻找;搜寻寻找;搜寻*

4、8_ 在户外;在露天在户外;在露天feel/be content withbadly offpick outcut offstar inup to nowin search of sb./sth. in the open air 1content adj.满足的;满意的满足的;满意的 n内容;目录;容量;满足内容;目录;容量;满足 vt.使满足使满足He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives.在人在人们感到沮感到沮丧的的时候,他

5、可以使他候,他可以使他们开开怀大笑,于是大笑,于是人人们就就对自己的生活感到比自己的生活感到比较满足。足。He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives.That rich man is tired of city life, so he is content to live in the country.那位富人那位富人厌倦了城市生活,于是他愿意生活在倦了城市生活,于是他愿意生活在乡下。下。We should never book

6、 knowledge only.我我们永永远不要不要仅仅满足于足于书本知本知识。She dropped her purse and the contents fell out on the floor.她的皮包掉下,里面的她的皮包掉下,里面的东西散落在地板上。西散落在地板上。content ourselves withfeel/be content withbe content to do sth.满足于足于满足于做某事满足于做某事对对满足满足/满意满意content oneself with1)有了新玩具婴儿就心满意足了。)有了新玩具婴儿就心满意足了。2)你对目前的生活满意吗?)你对目前的生

7、活满意吗?3)她乐于整年呆在这里。)她乐于整年呆在这里。4)你能告诉我盒子里装的什么吗?)你能告诉我盒子里装的什么吗?1) The baby contented himself with a toy. 2) Are you content with your present life?3) She is content to stay here all the year.4) Can you tell me the contents of the box? astonish vt. 使惊诧,使吃惊使惊诧,使吃惊 1)I was _at the news of her death.2) The

8、news of her death was _.3) I find it _ that there is an _look on his face.4) He looked at me in _.5) To my _ it had completely disappeared.astonishedastonishingastonishingastonishedastonishmentastonishmentbadly off 穷的;缺少的的;缺少的 Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off, so Char

9、lie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother. 不幸的是他的父不幸的是他的父亲去世了,使得他的家境更加去世了,使得他的家境更加艰难,因此,卓,因此,卓别林童年林童年时期都在照期都在照顾他生病的母他生病的母亲和弟弟。和弟弟。(1)be well off 境况很好;富裕境况很好;富裕be better off 境况境况较好好be worse off 更更穷的的(2)worse and worse 越来越坏;每况愈下越来越坏;每况愈下to make matters worse (and) what is w

10、orse 更糟糕的是更糟糕的是As far as I know, the school is rather badly off for equipment and books.据我所知,据我所知,这所学校相当缺乏所学校相当缺乏设备和和书籍。籍。We shouldnt complain about being poor many families are much worse off than we are.我我们不不应该因因为穷而叫苦而叫苦连天天许多人的家境比起我多人的家境比起我们来来还要糟得多呢。要糟得多呢。She had lost her job. , shed lost her hous

11、e and her children, too.她工作她工作丢了,更糟糕的是,她的房子和孩子也没了。了,更糟糕的是,她的房子和孩子也没了。To make matters even worse答案:答案:B3How are the things in your village?Modern farming methods have been brought in and the villagers are _ now than before.Awell off Bbetter offCbadly off Dworse off解析:根据解析:根据“引引进了了现代化的耕作方法代化的耕作方法”和和连词

12、than来判来判断,村民的生活比以前断,村民的生活比以前“更富裕了更富裕了”,所以用,所以用well off的比的比较级better off。worse off是是badly off的比的比较级。entertain vt. & vi. 使欢乐;招待;款待使欢乐;招待;款待1)He entertained us with his stories and jokes. 2)We were all entertained by his humorous stories. 3)I often entertain friends to dinner on weekends. entertain sb.

13、with sth. 用用使某人快乐使某人快乐entertain sb. to sth. 用用招待招待/款待某人款待某人entertaining adj. 使人愉快的;有趣的使人愉快的;有趣的 entertainment n. 款待;请客;娱乐;消遣款待;请客;娱乐;消遣entertainer n.演艺者,艺人演艺者,艺人1) His jokes _us throughout the party.A.confused B. astonished C.entertained D.amazed2) It is the first time that our boss _us to dinner.A.

14、entertains B.invited C.had invited D.has entertainedThe children in the mountain village have no , so their teachers often tell stories to them after class. (entertain)entertainmententertainingentertainovercome (overcame, overcame) v.战胜;克服;征服战胜;克服;征服1) we should learn to overcome difficulties.2) The

15、y overcame the enemy after a long battle.3) The child was overcome by weariness and slept.4) If one works with strong will, he or she can overcome any difficulty.5) We were overcome by the heat.A competition was held to pick out the best table tennis players.为选拔出最好的拔出最好的乒乓球球选手手举行了一行了一场比比赛。He picked

16、up some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris.他在巴黎出差他在巴黎出差时顺便学会了一些法便学会了一些法语。答案:答案:D4With the good care taken by doctors and nurses, many patients are beginning to _ .Apick out Bturn upCturn out Dpick up解析:考解析:考查动词短短语辨析。句意:因辨析。句意:因为有医生和有医生和护士士们的精心照料,很多病人都的精心照料,很多病人都处于康复当中。于康复当中。A项意意为“挑

17、挑选;辨;辨认”;B项意意为“出出现;露面;露面”;C项意意为“结果果(证明明)是是”;D项意意为“(身体身体)好好转”。根据句意可知。根据句意可知应选D项。(2012四川高考四川高考)Its surprising that your brother _ Russian so quickly he hasnt lived there very long.Apicked up Blooked up Cput up Dmade up 解析:考解析:考查动词短短语辨析。句意:令人惊奇的是,你弟弟如辨析。句意:令人惊奇的是,你弟弟如此快就学会此快就学会说俄俄语了了他在那儿生活的他在那儿生活的时间并不并

18、不长。pick up“(无意之无意之间、偶然地、偶然地)学会学会”;look up“(在在书籍中籍中)查找找”;put up“张贴;搭建;搭建”;make up“构成;构成;编造造”。答案:答案:A答案:答案:B1How could you _ my sister so easily in the crowd?Because she stood out in her red dress.Apick up Bpick outCtake up Dtake out解析:句意:解析:句意:“你怎么在人群中你怎么在人群中这么容易就么容易就认出了我妹出了我妹妹?妹?”“因因为她穿着她穿着红色的衣服,很色的

19、衣服,很显眼。眼。” pick up “捡起起”; pick out “辨辨认出;挑出;挑选出出”; take up “占据;拿占据;拿起起”; take out “取出取出”。答案:答案:A2A study shows that students living in nonsmoking dormitories are not likely to _ the habit of smoking.Apick up Bturn upCdraw up Dmake up解析:考解析:考查动词短短语辨析。根据句意可知,此辨析。根据句意可知,此处表示表示“染染上抽烟的上抽烟的习惯”,故用,故用pick u

20、p。turn up“开大;偶然出开大;偶然出现”;draw up“起草;起草;拟订”;make up“编造;造;组成成”。His mother has been trying to convince him to see a doctor.他他妈妈一直一直设法法说服他去看医生。服他去看医生。You need to your interviewer your ability to master the work.你需要你需要让你的面你的面试官相信你有官相信你有驾驭这份工作的能力份工作的能力。I am convinced that sooner or later we will succeed.我

21、确信我我确信我们迟早会成功的。早会成功的。The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!令人心悦诚服的表演使你相信这是他吃过的最可口的饭菜之一了!令人心悦诚服的表演使你相信这是他吃过的最可口的饭菜之一了! convinceofconvince vt.使人信服;使相信使人信服;使相信(1)convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事服某人做某事convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事使某人相信某事c

22、onvince sb. that . 使某人相信使某人相信(2)be convinced of 确信确信;相信;相信be convinced that . 确信确信(3)convincing adj. 令人信服的;有令人信服的;有说服力的服力的1)我们说服了他坐火车去,不搭飞机去。我们说服了他坐火车去,不搭飞机去。2)要想让家人相信我们买不起汽车很难。)要想让家人相信我们买不起汽车很难。3)我相信他是诚实的。)我相信他是诚实的。4) 现在有令人信服的证据说,吸烟导致癌症。现在有令人信服的证据说,吸烟导致癌症。 1) We convinced him to go by train rather

23、than plane. 2) Its hard to convince my family that we cant afford a new car. 3) I am convinced of his honesty.4) There is now convincing evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.1)We finally convinced them to believe our adventure.We finally _them _our adventure.2)Her smile convinced us of her happi

24、ness. Her smile _ _ she was very happy.3)Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter_physical and mental health.A. of; at; in C.of; on D.on; at4) It will be very difficult to _ them _what I saw with my own eyes.A.convince ; of B.believe; in C.convince; about D.believe; ofconvince

25、d ofconvinced thatdirect vt.& vi. 导演;指演;指挥;指示;指示 adj.径直的;直接的;直率的径直的;直接的;直率的 adv.直接地直接地Charlie Chaplin wrote, directed and produced the films he starred in.查理理卓卓别林自林自编、自、自导、自制他主演的、自制他主演的电影。影。(1)direct do sth.指示指示(令令)某人做某事某人做某事direct that .(should) do sth. 指示指示做某事做某事direct a place (2)direc

26、tion n 方向;方位;指点;方向;方位;指点;directions 指示;指示;说明明书in the direction of 朝朝方向方向under the direction of in all directions in every direction朝四面八方朝四面八方ask directions (3)directly adv. “直接地直接地”,也可作,也可作连词,引,引导时间状状语从从 句,句,意意为“一一就就”告告诉某人去某地某人去某地在在的指的指导下下问路路A policeman stood in the middle of the road, directing the

27、 traffic.名警察站在路中央指名警察站在路中央指挥交通。交通。The judge directed that the child good care of by his mother.法官判决法官判决这个孩子个孩子应由他母由他母亲好好照看。好好照看。I like to make friends with anyone who is open and direct.我喜我喜欢和任何坦和任何坦诚直爽的人交朋友。直爽的人交朋友。 Directly the teacher came in, everyone was quiet.老老师一一进来,大家都静了下来。来,大家都静了下来。should b

28、e takenThey may phone relatives or friends, or if they are lost.(2012上海高考阅读上海高考阅读C)如果他如果他们迷路了,他迷路了,他们可能会可能会给亲戚或朋友打戚或朋友打电话,或者或者问路。路。Its only a small improvement but at least its a step in the right direction.虽然然这只是一个小小的改只是一个小小的改进,但至少是朝着正确的方,但至少是朝着正确的方向向迈出的一步。出的一步。ask directionsparticularly adv. 尤其;特别

29、尤其;特别Children particularly would burst into laughter at his behaviour.孩子孩子们尤其尤其对他的表演他的表演报之以大笑。之以大笑。particular adj.特殊的;特特殊的;特别的;挑剔的的;挑剔的 n. 细节;细目目be particular about/over sth.对讲究究/挑剔挑剔be particular to do sth. 特地做某事特地做某事in particular particularly 尤其;特尤其;特别;格外;格外I have nothing particular to do this eve

30、ning, so lets go out for a walk.今晚我没有什么特今晚我没有什么特别的事要做,咱的事要做,咱们出去散散步吧!出去散散步吧!She loves the song in particular, because her mother used to sing it.她特她特别喜喜欢这首歌,因首歌,因为她她妈妈过去常常唱。去常常唱。He food while he doesnt care about money.他他对吃的吃的东西特西特别挑剔,然而不在乎金挑剔,然而不在乎金钱。is very particular about(2011江西高考江西高考)She has al

31、ready tried her best. Please dont be too _ about her job.Aspecial BresponsibleCunusual Dparticular解析:考解析:考查形容形容词词义辨析。句意:她已辨析。句意:她已经尽力了,尽力了,请不要不要对她的工作太挑剔。她的工作太挑剔。 be too particular about .“对太挑太挑剔剔(讲究究)”。 special“特殊的特殊的”;responsible“有有责任的任的”;unusual“ 不同不同寻常的常的”。答案:答案:D答案:答案:C(2012山东省实验中学模拟山东省实验中学模拟)Sh

32、e is very _ about what she wears, depending on what occasions she has to attend.Aespecial BspecialCparticular Dunique解析:句意:她解析:句意:她对穿什么特穿什么特别讲究,究,这取决于她参取决于她参加什么加什么样的的场合。合。be particular about“对讲究究/挑剔挑剔”。 whisper v. 耳语;私语;密谈耳语;私语;密谈.n. 低声,耳语低声,耳语 1) She whispered to me that she felt very afraid.2) It

33、is whispered that he has resigned.3) He is singing in a whisper .whisper sth. to sb.与某人低语某事与某人低语某事It is whispered that私下里说私下里说/低语低语in a whisper/in whispers低声地低声地完成句子完成句子1)The students debated _ _ _(低语)低语).2) The two girls were _(低声说话)低声说话) in the library.3)He _the answers _(耳语)耳语)his deskmates ear.1

34、)in a whisper 2) whispering 3) whispered ; inreact v.做出反应;回应做出反应;回应1) How did Wilson react to your idea?2) His parents reaction to the news was surprisingly calm.3) He made no reaction to my greetings.react to 对对做出反做出反/回应回应reaction n. 反应,回应(后常接反应,回应(后常接to)make reaction to= react tocut off切断(供应等);断绝切

35、断(供应等);断绝(联系等);切下;砍下联系等);切下;砍下1) Our water supply has been cut off.2) The village was cut off by the heavy snow.3) Her little finger was cut off in an accident at the factory.完成句子完成句子1What worries us is that this is the third time that _ this week.2The picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder _ 3

36、Sam just by watching others working on it.4If he had worked harder when young, he would be _ now. theelectricity has been cut offif you canpick out my father picked up some knowledge of the computerwell off star in 在在.主演;担任主角主演;担任主角 他一生主演过几十部电影。他一生主演过几十部电影。He starred in dozens of films during his lifetime.导演让她在这部电影中担任主角。导演让她在这部电影中担任主角。The director wanted to star her in the film.The movie If You Are the One 2 in which Shu Qi starred was really a big hit.My sister loves the movies in which Brad Pitt starred very much.由苏琪主演的电影非诚勿扰由苏琪主演的电影非诚勿扰2 大受欢迎。大受欢迎。我姐姐非常喜欢布拉德我姐姐非常喜欢布拉德.皮特皮特 主演的电影。主演的电影。



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