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1、1 (每日一练)(文末附答案)九年义务初中英语目的状语从句知识点题库 单选题 1、Take a notebook so that you can write down the important details during the meeting. The underlined part in the sentence is to talk about the _ of doing something. AreasonBresultCpurposeDcondition 2、The old couple insist on living in a small village among the

2、 mountains _ they can get closer to nature. AuntilBunlessCeven thoughDso that 3、 I found my sister looking through my things yesterday. Im so angry with her. Why dont you have a talk with her _ you can be friends again? AuntilBalthoughCunlessDso that 4、He plans to have a good rest _ hell have enough

3、 energy to continue his work. Aso thatBin order toCas soon asDnow that 5、_make ourselves safe, when can we get off the bus? As soon as the bus _. AIn order that; stopsBIn order to; will stop CIn order to; stopsDSo that; will stop 6、2018 年上海浦东二模 Youd better take the GPS with you during the trip_you w

4、ont get lost. Aas soon asBso thatCas well asDnow that 7、I want to save some money _ I can buy my favorite toy bear. 2 AalthoughBuntilCbutDso that 8、The Greens moved to the countryside last year _ their kids could have fun playing on the farm. Aso thatBeven thoughCbecause 9、 Sorry, Im late. You shoul

5、d put an alarm by your bed _ you wont get up late again. Aso thatBas long asCeven though 10、You could save some money you can buy a gift for your mother. Ain order toBbecauseCsoDso that 11、She sold her hair _ she could buy her husband something for Christmas. Asuch thatBso thatCin order toDthat 12、T

6、he boy would like a bike he can go to school by bike. AbecauseBso that CwhenDif 13、Please get up a little earlier tomorrow_ you can catch the early bus. Ain order toBas soon asCso thatDso as to 14、Write down my phone number here _ you wont forget it. Aas long asBunless Cso thatDbecause 15、We decided

7、 to see the town on a guided tour _ someone would show us the sights. AunlessBbecauseCwhenDso that 3 九年义务初中英语目的状语从句_004 参考答案 1、答案:C 解析: 句意:带一个笔记本,这样你就可以在会议期间写下重要的细节。句子中带下划线的部分是谈论做某事的目的。 考查同义词替换。reason 原因;result 结果;purpose 目的;condition 情况;题干中“so that”表示“为了”,此处应用 C 选项替换,故选 C。 2、答案:D 解析: 句意:这对老夫妇坚持住在一个

8、群山环绕的小村庄里,以便他们能更接近大自然。 考查连词辨析。until 直到;unless 除非;even though 即使;so that 以便,为了。分析句意可知,这对老夫妇坚持住在一个群山环绕的小村庄里的目的是为了能更接近大自然,故此处应用 so that 引导目的状语从句。故选 D。 3、答案:D 解析: 句意: 昨天我发现我姐姐在翻我的东西。我很生她的气。 你为什么不跟她谈谈,这样你们就能和好了? 考查目的状语从句。until 直到;although 尽管;unless 除非;so that 为了。根据“Why dont you have a talk with her”和“you

9、 can be friends again?”关系可知,谈一谈的目的是为了再次成为朋友,因此用 so that 引导目的状语从句。故选 D。 4、答案:A 解析: 句意:他计划好好休息,以便于他能有足够的能量继续他的工作。 4 考查连词。A. so that“以便于”,引导目的状语从句;B. in order to“以便做”,后接动词原形表目的;C. as soon as“一就”,引导时间状语从句;D. now that“既然”,引导原因状语从句。根据句子之间的逻辑关系,可知前文好好休息的目的是为了有足够的能量,所以此处是引导目的状语从句,故选 A。 小提示: so that = in ord

10、er that 表示“以便于”,引导目的状语从句;in order to = so as to 表示“以便做”,后接动词原形表目的。 5、答案:C 解析: 句意:为了让我们自己安全,我们什么时候可以下车?等车一停就下车。 本题考查时态。in order that 为了,引导目的状语从句;in order to do sth 为了做某事,是目的状语;so that 以便于,引导目的状语从句;stops 是一般现在时,will stop 是一般将来时。第一空接动词短语 make ourselves safe 用介词短语 in order to。第二空 as soon as 引导的时间状语从句用一般

11、现在时,主句用一般将来时。故选 C。 6、答案:B 解析: 句意:你最好在旅途中带上 GPS,以免迷路。A. as soon as 一就, 引导时间状语从句;B. so that 为了,引导目的状语从句;C. as well as 并列连词,“不但而且”“既是也是”“而且”“还”;D. now that 由于、既然,引导原因状语从句。根据句意可知,“带上 GPS”的目的是为了“不迷路”,所以本句为目的状语从句。故选 B。 7、答案:D 解析: 句意:我想节省一些钱以便能买我最喜欢的玩具熊。 考查连词辨析。although 尽管;until 直到;but 但是;so that 以便,表目的。结合

12、题干“I want to save some moneyI can buy my favorite toy bear”,可知省钱的目的是买玩具熊,前面三项不合语境,故选 D。 5 8、答案:A 解析: 句意:格林一家去年搬到了乡下,以便他们的孩子能在农场玩得开心。 考查连词辨析。so that 目的,为了;even though 即使,纵然;because 因为。根据“their kids could have fun playing on the farm.”可知,此处是目的是为了孩子能在农场玩得开心,故选 A。 9、答案:A 解析: 句意:抱歉,我迟到了。你应该在床边放一个闹钟,这样你就不

13、会再晚起了。 考查连词辨析。so that 以便于;as long as 只要;even though 尽管。根据“You should put an alarm by your bed you wont get up late again.”可知,在床边放闹钟的目的是为了不要再晚起,用 so that 引导目的状语从句,故选 A。 10、答案:D 解析: 句意:你应该节约一些钱,以便于你可以给你妈妈买一份礼物。 考查连词的用法。A. in order to 为了,后跟动词原形;故排除 A;B. because 因为,后跟原因;C. so 因此,后跟结果;D. so that 以便,引导目的状

14、语从句。结合 can buy 表示目的,故选 D。 11、答案:B 解析: 句意:她把头发卖了,以便于给丈夫买点圣诞礼物。 考查目的状语从句。such 修饰名词,that 后跟从句;so that 以便于;in order to do 为了做某事;that 常和 so搭配,形成 so.that“如此以至于”。根据句意可知,卖头发的目的是给丈夫买点圣诞礼物。因为空格后跟的 6 是句子,故用 so that 而不用 in order to 表示目的。故选 B。 12、答案:B 解析: 句意:男孩想要一辆自行车以便他能骑自行车去上学。A:因为,引导原因状语从句;B:以便,为了,引导目的状语从句;C:

15、当.的时候,引导时间状语从句;D:如果,引导条件状语从句。结合语境可知:男孩想要一辆自行车的目的是他能骑自行车去上学。因此选择 so that 以便,为了。故答案为 B。 13、答案:C 解析: 句意:明天请早一点起床,目的是你能赶上早班车。 本题考查目的状语从句。in order to 为了;as soon as 一就;so that 目的是,为了;so as to 以便,为了;根据 in order to=so as to 后接动词原形,so that 后接从句, you can catch the early bus.是句子;可知要排除 A,D;as soon as 不符合题意;故选 C。 14、答案:C 解析: 句意:把我的电话号码记在这里,以免忘记。 as long as 只要; unless 除非; so that 以便; because 因为。根据 wont forget it 不会忘了。应该表示目的。故选 C。 15、答案:D 解析: 句意“我们决定在导游的带领下游览这个城市,目的是有人带我们参观景点”。A.除非(引导条件状语从句);B.因为(引导原因状语从句);C.当时候(引导时间状语从句);D.目的是,为的是(引导目的状语从句)。 7 根据句意可知,译为“目的是有人带我们参观景点”,表示目的,故选 D。



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