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1、Group 2 Translation of Product InstructionsTranslation of Product Instructions商品说明书翻译商品说明书翻译一、阅读商品说明书,了解其结构二、分析商品说明书,理解其特点三、学习说明书常用词汇(英汉)四、练习翻译说明书的常用句型五、分析说明书的译文,并作修改六、搜集一份商品说明书,并纠错说明书的结构 一、说明书类型: 机械、电子、食品、药品、日用品 二、通常有四个组成部分: 1. 商品的特征、功能和成份 2. 安装/使用/服用/饮用/食用的方法 3. 注意事项 4. 主要性能、指标及规格常用词汇C-E(1)1 成分/配料

2、2 功能3 主治/适应症4 用法5 规格6 包装7 净含量8 保质期9 副作用1 Ingredients/Components2 Functions3 Indications 4 Usage5 Specifications/Specs6 Package/Packing7 Net content8 Shelf life9 Side effects常用词汇C-E(2)10 有效期限/失效日期11 食用方法12 操作程序13 使用说明14 生产日期15 注意事项16 生产商/企业17 贮藏/储藏/保存方法18 批准文号10 Period of validity/Expiration (or Expi

3、ry) date/Sell-by date BrE11 Usage12 Operating procedures13 Directions for operation 14 Production date15 Precautions 16 Manufacturer/Producer 17 Storage/Preservation method18 License number/Permit No./Ratification No.说明书的翻译-产品声誉1. 本产品在国内外享有很高声誉。2. 本产品深受用户好评。3. 本产品深受广大消费者欢迎,远销东南亚。4. 本产品性能可靠、经济划算、众多特色

4、,在许多国家和地区。享有盛誉The product enjoys a good reputation/ high prestige at home and abroad.The product has won high praises from the users.The product has been well well receivedreceived by customers and sells well in Southeast Asia.The product has gained an excellent reputation in many countries and regi

5、ons by virtue o its reliability, cost-effectiveness and a wealth of features.说明书的翻译-产品特点1. The product features high durability and good appearance.2. 本产品的特色在于设计新颖、质量上乘。3. It is resistant to high temperature and heat.4. The product is pleasant in appearance, reliable and stable in performance and hi

6、gh in precision.5. 本产品外形美观、体积小、重量轻、能耗低。1. 本产品经久耐用,外形美观。2. The product features novel design and excellent quality.3. 本产品耐高温、抗热。4. 本产品外形美观,性能稳定可靠,精确度高。5. The product is attractive in appearance, small in size, light in weight and low in energy consumption.说明书的翻译-产品用途典型结构:典型结构:1. It meets/satisfies th

7、e demands/needs of 它能满足的需求/需要。 2. It is greatly used in 它广泛应用于(场所或领域)3. It offers for它为提供 例句:例句:1.本产品能满足目前所有的需求。(current) 2.该机器适用于建筑工地,仓库等地进行设备安装。(construction sites; warehouses; installation)3. 该药品为将来广泛范围的各种应用提供了最佳解决方法。(applications; optimal; solutions)4. 本产品已广泛用于电子、精密仪器和食品加工等各个部门。(electronics; pre

8、cision instrument; food processing)翻译案例(1)-电器 电熨斗电熨斗注意事项注意事项熨斗接通电源后,切勿离开。注水时不要让水溢出,最大容量约为200毫升。注水时一定要切断电源。如果熨斗损坏或电源线裂损,停止使用。勿将熨斗浸入水或其他液体中。待熨斗冷却后再收起。不要让熨斗压住电源线。不要让儿童和动物靠近。PrecautionsIron the supply 供应系统:electric/water supply 电力/自来水供应系统overfill 把.装得溢出 maximum 最大量的 最大值的capacity 容量 能力 approximately 大约un

9、plug 拔去的电源插头the supply cord fray 磨损,磨散,磨破immerse cool storing pets翻译案例(2)-食品乐陵金丝枣说明乐陵金丝小枣位于全国三大产区之首,以优异的品质和丰富的营养闻名于世,乐陵金丝小枣,其体形小、色红、核小、皮薄、肉质丰满,本品含有果胶维生素、蛋白质、脂肪、丰富的铁、钙、磷和维生素AP等营养物质。对人身增热补血、滋肝、健脾,益气养肾,润肤延寿,营养丰富。是历史悠久、中外驰名的高级补品。TT1: SPECIFICATIONSLaoLing Golden Silk Small Dates is produced in the bigge

10、st area of three big production areas. It is famous in the world for its small body, small pit, thin skin, rich of pulp, good quality and rich of nutritions. It contains Pectin Vitamin, Protein, Fat and rich of Fe, Calcium, Pho sphorus and Vitamin AP etc, nutritious materials. It can add heat and bl

11、ood to the peoples body, nourish liver, invigorate the function of pleen, nourish kidney and prolong life of the people. It is high-grade notic of hasing a long history and well known both in China and abroad.翻译案例(2)-食品 商品名称: 蒙牛原味酸酸乳乳饮料250mlName: Mengniu milk drink milk flavors acid 250 ml翻译案例(2)-食品

12、说明:少量沉淀和乳脂肪上浮属于正常现象,饮用前请摇匀。新一代蒙牛酸酸乳特别添加益菌因子,促进体内有益菌增殖,帮助营养更好吸收。促进吸收:益菌因子能够有效促进体内有益菌增长20%,并能帮助钙、铁、锌等营养元素的消化吸收,为健康添活力。健康呵护:益菌因子能够促进肠道蠕动,抑制有害菌增长,同时可以促进B族维生素合成Description: a small amount of milk fat as high precipitation and the normal phenomenon, drink before you Shake uniform.Mengniu milk in particula

13、r a new generation of acid added Yijun factor to promote proliferation in a Yijun, to help better nutrition absorption.Promote the absorption: Yijun factor can be effective in promoting growth of 20 percent a Yijun, and helps calcium, iron, zinc and other nutritional elements of digestion and absorp

14、tion, for the health of Tim vitality.Health care: Yijun factors can contribute to intestinal peristalsis, inhibit growth of harmful bacteria, and can promote synthesis of B vitaminsNEW NIVEA VISAGE Whitening Foam instantly cleanses the skin, while supporting the whitening effect of the following NIV

15、EA VISAGE Multiple White products. The gentle formula with White Pure Active encourages a clear, fair complexion.译文:全新妮唯雅美白泡沫面乳令肌肤享受澄净清新地感觉,配合妮维雅多重美白系列其他产品地使用可获得更为有效地美白效果。蕴含纯净美白因子地温和配方令肌肤澄净白皙。翻译案例(3)-化妆品美国FDA规定其应包括十项:1. Drug names(药物名称)2. Description(性状)3. Clinical pharmacology(临床药理学)4. Indications

16、and usage(适应症和用法)5. Contraindications(禁忌症)6. Precautions(注意事项)7. Warnings(警告)8. Adverse reactions(不良反应)9. Overdosage(用药过量)10.Dosage and administration(剂量和用法)FDA英文药品说明书规定项目英文药品说明书规定项目药品说明书旧称description, instruction, direction.今称package insert,insert, 翻译案例(4)-药品安替司丁治疗过敏性病症的抗组胺剂性质安替司丁可减弱或抑制组胺作用,组胺在激发过敏

17、性病症中起主要作用。本品的适应症正是根据这种实验证明的抗组胺作用来确定的。适应症荨麻疹、食物过敏、枯草热、血管舒缩性鼻炎;由于皮肤病症引起的搔痒包括湿疹、搔痒病和血清病。Properties Antistine either attenuates( (削弱削弱) ) or suppresses the effects of histamine(组胺), which plays a mjor role in provoking allergic( (过敏的过敏的) ) disorders. It is upon this experimentally confirmed ability to antagonise( (使反抗使反抗) ) histamine that the indications for Antistine are based.Indications Urticaria; food allergies; hay fever; vasomotor rhinitis; itching due to skin diseases, including eczema; pruritus; and serum sickness.Thank you!The endThe end!



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