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1、Unit TwoSpace Invaders1课件教育Why do they do that?2课件教育If you get on this subway, where would you sit?3课件教育If you have to go to the further end of the supermarket, how would you get over there?4课件教育So.People need personal space to feel comfortable.5课件教育Personal SpaceIn 1966 Anthropologist Edward Hall i

2、dentified four different zones of personal space Americans like to keep around them6课件教育How would you feel if you were in any of these situations?7课件教育So.“Space invaders” make people feel uneasy.8课件教育Shared placeslElevators, buses, theaters, and many other similar “shared places” tend to reduce pers

3、onal space. People who routinely find themselves in such situations tend to have smaller personal space and more tolerance for “space invasion” than those who are not used to crowding. 9课件教育Different cultural ideas of personal spacelLatin Americans commonly put a hand on their conversation partners

4、shoulder while speaking, esp. when both participants are of the same sex.lThere is a common shock in American businessmen when they go to Latin America. Latin men think nothing of giving each other a hearty hug when they meet. That might freak out an American man, who might want to slap his conversa

5、tion partner on the arm or back an action a Latino would find startling or threatening. 10课件教育Different cultural ideas of personal spacelThe closest distance between two people in a conversation takes place in Middle Eastern. They even push and shove each other.11课件教育Different cultural ideas of pers

6、onal spacelThe British keep a big distances when they talk to each other.lThe Arab kept moving forward, while the Briton kept backing away to establish the distance at which he felt most comfortable. lThe result was a comical chase around the party hall, the Briton backing away with the Arab in purs

7、uit. 12课件教育Different cultural ideas of personal spacelAsians tend to keep much more distance between each other than Westerners do.lThe perception of personal space is very strong in Japan. Crossing between two people or intruding into anothers space to move through a crowded room is seen as ruder t

8、han in other cultures. 13课件教育Different cultural ideas of personal spacelIn Germany, Austria, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, the buttock slap is given as a sign of insult. buttock pat, used in American sports as a sign of encouragement. 14课件教育Para 1lHow does the author describe the violation of

9、personal space that happened in a bank? - He uses a series of verb phrases and adverbials vividly described the process in which the people in line, though reluctant, had to give away their personal space to the invaders.15课件教育Para 1lHow many people at least are described here?- Five.lCan you play t

10、he process?- Yes!16课件教育Para 1lWhich word in the paragraph can vividly summarize the process?- Slinky17课件教育Slinky18课件教育Para 1lWhy does the writer tell his experience at the bank?- Because he wants to show the importance of personal space in maintaining public order. If ones personal space is invaded,

11、 he may, in preserving his own space, break into others personal space. This chain of reations can cause chaos in public order.19课件教育Para 2lCan you draw the personal space according to the authors discription?- Yes!20课件教育Para 2lWhat definition does the author give to personal space?- The last senten

12、ce.21课件教育Para 3lWhats the topic sentence?- The first sentence.lWhats the function of the following sentences?- Examples to illustrate the topic sentence.22课件教育Para 3lHow many examples are there?lWhat are the occasions? 23课件教育Wedgen.la wedge of cakevi. force into a narrow space lThe dictionary wont w

13、edge into such a narrow space.24课件教育Wedgevt.lwedge sth./sb. into /throughlThe people sitting close to me were wedging me into the corner.lbe wedged (in) between two personslwedge a window to prevent it from rattling25课件教育Wedgel我被紧紧夹在两个乘客中间下不了公共汽车了- I was so tightly wedged between two other passenger

14、s that I couldnt get off the bus. l她的箱子里再也塞不进别的东西了。- She couldnt wedge another item into her suitcase.26课件教育A Bus in Wuhan27课件教育Zigzagn.adj. 28课件教育Zigzagvi. move forward by going at an angle first to one side then to the other lWe are zigzagging up the hill.lThe motor bike was zigzagging in and out

15、of the traffic.lLightning zigzagged across the sky.adv.lThe path ran zigzag up the hill.29课件教育Zigzagl那个醉鬼歪歪倒倒地沿街走去。- The drunken man zigzagged down the street.30课件教育Jostlevi. vt. push, elbow, or bump against (someone) roughly, typically in a crowdljostle ones wayljostle against sth.Synonym: bump, pu

16、sh, shove, thrust, presslDont jostle (against) me.lThe crowd jostled into the new stadium.31课件教育JostleSynonym:lpush, elbow, press, shove32课件教育Jostlel 我们被人群挤来挤去。- We were jostled in the crowd.l我终于挤下了车。- I finally jostled my way off the bus.33课件教育Carve out establish or create something through painsta

17、king effortlHe carved himself out a nice position in the business.lHe carved out a career for himself.34课件教育 riders are no longer taking pains to carve out little zones of space - subway passengers are no longer trying to establish some personal space between them 地铁乘客不再努力营造小范围的私人空间。35课件教育Fidgetyadj

18、. impatient or uneasylTraveling in planes makes me fidgetylMary is always fidgeting about her mothers health.36课件教育Fidget v. make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatiencelHurry up, your father is beginning to fidget.lWhats fidgeting you?fidget about/with37

19、课件教育Fidget ln. (pl.)l I always get fidgets during long meetings.- 会议开得长我就坐不住了lHaving to sit still for a long time often gives small children the fidgets.- 久坐往往使小孩子们烦躁不安。38课件教育Para 4lWhat does this tendency refer to?- The phenomenon exemplified in the previous paragrapgh, that is, personal space is b

20、eing invaded more than ever before.lWhat did the author think caused it?- population explosion; season; stimulating effect of caffeine.39课件教育Para 4lWhich expressions give you the clue?- attribute. to; wondered if.; or perhaps.lWhats the main idea of this paragraph?- Possible causes of space invasion

21、40课件教育attribute . to . believe (something) to be the result oflJim attributes his success to hard work.lThe car accident was attributed to faulty breaks.lSynonym:owe to ascribe to 41课件教育attribute . to . l他们把成功归因于老师的鼓励。- They attribute their success to their teachers encouragement.l两位教皇都死于心脏病。- The d

22、eaths of both popes were attributed to heart attacks.42课件教育relentless adj. never ending; oppressively constant lHe was relentless in his pursuit of fame and fortune.without pitylrelentless persecution by Bloody Mary43课件教育relentless relent v. become less severe; give up unkind or cruel intentionslFat

23、her objected at first but then relented and let us go camping by ourselves. relentlessly adv.lHe beat his child relentlessly.44课件教育relentlessl 绵绵秋雨后,气温下降了。- It cools down after a relentless autumnal rain.45课件教育Malthusian logic:lnote 4, p21 lFamily Planning System in China46课件教育T-shirt weatherweather

24、 in which people wear T-shirts47课件教育proximityn. (formal) nearness in space, time, or relationship lin (close) proximity to; in the proximity oflin the proximity (ie neighbourhood) of the buildinglThe restaurant benefits from its proximity to several cinemas. Synonym:lnearness, closeness48课件教育proximi

25、tylproximate adj. nearest49课件教育proximityl多少世纪以来,它们的巢穴一直都紧靠人类。- For centuries and centuries, their nests have been placed in closest proximity to man.lThe research was facilitated by proximity to a large library.-靠近大图书馆给那项研究提供了便利。50课件教育alluring adj. charming, fascinatinglDrizzling makes the small tow

26、n more alluring.lWearing the new blouse, she looked more alluring.51课件教育allurev. powerfully attractlallure sb. from; allure (sb.) intolThe window displays allure customers to buy goods.lRewards allure men to brave danger. 重赏之下必有勇夫。Synonym: lure, temptn. attractiveness; charm 52课件教育 Ive wondered if i

27、ts the season: . (or much, much less).- I have suspected that maybe the cause (of the space invasion) is the season: summer may either make people want to be closer to each other or more likely, to keep a distance between each other. 我怀疑是季节造成了空间侵略:T恤也许会让人们想亲密接触(也更可能让彼此疏远)53课件教育Proliferationn. rapid

28、increase in numberslnuclear non-proliferation treaty 防止核扩散条约54课件教育proliferatevi. increase rapidly in numbers l因为核武器的扩散,世界变得越来越不安全。- The world is becoming more and more unsafe due to the proliferation of nuclear weapons.55课件教育infuse vt. put, pour (a quality, etc.) into, fill (somebody with)l sth into

29、 sb/sth; sb/sth with sth lThe leader had the gift of being able to infuse enthusiasm into the most skeptical member of the group. lThe news infused the workers with new life. linfusion n.56课件教育infuse l将军的话使士兵充满勇气。- The words of the general infused fresh courage into the soldiers.lNow there are more

30、and more returned students, who will infuse new blood into the technology development in China.- 现在海归越来越多,这将给我国的科技发展注入新鲜的血液。57课件教育janglev. cause to give out a harsh metallic noise; quarrel nosilylHer voice jangles on my earsn. lthe jangle of the telephonelthe jangle of the wailing of police sirens58

31、课件教育keep to oneselfremain private; avoid meeting other people sociallylNobody knows much about him; he keeps (himself) (very much) to himself.-谁都不太了解他,因为他很少与人来往。59课件教育Or perhaps the proliferation of coffee bars.no longer keep to themselves.- Or perhaps the increasing coffee bars in Manhattan attract

32、 more and more people, who are stimulated and excited by the caffeine, so that they become eager to meet others and no longer want to remain in privacy.- 或者可能是曼哈顿不断涌现的咖啡厅它们的数量似乎每三个月就会增加一倍给已经闹个不停的当地人灌下了大量咖啡因,使他们再也耐不住寂寞。60课件教育Para 5lWhat does the author mean by saying “personal space is mostly a publi

33、c matter”?- Personal space, first of all, is the space you expect and are expected to keep between you and other people in public places in order to maintain the appropriate interpersonal relationship.lWhich is the topic sentence?- The second sentence.61课件教育we allow all kinds of invasions . wouldnt

34、exist without them.)- privately we allow may people around us to invade our personal space in order to establish close relationships with them, which ensures that human beings develop a society of intimacy and love.- 私下里我们允许各种入侵私人空间的形式。(没有它们就不会存在仁爱社会。)62课件教育The logistics of it vary according to geog

35、raphy- People in different regions are given different sizes of personal space- 对私人空间的安排随地域变化。63课件教育logistics - the skillful organization of doing something so that it can be done successfully64课件教育tread v. set ones foot down; walk or steptread on sbs toes: offend or annoy sb lI dont want to tread o

36、n anyones toes. tread on air: be very happy (at some news)lAt the news that he passed the driving test, he trod on air all afternoon.Synonym: trample65课件教育coinv. make (coins) by stamping metal invent (a new word or phrase) 66课件教育someone with a spread-those people who have a farm and thus have a larg

37、e space to themselves67课件教育“Dont tread on me” could have been coined only by someone with a spread.- “Dont step into my space.” This could have been said only by a person who has a large personal space. - “别挤到我的地盘。”这样的话只会出自一位有很大私人空间的人士。68课件教育wagerv. (more formal term for) bet lwager on sth. lwager s

38、b. that lYou wont find better goods anywhere else, Ill wager. n. llay/make a wager; lose/win a wager69课件教育wagerlI wager you 5 pounds that they will win the next election.- 我和你赌5英镑,他们会赢得下届选举。70课件教育trespass v. enter someones land or property without permissionltrespass on someones private propertytake

39、 advantage of sth in a selfish way; use sth unreasonablylI dont want to trespass on your hospitality. 我不想叨扰你。ln. 71课件教育trespass l他们不该耽误她的工作时间。- They should not trespass on her working time.72课件教育To an Englishman, a handshake . may come across as chilliness.- (Englishmen usually have a roomier concep

40、t of personal space, therefore,) even a handshake can be taken as an invasion, while Brazilians would only accept a hug as a warm greeting.- 对于英国人,握手都显得有些冒犯;但是对于巴西人,不拥抱就让人觉得冷漠。73课件教育Para 6lWhats the key word in this paragraph?- Manners.lWhy did the author discuss manner here?- He considered the decl

41、ine of manners to be one of the cuases of space invasion.74课件教育plown.v. force a way (and make a track)75课件教育mutter v. say something in a low, or barely audible voicelThe old woman muttered to herself.lThe dissatisfied workman muttered a threat.Synonym: murmur, grumblen.76课件教育mutter l当那人走过时,我们听见他嘟哝着什

42、么。- We heard the man muttering something as he walked by.l当士兵们得知所有假期都被取消时,他们生气地低声抱怨。- The soldiers muttered angrily when they heard that all leaves had been canceled.77课件教育bump v. knock or strike (something) with a dull-sounding blowlThe child bumped his head on the table.lbump into: encounter by ch

43、ance, run acrosslMary was walking down the street, when she suddenly bumped into Joan. 78课件教育bump v. move with a jerky, jolting motion (like a cart on a bad road)lThe heavy bus bumped along the rough mountain road.79课件教育bumplbump n.lbumpy adj.lThey suffered the bumpy ride for 3 hours.80课件教育lamentv.

44、express regret or disappointment over something considered unsatisfactory, unreasonable or unfairllament (for) a dead friend llament (over) ones misfortunesn. llamentable adj. regrettable81课件教育lamentProper form of lament.lHis examination results were _.lThe poor lady _ over her misfortune.lamentable

45、lamented82课件教育The decline of manners has been widely lamented.- We have been grieving at the deteriorated manners of our society. 我们对礼节的退化深表遗憾。83课件教育grant v. agree to give or allow (something requested) lThe firm granted him a pension. agree (that something is true)n. money or land from a government

46、lStudents in this country receive a grant from the government.84课件教育grantCollocation1) Granted, but l “Weve been successful this year.” “Granted. But can we do it again next year?”Paraphrase: Yes,we have. But can we be successful again next year?85课件教育grant2) Granted (that) / Granting (that) lGranti

47、ng his honesty, he may be mistaken.Paraphrase:Although he is an honest person, he does wrong sometimes.3) take for granted86课件教育Para 7lDo space invaders respect other peoples personal space?- No. They want to have as much space to themselves as possible. 87课件教育Ive also noticed an increase . a sense

48、of manifest destiny.- Ive also noticed that the problem of space invasion becomes more and more serious, and those space invaders, acting in the same way as the territory expansionists usually do, seize public space as a matter of course.我注意到入侵私人空间的行为日益严重,这些地盘扩张者把占据公共空间视为理所当然。 88课件教育stake (out) a cl

49、aim to.mark out (a piece of land, etc) as ones own l中国声称对南沙群岛拥有主权。- China stakes a claim to the Spratly Islands(Nansha Islands).89课件教育annexv. take control of land or property without permissionlJapan annexed Korea in 1910. - 日本在1910年吞并了朝鲜。n. an addition that extends a main buildinglannexation n. 90课

50、件教育elbow room space in which one can move freelylI need (some) more elbow-room.- 我需要大一些的活动空间.91课件教育routineadj. usual, ordinary, habitual; regular lthe routine procedurela dull routine jobn. fix and regular way of doing thingsldo sth as a matter of routine lroutinely adv. 92课件教育commandeerv. take poss

51、ession of something officially or unfairlylThe policemen commandeered a taxi to chase the robbers.lThe local hotel was commandeered for the wounded.93课件教育boothn. small enclosure or compartment for a specific purpose la telephone boothla polling booth94课件教育Para 8lWhy is the personal space shrinking i

52、n general?- Because of the expansion of self-absorption.95课件教育shrinkv. process or result of becoming less or smallerlThe sweater will shrink if washed improperly.v. move back, show unwillingness to do sth. (from shame, horror, etc.)lShe shrank back from the horrifying spectacle.lshrinkage n. process

53、 of shrinking, degree of shrinking96课件教育be proportional to increase or decrease at the same rate as the other thing increases or decreases= be in proportion to = be relative to sth.lPayment will be in proportion to actual work done rather than the time spent. - 报酬将与工作量而不是花费的时间成比例。97课件教育proportionlin

54、 proportion: in the correct relation to other things lout of proportion to: in the wrong relation (to other things) lHer features are in proportion.- 她五官端正。lHer head is out of proportion to the size of her body. - 她的头部与身体大小不成比例。98课件教育self-absorptionn. the characteristic of thinking about things conc

55、erning oneself without noticing other people or the things around himlSo excited was he that he forgot all about Carrie, who fell behind, wondering at his self-absorption.99课件教育soupn. v. soup sth up (esp passive): increase the power of (a car, etc) by modifying the enginelThe new film is just a soup

56、ed-up version of the 1948 original.- 这部新电影只不过是在1948年的原版的花哨版本而已。100课件教育 individuals routinely commandeer booths and sets of facing seats meant for foursomes.- individuals, as usual, occupy booths and seats which are designed for four people.一般总会有人独占电话亭或四人座位。101课件教育 personal space is psychological, no

57、t physical: . with our inner space.- personal space is more a psychological matter than a physical one. If our psychological personal space gets smaller, our physical personal space will shrink, too.私人空间是心理问题,而非身体距离:比起外在距离,内心空间与此有更大联系。102课件教育Even the focus of science these days is micro, not macro.

58、- Even science focuses on the intra-personal, inner world rather than the interpersonal, outer society these days.- 这些年就连科学研究也是着眼于微观,而非宏观。103课件教育The Human Genome Project is mapping the universe of the genetic code - The Human Genome Project is describing how the genetic code works - 人类基因工程正在规划基因密码领域

59、。104课件教育Para 9lWhat does the author decide to do at last? - To expand the contracting boundaries of personal space.lHow?- Through refusing to invade others personal space even if his own is being invaded.105课件教育contractv. become smaller or shorterlMetals contract in cold water.lI will can be contrac

60、ted to Illlcontractible adj.lcontraction n.106课件教育contractCompare to contractv. make an agreementlWe contracted with a local carpenter for the woodwork in our new boat. catch an illness; form (bad habits)lMy son has contracted a severe fever.n. 107课件教育In the same way that the breeze from a butterfly

61、s wings in Japan . boundaries of personal space.- Because the initial invasion of personal space can cause a chain of reactions, which may bring about a catastrophic consequence, as the breeze from a butterflys wings in Japan, if it initiates a chain of waves, may eventually produce a tidal wave in

62、California, I have decided to enlarge the shrinking personal space.- 蝴蝶振翅在日本带来的习习微风,到了加利福尼亚就会导致海啸大浪。我决定要扩大正在萎缩的私人空间边界。108课件教育breathe down sbs neck be close behind sb (eg in a race); watch sb (too) closely l你这样紧紧盯着我, 使我精神无法集中. - I cant concentrate with you breathing down my neck. 109课件教育Para 9lWhy do

63、es the author decide to expand his contracting boundaries of personal space?110课件教育Text ComprehensionP21: IWhats the purpose of the author?111课件教育Structure AnalysislPart One Phenomenon Paras.12 lPart Two Analysis Paras. 37lPart Three Solution Para. 89-according to Teachers Book112课件教育Rhetorical Feat

64、ureslWriting Style: a piece of descriptionlPick out the verbs from the text which are used to describe the behavior of space invaders.113课件教育Synonymylinch-advance-sidle-shuffle-wedge-zigzag-jostlelfidgety-janglinglproliferation-increase-spreadldecline of manners, shrinking of personal space, contrac

65、ting boundaries of personal space114课件教育Assignments: lLook up the following group of words in your dictionary.lFurther classify them according to their meanings and uses, and explain their differences.115课件教育Manners of WalkinglVerbs for different kinds of “walking”: shuffle, sidle, stagger, pace, st

66、ride, strut, stroll, waddle, creep, stumble, trudge, lurch, limp, prowl, crawl, march, rush, ramble, hobble, shamble116课件教育lcrawl 爬行ltrudge, shamble, shuffle 脚步沉重lstumble, waddle, lurch, stagger 步伐不稳llimp, hobble 跛行lsidle, creep, prowl 悄悄滴lstroll, ramble 闲逛lpace, march, stride 有节奏的lstrut 趾高气昂lrush 1

67、17课件教育Larger? Longer? Wider?lVerbs to describe changes in size, time, etc.: expand, extend, spread, stretch, enlarge118课件教育ltime: extendlspace: extend, expand, enlargelshape: stretchlarea: spread119课件教育How strange?lAdjectives to describe sth. unfamiliar: strange, peculiar, odd, weird, queer, quaint,

68、 eccentric120课件教育lstrange, odd, peculiar, eccentric lquaint (pleasant)lweird, queer (unpleasant)121课件教育Types of attractionlVerbs to show types of attraction: allure, lure, attract, captivate, charm, fascinate, tempt, seduce 122课件教育lattract, charm, fascinate, captivate (interest)lallure, lure, tempt,

69、 seduce (persuasion)123课件教育Translation I1. The pigeon was wedged in the fork of a branch but fell off after a while.2. The payment that the motorist will have to make will be proportional to the amount of damage he has done to the other persons car. 3. You can only enter the cave by inching through

70、a narrow tunnel on your stomach.4. She stammered some apology as she sidled towards the door.124课件教育Translation I5. He took pains to explain to me that I was being dismissed not because I didnt do my work well but because the company could not pay my wages.6. The enlistment of young soldiers infused

71、 new hope and morale into the army.7. Once the older boys stake a claim to the lawn, no other boys dare go on it.8. The man following her made her uneasy and she couldnt help quickening her steps.125课件教育Translation II在某些文化中,空间感觉的一个重要方面体现于人们所需要的彼此感觉舒适却又不觉得拥挤的 “私人空间”。例如,北美人彼此感觉舒适所需的空间距离大约是4英尺。而阿拉伯人和拉美人反而是彼此靠近才会感觉舒服。因此,不同文化的人可能会无意间侵犯别人的空间感。正如不同的时间观可能会造成文化冲突,不同的空间观也可能引发同样的问题。126课件教育



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