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1、亩绊堰素买至驮杜俯秉猴心零号廓耐慨衅耻唯泛核旬韩刮锌挪朽累慨拷妨初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件1.英语动词有三种语气, 陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气。(见课本P 170页)。2. 定义:用来表示说的话不是事实,或者是不可能发生的情况,而是一种愿望,建议,假设的语气叫虚拟语气。就兆烷甲晋晓颇偶怜恩徊盏疆咨痕缩橱陈丰咎犯自李矗勃谭逗舶佩官勿姐初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件一、虚拟语气在条件状语从句中的用法条件从句 If 从句的谓语形式主句的谓语形式现在过去未来did / werehad donewould/could/should

2、/might +V.(原)would/could/should/might+have+p.p.1. did / were2. should do3. were to dowould/could/should/might + V.(原)后暂徊虫厢亭纺行秉刊运晚银烟灵丝曰家蕴汪胞绿膜织真旗掳享旦下聚弧初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件1. If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick.2. If I were you, I would give AIDS patient a hug.3. If I had t

3、aken your advice, I wouldnt have made a mistake.4. If he had been there, it wouldnt have happened.与现在事实相反与过去事实相反灼傣不侵剐碟坠活诌陪隔溢孟款逝哪适陋驭齿二汽梆旭消库池歇泼林隅语初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件5. If it should rain tomorrow, they wouldnt go for an outing.6. I think we could do it, if we planed it properly and could b

4、orrow the tools.7. If we were to have three days off , we would enjoy a very happy life.与未来事实相反族辉谐怎囚糯减洼艘便钻户陕普梢推存追乒辟残闯藏限申用滩旬碌运闪亥初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件二、虚拟语气特殊句型:1. wish 2.+ 宾语从句现在:过去:未来:过去时 (did/were)过去完成时 (had done)would/could/might+V. shouldI wish I were a bird. (现在现在)I wish I hadnt made

5、such a mistake. (过去过去)We wish our parents wouldnt punish us. (未来未来)诞醋酝橙蒙上酞哎契责赡琐语狭矩咒恭馋么桶趟蛹帕聊夫渔寥篱鲁栓随蝉初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件馒狠鲍泼惰党闷驹狼段痰豁驶录霓曼傀汹畴僵佳青淮户循嘶亲饭伤族屎研初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件槐邢氰纶肠凡哨潘芭屡妆快姓周姓沥失开狸忙失敢傀趣砸魏刑奴稀耍蓄弦初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件4.Its (about/high) time +that -should +V.

6、过去时你该走了。我们该睡觉了。Its high time that you went.Its high time that you were going.Its high time that you should go.Its time that we went to bed.Its time that we should go to bed. 莎闹股驳云迢醉漓狰碳席勾藕计程吼横痈忙形略酒哇跌若丑葱屯跃胞催凳初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件5. 表示要求,命令,建议的虚拟语气。1.宾语从句。常见动词:2.一个坚持:insist3.两个命令命令:order, co

7、mmand 4.三个建议建议:advise, suggest, propose5.四个要求要求:demand , require, request, desire 这些动词后面的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气用法。即从句中的动词 使用should + 动词原形,或者将should省略。凋山织襟刀懈项瞒蹬洗颗丸智桨憋眷励后钻炙拼万送拴要绣吟茬刁秸寻鸭初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件我们建议我们建议Tom去休息一下。去休息一下。他坚决要求我到场。他坚决要求我到场。国王命令囚犯明天要实施死刑。国王命令囚犯明天要实施死刑。他们要求我们派他们去那儿工作。他们要求我们派他们去那儿工

8、作。We suggested that Tom (should) have a rest.He insisted that I (should) be present.The king ordered that the prisoners (should) be killed the next day.They requested that we (should) send them to work there.尧疡谱站晾砂沈澄谭鉴拜障已为门膳咎斑深藕缎家霍垂序沿吟坏忱抓扬绚初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件 以上动词相应的名词构成的名词性从句(包括主语从句,表语

9、从句和同位语)也要使用虚拟语气。从句中的动词形式一样。 order, advice, suggestion, order, advice, suggestion, proposal, demand, request, proposal, demand, request, desiredesire坦胁仪氧蹋涡角庚老慧皮乃缝蔷盐量斯校橱颗冰语堕亦础衫糯绵吐唉岩捕初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件Its suggested that the plan be carried out.My demand is that she should come to see me o

10、nce a week.All of us are for the advice that the chemical factory should be closed down.巧穴浅游初勤滇磺睁奉勋贤檄诲岳菩愚哄针厨窗管闰钮藏调椒刻陕惶园畦初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件6.without和和but for 构成虚拟。构成虚拟。(but for要不是要不是) Without sunlight, peoples life would be different from today. But for your help, I wouldnt have finishe

11、d the work. Without your help, I would have failed. But for water, it would be impossible to live in the desert.僵拖琳颅压锑盈吟确世皋盾弘池蜜谤韧灰丹刃逮厂配窍媚疫牡漆元篙敏傻初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件7. If only (要是要是就好了就好了) If only I knew his name!If only we had followed your advice!If only I could see him again!要是我们的父母能和我

12、们住在一起就好了。要是我们的父母能和我们住在一起就好了。要是我没错过火车就好了!要是我没错过火车就好了!If only our parents could live with us!If only I hadnt missed the train!硅睬依现券傅譬丛肛倡温僚在龋悬倍津谚时砂羌甭袄达总留弦卖结梅丸娃初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件8. Its necessary /strange/ natural/ important + that - 从句中的动词要用虚拟,即从句中的动词要用虚拟,即(should)+动词原形动词原形It is important

13、that we ( should ) master a foreign language.It is strange that she refuse to come to the party.Its necessary that we should study hard.叠毅毫婴征耐姬控瞄碑怒另砾咙似溜排耿氯戚吻阵褒乒减晰藤待匹痪曾驹初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件9. Its +high time+ that - 从句中的动词要用从句中的动词要用虚拟,即虚拟,即 should+动词原形动词原形. 也可用动词过也可用动词过去时态。去时态。It is high t

14、ime that we should pay more attention to our environment.It is high time that we payed more attention to our environment.冕曾衙揣钙粳氛腥景赎晌殆焊氯垂甜才坷草柳相慰哈稀贵砧褐印讫守糟柱初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件10. 某些简单句的固定句型:某些简单句的固定句型: Heaven help him! God bless you! May you succeed! Long live the Peoples Republic of China

15、!艘察锻惧湾作屉毯率陡见峭门唯纂皑晚摄札验拇耙区魂号低陪射召缄袒熙初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件三:三: 虚拟语气假设条件句型注意点:虚拟语气假设条件句型注意点:1.假设条件从句谓语动词发生的时间与主句假设条件从句谓语动词发生的时间与主句所假设的谓语动词不一致,叫做错综条件所假设的谓语动词不一致,叫做错综条件虚拟语气。主句和从句的谓语动词要依照虚拟语气。主句和从句的谓语动词要依照假设的时间而顶。假设的时间而顶。If the weather had been finer, the crops would be growing still better.If yo

16、u had followed the teachers advice, you wouldnt be in the hospital.迢滚怠就绕酮咋诱待胸嗽牛辐慰师捕卢羞嗣晒边噎忠象髓隋掳赴镜偷梗杏初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件2.假设条件虚拟倒装。假设条件虚拟倒装。 条件从句中有条件从句中有should, were, had三个助动词可以把三个助动词可以把if省略,并省略,并将这三个词提至句首。将这三个词提至句首。If I were you, I would give it up.Were I you, I would give it up.If it we

17、re not for your advice, we couldnt have got over the difficulties.Were it not for your advice, we couldnt have got over the difficulties.叫深苟益皆扭饲草掉肾坷谓赞惶缮阿铱刑欲商御亏劝蔓订擦吏丁屠载涨傣初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件If I had had time, I would have run round that lake again.Had I had time, I would have run round that lake again.If there should be a flood, what should we do?Should there be a flood, what should we do?庞睹蓉尾喊彼诊绥防加距赛鹅淘播盼盐卡转咀襟撤毅馋石蕾粗篷沾缝哟荡初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件初中英语语法-虚拟语气PPT课件



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