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1、201203201203 考试批次考试批次商贸英语大作业商贸英语大作业学生姓名:陈希尧学生姓名:陈希尧学习中心:学习中心:弘成南京弘成南京学号学号 :100916211020012100916211020012考考号号 : 0023099 0023099专专业:业: 工商管理工商管理年级层次:年级层次:20112011高起专高起专商贸英语Page 1 of 6北京语言大学网络教育学院商贸英语期末试卷注意:本学期所布置的大作业,请同学一律按照以下要求执行:一、 凡是大作业的课程必须在规定时间到指定网址提交电子版作业:1、提交网址:http:/

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3、题题卷卷Answer the following questions in English.Answer the following questions in English.(本大题共(本大题共 1010 小题,小题,每每题题 1010 分,共分,共 100100 分;所有题目请用英文答题)分;所有题目请用英文答题)1. Mention some of the risks the exporter and the importer may face intrade.解:解:To exporters, they are those who provide goods, the main ris

4、k whether they can getfull payment or not after they ship their goods overseas to the buyers. They may beaffected by the flutuating cost of raw materials for products andexchange rate. Andthere is also risks in transportation from exporters side to the importers side. Whatsmore, the political status

5、 of an importers country and districts will have an effect on thereceipt of payment.To importers, they are those who pay the money and wantto get the goods that they require. They face the risk of getting no goods or goods thatare not as per required quality, quantity and timely delivery time after

6、paying theexporters money. For instance, if they receive the goods late, they may not be able tosell out the goods in that season. It is also risky that the exporters tell their program anddesigns to other people so that there are too many competitors in the markets, and thenonce they receive the go

7、ods, they cannot sell the goods well, either.商贸英语Page 2 of 62.Explain briefly the following methods of payment: cash in advance,open account, consignment transactions.解:解:Cash in advance : For this form of payment, the risk for the buyer is very great, andfor the seller very little. And partical cas

8、h in advance is often used in combinationwith other forms ofpayment.Open account: It is actually credit provided by the seller to the buyer. High risks areinvolved for the seller who generally does not use this form of payment unless he hasadequate trust in the credit worthiness of the buyer.Consign

9、ment transation: i.e. The exporter entrusts his goods to his agent abroad forsale. The exporter retains title to the goods with all the relevant responsibility andrisks before they are sold, and the agent gets commission after the goods are sold.3.What is the unique feature of the letter of credit?

10、How does it offersecurity to the buyer and the seller?解:解:L/C involves in a thirty party that will protect the benefit of both the export and thethe importer. The third party is often banks.4.What are the main contents of a letter of credit? Mention at least 10items.解解: :Letters of credit include th

11、e following contents: (1) The number of the credit andthe place and time of its establishment. (2) The type of the credit. (3) The contract onwhich it is based. (4) The major parties relevant to the credit, such as the applicant,opening bank, beneficiary, advising bank. etc. (5) The amount or value

12、of the credit. (6)The place and date on which the credit expires. (7) The description of the goodsincluding name of commodity, quantity, specifications, packing,unit price, price terms,etc. (8) Transportation clause including the port of shipment, the port of destination, thetime of shipment, whethe

13、r allowing partial shipments or transshipment. (9) Stipulationsrelating to the draft. (10) Stipulations concerning the shipping cocuments required.(11)Others.商贸英语Page 3 of 65.What are the advantages and limitations of the letter of credit?解解 :The letter of credit has greatly facilitated and promoted

14、 internationnaltrade.However,like any other methods of payment,it is not perfect.It cannot provideabsolute security for the contracting parties.The seller may sustain losses because of thebuyers delay even failure in the establishment of credit.The buyer may suffer losses as aresult of the documents

15、 presented by the seller which do not truly represent the goodsshipped.And it is not absoluted by the voidable that the bank may become insolvent orbankrupt.Besides,it is more expensive to use the letter of credit than remittance orcollection as the bank will charge its client for all the services i

16、t provides.So the letter ofcredit may not be the most ideal method of payment for a particular transaction,and thecontracting parties should make their best choice according to the specific conditions.6.Explain the difference between revocable letter ofcredit andirrevocable letter of credit?解:解:The

17、credit is a revocable one if such commitments a can be altered or even canceledwithout consulting with the beneficiary.It is quite obvious that the exporter has littleassurance to get payment,and therefore this type of credits are rarely used.Irrevocablecredits are those that cannot be amended or re

18、voked without theconsent of all theparties concerned.Safe and reliable,this type is extensively used in world trade.7.What are the major contents of the bill of lading?解:解:The major contents of the bill of lading include: (1) the carrier, i.e. the shippingcompany. (2) the shipper or consignor, it is

19、 normally the exporter. (3) the consignee. It isgenerally either the importer or made out to order. (4) the notify party, i.e. the party tobe advised after arrival of the goods at the port of destination. It is often the agent of theconsignee or the consignee himself. (5) ageneral descrption of the

20、goods includingthe name, number of packages, weight, measurement etc. (6)shipping marks. (7) the商贸英语Page 4 of 6port of shipment and the port of destination.(8) the freight, for CIFand CFR it shouldbe freight to prepaid, or freight paid ,for FOB it shuld be freight to collcet, orfreight to be paid, o

21、r fredight payable at destination. (9) the place where the bill oflading is issued. (10) the date when the bill of lading is issued which isregarded as thetime of shipment and can by no means be later than that stipulated im the credit.8.Explain insurable interest briefly and give an example to illu

22、strate it.解:解:Insurance is a risk transfer mechanism,whereby the individual or the businessenterprise can shift some of the uncertainty of life onto the shoulders of others.Inretrunfor a knowmn premium, usually a very small amount compared with the potential loss,the cost of that loss can be transfe

23、rred to an insurer. Without insurance, there would be agreat deal of uncertainty experienced by an individual or an enterprise ,not only as towhether a loss would occur, but also as to what size it ould be if it did occur.For example, a house_owner will realize that each year several hundred houses

24、aredamaged by fire. His uncertainty is whether in the coming yerar his house will be one ofthose damaged, and he is also uncertain whether, given that he will be one of theunlucky ones, his loss will amount to a hundred dollars or so for the redecoration of hisditchen or whether the house will be gu

25、tted and cost him thousands of dollars to repair.Even though the probability of his house becoming one of the loss statistics is extremelylow, the average house_owner iwll nevertheless select to spend, say $50 to $60 on houseinsurance, rather than face the extremely remote possibility of losing a ho

26、use worth$200 000.9.What are the major factors that may influence the exchange rate?解:解:Factors influencing the exchange rate include the following:1. International balance of payment. It has a direct bearing on the supply anddemand of foreign exchange. The value of ones own currency will go up with

27、 favorablebalance of payment and drop with BOP deficit.2. Inflation.It is closelyrelated to the real value of the currency and the competitiveness of the commodity.When inflation intensifies, the value of the currency will drop relative to foreigncurrencies and vice versa.3.Interest rate. Under spec

28、ific conditions,highinterest rate will attract short term international fund, increasing the exchange rate ofones own currency and vice versa.商贸英语Page 5 of 610. Illustrate the respective advantages and disadvantages of the flexibleexchange rate system and the fixed exchange rate system.解:解:The two d

29、ifferent exchange rate systems each has its own advantages. The fixedexchange rate system reduces the riskiness of international business and is also aniimportant measure to curb inflation. However, the system is vulnerable to disorderlychanges in currency value. The most recent example is the Asian

30、 Finaacial Crisis of1997-1998 when the fixed exchange rate adopted by some Southeast Asian coutries likeThailand and Indonesia collapsed and dealt a heavy blow to the economy. Under theflexible exchange rate system fluctuations of the exchange rate within a definite periodof time will not immediatel

31、y affect domestic money circulation and is helpful to thestability of the economy. Flexible exchange rate can also protect domestic currecncyfrom the impact of foreign idle funds and helps to prevent the drain of foreign exchangereserve. But frequent wild swings of the value of currencies will increase the riskinessof trade and affect international investment.商贸英语Page 6 of 6



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