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1、第五章 第三节 名词从句的译法英语中的名词从句包括主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句和宾语从句。这种从句如果是代词what引导的,翻译时一般按原文的顺序译成汉语,如:What he said was true. (主语从句)他说的话是真的。I believe what he said. (宾语从句)我相信他说的话。This is what he said. (表语从句)这就是他说的话。如果名词性从句包括两层以上的意思,需采用分句法的手段把从句和主句分开来,先单独译出从句,置于句首,成为汉语的外位语结构,然后用汉语的复指代词指代它,与主句的其他成分连句成文。现分述如下: 一、主语从句(一)用it作形

2、式主语的主语从句,可先译主语从句,再译主句。1. Its extraordinary that in all the years the British spent in Egypt they never got to know the real people of Egypt直接译:那件事非比寻常,英国人在埃及生活了那么了多年,他们从来也没有认识到真正的埃及人民。改译:英国人在埃及呆了那么多年,却从来没有真正了解埃及人,这是异乎寻常的。2. It is a fact that the United States has sent its fleet to all parts of the w

3、orld.3. It is universally known that alloy is a metal product containing two or more elements.美国已经把它的舰队派往世界各地,这是事实。合金是一种含有两种或两种以上的元素的金属产品,这是众所周知的。4. That those who had learned from us now excelled us was a real challenge.5. That she is still alive is a consolation.向我们学习过的人反倒超过我们,这对我们的确是一个促进。他还活着,这使人

4、宽慰。6. How the hot iron emits light energy, and how this energy reaches our eyes, is one of natures deepest secrets.高热的铁怎样放出光能,这种能又怎样辐射到我们的眼睛,这是自然界极深的奥秘之一。(二)并不是说,凡是“it”作形式主语的,全用这种译法。如果that引出的从句是以假设为前提的,主句的陈述是对从句的内容进行推测,翻译的方法是:直接陈述观点、看法,表明态度,接着译出that引导的从句。1. Its quite probable that he is gone.2. It i

5、s strange that she should have failed to see her own shortcomings.3. It is obvious that these currents will generate heat in the core.很可能他已经走了。真奇怪,她竟然没有看出自己的缺点。显然,这些电流会在铁心中产生热量。上述两种方法中,具体应用哪种方法译,并不是绝对的。例如下面这句话可以有两种译法。4. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good

6、 fortune must be in want of wife. (Pride and Prejudice)译文一 凡是有钱的单身汉总想娶位太太,这已成了一条举世公认的真理。译文二 有一条举世公认的真理,那就是:凡是有钱的单身汉总想娶位太太。二、宾语从句(一)用it作形式宾语的句子,其译法与上面讨论的完全一样。即译时可用分句法,将宾语从句先译出,再译主句,用复指代词“这”、“这一点”等代入主句。1. Does it require deep intuition to comprehend that mans ideas, views and conception, in one word,

7、mans consciousness, changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence, in his social relation and his social life?人们的观念、观点和概念,简单一句话,人们的意识随着物质存在的每一个变化而变化、随着社会关系和社会生活的每一个变化而变化,要理解这一点,难道还需要深思熟虑吗?(难道还需要深思熟虑才能了解这一点吗?)2. It is necessary for young people to understand how our society de

8、pends upon scientific and technological advancement and to realize that science is a basic part of modern living.我们的社会怎样依赖科学和技术的进步;科学也是现代生活的基础部分之一,青年人懂得并认识到这两点,那是十分必要的。(二)用how,that,what等引起的宾语从句一般按原文顺序译出。1. He would never let the history books say of him that he had been content to sit on the sidelin

9、es, to be a gentle, leisurely President, letting events take their course.他决不肯让将来的历史书说他甘当一个袖手旁观、悠闲文雅而听任事情自流的总统。2. A principle of science tells what usually happens under certain conditions.科学原理告诉我们在一定条件下所会发生的事情。 三、同位语从句本身含有一定内容的名词可带同位语从句,如fact,news,assumption,possibility等等,同位语从句的主要作用是对名词做进一步的解释。(一)译

10、同位语从句时,将其放在名词前,相当于前置的修饰语,但不一定使用定语的标志“的”。这种情况下,同位语从句都是比较短的。1. We know the fact that bodies possess weight.我们都知道物体具有重量这一事实。2. But I know I couldnt trust him. There was always the possibility that he was a political swindler.但我知道不能轻信他,他是政治骗子这种可能性总是存在的。3. The news that someone had fallen off had gone th

11、rough the passengers like wildfire, though many remained unclear for some time as to just what had happened.有人掉下火车这一消息在旅客中不胫而走,虽然很多人一时还弄不明白究竟发生了什么事。(二)不改变位置,仍放在后面,用破折号或冒号加以解释,起补充说明的作用。1. They jumped to the conclusion that all over flights out of Pakistan had been mad from Peshawar.他们匆匆作出结论:我们从巴基斯坦飞出

12、的飞机都是从白沙瓦起飞的。2. He is surprised to read the news in the newspaper that his father should be still alive.3. but this does not in any way alter the fact that they are now, from a practical point of view, irrational.他在报纸上读到这条消息很吃惊:他父亲竟然还活着。但这却丝毫改变不了这样一个事实:即从实用的观点来看,他们今天仍是不合理的。4. If an occasion arises, should I volunteer my valued opinion to the President that he should get off his ass bout uranium?如果有机会,我是否应该把我经过估价的意见向总统提出,建议他放弃干那个关于铀的傻事?



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