world history ii[世界历史ii](80)

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1、WORLD HISTORY IISOL REVIEWWorld Religionsn nJudaismJudaism Concentrated in Europe Concentrated in Europe and Middle East in 1500and Middle East in 1500 Now concentrated in US Now concentrated in US and Israeland Israel Monotheistic- “one God”Monotheistic- “one God” 10 Commandment- 10 Commandment- ru

2、les of moral conductrules of moral conduct Torah Holy writingsTorah Holy writings Holy city-JerusalemHoly city-Jerusalemn nChristianityChristianity Concentrated in Europe Concentrated in Europe and Middle East in 1500and Middle East in 1500 Now North and South Now North and South America and EuropeA

3、merica and Europe MonotheisticMonotheistic Jesus is Son of GodJesus is Son of God Life after deathLife after death New Testament- Life New Testament- Life and teachings of Jesusand teachings of Jesus Christian doctrine Christian doctrine established by early established by early church councilschurc

4、h councils Holy city Jerusalem and Holy city Jerusalem and BethlehemBethlehemWorld Religionsn nIslamIslam Concentrated in Concentrated in Western Asia, Africa Western Asia, Africa and Southern Europe in and Southern Europe in 15001500 Now in Middle East, Now in Middle East, Africa and AsiaAfrica and

5、 Asia MonotheisticMonotheistic Muhammed is the Muhammed is the prophetprophet Koran is holy bookKoran is holy book Five Pillars of IslamFive Pillars of Islam Mecca, Medina and Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem are holy Jerusalem are holy citiescitiesn nBuddhismBuddhism Concentrated in East Concentrated in

6、 East and Southeast Asia in and Southeast Asia in 15001500 Now East and Now East and Southeast AsiaSoutheast Asia Siddhartha Gautama Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) founder(Buddha) founder Four Noble TruthsFour Noble Truths Eightfold path to Eightfold path to enlightenmentenlightenment Spread from India

7、 to Spread from India to China and other parts China and other parts of Asia Asokas of Asia Asokas missionaries and their missionaries and their writingswritingsWorld Religionsn nHinduismConcentrated in India in 1500 and nowConcentrated in India in 1500 and nowMany forms of one deity (god)Many forms

8、 of one deity (god)Caste systemCaste systemReincarnationReincarnationKarma- Future reincarnation based on Karma- Future reincarnation based on present behaviorpresent behaviorRenaissancen n“Rebirth” of Classical Knowledge (ancient Greece “Rebirth” of Classical Knowledge (ancient Greece and Rome)and

9、Rome)n nBirth of the Modern WorldBirth of the Modern Worldn nHumanismHumanism- belief in the abilities of people- belief in the abilities of peoplen nSecularismSecularism- concern for nonreligious subjects- concern for nonreligious subjectsn nBegan in Italy and spread to Northern EuropeBegan in Ital

10、y and spread to Northern Europen nContributionsContributions Art- Michelangelo and Leonardo da VinciArt- Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci Literature- ShakepeareLiterature- Shakepeare Intellectual ideas- ErasmusIntellectual ideas- ErasmusRegional Trade in 1500n nTraditional patterns of trade in 150

11、0Traditional patterns of trade in 1500 Silk roads across Asia (China)to the Silk roads across Asia (China)to the Mediterranean (Italian city states)Mediterranean (Italian city states) Maritime routes across the Indian OceanMaritime routes across the Indian Ocean Trans-Saharan routes across North Afr

12、icaTrans-Saharan routes across North Africa Northern European links with the Black SeaNorthern European links with the Black Sea Western European sea and river tradeWestern European sea and river trade South China Sea and lands of Southeast AsiaSouth China Sea and lands of Southeast AsiaWhy was trad

13、e important?n nExchange of products and ideasExchange of products and ideasn nChina- Paper, compass, silk, porcelainChina- Paper, compass, silk, porcelainn nIndia and Middle East- Textiles, numeral India and Middle East- Textiles, numeral systemsystemExchange in science from contact with the Exchang

14、e in science from contact with the Muslims in the Middle EastMuslims in the Middle East MedicineMedicine AstronomyAstronomy MathematicsMathematicsNow Lets take a break and see how much you remember?The ReformationWhat problems and issues caused the Reformation?What problems and issues caused the Ref

15、ormation? Merchant wealth challenged the Churchs view of Merchant wealth challenged the Churchs view of usuryusury (charging interest for loaning money)(charging interest for loaning money) German and English kings disliked Italian control German and English kings disliked Italian control of the Chu

16、rchof the Church The Church had a great deal of political power The Church had a great deal of political power and wealth- Popes interfered in the politics of and wealth- Popes interfered in the politics of other countriesother countries Corruption in the churchCorruption in the church Sale of Sale

17、of indulgencesindulgences (certificate purchased for (certificate purchased for the forgiveness of sinsthe forgiveness of sinsThe First Protestant ReformerMartin LutherMartin Luther Was angered by sale of indulgencesWas angered by sale of indulgences Wrote the Wrote the 95 Theses95 Theses which outl

18、ined his which outlined his disagreements with the Churchdisagreements with the Church When he refused to take them back he was When he refused to take them back he was excommunicated and he formed his own church, excommunicated and he formed his own church, the Lutheran Church, the first protestant

19、 church.the Lutheran Church, the first protestant church. ViewsViews Salvation by faith aloneSalvation by faith alone Bible was the ultimate authorityBible was the ultimate authority All humans equal before GodAll humans equal before GodOther Protestant Reformersn nJohn Calvin (Calvinist Tradition)P

20、redestinationPredestination- those who were saved - those who were saved was chosen by God at birthwas chosen by God at birthFaith revealed by living a righteous lifeFaith revealed by living a righteous lifeWorking and being successful showed Working and being successful showed you were chosen by Go

21、dyou were chosen by Godn nKing Henry VIII (the Anglican Tradition)Wanted a divorce but Pope refused to Wanted a divorce but Pope refused to give him onegive him oneEstablished himself as the head of the Established himself as the head of the national church in Englandnational church in EnglandApprop

22、riated (took) the land and wealth Appropriated (took) the land and wealth of the Church in Englandof the Church in EnglandDismissed the authority of the Pope in Dismissed the authority of the Pope in RomeRomeReformation in Germanyn nPrinces in Northern Germany converted to protestantismn nThe Hapsbu

23、rg family and princes in the South continued to support the Pope and Churchn nThirty Years War- conflict between the Protestants of the North and the Catholics of the southReformation In Englandn nAnglican Church became the national church throughout the British Isles under Elizabeth In nThe Reforma

24、tion contributed to the rise of capitalism (private ownership of business with the goal of making a profit)Reformation in Francen nCatholic monarchy granted French Protestants, Hugenots, freedom of worship by the Edict of Nantes (later revoked)n nCardinal Richelieu changed the focus of the Thirty Ye

25、ars War from religious to political in an attempt to increase the power of France.Catholic Counter Reformationn nSeries of reforms by the Church designed to stop the spread of Protestantism and reassert the Churchs authorityn nSociety of Jesus (Jesuits) founded to act as missionaries and teachersn n

26、Inquisition established as a church court to try and punish heretics (those who went against the chuch)Role of the Printing Pressn n Gutenberg invented a printing press with moveable type n nBooks became more available and less expensiveGrowth of literacyGrowth of literacyBible of printed in English

27、, French, and Bible of printed in English, French, and GermanGermanImportant in spreading the ideas of the Important in spreading the ideas of the Reformation and RenaissanceReformation and RenaissanceResults of the Reformationn nGrowth of secularismn nGrowth of individualismn nGrowth of religious t

28、olerationFactors contributing to the Age of Discoveryn nGoldDemand for gold, spices and natural Demand for gold, spices and natural resources in Europeresources in EuropeGlory-Political and economic competition between European empiresGod-Desire to spread ChristianityImprovements in navigationCarave

29、l new type of shipCompassAstrolabeContribution of Prince Henry the Navigator of PortugalEstablished a school for navigators, sailors and mapmakersFinanced early voyages of explorationMajor explorersn nPortugal- Vasco da Gaman nSpainChristopher ColumbusChristopher Columbus (discovered the (discovered

30、 the New World)New World) Hernando CortezHernando Cortez (defeated the Aztecs) (defeated the Aztecs)Franciso PizarroFranciso Pizarro (defeated the Incas) (defeated the Incas)Ferdinand MagellanFerdinand Magellan (1 (1stst to to circumnavigate the globe-sail around circumnavigate the globe-sail around

31、 the world)the world)More explorersn nEnglandSir Francis DrakeSir Francis DrakeFrance-Jacques CartierResults of the Age of Explorationn nDiffusion of ChristianityDiffusion of Christianity Migration of colonists to new landsMigration of colonists to new lands Conversion of Conversion of indigenous in

32、digenous (native) people(native) peopleExpansion of overseas territorial claims and European emigration to North and South America Indigenous people were killed and enslavedRigid class system and dictatorial rule in Latin AmericaForced migration of some Africans into slaveryColonies imitated the cul

33、ture and society of mother countriesColumbian Exchangen nWestern Hemisphere agricultural products such as corn, potatoes, and tobacco changed European lifestylesn nEuropean horses and cattle changed the lifestyles of American Indiansn nEuropean diseases like smallpox killed many American IndiansResu

34、lts of traden nAfricaEuropean trading posts along the coastEuropean trading posts along the coastTrade in slaves, gold and other productsTrade in slaves, gold and other productsAsia-Colonization by small groups of Merchants-India, the Indies and China-Portugese, Dutch and British set up trading comp

35、aniesImpact of the Columbian Exchangen nShortage of labor to grow cash crops led to the use of African slavesn nSlavery was based on racen nEuropean plantation system in the Caribbean and the Americas destroyed indigenous economics and damaged the environmentn nTriangular TradeTriangular Trade Linke

36、d Europe, Linked Europe, Africa and the Africa and the Americas.Americas. Slaves, sugar and Slaves, sugar and rum were tradedrum were traded Most slaves came Most slaves came from coast of West from coast of West AfricaAfrica Middle PassageMiddle Passage was was the voyage of the voyage of slaves ac

37、ross the slaves across the Atlantic OceanAtlantic Oceann nExport of precious Export of precious metalsmetals Gold and silver Gold and silver were exported to were exported to Europe and AsiaEurope and Asia Incas and Aztecs Incas and Aztecs and other natives and other natives were used as slave were

38、used as slave labor in mineslabor in mines Increase in supplies Increase in supplies of gold and silver of gold and silver led to inflation in led to inflation in SpainSpainOttoman Empiren nLocated in Asia Minorn nExpandedSouthwest Asia, Southeastern Europe, Southwest Asia, Southeastern Europe, Balk

39、an Peninsula, North AfricaBalkan Peninsula, North AfricaCapital at Constantinople renamed IstanbulIslamic religion as a unifying force that accepted other religionsTrade in coffee and ceramicsMughal Empiren nLocated in North Indian nSpread Islam into Indian nBuilding of the Taj Mahaln nInfluence of

40、the Indian textiles on the British textile industryn nEuropeans established coastal ports in India to compete for traden nChinaChina Creation of foreign Creation of foreign enclaves to control enclaves to control trade-foreigners trade-foreigners were restricted to were restricted to certain citiesc

41、ertain cities Emperor controlled Emperor controlled foreign influence foreign influence and tradeand trade Increase in Increase in European demand European demand for Chinese goods for Chinese goods such as tea and such as tea and porcelainporcelainn nJapanJapan Characterized by Characterized by pow

42、erless emporor powerless emporor ruled by shogun ruled by shogun (military leader)(military leader) Adopted policy of Adopted policy of isolation to limit isolation to limit foreign influencesforeign influencesCommercial Revolutionn nMercantilismEconomic practice adopted by European Economic practic

43、e adopted by European colonial powers in an effort to became colonial powers in an effort to became self-sufficientself-sufficientBased on the theory that colonies Based on the theory that colonies existed for the benefit of the mother existed for the benefit of the mother countrycountryCompetition

44、for overseas markets, Competition for overseas markets, colonies and resourcescolonies and resourcesCommercial Revolutionn nNew economic system emergedNew money and banking system were New money and banking system were createdcreatedEconomic practices such as Economic practices such as mercantilism

45、evolvedmercantilism evolvedColonial economies were limited by the Colonial economies were limited by the economic needs of the mother countryeconomic needs of the mother countryStand Up and Stretch!Lets see how much you remember.The Scientific Revolutionn nPioneersCopernicusCopernicus-developed heli

46、ocentric -developed heliocentric theorytheoryKeplerKepler- discovered planetary motion- discovered planetary motionGalileoGalileo- used telescope to support - used telescope to support heliocentric theoryheliocentric theoryNewtonNewton-discovered laws of gravity-discovered laws of gravityHarveyHarve

47、y-discovered circulation of the -discovered circulation of the bloodbloodScientific Revolutionn nImportanceemphasis on reason and systematic observation of natureFormulation of the scientific methodExpansion of scientific knowledgeAbsolute Monarchiesn nCharacteristics of absolute monarchiescentraliz

48、ation of powercentralization of powerconcept of rule by concept of rule by divine rightdivine rightAbsolute monarchsLouis XIV-FranceFrederick the Great-emphasized army in PrussiaPeter the Great-wanted to westernize RussiaDevelopment of the rights of Englishmen as a result of the English Civil Warn n

49、Struggle between Roundheads (Puritans) and Cavaliers (supporters of the king)n nOliver Cromwell became Lord Protector and King Charles I was executed.n nThe monarch was restored by Charles II.Glorious RevolutionWilliam and Mary took over the throne to prevent a Catholic from becoming KingThese event

50、s increased the power of the parliament over the King.Englishmens rights were protected by the English bill of Rights of 1689The Enlightenmentn nApplied reason to the human world, not just the natural worldn nstimulated religious tolerationn nFueled democratic revolution around the worldEnlightenmen

51、t Thinkersn nThomas HobbesLeviathanLeviathanThe state must have central authority to The state must have central authority to manage behaviormanage behaviorJohn LockeTwo Treatises on GovernmentPeople are sovereign; monarchs are not Chosen by GodPeople have Natural rightsMontesquieuSpirit of the Laws

52、The Best form of government includes a separation of powers- Judicial, legislative and executiveJean Jacque RousseauThe Social ContractGovernment is a contract between rulers and the people.VoltaireReligious toleration and separation of Church and StateEnlightenment Artists, philosophers and writers

53、n nBach, Mozart- composersn nEugene Delacroix-paintern nVoltaire-philosophern nCervantes- Novelist, DonQuixoten nPaintings depicted classical subjects, public events, natural scenes, and living people (portraits)n nNew forms of Literature-novelImprovement of Technologyn nAll weather roads improved y

54、ear round transportation and traden nNew designs in farm tools increased productivity (agricultural revolution)n nImprovement in ship design lowered cost of transportationInfluence of the Enlightenmentn nPolitical philosophies of the Enlightenment fueled revolution in the Americas and Francen nThoma

55、s Jeffersons Declaration of Independence incorporated Lockes ideasn nThe Constitution of the US incorporated ideas of separation of powers.French Revolutionn nCausesInfluence of Enlightenment IdeasInfluence of Enlightenment IdeasInfluence of the American RevolutionInfluence of the American Revolutio

56、nEvents of the French Revolutionn nStorming of the BastilleStorming of the Bastille -seen as the -seen as the beginning of the Revolutionbeginning of the Revolutionn nReign of TerrorReign of TerrorFrench Revolutionn nResultsEnd of absolute monarchyRise of Napoleonn nunsuccessful attempt to unify Eur

57、ope unsuccessful attempt to unify Europe under French dominationunder French dominationn nawakened feelings of national pride awakened feelings of national pride and growth of Nationalismand growth of NationalismInfluence of American and French Revolutionn nIndependence movements came to French, Spa

58、nish and Portuguese coloniesn nToussaint LOuverture-Haitin nSimon Bolivar- South AmericaCongress of Viennan nRestored Monarchies after the defeat of Napoleon.n nWanted to maintain a “balance of Power”n nstimulated the growth of nationalismn nnew political philosophiesliberalism- government should ch

59、angeliberalism- government should changeconservativism- no changeconservativism- no changeUnification of Italyn nCount Cavour unified Northern Italyn nGaribaldi joined Southern Italy to northern Italyn nThe Papal States (including Rome) were last to join ItalyUnification of Germanyn nBismarck-Leader

60、 of Prussian nPhilosophy was Realpolitik-do what ever is necessary to achieve and hold power.n nFranco-Prussian War lead to creation of GermanyNow lets review very quicklyAnswer these questions using your flip cardsIndustrial Revolutionn nBegan in England (resources available)n ninvention and improv

61、ement of the steam engine (James Watt)n nSpread to Europe and USn nImportant to Textile, steel and iron industriesn nEnclosure movement provided labor supplyFactory systemTechnological advancementsEli Whitney-cotton ginBessemer- process to make steelJenner -small pox vaccinePasteur-discovered bacter

62、iaImpacts of the Industrial Revolutionn nPopulation increasen nincreased standard of living for manyn nimproved transportationn nurbanizationn nenvironmental pollutionn nincreased educationn ndissatisfaction of the working class with working conditionsn nGrowth of middle classPolitical philosophiesn

63、 nCapitalismCapitalism Adam SmithsAdam Smiths Wealth of NationsWealth of Nations Market competitionMarket competition no government no government interference in interference in economyeconomy Laissez-faireLaissez-fairen nSocialism and Socialism and communismcommunism Karl Marx sKarl Marx s Communis

64、t Communist Manifesto and Das Manifesto and Das KapitalKapital Response of Response of injustices of injustices of capitalismcapitalism redistribution of redistribution of wealthwealthImperialismn nIndustrial revolution motivated Europeans to compete for colonies to provide raw materials and markets

65、 for manufactured goods.n nInvention of the cotton gin led to an increased demand for African Slaves in the southern USn nColonized people responded with armed conflicts (Boxer Rebellion in China) and independence movementsForms of imperialismn nColonies- South Africa, Congon nProtectorates-Egypt (S

66、uez Canal)n nspheres of influence- ChinaWorld War In nCausesCausesM ilitarism ilitarismA llianceslliancesI mperialismmperialismN ationalismationalismn nImportant peopleImportant people Woodrow Wilson-Woodrow Wilson-president of the USpresident of the US Kaiser Wilhelm II-Kaiser Wilhelm II-ruler of G

67、ermanyruler of Germany Nicholas II- Russian Nicholas II- Russian Tsar overthrownTsar overthrown Lenin- leader of the Lenin- leader of the Bolshevik Bolshevik Revolution in RussiaRevolution in RussiaMajor events of World War IIn nAssassination of Austrias Archduke Ferdinandn nUnited States enters the

68、 warn nRussia leaves the war after the Bolsheviks take overn nTreaty of Versailles ended the warGermany blamed and made to pay Germany blamed and made to pay reparationsreparationsOutcomes of World War In nColonies demanded independencen nEnd of Russian, Ottoman, German and Austro-Hungarian Empiren

69、nEnormous cost of lives, property and social disruptionn nLeague of Nations established but US did not join- was not effectiven nGreat Britain and France given mandates in Middle EastGreat Depression-1930sn nCausesCauses German reparationsGerman reparations Dominance of US in Dominance of US in glob

70、al economyglobal economy High protective High protective tariffstariffs expansion of creditexpansion of credit Stock Market CrashStock Market Crashn nImpactImpact High unemploymentHigh unemployment Bank failures and Bank failures and collapse of creditcollapse of credit Collapse of prices in Collaps

71、e of prices in world tradeworld trade Growth of Fascist Growth of Fascist parties in Germany parties in Germany and Italyand ItalyTotalitarian Governments of the 1930sn nSoviet Union-USSRJoseph StalinJoseph Stalin5 year plans to 5 year plans to speed speed industrializationindustrializationCollectiv

72、ization Collectivization of farmsof farmsGreat PurgeGreat Purgen nItalyBenito MussoliniBenito MussoliniFascist partyFascist partyRestore the glory Restore the glory of Romeof Romeinvasion of invasion of EthiopiaEthiopiaTotalitarian Governmentsn nJapanJapan HirohitoHirohito- emperor- emperor Hideki T

73、ojo- military Hideki Tojo- military leaderleader military took military took control of the control of the governmentgovernment wanted to wanted to industrializeindustrialize desire for raw desire for raw materials caused materials caused invasion of China invasion of China and Koreaand Korean nGerm

74、anyGermany Adolf HitlerAdolf Hitler( Mein ( Mein Kempf) and the Kempf) and the Nazi (National Nazi (National Socialist ) partySocialist ) party Inflation and Inflation and depressiondepression Anti SemitismAnti Semitism Extreme Extreme nationalismnationalism targeted communist targeted communist and

75、 Jews- blamed and Jews- blamed for loss of WWIfor loss of WWIWorld War II (1939-1946)n nAggression by totalitarian powersn nNationalismn nFailure of Treaty of Versaillesn nWeakness of League of Nationsn nAppeasementn nEurope and US were isolationist and pacifist- wanted to prevent warWorld War IIn n

76、Major events of Major events of WarWar German invasion of German invasion of PolandPoland Fall of FranceFall of France Battle of BritainBattle of Britain German invasion of German invasion of Soviet UnionSoviet Union Japanese attack on Japanese attack on Pearl HarborPearl Harbor D-DayD-Day Atomic bo

77、mb Atomic bomb dropped on Japandropped on Japann nMajor leadersMajor leaders Franklin Roosevelt-Franklin Roosevelt-US PresidentUS President Harry Truman- Harry Truman- President after President after death of FDRdeath of FDR Eisenhower, Eisenhower, MacArthur and MacArthur and Marshall- US Marshall-

78、US GeneralsGenerals Winston Churchill- Winston Churchill- British Prime British Prime MinisterMinisterHolocaustn nGenociden nHitlers attempt to eliminate the Jews based on his ideas of the Germans as a master race.n nFinal Solution-concentration camps, extermination camps, gas chambersn n6 million J

79、ews killedn nother targets-Poles, Slavic people, Jehovah witnesses, Homosexuals, disabledOther examples of genociden nArmenian genocide by Turks of the Ottoman Empire after WWIn nPeasants, political opponents in the Soviet Union under Stalinn nThe educated, artists, monks and minorities by Pol Pot i

80、n Cambodian nTutsi minority by Hutu in Rwandan nMuslims and Croats by Bosnian Serbs in YugoslaviaOutcomes of WWIIn nEuropean powers loss of empiresn n2 major powers- US and USSRn nWar crimes trials in Nuremburg and Japann nDivision of Europe- Iron Curtain- allies of US and allies of USSrn nUnited Na

81、tions establishedn nMarshall plan to rebuild Europen nFormation of NATO and Warsaw PactReconstruction of Germanyn nDemocratic government installed in West Germanyn nGermany and Berlin divided by AlliesReconstruction of JapanUS Occupation under MacArthurDemocracy and economic developmentelimination o

82、f Offensive capabilitiesdominant economic in AsiaCold War (1945-48)n nYalta Conference n nSoviet control of Eastern Europen nRivalry between US and USSRn nDemocracy and Free enterprise vs. dictatorship and communismn nPresident Truman and the policy of containment (prevent the expansion of communism

83、)Cold War (1948 -1989)n nNATO vs. Warsaw Pactn nKorean Warn nVietnam Warn nBerlin and the Berlin Walln nCuban Missile Crisisn nNuclear weapons and the theory of deterrenceImportant peoplen nChiang kai-Shek (Jiang Jieshi) leader of nationalist Chinan nMao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong) leader of communist Chi

84、nan nHo Chi Minh- Leader of communists in VietnamIndependence movementsn nIndiaelimination of British ruleelimination of British ruleled by led by Gandhi-Gandhi- civil disobedience and civil disobedience and passive resistancepassive resistancecountry divided along religious lines- country divided a

85、long religious lines- Pakistan (Muslim) and India (Hindu)Pakistan (Muslim) and India (Hindu)India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka became independentLanka became independentAfrican Independencen nRight to self determination given by UN chartern nPeaceful and vi

86、olent revolutionsn npride in African culture and heritagen nresentment of imperialist rulen nGreat Britain, France, Belgium and Portugal lost coloniesAfrican Independencen nWest Africa- peaceful transitionn nAlgeria- War for independence from Francen nKenya (British)- Violent struggle under leadersh

87、ip of Kenyattan nSouth Africa- Black South Africans struggle against ApartheidMiddle Eastn nFrench Mandates French Mandates given given independenceindependence SyriaSyria LebanonLebanonn nBritish mandates British mandates given given independenceindependence JordanJordan Palestine (part Palestine (

88、part became Israel- became Israel- homeland for Jewshomeland for JewsResulted in Middle East conflicts created by religious differenceOther ethnic religious conflictsn nNorthern Irelandn nBalkans (former Yugoslavia)Collapse of Communismn nSoviet economic collapsen nNationalism in Warsaw Pact countriesn nTearing down Berlin Walln nBreakup of USSRn nExpansion of NATOOne last review!



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