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1、Module 10 FitnessUnit 2 Jamie is a cook whose ideas are changing school dinners.学习目标学习目标:1. 完成阅读任务,掌握主题匹配题型的方完成阅读任务,掌握主题匹配题型的方法。法。2. 掌握掌握U2 重点单词,词汇重点单词,词汇 3. 简单复述课文简单复述课文Task 4: read new words:sugar n. 糖糖tasty adj. 美味的美味的menu n. 菜单菜单chip n. 薯条薯条behave v. 表现表现pasta n. 意大利面意大利面persuade v. 说服说服cooking

2、n. 烹饪烹饪ban v. 禁止禁止educate v. 教育教育typical adj. 典型的典型的disadvantage n. 缺缺点点diet n. 日常饮食日常饮食advertise v. 做广告做广告fried chickencookieshamburgerchocolatecakechipsice creampasta意粉意粉 Are they healthy food or junk food?Task 1: Have a match: Write down the name of healthy food(健康食物)健康食物) and junk food(垃圾食品)(垃圾食

3、品) as many as possible in one minute. Healthy food Junk foodLucys lunch includes some r_, some m_, some fresh(新鲜的) v_. They are t_. They are r_ in Vitamin, too. We should eat h_ food because they are good for health. iceeategetablesastyichealthyfresh vegetables 新鲜水果新鲜水果tasty adj. 美味的美味的be rich in 含有

4、丰富的含有丰富的healthy food 健康食品健康食品be good for 对对.有好处有好处Johns lunch includes a h_, a cup of c_ and some c_. They are rich in s_, s_ and f_. They are tasty but u_. We should not eat j_ food because it is bad for health.amburgerokehipsugaraltatnhealthyunkjunk food 垃圾食品垃圾食品 unhealthy 不健康的不健康的be rich in sugar

5、, salt and fat 含有很多的糖,盐,脂含有很多的糖,盐,脂肪肪be bad for 对对.有害有害Describe the pictures and say which meal you would like to eat. fresh vegetables 新鲜水果新鲜水果tasty adj. 美味的美味的be rich in 含有丰富的含有丰富的healthy food 健康食品健康食品be good for 对对.有好处有好处junk food 垃圾食品垃圾食品 unhealthy 不健康的不健康的be rich in sugar, salt and fat 含有很多的糖,盐

6、,脂肪含有很多的糖,盐,脂肪be bad for 对对.有害有害Task 2: 主题匹配主题匹配Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs.A :What is healthy food? B: Getting things done C: Whats on the menu? D: Improving school mealsPay attention to the first and the last sentence.Paragraph 1:_Paragraph 2:_Paragraph 3:_Paragraph

7、 4: _CD A B 阅读小阅读小tips: 一般句子的段落一般句子的段落大意都会在开头的第一句或者大意都会在开头的第一句或者最后一句;如果没有关键中心最后一句;如果没有关键中心句,就需要你通读全段来归纳句,就需要你通读全段来归纳大意大意Task 3: Read the passage again and complete the table. Write notes.Typical(典型的) school mealDisadvantage of junk foodHealthy foodMaking changes t the diethamburgers, chips, pizza, f

8、ruit, ice creamStudents behave badly, they were diffcult to teachmeat, rice, pasta and vegetables1.ban junk food from school2. Train cooks and educate children3. Spend children spend more money on school dinnersTask 5: read the passage.Jamie asked the children what their meals were like. We have ham

9、burgers and chips( ), or pizza, they told him, and sometimes here is fruit, but we prefer( ) ice cream. Jamie thought the menu( ) was terrible. The children were eating junk food( ), and it was problem. Junk food isnt just bad for( ) the body. Children whose midday meals were unhealthy( ) were diffi

10、cult to teach in he afternoon. Teachers said that children behaved very badly( ) after lunch( ). 薯片薯片更喜欢更喜欢菜单菜单垃圾食品垃圾食品对对.有害有害不健康的不健康的表现很差表现很差午饭后午饭后 When Jamie took( ) vegetables into class, the children didnt know what they were. Jamie realised( ) that the children didnt know about ( )healthy food.

11、 Then he talked to the people who worked in the kitchens( ). He found out that they didnt know enough about food and health, and they didnt have very much money to spend.( ) 带去带去意识到意识到了解了解在厨房在厨房花费时间花费时间/ 金钱做某事金钱做某事 He decided to( ) teach the cooks and the children about healthy food. It was hard wor

12、k! He cooked healthy meals for them including( ) meat, rice, pasta( ) and vegetables, but a lot of the teenagers refused to( ) eat the new food. Jamie showed them why the junk food wasnt healthy. In the end( ), when Jamie persuaded( ) them to try his cooking( ), they liked it!决定做决定做包括包括意粉意粉拒绝做拒绝做最后最

13、后=at last说服某人做某事说服某人做某事n. 烹调的食物烹调的食物动名词动名词 Jamie talked to the government. He told them they needed to( ) ban( ) junk food from schools, train the cooks, educate( ) the children and spend more money on school dinners. A lot of parents, teachers and children agreed with( ) him. The newspapers wrote a

14、rticles( ) about him, and a TV programme( ) showed his visits to the school. Jamie is a cook whose ideas are changing school dinners all over Britain. 需要需要禁止禁止教育教育赞成赞成.意见意见 文章文章节目节目 1.His job is to feed chicken food.2. His job is to feed food to chicken.3. Lions feed on meat. 4.知识归纳:知识归纳:5.给某人给某人/动物

15、某物作为食物动物某物作为食物6.feed sb. sth.= feed sth. to sb.7.以某物为食以某物为食8.feed on sth. 9.例题:例题:1. 别忘了给猫喂点牛奶。别忘了给猫喂点牛奶。10. Dont forget to _.feed cat with some milk2. I prefer a town to a city. We prefer swimming to running.He preferred to study abroad rather than study in China. 知识归纳:知识归纳:prefer + 名词名词+ to + 名词名词

16、 比起比起B来,更喜欢来,更喜欢Aprefer + 动名词动名词+ to + 动名词动名词 比起比起B来,更喜欢来,更喜欢Aprefer to do sth. rather than do 更喜欢做更喜欢做例题:例题: 1. He _ coffee _ tea. A. like, better than B. prefers, to C. prefer, instead2. 比起运动,他更喜欢去旅游。比起运动,他更喜欢去旅游。 He _.Bprefers to travel rather than do sports3. The salesman persuaded us to buy his

17、 product. I persuade them that we will give him plenty of money.知识归纳:知识归纳:persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事说服某人做某事persuade sb. that+句子句子 说服说服Exercise: 1. I _ live in China by my mother.A. am persuaded to B. persuade to C. persuade into2. 他说服我休息一下。他说服我休息一下。 He persuaded me _.Ato have a rest 4. The gove

18、rnment(政府)政府)banned this film. The school bans students from smoking.知识归纳:知识归纳:禁止禁止. ban sth. 禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事ban sb. from doing 例题:例题:1. The policemen _cars _ driving here.A. persuade, into B. banned, from C. allow, to总结:阻止某人做某事总结:阻止某人做某事stop/prevent/keep sb. from doing sth.比较:比较: ban sb, from doing

19、sth. 禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事BJunk food at school How to improve? change dinners 结果结果措施措施1结果结果措施措施2措施措施3cook healthy foodban junk food from schooltrain the cook, educaterefuse to eat; persuade them to trydifficult to teach ; behave badlySummary: In England, students often eat j_ f_ at school, such as hamburge

20、rs, chips and so on. As a result, students are difficult to teach and b_b_. Jamie wanted to improve the food. He cooked healthy food, students r_ t_ eat at the beginning and Jamie p_ them t_ eat. He also told the government to b_ junk food f_ school. He trained the c_ and e_ the students. At last, h

21、e changed the school dinners. unk ehaved adlyefused ersuadedanromooksducatedood o o Exercise: 短语翻译:短语翻译:1. 垃圾食品垃圾食品junk food2. 对对.有害有害be bad for sth./ sb.3. 说服某人做说服某人做persuade sb. to do sth.4. 教育某人教育某人educate sb.5. 禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事ban sb. from doing sth.6. 同意某人的观点同意某人的观点agree with sb.Exercise: Fill in

22、 the sentences with the words in the box.Jamie Oliver is a _ whose idea is to _ school dinners. _ isnt just a problem for the body, because children whose _ isnt healthy cant do well in the afternoon. We should _ it from school menus and _ children to choose healthy food instead.ban, cook, diet, imp

23、rove, junk food, persuadecookimprovebandietpersuadeJunk foodExercise: 完成句子完成句子1. 垃圾食品不利于健康。垃圾食品不利于健康。Junk food _ health.2. 老虎是以肉为食。老虎是以肉为食。Tigers _ meat.3. 刚才我说服了他让我尝试一下。刚才我说服了他让我尝试一下。I _ him _try just now.4. 他宁愿吃雪糕而不愿意吃水果。他宁愿吃雪糕而不愿意吃水果。He _ ice cream _ fruits.5. 我校禁止学生抽烟。我校禁止学生抽烟。Our school _ stude

24、nts _.is bad forfeed onpersuaded toprefers tobansfrom smoking Group activities:How do Jamie Oliver improve school dinners?Complete the sentences.1. In 2005, Jamie Oliver went back to school to _. 2. The teachers found that children whose _. 3. When he went into class with vegetables, Jamie found out

25、 that _. 4. When Jamie changed the menu, _ at first. 5.Jamie wanted the government to _.find out what children were eatingMeals are junk food were difficult to teachthe children didnt know what they wereban junk food from schools, train the cooks, educate the children and spend more money on school dinners. a lot of teenagers refused to eat the new food



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