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1、动感课堂八年级英语上册Unit61mgoingt。studye。mputerscience写作小专题SectionB( 3a-4) 练习(新版人数新目标版单元写作小专题SectionB(3a4) 【单元写作目标】能t简述自己的理想和计划。1.能用“hatare you going t。be?How are y。ug。ing t。d。that?”等问题来获取有关未来的职业和如何实现梦想等信息:2.能用“beg。ingt。,wantt。,h。peto, expect t。,beready t。,plan t。”谈论未来生活的计划与愿望内容包括未来想要从事的职业或梦想及怎样实现梦想:3.能对米7是有

2、所能憬:4.写作微技能巩固“l+n”招展写作法。队0一、词汇积累(一)与职业有关的词汇1.电脑程序2.篮球运动员3.科学家4.教师5.小提琴家7.演员6.钢琴家(二)与计划有关的短i,1.上表演课2.学习另一神i1驾3.学习弹钢琴4.组建足球队5.取得好成锁6.吃更健康的食物7.坚持写故事8.改善身体健康8.歌手9.学习放ff数学医药电脑科学(三)其他重要短i岳、词组1.长大:成熟2.确信:对有把握3.确保:查明4.能够做菜事5.在开始6.写下:记录下7.关于:与有关系8.开始从事:占用9.同意:赞成10.擅长(做)11.尽力12.由于这个原因部,., E二牛车工且l!.1 I 3 动感课堂八

3、年级英语上册Unit61mgoingt。studye。mputerscience写作小专题SectionB( 3a-4) 练习(新版人数新目标版写作微技能 1 +,n”拓展写作法例:M ike wants t。bea盯iter when he grows up. He is g。dat writing. He is g。ingt。盯ite more articles and send his articles t。magazines.He expects to be another M。Yan.词。1. Tina wants t。bea singer. 2. Stephen wants t。b

4、ea teacher. 3. Mary wants t。b,.ea doct。r.4. Dave wants t。bea rep。rter.三且根据短文内容、首字fl:或所给汉语提示,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式。每空限填一M y FriendsPlans for the Future Im an 。utgoinggirl and I like making friends. And I have tw。 penfriends fr。因(外国的)countries. Alice, a 20-year。ldgirl,lives in一一一一一(伦享纱,UK.Both。fher parents w

5、。uldlike her t。bead一一一一when she g一一一一up. H。wever,Alice thinks 1ts b。ringt。 w。rk1n the h。sp1tal She wants t。bea pr。fess1。nalw一一一一after she finishes 大学). She is g。dat writing and still k一一一一m盯it ing even she has t。spendtime on her一一一一(功课)now. She writes一一一一(文举)and一一一一(由H寄:发毯)them to magazines and news

6、papers,. She expects t。be an。therM。Yan.Th。ughshe d。esnt make s一一一1f her dream can c。metrue, she has t。tryherb B。bis fr。mPennsylvania, USA, a state bee。mes一一一一一(著名的)because of Kobe, a wonderful NBA star. k。beis his id。,1.Thats why he h。pestobee。mea basketbal l p一一一.B。bis g。ingt。eat heal th1er f。ds。th

7、at he can be taller and stron伊r.B。bals。planto go t。basketballcamp t。一一一一一(提高)his skill where he is a. as 1 t。practicebasketball every day. He believes his dream can c。metrue as he w 。rkshard. Whats your plan f。rthe future? And how are you g。ingt。d。that?Please盯itet。andtel l me about it. 2 I 3 动感课堂八年级

8、英语上册Unit61mgoingt。studye。mputerscience写作小专题SectionB( 3a-4) 练习(新版人数新目标版放U且!皇同学们,从七年级升入八年级你们一定做了新学年计划吧。假如下周口话说上英语老师让你们分学新学年的计划和打算,相信你们肯定会畅所欲言。请你用英i召写一篇短文为口ia课上的发言做准备。70词左右,开头己绘出,不计入总词数Hello, every。ne.Here are my plans f。rthe new sch。lyear. 单元写作小专题SectionB(3a4) 一、词汇积累(一)1. c。”的erpr。gr缸mner2. basketball

9、 player 3. scientist 4. teacher 5.vi。linist6.pianist 7.act。r8.singer (二)1. take acting less。ns2. learn another language 3. learn t。 playthe pian。4. make the soccer team 5. get g。dgrades 6. eat healthier food 7. keep on writing st。ries8. impr。ve。nesphysical heal th 9. learn educati。n/math/medicine/c。

10、”uterscience (三)1. gr。wup 2. be sure ab。ut3.make sure 4.be able t。“sth.5.at the beginning of 6.write d。wn7. have t。 d。 with8. take呻9.agreewith 10.be g。dat 11. try。nesbest 12.f。rthis reas。n二、句子积累1. Tina w阻tst。bea singe.r. She has a beautiful voice. She 。ftensh。wsin the sch。lmusic festival. She hopes

11、t。bea great singer like Na Ying. 2. Stephen wants to be a teacher. He is a helpful and friendly boy. He is always ready t。help。thers.Hestudies really hard and expects t。getg。dgrades. 3. Mary wants t。bea doct。r.Shev。lunteerst。helpsick pe。plein local hospital. She is good at sch。lworkand she is going

12、t。此,udymedicine in university. 4. Dave wants t。bea rep。rter.Heis 。utg。ingand likes t。talkwith pe。,ple.He is g。ingt。 workin a TV station after he finishes c。llege.三、以读促写f。reign:L。ndon:“ct。r,gr。ws,writer: c。llege(university); keeps: sch。lwork,articles; sends, sure, best:“血。us:player, impr。”able,1。ng四、

13、篇举训练Hello, everyone. Here are my plans f。rthe new sch。lyear. Im .g。ingt。studyharder t。getbetter grades. Im g。ingt。makem。refriends. I m going t。improvemy relati。nshipswith my family. To keep heal thy, Im g。ingt。eatheal thi.er f。dand get lots of exercise. Im g。ingt。eatm。revegetables. and fruit, and less junk f。dI m g。ingt。runand play tennis every morning. Als。,Ilike playing the guitar, s。rm g。ingt。takeguitar less。nsevery weekend. 3 I 3



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