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1、Vocabulary: 名词名词 ( (近义辨析近义辨析) )1) habit, custom, hobby, tradition, routine habit: (长期养成的)习惯 custom: 习俗, 风俗 hobby: 爱好 tradition 传统,惯例 routine: 常规, 例行公事(1) Gardening is one of his _. Key: hobbies2) mood, temper mood: (暂时性的)情绪 . temper: (永久性的)脾气. (2) You must change your _. Key: mood Be afraid of ones

2、own shadow 草木皆兵草木皆兵, , 风声鹤唳风声鹤唳3) shade, shadow shade: 荫, 阴凉处 cf: light shadow: 阴影, 影子 4) product, produce, productionproduct: 产品, 产物 (自然的或人工的)produce: 产品(尤指农产品)production:制造, 生产, 产量cargo (通过海运,空运等) 运送的货物freight 船运货物(美国兼指空/陆运)commodity 常用pl 日用品,商品,农(矿)产品goods商品,货物 no pains, no gains.5) benefit, prof

3、it, advantage, gain, interest benefit: (物质上或精神上的)利益, 好处. 常与from/to 搭配使用. profit: 利润, 好处, 多指金钱上的收益. advantage: 有利 gain: 获利,得益 interest: 表示利息时用单数, 接介词on; 表示利益时多用复数. Have a try! (3) Equality and mutual _ is one of chinas five principles of peaceful co- existence in foreign policy. 平等互利是中国和平共处五项基本原则之一(4

4、). Wherever you work, you will _ valuable experience as long as you are willing to work. Key: benefit , gainIt pays to be polite 以礼待人,不会吃亏6) revenue, income, earnings, salary, wages, pay, fee revenue:财政收入, 税收. (大宗)收入 income: 收入 cf: (antonym) expenditure earnings 收入,工资,报酬 salary: 按月支付的薪水 wages:按周发放的工

5、资 pay: 雇主定期发放的工资. fee: 付给医生, 律师等的报酬. Key: fees, revenue More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达7) pace, speed, velocity, rate, rhythm, ratio pace: 走或跑的速度, 步伐或生活节奏. speed: 速度, 速率 velocity 速度 (暗示 “快速”) rate: 速度, 百分比 rhythm: 韵律, 节奏 cf: beat,(音乐) 节拍 tempo (音乐)速度, 拍子 ratio:比例, 比率. A matter of life and death. 生死攸关的

6、问题8) accident, incident, event, affair, matter accident: 事故, 不幸意外. by accident cf: mishap(灾难) , disaster, catastrophe, calamity, misfortune incident: 一般指小事, 也可指(政治性) 事变/军事冲突. Compare: An ordinary incident border incident (边境事件) event: 重大的事或(历史)事件. affair (用复数较多) 事情/事务 matter 事件, (用复数) 事态,情形动词动词( (近义

7、近义/ /近形辨析近形辨析) ) 1) arise, rise, raise, rouse, arouse arise: vi. 发生, 兴起, 出现. rise: vi. 上升, 起身. raise: vt. 举起, 提高, 唤起, 饲养. cf (antonym) drop rouse: vt. 引起, 唤醒 arouse: vt. 唤醒, 引起, 鼓励,激发 (5) She _ the children from their nap.2) affect , effect, Influence affect: 影响, 触及, 感到. effect: 产生, 引起, 实现. Influenc

8、e: 影响,感化,左右Key: aroused/ roused The labor enthusiasm of the workers strongly influenced us. She was deeply affected by her grannys death. The reform has effected great changes in China. Related: exercise/have influence on/upon someone. 对某人施加/有影响力. His lungs are affected. 他患肺病了. Put into effect. 实行ha

9、ve ones mind secure放下心放下心3) assure, ensure, insure, secure assure: 使相信, 使放心. 结构为: assure sb. of sth. 或: assure sb. that ensure: 保证. 结构为: ensure sth, ensure that insure: 保险, 投保. secure: 保证, 担保, 使安全recall sb to a sense of his duty唤起某人责任心唤起某人责任心4) remember, remind, recall remember:记得, 记住 remind: (1) 使想

10、起了. 结构为: remind sb. of sth. ; (2) 提醒某人做某事. 结构为: remind sb. to do sth. 或: remind sb. that ; (3)提醒. 结构为: remind +宾语 + about. recall vt. : 回想起, 回忆起. (6) I _ that he had mentioned the issue once. Key: recalled Lies have short legs.谎言终究要败露谎言终究要败露5) lay (laid, laid), lie (lay, lain) lie (lied, lying) lay:

11、放, 平置 lie: 躺, 位于 lie: 说谎.(7) Most Chinese people will _ aside money for a rainy day. Key: lay6) decline, refuse, reject, turn down decline: 婉言谢绝. decline +n. Or decline to do. refuse: 不接受 refuse + n. Or refuse to do . reject: 断然拒绝 reject + n. turn down: 拒绝 (某人) overlook a fault寛容过失寛容过失7) ignore, neg

12、lect, overlook ignore: 有意对某人或某事拒绝考虑. (similarly) take no notice of, pay no attention to, pay no heed to, disregard, close the eyes to neglect: 有意无意地因不在乎或不喜欢而造成的疏忽. 宾语可以是名词, 代词, 动名词或不定式. overlook: 无意间造成的忽视或漏看. 宾语为名词, 代词或动名词. cf: (antonym) keep in mindignore, neglect, overlook(8) Dont _ calling me bac

13、k.(9) Students sometimes _ the key word “not” in multiple-choice questions of listening or reading comprehension and get the answer wrong.Key: neglect, overlook reward according to sbs deserts 论功行赏 8) reward, award reward: 奖赏, 报答 award: 授予, 给予 (10)Good people will eventually get good _. Key: reward9

14、) adapt, adopt adapt: 适应, 改写 adopt: 采取, 收养(11) New York was the first U.S city to _ zoning laws. Fulfill ones duty / promise / expectation/task履行义务/兑现诺言/满足愿望/完成任务10) accomplish, achieve,achieve, complete, finish, fulfill, realize. accomplish: 表示成功地到达预期目标. accomplish ones object / mission. achieve: 达

15、到目标,实现, 获得胜利. complete: 常指完成具体的事物. complete a task. finish: 完成应做的事. fulfill: 把 付诸实现, 常指履行诺言等. realize:实现(希望,计划) find quarrel in a straw寻事生非/鸡蛋里找骨头与与吵架吵架get into an argument with sb.have a quarrel with sb. About sth.have words with sb. Cf. Have a word ( a few words ) with sb. 与说话.be involved in debt

16、债台高筑 include: 强调“整体”,或“范围” contain: 强调“内容” the box contain soap involve: 卷入,牵涉 comprise: 较正式,指人或物构成整体 The house comprises 10 bedrooms. consist of 若干部分构成整体 The book consists of 16 chapters. cf. consist in (在于) Happiness consists in contentment. 知足常乐 honorary 名誉的 an honorary degree/member/president 名誉

17、学位 /会员/董事长 (无具体职权) honorable 荣誉的, 光荣的,体面的 Win honorable distinctions 立下光荣功劳 An honorable discharge. 荣誉退役 dash 较短距离内高速前进 hundred-meter dash 百米赛跑 rush 紧急情况下的慌乱动作 口语中常把 especially 说成 specially. particular, special, especial particular: 侧重 “与众不同”,程度上比 special 强烈. Eg. His good humor was particularly noti

18、ceable. special: 指专门为某种需要服务,强调与同类相异, 即自己所独具的等。 Eg. I came here specially to see you. especial: 指在某种程度上或重要性上的特别之处.而 且其后的事物属于前面所提事物范围。 Eg. She likes country life, especially in spring.Set Expressions:In particular, In particular 尤其是Particular about ( over ) 挑剔Go into particulars 详细列出Set the table 摆设(餐

19、)桌E.g: she set the table for ten people. 她摆设10人的餐具在桌上 at table 用餐a catch question一个设有圈套的问题一个设有圈套的问题 sight: 指视力,视觉或与此有关的观览 view 多指视野,景色 catch sight of / have ( get ) a sight of: 发现, 看到 keep sight of, keep sb. (sth.) in sight 将保持在视野之中 lose sight of 忽略,忘记 at ( the ) sight of: 一看见就 at first sight: 乍见,初见

20、 come into / go out of sight: 进入/走出视野 keep out of sbs sight: 避而不见 out of sight, out of mind.I never feel lonely when I am alone. at night: 天黑时,在晚上, 指下午六时到子夜in the night 一整夜的时间.constant, continuous 不间断的, continual频繁的(12) Is this a _ flight , or do we stop anywhere? let alone 更不用说,更谈不上 let sb. / sth.

21、alone 不管,不要干涉Key: continuousdefect , flaw, fault defect: 可泛指一般缺点,也可强调由于某一缺陷 而质量上受很大影响 flaw : 原意“裂缝”,表示完善性的破坏。 fault: 强调性格上的弱点或行为上的过错。(13) The accident report found both drivers at _.双方都有责任双方都有责任Key: faultLanguage is peculiar to mankind语言是人类所特有的语言是人类所特有的queer: 脱离常规,令人难以置信,(应受谴 责,令人忧虑的味道)peculiar: 具奇怪

22、,独特风味,其他人/事不具备 有。odd 与你所期望,了解的不同。strange 强调不常见,未见过的人与事。(14) The fish has a _ taste. You really think it is all right? Key: peculiarNone so deaf as those that wont hear.最聋者莫过于不听劝说的人最聋者莫过于不听劝说的人 be all eyes 极为关注 have an eye for 能欣赏 have an eye to 着眼于 see eye to eye 完全同意 turn a blind eye to turn a deaf

23、 ear to save ones face 保全面子face to faceface up to 大胆面向look sb. In the face 直视某人In face of 在面前In the face of 正对着lose face 丢脸keep faceNothing is impossible to a willing heart.有志者事竟成Break ones heart 令人伤心After ones heart 完全符合某人的心意Cry ones heart out 痛哭欲绝A heart of flint (stone) 铁石心肠A heart of gold 好(温柔的)

24、心肠Every heart knows its own bitterness.各人苦恼自家知Learn sth. by heart 熟记Cf: keep in mindseize an opportunity / the occasion.抓住机会seize sb. by the (arm)抓住某人的手臂.cf: seize on ( upon ) 利用,采用注意结构:注意结构:动词宾语(sb)by/on/in/ across + the 身体部位 常见动词有:常见动词有:catch, pull, shake, seize, hit, strike 其中定冠词 the 不能换成物主代词cost

25、 what it may不惜任何代价不惜任何代价cost, take, sendcost 主语通常是某物主语通常是某物。“花费” 的是时间、金钱或劳动, 可接双宾语。 take: 主语一般是某事主语一般是某事,“花费”时间。可接双宾语。 多用于 takes sb. to do sth. 结构.spend: 主语一般是人主语一般是人,“花费”金钱或时间。多用于 following 结构:spend on sth. spend in doing sth. Example: The book (主语是物) cost him ten dollars. It will take the workers

26、two years to build the bridge. (takes sb. to do sth.结构) He is a man who spends (主语一般是人) money like water and will buy anything he likes whatever it may cost.spare no pains全力以赴全力以赴/ /不辞劳苦不辞劳苦 ache / pain The boys unkind behavior caused his parents a great deal of pain. 为一普遍词. 广义: 长(短)期, 局部/整体, 轻微/严重的

27、疼痛. 狭义: 创伤(烧伤,刀伤)印起的疼痛. 精神上的痛苦 My grandmother had an ache in her head and she didnt go to the party. 某一器官或局部持久的隐痛. 小病小疾,失调引起的不良 感觉. affair/ matterThe railway accident was a terrible affair. 泛指“事物”, “事件”.Whats matter with the machine?必须考虑或必须处理的“事情”.The party on Saturday was a joyful affair.Its a matt

28、er of life or death.Cf: It matters. / It doesnt matter. among/ amid Our oceangoing ship has returned to harbor amid cheer and shouts of slogans. (amid后是抽象名词) 引导集体/抽象名词, 多用于陪衬情况或对比. Are the disputes among mankind inevitable? (mankind: 群体名词) 注意注意 Among Among 的宾语的宾语: : He built a house among the trees.

29、 ( trees 复数普通名词) The book is the best among modern novels. (同上) Among 的宾语多半是复数普通名词/集体名词/单数群体 名词 ample / enough There will not be ample room left on the earth for that country to expand. Theres abundantly ample food for all. liberally ample moisture stored in the subsoil. Ample Ample 只修饰只修饰: :抽象名词抽象名

30、词, , 不可数名词不可数名词, , 或无形的东西或无形的东西. . There are enough people at the meeting. We have enough time ( time enough ) to finish the work. Enough Enough 多半修饰多半修饰: : 集体名词集体名词, , 单数可数名词单数可数名词. .有时也用于有时也用于 不可数名词不可数名词. . ample ample 总前置总前置, enough , enough 前置后置均可前置后置均可. . arrange / arrange for She is good at ar

31、ranging flowers. arrange 单独使用时, 意为“整理,排列”. arrange 作“安排”讲, 为不及物动词, 后不能直接加宾语 Ive arranged for a car to meet you at the airport. “安排某人做某事”应用: “arrange for sb. to do sth.” 来表示来表示. as well / alsoI can also speak Japanese. I can speak Japanese as well. 两者主要区别在于两者主要区别在于: : 句中所处位置不同, 一多为句中, 一多半放句末.31. alte

32、rnate / alternative They are alternative ways of expressing the same idea. The cloth has a pattern of alternate black and white stripes. alternate (有规律的) 交替的 alternative 另一种的, 可替代的, 强调二者选一. argument / dispute He and David had been drawn into a ferocious argument. Disputes over land boundaries ,water

33、 and debts are common. argument: 側重于“争论”, 发生在熟人或陌生人之间, 争辩 时也许冷静, 也许生气. dispute: 側重于“ 争端”, 主要发生于国家之间, 政党之间, 或组织之间. 时间长, 性质重大.(16) In many Western countries, there has been much _over the issue of legalized abortion. Key: dispute aware / conscious We must be aware of the whole circumstances. He is con

34、scious of his shortcoming. 共同点共同点: : 都作“意识到”, “了解到” 解; 主语都是人. 不同点不同点: : aware 所感受到的总是来自外界; 而 conscious 总是发自本人自己. 34. exhausted, tired, weary, fatigued exhausted: 筋疲力尽 tired: (体,脑力)劳动后的疲劳 weary: (反复,长时间)做同一事后的疲惫 fatigued: 疲乏得不能再继续下去了, 程度 比 tired, weary 强E.g: she was physically exhausted after her tea

35、rs.strike, beat, hit, punch strike 打或撞击, beat 连续敲打或敲破, hit 打击或袭击,着重于击中, 此点与Strike同. punch 拳头猛击E.g: Her heart beat faster. beat up 痛打,揍 Beat around ( about ) the bush. 旁敲侧击,转弯抹角sick, illSick: 有病的, 要呕吐的, 不愉快的ill: 生病的sick 多用作定语多用作定语; ill 多用作表语多用作表语. a sickly ( adj.) smell 令人作呕的气味 sick pay 病假工资 be sick

36、of 厌恶, be sick in a vehicle 晕车(船) be sick with an illness 患病了 sure 更侧重于主观上的肯定, certain 更强调有确定的理由和证据similar patterns (interchangeable)be sure / certain ofbe sure / certain to do sth.But: there is difference : be certain that 后跟从句时, sure 不可替代 certainE.g: Its certain that the report is false.More expre

37、ssions:Be sure of oneself 自信For sure 确实,毫无疑问Make sure 查明,弄确实Sure enough 果然,果真For certain 肯定地, 确定地station, scene, site, location, position, spotrailway station 需履行职责的所在地 historical site 地点, 地基,也指遗址The pick-pocket was caught on the spot. 某具体地点,且范围小. scene: 事件,故事的发生地The scene of the novel is laid in Pa

38、ris.location: 被指定特殊用途的场所The location of the hidden treasure.include, contain, compromise, consist ofinclude: include: 强调强调“整体整体”,或,或“范围范围”I include you among my friends. contain:contain: 强调强调“内容内容” The angle is contained by lines AB and AC.comprise: comprise: 较正式,指人或物构成整体较正式,指人或物构成整体The figures are

39、comprised in the total.consist of consist of 若干部分构成整体若干部分构成整体The committee consists most of women. particular, special, especial particular: 侧重“与众不同”,程度上比 special 强烈Eg. His good humor was particularly noticeable.special: 指专门为某种需要服务,强调与同类相 异,即自己所独具的等。Eg. I came here specially to see you.especial:指在某种

40、程度上或重要性上的特别之处. 而且其后的事物属于前面所提事物范围。Eg. She likes country life, especially in spring.Related Expressions:In particular 尤其是Particular about ( over ) 挑剔She is very particular about food (dress). Go into particulars 详细列出Similar expression: specificationsE.g:The technical specifications of the new car. thr

41、oughout / all over/ all thoughThroughout: (+ time / place ) e.g: throughout the 16th century. all over : ( +place ) all through : ( + time ) decrease, diminish, reducedecrease: 使缩小,变短,减少。有时有逐渐减少之意 可与diminish, reduce 替换. E.g.: On the decrease 在减少中diminish: 明显的减少,缩小。reduce: 量的降低或质的转变enormous, vast, la

42、rge, big, huge, tremendousEnormous: 体积、数量和程度极大big / large: 可互换huge = very big Vast: 空间范围的宽广 tremendous: 极大的,惊人的短语类题型短语类题型 短语的含义与短语中的介词或副词也有密切关系。 例如: for 既可表示 “目的”或 “要求”,也可以表示“方向”,因而就有了: ask for (要), inquire for (要求见), search for (寻找), go in for (从事,爱好), stand for (支持), 以及 head for , leave for , make

43、 for 等表示“朝向”的短语。 又如: a solution (answer/ reply/ key) to a problem( reply, question/ issue/ test paper) 动词与介词搭配动词与介词搭配If you are a member of a club, you must _ to the rules of that club. A) conform B) appeal C) refer D) access答案 A)译文: 如果你是俱乐部的会员, 你就必须遵守俱乐部的规定. 注释: 本题属动词与介词搭配, conform 接介词to , 表示 “遵守”,

44、 符合题意. 故选A)同根异义词同根异义词_ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily makefriends with others. A) Dislike B) Unlike C) Alike D) Liking 答案:B).译文:和他姐姐不同, 杰克喜欢安静, 不轻易与别人交朋友.注释: A) Dislike vt. 讨厌, 不喜欢; B) Unlike prep./a. 不象, 不同的; C) Alike a./ad. 彼此相似的; D) Liking n. 嗜好, 兴趣. 根据题意, 此处应填入介词, 构成介词短语作状语.同形异义词同

45、形异义词The new currency will get into _ soon. A) circuit B) circulation C) circular D) circle2003卷-1答案: B)译文: 这种新货币很快就要在市面上流通了. 注释: A) circuit 主要指 “环行或电路”, B) circulation 主要指 “流通”, C) circular主要指 “圆形的或循环的”, D) circle 主要指 “圆”. 近义词辨析近义词辨析Many old people in the cities find themselves unable to get used to

46、 the rapid _ of city life. A) rate B) speed C) step D) pace2003卷-4答案 D).译文 : 城市里许多老年人发现他们无法适应城市生活的快 节奏. 注释: 四个选项的名词都含有 “速度, 步伐”的基本意思, 但 细分之下 A) rate指 “速率”; B) speed指 “速度”, C) step 指“步子, 级别”; D) 表示 “步伐, 节奏”.单个词义辨析单个词义辨析I didnt _ to take a taxi but I had to as I was late. A) mean B) assume C) hope D)

47、suppose 答案: A)译文: 我并不想坐出租车, 但又不得不坐, 因为我迟到了.注释: A) mean 打算, 想要; B) assume 假定; C) hope希望; D) suppose 假设, 推测. 根据题意, A) mean是合适的选项短语动词辨析Shortage of capital is the main factor that _ economicdevelopment. A) holds out B) holds on to C) holds back D) holds on 2003-2 答案 C译文:资金短缺是阻碍经济发展的一个主要因素.注释:本题考查hold 短语

48、动词辨析. A) holds out 指 “伸出, 抵抗, 维持”; B) holds on to 指 “继续” ; C) holds back 指 “阻止, 控制, 隐瞒”; D) holds on指 “抓牢, 坚持, 别挂断(电话)等”. 根据题意, 应选C).Have a try: 1. accident; incident; event The chief _ events _of 2007. 2. exhausted; tired; weary; fatigued she was also physically _after her whole days weeping. 3. st

49、ation, scene, site, location, position, place, spot , Shanghai railway _station_. A well-known historical_ site _ in Greece. The pick-pocket was caught on the _ spot _ by the police. 4. Way, road, path, course, route Where there is a will, there is a_ way _. There is no royal _to science. 5. Hurt, i

50、njure, wound, harm I stumbled and _my foot. That comment will absolutely _his feelings. His acceptance of bribery from his subordinators has been notorious and is becoming a fatal _to his reputation. He didnt tell us why he got a knife _in the arm. Smoking will _ your health.6. In the night, at nigh

51、t He stole away _leaving a letter on my desk. I woke up twice_.7. spend, take, cost The book _him ten yuan. It will_ the workers two years to build the bridge. He is a man who _money like water and will buy anything he likes whatever it may _.MrBlack was in the_,standing there dumbfounded,not knowin

52、g what to do A)dark B)dusk C)dawn D)dam 布莱克先生不知就里,站在那里目瞪口呆,不知怎么办好。 Key: A in the dark 在黑暗中;不知情;蒙在鼓里。 Parents often keep their children in the dark abouttheir presents on New Years Eve新年前夕,父母常常不让孩子们知道他们的礼物.(B) Dusk 薄暮;黄昏: It is hard to see clearly at dusk(C) dawn黎明;破晓。 They take their boat out every

53、day at dawn他们每天黎明时起航出海。(D) dam大坝。economic / economical 两者都是形容词,但词义不同。Being _ of money,she manage tosave enough for a holidayAeconomic Beconomical Ceconomics Deconomies Economic : 意为“经济上的”,“经济学的economic growth 经济增长 economical 意为“节约的”,“节省的”,常用于“be economical of”结构。an economical person节俭的人 Key: bKey: B

54、A lawyer needs an_ secretary Ainefficient Befficient Ceffective Dsufficient 答案为B。句意:律师需要一位能干的秘书。Inefficient 不能胜任的,没有能力的;sufficient 充分的,足够的。 都表示“有效的”。 efficient 指有效率的,高效率的,有能力的. 常指人;常指人; effective表示有效的,效率好的,得力的, 常指政策、措施等。常指政策、措施等。 如: a very efficient production manager 一位非常得力的生产经理 effective teaching 效果好的教学



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