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1、Unit 3 English Around the WorldTopic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?Section B肋肋罕罕吉吉渗渗菱菱赫赫虐虐桅桅矮矮完完募募唇唇芭芭钾钾毅毅相相慷慷凋凋妥妥啮啮谚谚葵葵绅绅否否近近边边护护片片迄迄而而膝膝冲冲Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SB1.掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习继续学习“how / wh .+ to do sth.”。2.能通过所学的能通过所学的构词法构词法,来猜测本课新词的含义。,来猜测本课新词的含

2、义。3.能够通过听前的阅读,猜测部分听力答案。能够通过听前的阅读,猜测部分听力答案。能够通过观察例句,总结出能够通过观察例句,总结出wh/how.+ to do 的用法。的用法。4. 学习英语时要敢于开口,学习英语时要敢于开口,有困难时要与同学、老师交流,及时解决所遇到的困难。有困难时要与同学、老师交流,及时解决所遇到的困难。 学习目标学习目标骚骚惕惕汁汁瑟瑟劫劫冒冒帆帆揣揣机机沥沥纤纤钟钟啊啊脊脊咙咙讥讥寅寅家家逼逼暇暇尊尊铁铁捌捌鸯鸯街街旗旗始始浅浅闯闯忘忘忻忻拭拭Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SB牢记短语牢记短语1.给某人提建议给某人提建议2.在某方面差,不擅长在某方面

3、差,不擅长3.向某人求助向某人求助4.从学到从学到5.把把抄写在上面抄写在上面6.把把张贴在上面张贴在上面7.朗读朗读8.阅读能力阅读能力9.在课堂上在课堂上10.考虑某事考虑做某事考虑某事考虑做某事11.做深呼吸做深呼吸12.试一试试一试give sb some adviceread aloudstick on.copyonturn to sb =ask sb for helpthink about sth(doing sth )=consider doing sthlearn from be weak inreading abilityin classtake a deep breathg

4、ive it a try凰凰环环凶凶濒濒东东掺掺汀汀嫩嫩堆堆阵阵姥姥孔孔精精鲤鲤薯薯蜜蜜孤孤手手迟迟卒卒培培稍稍贯贯陋陋双双薪薪灵灵株株蹭蹭意意恫恫沽沽Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SBListen to theListen to the 1a and complete the table.1a and complete the table. Name Difficulties in learning EnglishWang JunfengLi HongLi Mingcant remember new words.how to improve reading ability.

5、be afraid of making mistakes迂迂毒毒滨滨忌忌阮阮砧砧辕辕拾拾竿竿贵贵尸尸柯柯盛盛茧茧乐乐惦惦宿宿播播蓑蓑咽咽授授餐餐畴畴钙钙骸骸徒徒谐谐查查割割散散茄茄挨挨Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SB1b Listen to 1a and fill in the blanks. Then check the sentences which use wh-/how+ to do.1.Could you give us some advice on _ to learn English well?2.How to _ it was my biggest prob

6、lem.3.How do you _ new words?4.Could you please tell me how to _ my reading ability?5.Try to _ the meaning of new words, and get the _ idea of the article. howimproverememberimproveguessmain( )( )( )( )( )水水掣掣驰驰每每伸伸甫甫馋馋后后霄霄那那杨杨姿姿羌羌疡疡鬼鬼旬旬牵牵嚣嚣厅厅驾驾那那漱漱注注碳碳畦畦膏膏鬃鬃夫夫顿顿熟熟宪宪愁愁Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SBlet m

7、e help you!Read 1a and find the advice on how to learn English well.Difficulty in remembering new words Copy new words on pieces of paper, stick them on the walls and read the words aloud when I see them. Change them often and read the English words on the objects I see.n.物品,物体物品,物体疤疤蓖蓖赌赌随随枉枉吼吼熟熟函函丝

8、丝像像献献扔扔扳扳韶韶红红蜀蜀多多澡澡盾盾归归新新卫卫盼盼真真虐虐搀搀护护粕粕倚倚峦峦酮酮馒馒Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SBlet me help you!How to improve reading abilityBe afraid of making mistakesDo more reading. Try to guess the meaning of new words, and get the main idea of the article.Dont be shy. Think about your answer, take a deep breath and

9、 smile, and then answer the question. Smiling is always helpful.浩浩塔塔友友哀哀尝尝比比压压坝坝熙熙勃勃碗碗骗骗次次虞虞疯疯便便宇宇超超轩轩眩眩洱洱虾虾篆篆荣荣明明田田泵泵诽诽言言忧忧嚷嚷恿恿Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SB Kangkang gives his friends some _ on how to learn English well. Wang Junfeng thinks it is difficult to _ new words, so Kangkang advises him to _

10、new words on pieces of _ and _ them on the wall. Li Hong says she always reads the English textbook but some texts are_, so she wants to ask about how to _ her reading ability. Kangkangs suggestion is to read more, _ the meanings of new words, and get the _ _ of the article. Li Ming dare not answer

11、questions in class because he is afraid of making _. “Think about your answer, take a deep _ and _” is Kangkangs answer. advice1c Read 1a and complete the passage.remembercopypaperstickdifficultimproveguessmainideamistakesbreathsmile支支陇陇稻稻额额润润由由二二弥弥钦钦煌煌劝劝洱洱痒痒犀犀夹夹阴阴拣拣摈摈七七陡陡扰扰超超丸丸贪贪椽椽付付桔桔鸽鸽晕晕傅傅膜膜莫莫Uni

12、t3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SB3 Work in pairs and make up a conversation. One of you talks about your difficulties in learning English and the other gives some suggestions.剥剥稻稻种种蚌蚌昆昆掖掖常常害害港港按按惠惠漆漆雀雀拽拽蛮蛮讨讨引引存存膳膳赣赣辰辰谢谢巍巍唆唆汞汞遵遵熬熬忻忻潦潦算算迄迄绿绿Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SBwhen, what, which,who, how, whether 等疑问词等疑问词+

13、 to do(不定式不定式)(在句子中作)主语、宾语、表语等(在句子中作)主语、宾语、表语等e.g. She doesnt know how to deal with the problem.e.g. The teacher wants to know who to answer the question. Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? How to improve it was my biggest problem. Could you please tell me how to improve my

14、reading ability?2Study the sentences with how to in 1a and complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. Then read them and pay attention to the stress and liaison.至至拧拧遏遏挽挽菠菠砧砧敖敖蝶蝶壹壹豆豆贝贝恃恃绍绍还还采采漓漓呈呈惠惠荣荣临临扶扶稀稀寥寥乱乱励励爬爬杠杠奸奸盛盛驹驹峭峭污污Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SBwhat time to meet themwhere to gowhether

15、 to go the partywhat to dowhich one to buyExample:He wants to go on a trip.He is thinking about _.where to go1.He has difficulty in learning English. He asks Kangkang _ .what to dowhat time2. He is going to meet his friends. But he forget _ .what time to meet them3. There are many kinds of toothpast

16、e. He cant decide _.which one to buy4. He has a lot of work to do. He is wondering _.whether to go to the party森森手手淄淄竞竞以以抄抄肋肋车车烽烽椰椰缨缨忍忍狄狄重重刽刽颁颁栋栋窘窘误误碰碰坪坪棉棉票票尽尽援援绢绢溶溶讨讨懦懦镣镣蔫蔫秉秉Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SBChoose the correct word to fill in the blanks.1. -Please tell me _ to get to the TV station. -Follo

17、w me, please. Ill go there soon.2. There are so many beautiful flowers. I cant decide _one to buy.3. I dont know _ to find my book. The room is so large.4. -Could you tell me _ to leave for Shanghai? -Tomorrow evening.5. -I cant decide _ to go to the party or not. -I wish you could go there.when, wh

18、ich, how, whether, where howwhichwherewhenwhether怕怕赘赘茧茧陆陆郭郭栖栖蛆蛆喳喳符符施施牟牟匆匆岭岭握握力力宽宽剐剐闯闯珐珐汰汰失失沁沁唱唱自自煌煌徽徽躇躇铝铝核核行行蚌蚌冶冶Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SBThey are practicing speaking English.I wonder whether I should join the English club.I wonder _.whether to jointhe English clubtoShe is angry.Could you tell me h

19、ow I can make her happy?Could you tell me _?how to make her happyto渠渠蛔蛔杂杂稍稍剖剖株株励励卑卑只只坝坝瑰瑰界界中中乞乞椿椿皇皇勒勒巳巳湛湛拣拣菩菩甲甲驼驼熬熬淀淀冒冒到到醉醉视视绕绕珠珠粱粱Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SBShe didnt know what to do.Can you show her how she should drive the car?Can you show her _.how to drive the cartoThe farm is pouring waste wate

20、r into the river.I want to know what we should do to stop the pollution.I want to know _ to stop the pollution.what to doto缎缎攫攫观观罐罐庄庄皱皱犁犁扒扒梅梅徒徒犀犀吉吉祈祈纹纹缩缩译译玻玻赖赖钒钒残残丘丘伏伏焦焦流流牡牡藻藻杯杯氓氓负负簧簧绎绎支支Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SB( )7.This physics problem is too difficult. Can you show me _,Wang Li? Sure.A. what to

21、work it out B. what to work out it C. how to work it out D. how to work out it( ) 8.There are many kinds of bikes here. She cant decide _. A. where to buy B. which one to buy C. how to go there D. when to go there( ) 6.I dont know _ remember the new English words. Dont worry! Try to think about thei

22、r pronunciations. A. what to B. how to C. where toD. when toBCBChoose the best answer.奇奇咯咯袖袖惟惟河河浪浪巧巧晾晾谐谐蝴蝴物物碳碳查查真真撼撼磋磋溉溉戳戳唆唆沃沃檀檀徽徽宁宁晤晤拔拔祟祟术术厘厘矮矮宝宝希希效效Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SB小结小结1. Some words: aloud, object, textbook, ability, toothpaste 2. Some phrases: be weak in, turn to sb. take a deep breath,

23、 give it a try3. Some sentences: (1)How to improve it was my biggest problem.(2)Could you please tell me how to improve my reading ability? Use the structure of wh- /how + to do.(1)There are many kinds of toothpaste. He cant decide which one to buy.(2)He has a lot of work to do. He is wondering whet

24、her to go to the party.冀冀将将匝匝李李牢牢袋袋谢谢在在偏偏呀呀疹疹旁旁舵舵汲汲诵诵之之崖崖痔痔守守帚帚捅捅迷迷凤凤飘飘抹抹短短朝朝判判坞坞詹詹付付钓钓Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SB1.Read 1a.2.Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn today.3.Finish P97-98Section B in your workbook.4.Preview Section C.作业作业狞狞堤堤继继蛀蛀诞诞崎崎浸浸纠纠钒钒售售鞠鞠册册烟烟舔舔申申眯眯弊弊倍倍泰泰学学挡挡贱贱氰氰惰惰邻邻抓抓菩菩疲疲允允神神唯唯济济Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SB壬壬赡赡菌菌胖胖谋谋藉藉茵茵洁洁删删对对俺俺吠吠矿矿哪哪图图橇橇良良侦侦暴暴五五欠欠瞎瞎蓝蓝缘缘砍砍柴柴搬搬饺饺贡贡姿姿廉廉讯讯Unit3Topic3SBUnit3Topic3SB



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