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1、专业.专注 . 学习参考 . 动词的形式-谓语动词和非谓语动词 突破点(一)-如何确定非谓语动词还是谓语动词 若句中找不到谓语,则所给动词就作谓语 (1)一个句子无论是主句还是从句,必须要有谓语,一般,空格所在的句子中无其他动词,那么这个空就应该填谓语动词。谓语动词要考虑时态语态主谓一致等。例如2016全国 Then, handle the most important tasks so you will feel a real sense of achievement .Leave the less important things until tomorrow -63 (be) often

2、 acceptable. 分析:该句中主语为动名词 leaving -,故所给动词作谓语,谓语动词为第三人称单数形式,且根据语境知时态为一般现在时故填 is 例二 2016 四川高考 The giant panda -61 (love) by people through the world. 分析:句中没有谓语故空格处应该做谓语。大熊猫为世界各地人们所喜爱是个客观事实,应用一般现在时,且 panda 与 love 间是被动关系,用被动语态故填 is loved (2) 若句中找到了谓语动词,而又找不到连词(并列连词或从句连词)时,则所给动词一定用作非谓语动词。非谓语动词需要确定是 vIng

3、形式,Ved 形式还是不定式。 例 1 2016 全国 Skilled workers also combine various hardwoods and metal-43 (create) special designs. 分析:本句已有谓语动词 combine 且空处不作并列谓语,故应填非谓语动词,此处为不定式作目的状语故填 to create 例二 2016 全国 My ambassadorial duties will include -67(introduce) British visitors to the 120 plus panda at Chengdu and others

4、 at a research center in the misty mountains of Bifengxia. 专业.专注 . 学习参考 . 分析:句中已有谓语动词 include 且无其他连词,故空处应填非谓语动词。Include 及物动词其后加名词或动名词作宾语再结合提示Introduce和空后的名词visitors ,此处应用动名词作宾语故填 introducing. (3) 排除干扰,切忌只见树木不见森林 例 1 2016 全国 Confucius believed knives would remind people of killings and -49 (be) too v

5、iolent for use at the table. 分析:初看此题,会根据 and 认为应与前面的某个成分并列,是与 believed 并列,与would remind 并列还是 killings 并列?分析句子可知,believed 后结宾语从句,宾语从句由and 连接俩个并列谓语,但此处描述的是过去的事实,应用一般过去时,又因主语是 knives 故填 were 例 2 2015 全国 A study of travelers -68 (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 de

6、stinations in the world . 分析:本题存在一题多义,一词多性的特征,考生易误填 was conduced 或 were conduced 因为考生容易把 names 误作名词而认为空格处应填动词,实际上分析句子结构可知,空格所在句已有谓语动词 names 且不与 names 作并列谓语故填非谓语动词。Study 和 conduct 间为被动关系,所以应用过去分词作定语故填 conducted 2. 通过 6 组易混示例,理清谓语动词和非谓语动词 题组一 示例 He volunteered to help control traffic ,-(donate) an hou

7、r of his time every week. (2)He volunteered to help control traffic ,-and-(donate) an hour of his time every week. 专业.专注 . 学习参考 . 分析 俩句差别是 and ,分析句子结构可知,1 句空格处为现在分词作伴随状语 2 句空格处与 volunteered 并列作谓语故 1 填 donating 2 填donated 题组二 示例 -(call) me tomorrow and I will let you know the lab result . 2.-(call) m

8、e tomorrow , I will let you know the lab result 分析 俩句差别是 and ,分析句子结构可知,1 句为句式祈使句+and +陈述句 2 句为分词短语作条件状语故 1 填 CALL 2 填 calling 题组三 示例 1. The guide -(lead) the way , we had no trouble getting out of the forest. 2. The guide -(lead) the way ,so we had no trouble getting out of the forest. 分析 俩句差别是 so ,

9、分析句子可知,1 为独立主格结构作原因状语 2 句so 连接俩个并列句空格处所填词应与第二个并列分句的谓语动词一致故 1 填 leading 2 填 led 题组四 示例 1. The party will be held in the garden ,weather-(permit). 2. The party will be held in the garden , if weather-(permit). 专业.专注 . 学习参考 . 分析 俩句差别是 if ,分析句子结构可知,1 为独立主格结构作条件状语 2句 if 引导的条件状语从句故 1 填 permitting 2 填 perm

10、its 题组五 示例 1. Jim was listening attentively to the lecture ,and all his attention -(fix) on it. 2. Jim was listening attentively to the lecture ,with all his attention -(fix) on it. 3. Jim was listening attentively to the lecture , -(fix) all his attention on it. 分析 三句差别是逗号后的部分,分析句子结构可知,1 为 and 连接俩个

11、并列句通过时态语态的分析应用一般过去时的被动语态,2 句为独立主格结构 with 复合结构,3 句为现在分词短语作伴随状语故 1 句填 was fixed 2 填 fixed 3 句填 fixing 题组六 示例 1. He went into the room, -(sit) at the table and began to read newspapers. 2. They walked along the stream together ,-(talk) and laughing. 专业.专注 . 学习参考 . 分析 俩个结构一致,但仔细分析是大径相庭 1 句为 and 连接的是三个并列

12、谓语动词,2句为and 连接俩个伴随状语,故1填sat 2填talking 突破点(二) 运用 6 方法和 1 注意准确谓语动词时态语态 方法 1 通过时态定义是做题的根本 例 1 2017 大庆实验中学模拟 Development often -69(give) us the excuse to destry the environment. 分许:本句表示经常做的事情应用一般现在时故填 gives 例 22017 青岛市质检 When I also drove forward a man -(stand) outside the car and talking to each driver

13、 as drove past. 分析:表示过去某个事情正在做某事,应用过去进行时故填 was standing 方法 2 通过标志性状语解决时态问题 在体干中 yesterday ,tomorrow ,always ,in the past few years ,so far 来判定时态。例1 2017 潍坊市模拟 Last Friday a storm -61(sweep) through two villages in the New Territories, destroying fourteen homes. 分析:句中有表示时间的标志性状语 Last Friday 判定用一般过去时故

14、填 swept 例 2 2017 长春市调研测试 If we are satisfied with only a few rules we -69(memorize )so far ,we were not really learning the language . 分析;so far 表示迄今为止与其匹配的时态是现在完成时故填 have memorized 方法 3 通过动作先后关系解决时态问题 当句中有俩个或俩个以上的动词时,他们的发生时间有一定先后关系,我们可以根据这种先后关系判定时态。 例 1 2017 福州市质检 Due to the hard training they 66-(

15、do) before ,their 专业.专注 . 学习参考 . performance were very impressive. 分析:主句的时态为一般过去时,根据 before 可以判定空格处所填表示过去的过去,应用过去完成时故填 had done 例2 2017 西安市模拟She -64 (have)her high school entrance exam in a week so I told her a few encouraging words. 分析:我给他说一些鼓励的话一般是过去时,那么要参加考试应用过去将来时故填would have 或 was to have . 方法

16、4 通过语境暗示解决时态问题 有些题目在时间状语和其他参照物都不明显的情况下,通过理解语境也是解决失调问题的一条有效之路的方法。 例 1 2017 衡阳八中模拟 It is quite easy to plan a surprise when ones birthday -62 (come). 分析:既然是要做计划,那么生日即将来临,此处应用现在进行时表示将来故填 is coming . 例 2 2017 湖北四地七校联考 One day , a beggar found a leather purse that someone -61 (drop)in the marketplace . 分

17、析:发现钱包用一般过去式,丢失钱包应在此之前,表示过去的过去,故填 had dropped. 方法 5 通过常用句式解决时态问题 掌握常用句式也是解决时态问题的快速且行之有效的方式,因此要熟记一些常用句式。 例 1 2017 汕头市模拟 The hall was dark when I came in ;the show was about 46_-(begin ). 专业.专注 . 学习参考 . 分析:考察 be about to do 意为马上就要做某事故填 to begin 例 2 2017 青岛市模拟 One day I 66-(read )啊 newspaper when I not

18、iced a photo of a young woman who looked very much like Linda and whose last name was Wagman -Lindas married name . 分析:考察句式 be doing -when - 再根据 One day 可判断应用过去进行时故填was reading 方法 6 通过逻辑关系解决语态问题 有时做题时我们对于时态问题比较关注,但往往忽略了语态,因此我们可以采用先语态后时态 例 1 2016 全国卷 Truly elegant chopsticks might -42 (make) of gold

19、and silver with Chinese characters. 分析:情态动词后跟动词原形但此处 might 后能 make 吗?通过分析可知 elegant chopsticks 与 make 间为被动关系,应用被动语态故填 be made. 例 2 2017 延安市模拟 I finally went to ask the lady at student services and -63 (tell) that her was Kathy. 分析;and 连接俩个并列谓语,第一个是 went ,与之并列应该填 told 吗? 通过分析可知,I 与 tell 间为被动关系故填 was

20、told . 注意点:特殊动词特殊对待 有些动词(短语)的用法特殊,例如 belong to , break out , take place 及系动词一般不用进行时和被动语态,date bake to 或 date from 常用一般现在时等。 例 1 (2017 泰安市模拟) The festival -64 (date) back to the Han Dynasty (206BC-220) 分析:date back to 意为追溯到,没有被动语态且常与一般现在时连用故填 dates 专业.专注 . 学习参考 . 例 2 (2017 铁岭市联考)I t is about taking a

21、ction to show the world that the right to read and write -64 (belong ) to all people. 分析:主句为It is about -,that 引导宾语从句,其中主语是the right to read an write ,belong to 为句子的谓语,它没有进行时和被动语态故填 belongs. 突破点(三) 抓住 4 个关键点和 4 个易混点稳解非谓语动词题 1. 4 个关键点 1)作目的状语时用不定式,且只能用不定式一般式 (1)(2016 全国卷) Skilled workers also combine

22、s various hardwoods and metal to -(create)special designs . (2)(2017 襄阳市质检)This years World Economic Forum in Davos was held a week earlier than usual- to (avoid) conflicting with Chinas New Year. 2)作伴随状语和方式状语时用现在分词 ( 1 ) ( 2016 全 国 卷 ) People probably cooked their food in large pots ,-(use)twigs to

23、 remove it. (2)2017 成都市模拟 This spring ,I stared working as a language assistant , -(teach )English to hundreds of students . 3) 做介词的宾语时用动名词 (1)In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ability to air condition a house without -(use) electric equipment . (2

24、)We should prevent the river from -(pollute) being polluted 4) 熟记固定结构中的非谓语动词。如 be likely to do , have difficulty / trouble doing 等 专业.专注 . 学习参考 . (1) (2016 全国卷 )If you find something you love doing outside of the office ,you will be less likely -(bring) your work home. (2) 2017 天水诊断考试 In the first p

25、lace ,it often happens that we have trouble -(find)appropriate words and phases to give expression to our mind. 2.4 个易混点 (1)现在分词和过去分词状语 现在分词作状语表示动作与句子主语间为逻辑上主谓关系,过去分词作状语的动作与句子主语间为逻辑的动宾关系。 例 1 (2017 福州八中质检 )-61 (realize )it was our last high school sports meeting ,we decided to make it an unforgettab

26、le experience for all of us . 分析;分析句子结构可知,空格处部分为非谓语动词作状语,realize 与主语 we 间为逻辑上的主谓关系故填 Realizing. 例 2 Greatly -(encourage), the team conducted another experiment ,this time with water that contained bacteria. 分析:分析句子结构可知,空格处部分为非谓语动词作状语,encourage 与主语间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故填 encouraged 2) 现在分词和过去分词作前置定语和表语 此时现在分词和

27、过去分词都相当于形容词,前者意为令人-的,后者为感到-的 例 1 (2014 全国卷 )There were many people waiting the bus stop ,and some of them looked very anxious and -(disappoint) 分析:此处 looked 后面为表语部分,此处指一些人看起来很焦虑很失望故填 disappointed 例 2 (2017 山西实验中学质检) Dennis Williams ,the owner of the phone 专业.专注 . 学习参考 . number ,responded to the -(ex

28、cite) baby news. 分析: 此处为非谓语动词作前置定语,表示令人兴奋的有关孩子的消息故填 exciting . 3) 不定式, 现在分词和过去分词作后置定语 不定式做后置定语表示动作尚未进行,现在分词作后置定语表示主动进行,过去分词作后置定语表示被动完成。 例 1 (2016 四川高考) For 25days she never left her baby ,not even to find something -(eat)!分析:此处表示找到要吃的东西,表示动作尚未进行,故填 to eat . 例 2 (2015 全国卷) Abercrombie &Kent ,a travel

29、 company in Hong Kong ,says it regularly arranges quick getaways here for people -70 (live ) in Shanghai and Hong Kong . 分析;此处表示居住在上海和香港的人们,应用非谓语动词作定语,people 与 live 间为主动关系,故填 living 例 3 (2015 全国卷 )The adobe dwellings (土坯房) -61 (build ) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by e

30、ven the most modern of architects and engineers. 分析:由谓语动词 are admired 可知空格处填非谓语动词,adobe dwellings 与build 间 是被动关系,应用过去分词短语作后置定语故填 built. 4) 不定式与动名词作宾语 有些动词只跟不定式作宾语例如 decided , agree , pretend , promise, hope/wish , mange ,prepare ,plan, refuse ,fail ,happen,ask ,offer ,care ,choose ,desire ,expect, d

31、ecline , warn 等,汉语顺口溜 决定同意假装答应, 希望设法准备计划,拒绝失败发生,请求提供照顾选择,渴望期待拒绝警告。 专业.专注 . 学习参考 . 疑问词+ 不定式的常见动词有: decide, learn ,show ,teach, know, till ,forget , 汉语意思顺口溜 : 决定学习演示教, 知道告诉别忘记。 而有些动词只跟动名词作宾语例如 suggest/advise , consider, finish, avoid ,risk, mind, keep, practise, appreciate, enjoy , delay ,imagine, sta

32、nd/ bear, deny , 汉语意思顺口溜:建议考虑完成避免风险,介意保持练习欣赏享受别耽搁。想象忍受别否认。 还有些动词既可以跟不定式也可以跟动名词作宾语,如 stop , forget , remember, regret, mean, try ,go on , continue, like, love ,need, hate, attempt, propose, 并且跟不定式往往表示要去做的-跟 Ving 表示做过的- 例 1 (2017 江西红色六校联考) Mr.Smiths doctor suggest not -62 (eat ) cold food these .days.

33、 例 2 (2014 全国卷 )I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver ,but he refused -46 (stop) until we reached the next stop. 分析:refuse 后结动词不定式作宾语,要用不定式形式,故填 to stop. 例 3 (2017 菏泽模拟 )Next keep in mind that forgiveness dose not necessarily mean -69 (accept) the action of the person who upsets you . 分析; mean to do 意为想要做某事, mean doing 意为意味着做某事故填 accepting .



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