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1、新目新目标人教版九年人教版九年级英英语Unit13-Section-Self-Check课件件Unit 13It must belong to Carla.2021/5/2221 Write different forms of the words. Then add more to each group.v. n. n. adj. pollute pollution fame famousact actionwood woodenprotect protectionscience scientificinspire inspirationhealth healthybuild bulding

2、south southerncreate creationharm careful2021/5/2231 Write different forms of the words. Then add more to each group.adj. n.adj. adv.different difference slow slowlyimportantimportancewide widelysudden suddenlysignificantsingnificance real reeallyrelevantrelevancebrilliant brilliance2021/5/2242 Matc

3、h.StatementThe river used to be so clean. We have seen many changes in the environment. People should take public transportation more. The river is polluted by factories.The air pollution is gett ing worse and worse.GrammerPresent progressiveModal verbsPassive voiceused toPresent perfect2021/5/225Ki

4、nds of pollutionWays to cut downwater pollutionask factories not to throw wast into the river; remind people not to litterland pollutionensure that factories throw away industrial wast in a responsible way;try not to use plastic bags when shopping3. write ways to cut down on these kinds of pollution

5、.2021/5/226Kinds of pollutionWays to cut downnoise pollutionbuild airport away from places where people liveair pollutionencourage people to use public transportation instead od driving; reduce the number of factories that bure coal2021/5/2271. My alarm clock doesnt work. It needs _. A. to be repair

6、edB. repairC. to repairD. for repairing2. His death was _ by a high fever. A. spread B. caused C. got D. showed 3. His mother _ a worker in that factory. A. used to beB. usedC. used to beingD. used be 4. Your classroom is very clean.Sure. It _ after school every day. A. is cleaned B. cleans C. clean

7、ed D. is cleaning2021/5/2281.Write a letter to the local goverment, 2.raise the environmental problem and try to 3.think out possible solutions .2. 背诵背诵2b. Homework 2021/5/229人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。



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