学海导航新课标高中英语总复习课件(第1轮)M4 Unit 1 Advertising基础巩固篇

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学海导航新课标高中英语总复习课件(第1轮)M4 Unit 1 Advertising基础巩固篇_第1页
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《学海导航新课标高中英语总复习课件(第1轮)M4 Unit 1 Advertising基础巩固篇》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《学海导航新课标高中英语总复习课件(第1轮)M4 Unit 1 Advertising基础巩固篇(42页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 4 Unit 1 Advertising(1)1、promote vt. 增增进,促,促进;提升,使晋;提升,使晋级;宣;宣传,推广,推推广,推销(商品等商品等) commercials promoting a new product 促进新产品销售的商业广告 promote growth / prosperity / understanding 促进增长/繁荣/了解 be promoted (to be) captain / to the rank of captain 被提升为队长The boy was promoted to the fourth grade. 这个男孩升到

2、四年级了。2、 determine vt. 决定;决心,决意;确定;使下定决心 determination n. 决心determined adj. 坚定的,坚决的determine to do sth. 决心做某事be determined to do sth. 决心做某事determine on/upon sth. 对某事下定决心determine sb. to do sth. 使某人决心做某事He determined to go / that he (should) go at once. 他决心立刻就走。He has been determined to learn English

3、well. 他已下决心学好英语。They determined on an early start. 他们决定早些出发。I have determined on / upon going to the countryside after graduation. 我已决定毕业后到农村去。3、sharevt. 分享分享Will you share your sandwich with me?你可以和我分享你的三明治吗?vi. 共同承担共同承担All the countries share in the responsibility for the financial crisis.所有的国家都共同

4、为金融危机负责。n. 份份额We must make sure that everyone gets equal shares of the food.我们必须确保每个人都获得相同分量的食物。The total bill comes to 80, so our share is 20.账单总共是80英镑,所以我们的份额是20英镑。 From my perspective, a real friend is one who will always _ your sorrow and joy. A. take B. appreciate C. share D. share in Dshare后常接

5、表示具体意义的名词,而share in后常接表示抽象意义的名词。4、servevt. 服务Thats the restaurant where they refused to serve Tom because he was so rude. 那个就是拒绝为汤姆提供服务的餐馆,因为他太粗鲁了。 vi. & vt. 提供食物;在工作Breakfast is served in the restaurant between 7 and 9. 这个餐馆在7点到9点之间提供早餐。He served in the army in India for twenty years. 他在印度的部队里服役了20

6、年。 In some parts of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar. A. is serving B. is served C. serves D. servedB5、appeal n. & v. 呼吁;呼吁;恳求;求;诉诸,求助;吸引,求助;吸引(力力)appeal to sb. for sth. / to do sth. 恳求某人某事 / 做某事 appeal to 吸引;求助于 appealing adj. 有吸引力的,有趣的The United Nations appeal for a ceasefire has been ignored

7、by both sides. 双方对联合国的停火呼吁不予理会。The idea appealed to Mary. 这个想法吸引了玛丽。These subjects have lost their appeal to most students. 这些科目对许多学生已经失去了吸引力。 The police(正呼吁公众) for information about the crime. 警方呼吁公众提供这宗罪案的有关信息。are appealing to the public5、recommend vt. 推荐,介推荐,介绍 recommend sth. to sb. / recommend s

8、b. sth. 向某人推荐recommend sb. / sth. as 推荐某人 / 某物作为recommend sb. to do 推荐某人做recommend (doing) 建议做recommend (that) 建议(从句中用should动词原形充当谓语,should可省略)Can you recommend me some new books on this subject? 就这门学科,你能向我介绍一些新书吗?I recommend you to comply with safety regulations. 我劝你遵守安全规定。I recommended Linda to th

9、e university as a psychology professor. 我推荐Linda到那个大学做心理学教授。His proposal has much to recommend. 他的建议有许多可取之处。They recommended that we (should) not waste money building a factory here. 他们建议我们不要浪费钱在这里建一家工厂。1、 get across 使理解使理解(某事某事),讲清楚清楚The young scientist tried to get his new theory across. 这位年轻的科学家设

10、法让人们理解他的新理论。Your meaning didnt really get across. 你的意思并未真正为别人理解2、be meant to dobe intended to do 旨在,目的是旨在,目的是 be meant forbe intended for 打算用作The building is meant for storage. 这座大楼预定作仓库用。The program was meant to entertain children. 这个节目是用来娱乐孩子的。3、辨析辨析care about, care for(1)care about 关心;介意;担忧(2)car

11、e for 喜欢;照顾He never cares about what people think about his appearance. 他从来不在乎别人怎么看待他的相貌。After the earthquake, the injured were _ in the local hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighbouring cities. A. cared with B. cared for C. taken care D. cared afterBcare with 属搭配错误; care for 照顾;

12、take care 小心、当心;没有care after 这个搭配。the injured 是“伤员”的意思,伤员应该被照顾,选B。4、 deal with 处理,理,对付;付;论及,及,讨论;跟;跟做生意做生意Such people are difficult to deal with. 有些人很难对付。Have you dealt with these letters yet? 你处理了这些信件吗?Her poems often deal with the subject of death. 她的诗歌时常涉及死亡的话题。Ive dealt with this company for 20

13、years. 我已经和这家公司做生意20年了。 deal in 经营 deal out 分发,分配She deals in mens clothes. 她经营男式服装。The profits are dealt out among the investors. 利润分给了投资者。 During the war there was a serious lack of food. It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to _ bread for days. A. eat up B. give away C. do withou

14、t D. deal withC考查动词短语。根据上句During the war there was a serious lack of food.可推测出“即或是富裕家庭也得几天吃不上面包”,应选择do without表示“不用/吃勉强度过”。eat up 吃完; give away 收拾; deal with 应付,处理。 故最佳答案为C。Even if an ad does not lie,it does not mean it is altogether innocent.即使广告没即使广告没说谎,也不意味着它就是完全无辜的。,也不意味着它就是完全无辜的。 even if/though

15、 虽然,即使Even if we can go out for a play, we wont do. 即使我们能出去玩,我们也不想去。Even if it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will still not be able to go. 即便明天不下雨,我们还是不能去。even if / though是“即使;即便”的意思,引导让步状语从句。当从句的动作发生在将来时,从句应该使用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 even if 与as if /thoughEven if you take a taxi, you will still miss your flight.

16、即使你搭出租车你还是赶不上你的航班的。He talks as if he had known everything in the world. 他说起话来好像他已知世界的一切。通过对比我们不难发现他们的语义是不同的, even if是“即使;即便”的意思,而as if/though是“好像”的意思。B考查连词辨析。句意“我决心得到一张音乐会的座位票,即使意味着整夜排队。”Im determined to get a seat for the concert _it means standing in a queue all night. A. as though B. even if C. i

17、n case D. so thatC连接词引导状语从句的用法。本题的语义是:即使他们知道他的建议十分有价值,他们中的许多人仍对它置若罔闻。as if 好像;now that 既然;so that 为了,以便; 以至于;even though even if表示让步,所以答案是C。Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, _ they knew it to be valuable. A. as if B. now that C. even though D. so that1. Dmean在此表示“预定,指定”。The gift is meant

18、 for you. 这份礼物是给你的。 He was meant for (to be) an electrician. 本来是准备把他培养成电工的。1. You can change your job, you can move house, but friendship is meant to be _ life.(2012安徽) A. of B. on C. to D. for2. B考查状语从句。句意为:尽管Tim不经常锻炼,但他身材很好。前后是让步转折关系,故选B项。2. Tim is in good shape physically _ he doesnt get much exe

19、rcise.(2010湖南) A. if B. even though C. unless D. as long as3. C 考查从属连词。wherever 无论哪里; whenever 无论何时; as if 似乎; even if 意为“即使”,符合句意。“工程师们都很忙,他们没有时间进行户外运动,即使他们有这样的兴趣”。3. The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports actives, _ they have the interest.(2010安徽) A. wherever B. when

20、ever C. even if D. as if如何写好状语从句复合句是更高层次的句子。在写好简单句的基础上,根据两个或多个句子之间的逻辑关系,依据语法结构用一定的关系词连接起来构成复合句,将会凸显文章的亮点,使文章增添文采,自然也就使一篇习作明显地上了一个档次。这里主要讲解一下状语从句的写作:状语从句的写作最主要的是选准关联词。要了解上下句子之间的是逻辑关系来确定关联词的意义;其次要确定哪句是主句,哪句为从句,如:【句型1】主句 when (while, as, before, after) 从句【典型例句】 I took care of my little brother while Mo

21、ther was away.妈妈不在家,我照顾小弟弟。 He had finished his homework before I got home. 我回到家之前,他已经做完了家庭作业。 My brother learned English after he had entered the college.我弟弟在考入大学后学的英语。【句型2】主句 until / till从句【典型例句】He stayed up until / till it was four next morning. 他熬夜一直熬到第二天凌晨4点。He did not go home until / till he f

22、inished his work. 他一直把工作做完之后才回家。He read and read until / till it was dark. 他读着读着,一直读到天黑。把下面两个简单句合成一个复合句1. He took notes. He was listening to the teacher._1. He took notes as / while / when he was listening to the teacher. 2. I started home. I received the letter._2. I started home the moment I recei

23、ved the letter.3. Everything is ready. We can begin our experiment._3. Since everything is ready, we can begin our experiment.4. She wore a diamond necklace. People looked at her with admiration._4. She wore such a diamond necklace that people looked at her with admiration.5. We cant hope to succeed. We have their support._5. We cant hope to succeed unless we have their support. (We cant hope to succeed if we dont have their support.)



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