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1、Translation and Writing1.医生建议他立刻戒烟。(医生建议他立刻戒烟。(quit)2.他们采用新政策以降低失业率。他们采用新政策以降低失业率。(adopt/adoption)3.我们将把房屋拍卖。我们将把房屋拍卖。4.在适当的时候说适当的话,效果在适当的时候说适当的话,效果会迥然不同。(会迥然不同。(makeallthedifference)5.我很荣幸地向大家介绍一位德高我很荣幸地向大家介绍一位德高望重的老教授。望重的老教授。1.医生建议他立刻戒烟。(医生建议他立刻戒烟。(quit)Thedoctoradvisedhimtoquitsmoking.2.他们采用新政策以降


3、aseswillmakeallthedifference.5.我很荣幸地向大家介绍一位德高望重的老教授。我很荣幸地向大家介绍一位德高望重的老教授。Imhonoredtointroducetoyouavenerableprofessor.RevisionPutthefollowingsentencesinthetextintoChinese.Payspecialattentiontotheitalicizedexpressions.1. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around a

4、s a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit.2. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption.我在里德学院我在里德学院读了了6个月就退学了,但是作个月就退学了,但是作为旁听生又在那里待了旁听生又在那里待了18个月个月左右,然后才真正离开学校。左右,然后才真正离开学校。我的生母是个年我的生母是个年轻未婚的研究生,因此她决定把我送未婚的研究生,因此她决

5、定把我送给别人收养。人收养。RevisionPutthefollowingsentencesinthetextintoChinese.Payspecialattentiontotheitalicizedexpressions.1. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit.2. My biological mother was a young, unwed

6、college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption.我在里德学院我在里德学院读了了6个月就退学了,但是作个月就退学了,但是作为旁听生又在那里待了旁听生又在那里待了18个月个月左右,然后才真正离开学校。左右,然后才真正离开学校。我的生母是个年我的生母是个年轻未婚的研究生,因此她决定把我送未婚的研究生,因此她决定把我送给别人收养。人收养。RevisionPutthefollowingsentencesinthetextintoChinese.Payspecialattentiontotheitalicizedexp

7、ressions.3. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made.4. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.5. None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life.这在当在当时看来非



10、ewell-paidbutdemandingpositionRevision practice 高等教育高等教育higher/tertiaryeducation教育部教育部MinistryofEducation研究生研究生graduatestudent注册人数注册人数Enrollment自费生自费生Commoner公费生公费生government-supportedstudent旁听生旁听生gueststudent走读生走读生daystudent;non-residentstudent校友校友alumnus;alumna选修课选修课elective/optionalcourse公开课公开课op


12、代的一部经典著作大学(THEGreatLeaning)就曾提到,大学的宗旨,就曾提到,大学的宗旨,在于彰显人类自身的美德,重塑他人,在于彰显人类自身的美德,重塑他人,追求达到至善至美。这一教育思想千百追求达到至善至美。这一教育思想千百年来薪火相传,至今仍展现其蓬勃的生年来薪火相传,至今仍展现其蓬勃的生命力。命力。 教育是人类文明进步与繁荣的重要标志,教育是人类文明进步与繁荣的重要标志,是经济社会发展重要动力源泉。是经济社会发展重要动力源泉。Asanimportantdrivingforceforeconomicandsocialdevelopment,educationsignifiesthe



15、andeddownovergenerationsforthousandsofyears,demonstratingitsvigorousvitalityuptillnow.Too much pressure from academic studies does no good1.通过背景观点引出本文论点;通过背景观点引出本文论点;2.具体论证不良影响;具体论证不良影响;3.强调不能给学生过大的压力;我强调不能给学生过大的压力;我的观点。的观点。For years many people consider that pressure can turn into power, driving pe

16、ople to work towards their goals. Therefore, both parents and teachers exert a lot of pressure on students so as to make them more competitive. However, some experts say to much pressure from academic studies do not necessarily lead to the results that the parents have expected. The following reason

17、s can support the argument.More and more college students, in recent years, are finding it difficult to find jobs. This may sound strange since college students used to be the most favored people in society. They have received a higher education, hence they are more intelligent, knowledgeable than t

18、heir counterparts who failed to attend college. But chances are that some of them can hardly find jobs after graduating from colleges. There are two reasons that account for this strange phenomenon. One is that some college students cannot come to terms with themselves and with the world around them

19、. They pursue too high goals and are too particular about such factors as working conditions, salary, and so on. Therefore, they are reluctant to accept the job when they are offered to them. Another reason is that the majors some students pursue do not match with the demands of the job market. As a

20、 result, they can only sit and miss opportunities. To solve this problem, I think college students should know their own strengths and weaknesses and have the right attitude towards themselves and the job vacancies. In addition, they should not attach too much importance to material aspects of the job. They should put priority to their future development and their contributions to society in stead. Furthermore, they should think of receiving some further training to meet the demands of society.



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