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1、1 / 7 教师: 唐美美 学生: 杨雅兰 年级: 初二 科目: 语文 时间: 20 13 年 7 月 30 日 七下三单元 课次: 11 一、教学目的与考点分析 1.三单元重难点单词短语 2.会简单表达自己的喜好 3.复习上册 5-6 单元 教学内容及步骤 一单词短语 1.表达好看漂亮的单词: 1)good-looking 用来描述任何长得好看的人(不论男女) 2)pretty 用来描述长得好看的女性 3)beautiful - 用来描述长得好看的女性(包括大人小孩) 4)handsome - 用来描述长得好看的男性 5)cute - 用来描述长得可爱的小孩 1.那边那个相貌好看的青年是谁?

2、 Who is the good-looking young man over there? 2.那个留着长发的漂亮女士是他的妈妈。 The pretty lady with long hair is his mother. 3.我很喜欢这件漂亮的礼服。 I like this pretty dress very much. 2.smart 伶俐的,精干的,帅气的 1)看那个聪明的小孩! Look at that smart boy! 2)你今天看上去很帅气。 You look smart today. clever (有一些耍)小聪明 3.kind n.种类 a kind of 一种 1)竹

3、子是一种草。 Bamboo is a kind of grass. all/different kinds of 各种各样的 2)那家商店有各种各样的水果。 There are all/different kinds of fruits in that store. kind of = a little = a bit 有点儿,有几分(修饰形容词或副词) 3)我觉得熊猫有点懒。 I think pandas are kind of lazy.(修饰形容词) 4)这个数学题对他来说有点难。 This math problem is kind of / a little / a bit diffi

4、cult to him. (修饰形容词) 5)他说话有点快。 (修饰副词) He speaks kind of / a little / a bit fast. 4.east , west, south , north n.东西南北 +ern 变成形容词 eastern, western, southern, northern adj. 注意 southern 的读音。 southeast 东南 (注意顺序) southwest 西南 2 / 7 northeast 东北 northwest 西北 这些词也是后接-ern 变成形容词: southeastern, northwestern 5.

5、名词+ly =形容词 friendly 友好的 brotherly 兄弟般的 sisterly 姐妹般的 motherly 母亲般的 fatherly 父亲般的 lovely 可爱的 1)这个学校的老师对学生很友好。 The teachers in this school are very friendly to their students. 2)那个女孩多么可爱啊! What a lovely girl she is! = How lovely the girl is! 形容词+ly =副词 sad = sadly 伤心地 clear = clearly 清楚地 beautiful = b

6、eautifully 漂亮地 careful = carefully 细心地 angry = angrily 生气地 happy = happily 高兴地 3)你必须认真做作业。 You must do your homework carefully. 4)请在黑板上清楚地写出那个句子。 Please write the sentence clearly on the blackboard. 6. another (三者或以上)另一个 1)这件衬衫我穿着有点小,你能给我看一下另一件吗? This shirt is a little small for me. Could you please

7、 show me another one? onethe other (二者中)一个另一个 2)这位老人有两个儿子,一个是医生,另一个是教师。 The old man has two sons. One is a doctor and the other is a teacher. others = other + cn (pl) /复数名词(没有一定范围除去一个/部分剩余的)另一些 3)在那所国际学校你可以遇到很多来自其他国家的学生。 You can meet many students from other countries in that international school. t

8、he others = the other + 复数名词(有一定范围除去一个/部分剩余的)另一些 7.sleep n. 睡眠 1)青少年每晚需要 8 小时的睡眠。 Teenagers need 8 hours sleep a night. sleep vi. 睡觉 2)不要睡得太晚,这样对身体不好。 Dont sleep too late. It is bad for your health. sleepy adj. 困的 3)我太困了,眼睛都睁不开了。 I am too sleepy to keep my eyes open. asleep adj. 在睡觉(表语形容词) 4)安静点!孩子们

9、在睡觉。 Please be / keep quiet! The kids are asleep / are sleeping. 8.during prep. (介词)在期间 3 / 7 during the day 在白天(期间) during the vacation 在假期(期间) 1)他在中国停留期间,去过哪里? Where did he go during his stay in China? 2)在暑假期间,你都做了些什么? What did you do during the summer vacation? 9.leaf n.叶子 1)复数的变化规则:以 f 或 fe 结尾的词

10、,去掉 f 或 fe, 再加-ves。 例如:leaf, thief(小偷), shelf(架子), wolf, knife, half, wife, self 2)handkerchief 手绢,scarf 围巾,可以直接加-s,也可以去掉 f 或 fe,再加-ves。 3)roof 房顶,safe 保险柜,直接加-s。 10.relax vt. 使放松(后接 “人”作宾语) relax oneself (作动词时后常接人做宾语) 1)他通过听音乐来放松自己。 He relaxed himself by listening to music. relaxing adj. 令人放松的; 2)我

11、喜欢这部电影因为它很令人放松。 I like the movie because it is relaxing. (作表语) relaxed adj. 放松的 3)假期过后,我觉得很放松。 I feel / am relaxed after the vacation. (作表语) 4)看海滩上那些放松的人们! (作定语) Look at the relaxed people on the beach! 5)我发现学生们暑假过后很放松。 I find the students relaxed after the summer vacation. (作宾语补足语) 二.重点句子 1.Lets se

12、e the lions. let sb. (not) do sth. (不)让/(不)允许某人做某事 1)今晚咱们去看电影吧! Lets go to the movies tonight! 2)让我看一看你的新手机。 Let me have a look at your new cell / mobile phone. 3)让他不要骑车去那里。 Let him not go there by bike. 2.-Why do you want to see the lions? -Because theyre cute. 注意:Why 的疑问句要用 because 来回答。 1)-你为什么喜欢英

13、语? -因为它有趣。 -Why do you like English? -Because its interesting. 在文章中表达时,because 的句子不能单独使用。 2)因为英语很有趣,所以我们班很多学生喜欢它。 一下四种说法都不正确: A: Because English is interesting. Many students in our class like it.(原因状语从句不单独使用) B: Many students in our class like English. Because its interesting. (同上) C: Because Engli

14、sh is interesting so many students in our class like it. (两个从句没有主句) D: English is interesting, many students in our class like it. (两个主句用逗号隔开) 注意: Because 不能和 so 连用,因为它们都是连词,引导的都是从句。正确的说法是: 4 / 7 A: Many students in our class like English because its interesting. B: Because English is interesting ma

15、ny students in our class like it. C: English is interesting so many students in our class like it. D: English is interesting. Many students in our class like it. 3. -Do you like giraffes? -Yes, I do. -Why? 为什么? -Because theyre very interesting. 如果说: -Do you like giraffes? -No, I dont. -Why not? 为什么不

16、(喜欢)? -Because theyre very shy. 4.What other animals do you like? 你还喜欢其他什么动物? 1)你还想学什么语言? What other language(s) do you want to learn? 注意:what、某人的(Mikes, my, your) 后面常用 other+单数或复数名词。 2)我其他的那些朋友在五班。 My other friends are in Class 5. 3)你的另一只手里有什么? Whats in your other hand? 5.I like dogs, too. 我也喜欢狗。 t

17、oo, also adv (副词)也 注意它们的位置: 1)你是个学生,他也是。 You are a student and he is also a student. = You are a student and he is a student, too. either(副词)也不 2)你不喜欢足球,我也不喜欢。 You dont like soccer and I dont like it, either. 6.She likes to play with her friends and eat grass. 她喜欢和朋友玩耍、吃草。 like 后面常跟并列形式。 like to do

18、A and do B. 或 like doing A and doing B. 1)你周末喜欢打篮球、听音乐吗? Do you like playing basketball and listening to music? =Do you like to play basketball and listen to music? 7.Shes very beautiful but shes very shy. 她很漂亮但是很害羞。 but 引导并列复合句。 (表示转折) 1)他喜欢篮球,但他不喜欢足球。 He likes basketball but he doesnt like soccer.

19、 2)我觉得当警察危险但很有趣。 I think being a policeman is dangerous but interesting. and 引导并列复合句。 (表示并列或递进) 8.-Isnt he cute? 难道他不可爱吗? 如果回答他很可爱,要用: -Yes, he is. 不,他很可爱。 1)-难道你不喜欢英语吗?-不,我喜欢。 5 / 7 -Dont you like English? -Yes, I do. 2)-你不是老师,对吗? -是的,我不是。 -You arent a teacher, are you? -No, I am not. 如果说: -不,我是老师。

20、 -Yes, I am. 一定注意 Yes,No 在这样的句中的翻译。 9.He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves. 他白天睡觉,晚上起来吃树叶。 她白天总是很忙,晚上回家放松。 She is always busy during the day, but at night she stays at home and relaxes herself. during the day 还可以说: in the day 或 in the daytime. 以-f 或-fe 结尾的词的复数变化 1)leaf,

21、shelf(架子), wolf(狼), thief(小偷), knife(刀子), wife(妻子) ,housewife(主妇)等,通常去掉-f 或-fe 再加-ves leaf-leaves ; shelf-shelves; wolf-wolves; thief-thieves; knife-knives; wife-wives; 2)scarf(围巾), handkerchief(手帕)等,既可以加-s 也可以去掉-f 变成-ves。 scarf scarfs / scarves handkerchief- handkerchifs / handkerchives 3)roof (房顶)

22、 ,直接加 s。 10.He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day. (P173b) 他通常每天睡觉、放松长达 20 个小时。 此句中 sleeps and relaxes 后省略了介词 for。有些不及物动词后接时间名词通常会省略介词 for。 1)等我一会,我马上回来。 Wait a minute / moment. Ill be back at once. 2)如果你想买辆新车,你得等两天。 If you want to buy a new car, you will have to wait two days. Where 和 wh

23、at 引导的特殊疑问句 用来提出问题的句子叫疑问句。它包括四类: 一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。 1.一般疑问句: 对某种情况提出质疑,通常用 yes 或 no 回答的问句。 一般疑问句通常升调。 1)-你是美国人吗? -不。我是澳大利亚人。 -Are you American? -No. Im Australian. 2)-他喜欢运动吗? -是的。他喜欢游泳。 -Does he like sports? -Yes. He likes swimming. 2.特殊疑问句: 用疑问代词 what, who, whose, which, how many, how much 等或

24、疑问副词 when, where, why, how, how long, how far , how soon, how often 等引导的疑问句,叫做特殊疑问句。这种疑问句要求具体回答而不能用 yes 或 no 来回答。句末要用问号,句子要降调。 1)-你爸爸是干什么工作的? -他是个医生。 -What is your father job? = What does your father do? -He is a doctor. 2)-你在等谁? -我在等我的朋友。 -Who are you waiting for? -Im waiting for my friend. 6 / 7 3

25、)-这是谁的书? -是我的。 -Whose book is it? -Its mine / my book. 4)-那个杯子里有多少水? -没有了。 (量) -How much water is there in the cup? -Theres no water in it. 5)-那辆新自行车你花了多少钱?-280 元。 (价格) -How much did you pay for the new bike? -280 yuan. 3.选择疑问句 说话人对问题提出两个或两个以上的选项,让对方选择回答。其结构是一般疑问句或特殊疑问句加上选择部分,选择部分用 or 连接,朗读时前面用声调,最后

26、一个选项用降调。回答时须选择回答,不能用 yes 或 no 来回答。 1)-你的笔友是个男孩还是女孩?-她是个女孩。 -Is your pen pal a boy or a girl? -A girl. 2)-你通常几点到家,四点还是五点? -五点。 -When do you usually get home, at four or at five? -At five. 4.反意疑问句 反意疑问句是附在陈述句之后,对陈述句所说的事实或观点提出疑问。由于是在陈述句之后加上一个意思与之相反的简略问句,所以叫做反意疑问句。 反意疑问句由系动词 be 或助动词(do, does, did, have,

27、 has, will, shall 等)或情态动词加主语构成,前有逗号,后有问号。反意问句的结构实际上是一种简略的一般疑问句,所以其答语需用 yes 或 no。 陈述句如果是肯定形式,反意疑问句则用否定形式;反之,陈述句如果是否定形式,其后的反意疑问句则用肯定形式。 两部分在人称、数、时态等方面必须一致。反意疑问句的否定词一般用缩略形式,主语须用人称代词。 1)-The visitors are from Australia, arent they ? -Yes, they are. -No, they arent. 2)-She can sing and dance well, cant s

28、he? -Yes, she can. -No, she cant. 注意下列句子: 3)-Miss Green doesnt like traveling by air, does she? -格林夫人不喜欢坐飞机旅行,是吗? - Yes, she does. 不,她喜欢。 - No, she doesnt. 是的,她不喜欢。 注意:若陈述部分是否定形式,其反意疑问句是肯定形式,请注意答语中 Yes / No 的翻译,意思和表面意思相反。Yes “不” ;No “是的” 。 4)Open the window, will you? 打开窗户好吗? 5)Dont be late next tim

29、e, will you? 下次别迟到了,好吗? 注意:祁使句后面用反意疑问句,一般用 will you。 三、本次课课后作业 五单元-六单元 1. I have a computer. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ _ _ a computer? _,_ _. 2. We have a soccer ball. (改为否定句) We _ _ a soccer ball. 7 / 7 3. Sue has a small sports collection. (改为否定句) Sue _ _ a small sports collection. 4. Ann has a brother.

30、(改为一般疑问句) _ Ann _ a brother? 5. Do they like eggs? (作肯定回答) _, _ _. 1、亨利收了很多体育用品。 Henry _ a _ _ collection. 2、 那听起来很无聊。 That _ _ 3、 我父母每天进行体育锻炼。 My parents _ _ _ _. 4、 我仅仅在电视上看体育。 I _ _ sports _ TV. 5、让我们打排球吧! _ _ _. 1. Her brother likes meat.(就划线部分提问) _ _ her brother like? 2. There are oranges on th

31、e table. (变为单数句)There _ _ _ on the table. 3. He likes salad for supper. (变为一般疑问句) _ he _ salad for supper? 4. They like to eat ice-cream. (变为否定句) They _ _ to eat ice-cream. I like fruit, but I dont like vegetables.(用 Jane 作主语改写句子) _. 六根据中文完成句子(20 分)。 1对于甜食,他喜欢冰激凌 He _ ice cream _ _. 2他们午饭喜欢胡萝卜,你们呢? They like _ _ _. _ _ you? 3.让我们吃沙拉, _ _ salad. 4我爸爸午饭喜欢吃汉堡。我妈妈晚饭喜欢吃西红柿。我妹妹喜欢吃冰激淋。 My father _ hamburgers _ _. My mother likes _ _ _. My sister likes _ _. 5运动员吃得好。 _ eat _. 四、学生对于本次课的评价: 特别满意 满意 一般 差 学生签字: 起航教育教务处



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