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1、思杰虚拟化解决方案思杰虚拟化解决方案2 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved 思杰系统 (Citrix Systems) 全球领先的虚拟化专家市场上领先的提供完整虚拟化方案的供应商应用虚拟化、桌面虚拟化、服务器虚拟化实现一体化应用交付NASDAQ 100 及 标准普尔500指数成份股 (CTXS),2008年营业收入15.8亿美元全球35个国家4900+ 员工,在100多个国家有超过10000的代理商合作伙伴至今为止:100%财富100强(北美)企业,99%财富500强(北美)企业100%财富100强(全球)企业,99%财富500强(全球)

2、企业覆盖全球75%的互联网用户访问完善的售后体系,SA专享升级服务3 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved Citrix(思杰)在中国:Citrix 北京欢迎您!持续的投入2000年设置香港办事处2003年设置上海办事处、2004年设置北京办事处2008年成立北京公司,北京办事处乔迁新址2008年底设置台北办事处2009年,上海办事处也将计划扩大与搬迁我们的队伍2008年人员翻番,2009年稳步增长我们的客户从最初的制造发展到多行业应用,用户数已达数千我们的合作伙伴从最初的2、3家发展到目前的上百家4 2008 Citrix Systems

3、, Inc. All rights reserved CitrixXenServerCitrixXenDesktopCitrix XenApp虚拟应用虚拟桌面虚拟服务器UsersApps虚拟化技术解决应用交付问题虚拟化技术解决应用交付问题5 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved 虚拟应用虚拟应用为什么?为什么?6 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved 业务系统迅速增加业务系统迅速增加用户用户应用系统应用系统7 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights re

4、served 正在发生变化的业务环境用户离应用越来越远用户离应用越来越远用户离应用越来越远用户离应用越来越远数据越来越集中数据越来越集中数据越来越集中数据越来越集中业务越来越复杂业务越来越复杂业务越来越复杂业务越来越复杂安全需求越来越强安全需求越来越强安全需求越来越强安全需求越来越强8 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved HTTPSVPN/ReverseProxy ServerDial-InERP & Other DBConfigured TrafficSAP EnterprisePortal Server(s)YourDataMailS

5、erver传统应用交付的挑战传统架构1速度/效率2管理3安全9 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved 125 ms125*8 ms1000 msI want to open a filedogboneblue“Whatever”John WhomeverWhich file?Who are you?Password?OK, Its open!1125 msOpen dogbonebluefor John Whomever,password “Whatever”Without XenApp 延时比较10 2008 Citrix Systems

6、, Inc. All rights reserved 100K session/ per user300User = 300*100K=30M125*8 ms1000 ms1125 msWithout XenApp 带宽比较I want to open a filedogboneblue“Whatever”John WhomeverWhich file?Who are you?Password?OK, Its open!11 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved XenApp-虚拟化应用交付平台技术原理12 2008 Citrix Syst

7、ems, Inc. All rights reserved Citrix的带宽消耗测试从右图可以看出,应用的带宽消耗和操作有关,有些操作或模块会突然传输3000K/分钟的数据(深蓝色曲线),如果这时网络无法保证带宽,给用户带来的直接感受就是操作变得很慢,而对应的CITRIX带宽消耗(浅蓝色)一致稳定在10K左右。13 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved 为什么能提升访问速度?ClientApplicationWANSQL command and dataDatabase ServerClient/ServerClient/ServerCl

8、ientWANDatabase ServerServer-Based ComputingServer-Based ComputingLANscreenshot , mouseclicks & keystrokesCitrix XenApp Servers with Client ApplicationSQL command and data10-20 kb100 kb-1 Mb100 Mb, 1 Gb14 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved 1 msWith XenAppOK, Its open!125 msI want to open

9、a filedogboneblue“Whatever”John WhomeverWhich file?Who are you?Password?OK, Its open!125 ms251 ms15 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved 传输效率提高效率提高 倍倍16 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved With XenApp1 session/user =20K bps300 user=20*300K= 6M30M/6M=5 X17 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc.

10、 All rights reserved 所有指定应用全部集中在数据中心所有指定应用全部集中在数据中心简便安装、管理、支持简便安装、管理、支持到达终端的应用与数据从一开始就是被集中管理的到达终端的应用与数据从一开始就是被集中管理的虚拟化支撑新型业务体系架构 集中式“交付”:安全、便捷、节能、随需而动应用服务器应用服务器应用虚拟化服务器环境应用虚拟化服务器环境XenAppXenApp服务器端元件服务器端元件网络应用网络应用订制化应用订制化应用数据中心数据中心桌面桌面/ /终端终端客户端元件客户端元件网络应用网络应用桌面应用桌面应用18 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All

11、rights reserved Citrix XenApp 安全性分析18 2005 Citrix Systems, Inc. - All rights reservedDeliverProtectOrganizeDisplayManageApplicationsApplicationsAccessed fromAccessed fromAny DeviceAny DeviceOnly screens, mouse clicks & Only screens, mouse clicks & keystrokes travel the networkkeystrokes travel the n

12、etworkApplications Install & Applications Install & Run on Server FarmRun on Server Farm19 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved Http vs ICA 19 2005 Citrix Systems, Inc. - All rights reserved20 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved HTTPSICAInternetAccess GatewayCitrix Xenapp ServerYo

13、urDataXML/HTTPICAScreen RefreshKeystrokesMouse MovementSecure Connection128 bit cipherTwo Factor AuthenticationICA over SSLiViewR/3 & Other DBSAP EnterprisePortal Server(s)AnyDevice*Securely应用虚拟化带来的改变使用Citrix后的架构10 20KOA 12321 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved 虚拟应用可以解决的问题:22 2008 Citrix

14、Systems, Inc. All rights reserved XenApp访问方式Web InterfacePNAPN23 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved Why Citrix24 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved Case Study25 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved Verizon1044%3Com948%Citrix Systems854%McAfee761%Symantec664%Dell570%HP4

15、71%IBM374%Microsoft281%Cisco1战略性基础设施供应商48%Citrix Systems8 近年来在对(北美)CIO的数次调查中,Citrix已被不断重复地放置在十大战略性IT基础设施供应商之列强大的行业用户群金融服务业:全美前20位的商业银行,全球前50位商业及储蓄银行电信业:全美前10位及全球前20位的电信运营商制造业:全球前20位的汽车制造商,前15位的电子制造商,前10位的制药公司,全美前10位的高技术制造商,及前15位的化工企业政府:200+ 各类美国政府机构医疗业:全球前5位的医疗机构,全美前15位的医疗机构思杰强大的行业用户群26 2008 Citrix

16、Systems, Inc. All rights reserved 数据中心基础架构的提升分支机构访问业务系统集中发布平台客户端安装、配置维护复杂,需要大量数据传输(如 ArcGIS SAP.)终端标准化, 运维集中管理远程访问提升访问速度。保证业务连续性移动办公,全面支持各种终端应用C/SB/S (企业Portal)保证数据安全,XenApp+SmartAuditorWeb服务器局域网访问远程用户访问(低带宽)Intranet应用服务器业务服务器数据库服务器移动用户访问 安全域控制器+Smart auditorCitrix服务器群组 (负载负载均衡均衡)运维集运维集中管理中管理Xenapp发

17、布应用发布应用27 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved 全球企业对思杰所代表的集中管控安全体系的广泛采纳高盛集团于2007年9月完成的对财富1000企业的信息安全主管的调查显示:虽然Citrix (思杰)不是传统意义上的安全厂商,但却被最多的企业推为其2008年首选安全方案供应商!28 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved 安全措施-SmartAuditor 智能审计PDATerminalIP PhoneDesktopLaptop操作会话ICASmartAuditor 服务器文件服务器

18、监控台策略实施录像归档录像回放Citrix XenApp服务器数据中心用户操作端任何ICA客户端录像驱动录像服务ICA协议流29 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved The user accesses their employee login page from the corporate web siteThe SmartAccess agent pre-scans the workstation to detect the machine configuration and compliance with access policie

19、sJohnDoeA post login scan is also initiated. This determines the functions available to the user, based on access policies.Note that the user, in this case, is granted full access, which includes a full range of applications including ERP and PayrollThe user is also granted full access to network sh

20、ares and document sharesThe user is offered a range of access modes to launch the document. They also have the option to download and save.30 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved However, if the user logs in from an unidentified machineThe pre-scan may indicate that the machine hardware and

21、 configuration meet the minimum requirements.JohnDoeHowever, the post login scan would apply the access policies and may restrict access based on the fact that the machine is not identified.Appropriate action can be taken, such as restricting the functionality available, offering help, or remedial a

22、ttention.Note that the application list presented may be restricted based on the policies applied.The user is offered restricted access, which does not allow for downloading or opening of the file. However, a new LiveEdit option is included as well as a Preview optionThe user does not get an option to save locallyNote that the user is not allowed to save the file locally. They can save the file on a network share as determined by their Access Policies31 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved Citrix平台的集群能力内置集群功能高可用性负载均衡自动优化用户可定制负载均衡算法



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