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1、员工考勤制度员工考勤制度Work Attendance RegulationWork Attendance RegulationAuthorAuditorApprover修改说明 Modification Description:RevisionRevisionV2.1ItemsItemsAll第一章第一章总总则则Chapter 1 General ProvisionChapter 1 General Provision第一条为规范员工管理,切实保障公司及员工利益,根据有关法律法规,结合公司实际情况,特制定本制度。The rule is made based on the company si

2、tuation in compliance with relevant laws in purpose of standardizingadministration of management and safeguarding the interests of both company and staffs。第二条此制度适用于非工厂编制员工.第二章第二章细细则则Chapter 2 Implementing ProvisionChapter 2 Implementing Provision第一节第一节 考勤打卡规范考勤打卡规范/Norm of attendance/Norm of attenda

3、nce第三条所有员工上下班必须按规定打卡,包括中途请假、停产、出差、培训等(应于中途下班时刷卡) 。Staff must punch card when on and off duty。 In the halfway during working time, if staff ask leave (include leaving,going out for business, training, production shutdown) , they must punch when leave the company。第四条第五条公司员工出勤均应本人亲自打卡,自觉遵守,相互监督。委托他人代打卡

4、的或打卡后实际未到岗的,视其情节酌情惩处;代打卡者并同惩处.Staff must punch the card on his/her own.Consigning others to punch card or not coming for work after punching card shall be fined upon the circumstances ;those help others punch card shall be fined as well.第六条除外部驻厂员工外,工作时间内出公司大门的,需填写出门单交部门主管及人力资源部审批。Except for QC of ou

5、tsourcing fac, those going out during the working hours shall submit Gate Pass to the deptmanager and HR for approval。第七条正常出勤无刷卡记录,补办考勤证明的审批规定:The approval of attendance certification:员工正常出勤的,如发生漏刷卡、其他无刷卡记录的合理原因导致考勤记录不全,应填写考勤证明表证明出勤情况。Where there is no attendance record due to reasonable reason whil

6、e the staff is on duty, he/she shall submitAttendance Certification for approval.1)考勤证明表须在员工未正常刷卡发生后三个工作日内,经部门主管审批,提报人力资源部.Attendance Certification shall be submitted within 3 working days after the occurrence , and shall be approved bydept manager and HR.第八条在外驻厂上班的员工,需在每月 3 日前提交其考勤记录, 由其上级主管及部门经理审核

7、后交由人力资源部考勤人员。上级主管及部门领导应对考勤的真实性和准确性负责,有不实的查证后须负领导责任。QC working in outsourcing factory shall submit the attendance sheet to HR before third of each month with thesignature of direct leader and dept manager。 The direct leader and dept manager shall be liable for the truthfulnessand accuracy of the said

8、 sheet, and they shall bear responsibility as leader for the untruthfulness.第二节第二节 迟到、早退迟到、早退/Lateness and tardy/Lateness and tardy凡公司员工在工作时间开始后打卡者为迟到;Punching card after the stipulated working time is deemed as lateness;凡公司员工在工作时间终了前打卡者为早退。Punching card before the stipulated working time is deemed

9、as tardy。AuthorAuditorApproverThe rule applies to non factory staff.Modifications DescriptionModifications DescriptionNewReviserReviserHRDateDate2013-2-7第九条1)迟到、早退/ Lateness and tardy迟到、早退月累计超过三十分钟,不足一小时,扣除当月全勤奖奖金,并按 0。5 天事假处理;Cumulative time exceeds 20 minutes but less than 1 hour, apart from the d

10、eduction of full attendance bonus, deductsalary of 0。5 day personal affair leave;2)迟到、早退月累计一小时及以上,不足四小时 ,扣除当月全勤奖奖金,并按旷工 0.5 天处理;Cumulative time exceeds 1 hour but less than 4 hours, apart from the deduction of full attendance bonus,deductsalary of 0.5 day absenteeism;3)迟到、早退月累计四小时及以上,不足八小时,扣除当月全勤奖奖金

11、,按旷工 1 天处理。超过八小时,按具体旷工时数累加。Cumulative time exceeds 4 hour but less than 8 hours,apart from the deduction of full attendance bonus , deductsalary of 1 day absenteeism; the time exceeding 8 hours shall be cumulated as actual。第三节第三节旷工旷工/Absenteeism/Absenteeism第十条公司员工如有下列情形之一,均以旷工处理:Any of circumstances

12、 hereunder is deemed as absenteeism:1) 未请假或请假未批准,不到公司上班;No leave application or leave application is not approved, while not come on duty;2) 用不正当手段骗取、涂改、伪造休假证明;Offer untrue evidence to apply for leave;3) 在工作上不服从上级领导的合理安排,煽动其他员工举行怠工、罢工;Do not obey Superiors reasonable assignment, incite others to sla

13、ck in work, make strike;4) 被公安部门拘留,或因打架斗殴、违纪致伤造成休息;Being detained by the Police, or take rest due to fighting which is not allowed;5) 工作时间内未经批准,擅自离开工作岗位或公司;离岗半小时以内的,按一小时事假处理;离岗半小时(含)至一小时的,按旷工半天处理;离岗超过一小时(含)的,按旷工一天处理。Leave ones post or the company without the approval during the working time, if less

14、 than half hour, it will be treatedas one hour private affair leave; if more than half hour but less than one hour, it will be treated as half dayabsenteeism; if more than one hour, it will be treated as one day absenteeism。6) 本制度第二节规定的情形。Situations in article 2 of this rule。第十一条旷工期间按照工资双倍减发原则;因旷工引起

15、的其它行政处分,详见员工手册。The salary of absenteeism is deducted in double. The penalty of absenteeism refers to Employee Handbook 。第十二条连续旷工 3 天或年累计旷工 7 天及以上者,公司可不经预告,视作员工自动解除劳动关系.自动离职者,扣发其截止至离职日公司所有应支付的工资、补贴及奖金等 .直至员工办理完离职手续后,发放其扣减旷工工资后应得的薪资.Successive absenteeism of 3 days or cumulative absenteeism of 7 days

16、and above , it is deemed as staff terminatelabor contract on his/her own will. Salary payable after deduction of absenteeism shall be postponed unless the stafffinishes the handover procedure。第四节第四节排班管理排班管理/Shift management/Shift management第十三条为保证考勤管理的有序性,各部门根据实际需要,每周或根据实际班次情况定期提前上报员工排班表 ,经上级主管审核汇总后

17、,交由人力资源部考勤人员。To assure the orderliness of attendance, dept shall submit Shift Roster beforehand to HR each week or wheneverthere is change.第五节第五节加班管理加班管理/Overtime management/Overtime management第十四条工作时间/Working hours1)原则上,非工厂正常工作时间为单双休,08:3017:30,午休 1 小时。公司根据冬夏令时,另行调整作息时间。In principal, working hours

18、of nonfactory staff is alternative weekends, 08:3017:30, 1 hour lunch break;AuthorAuditorApproverCompany adjusts the specific timing according to winter and summer timings。2)在外驻厂上班的员工:按所在工厂的作息时间上班。QC working in outsourcing factory: as per the timing of the outsourcing factory。第十五条加班申请/Application of

19、 overtime:审批流程/Overtime approval of those not related with production:因工作需要加班时,必须于当日或次日向部门主管提出加班申请,填写加班申请单 ,经上级主管审核后,交人力资源经理根据申请理由进行核实。For overtime, Overtime Application must be submitted at the day or the next day of overtime, and submit to HRafter the approval of department manager.第十六条加班时间计算/Calc

20、ulation of overtime:1)2)3)当实际加班时间大于申请时间,以申请时间为准;当实际加班时间小于申请时间,以实际加班时间为准;加班的最小单位为半小时,不足半小时的不计入加班。Where the actual time of overtime exceeds the applied time, the applied one shall prevail;Where the actual time of overtime is less than the applied time, the actual one shall prevail;The minimum overtime

21、 is 0。5 hour, the time less than 0.5 hour is not deemed as overtime。第十七条调休/Compensatory leave1)2)3)员工加班后,可以申请同等加班时间的调休作为对加班的补偿;任何调休均需先有加班时间,后才能申请调休;每月最多只能调休 2 天,用于调休的加班时间有效期为六个月(驾驶员为一年) 。Staff may apply for compensatory leave in response to the overtime;Compensatory leave must not be taken before ov

22、ertime;The maximum days of compensatory leave of each month is 2 days, the validity of compensatory leave is 6 months(driver is allowed for 1 year)第六节第六节休假管理休假管理/Leave management/Leave management第十八条休假审批/Approval of leave1)原则上,任何假期,员工都须提前申请并填写员工请假单 。对于特殊情况的,员工须事先通过电话短信等方式向部门领导口头请假,并经相关领导批准;请假手续必须由本人

23、或相关领导指派代理人在开始请假日期后三天内补办。逾期不办的,视为旷工.In principal, any sort of leave shall be approved with submission of Leave Application. For special circumstance ,staff shall serve oral application and get the approval beforehand, but he/she or consignee shall make up writtenapplication within 3 days after the fi

24、rst day of leave, if not, it will be deemed as absenteeism。2)审批权限/Authority of approval1 天T直属上司 Direct leader人力资源部 HR1 天T 3 天部门经理 Dept manager营运经理 Operation manager人力资源部 HR3 天T部门经理 Dept manager营运经理 Operation manager人力资源部 HR、总经理 GMT=休假天数审批权限Approval by第十九条休假(包括事假、病假、调休假)的最小单位为 1 小时;超过 1 小时的,最小单位为 0。5

25、 小时。年休假的最小单位为 0。5 天。The minimum time of leave (include personal affair leave, sick leave ,compensatory leave) ,the minimum time of thepart exceeding 1 hour is 0.5 hour。 Minimum time of annual leave is 0.5 day。第二十条试用期内,员工请假连续或累计超过 7 天(含 7 天),转正时间顺延相应天数。Where staff takes leave successively or cumulati

26、vely 7 days and above during the probation period, the probationperiod shall extend correspondingly.第二十一条员工连续请假时间超过一定期限的,经人力资源部确认后,如必要,须到财务部预交请假期间社会保险个AuthorAuditorApprover人及单位承担部分的费用。Where the successive leave exceeds due period, the staff shall prepay his/her company and personal part of socialins

27、urance if necessary after being checked by HR.第二十二条原则上,任何假期,超过 1 个月的(含一个月) ,保留该员工编制但不保留其职位,待其返回工作岗位后公司视工作需要合理安排职位。In principal,if the leave of any sort exceed 1 month, the company will keep the manning quotas but not the post whichwill be rearranged reasonably after the staff come back from the leav

28、e.第二十三条节假日/National holidays员工享受以下带薪公众假日,具体以公司放假通知为准:Staff can enjoy the following national holidays, detail refer to company notice made otherwise:1) 新年 1 天(一月一日) New Year;2) 春节 3 天(农历除夕、初一、初二) Spring Festival;3) 妇女节 0.5 天,只适用于女性员工(三月八日半天) Womens Day;4) 清明节 1 天(农历清明当天) Tomb-sweeping Day;5) 端午节 1 天(

29、农历端午当天) Dragon Boat Festival;6) 国际劳动节 1 天(五月一日) May Day;7) 五四青年节 0.5 天,适用于 14 周岁以上 28 周岁及以下的青年 Youths Day;8) 中秋节 1 天(农历中秋当天) MidAutumns Day;9) 国庆节 3 天(十月一日、十月二日、十月三日) National Day。第二十四条事假/Personal affair leave1) 原则上,员工请事假不得连续超过 30 天(包括公休假及法定假) ;当月累计事假超过 15 天,不得享受各类津贴。In principal, personal affair le

30、ave shall not exceed 30 days successively (include weekends and national holidays);where the personal leave in a month exceeds 15 days, the staff is not entitled to get any welfare or allowance。2) 事假期间公司不支付任何薪资,含工资、补贴、奖金等.There is no income during personal affair leave, include salary, allowance, bo

31、nus and such。第二十五条病假/Sick leave1) 病假:持有县(区)级以上公立医院出具的建议休息病假单及就诊病历记录,经领导批准的实际病休时间;Sick leave refers to the leave with evidence from the hospital and approval from the superior.2) 病假期限(全年累计病假日数不得超过医疗期):Term of sick leave (the sick leave in a year shall not exceed the term of medical treatment period):

32、S=本单位工作年限S=seniority in thecompany病假期限Maximum termof sick leave病假最长期限为 1 年,逾期不复工者,视作自动解除劳动合同。The maximum term of sick leave is 1 year; Where the term exceeds 1 year , it is deemed as staff terminate the laborcontract without compensation.3) 病假工资:按实际工资(不包括加班加点工资、奖金、各类津贴等)为基数的 80发放。Salary of sick leav

33、e: 80% of monthly actual salary (exclude overtime, bonus, welfare and allowance)。第二十六条婚假、丧假/Marriage leave, funeral leave1) 符合法定年龄(女 20 周岁,男 22 周岁)结婚的,可享受 3 天婚假;符合晚婚年龄(女23 周岁,男25 周岁) ,可再享受晚婚假 12 天;再婚的可享受 3 天婚假,不能享受晚婚假;Those meet lawful marriage age are entitled for 3 days marriage leave; those meet

34、lawful late marriage age are entitledfor 12 days extra leave; remarriage is entitled for 3 days only。AuthorAuditorApprover1 个月2 个月3 个月4 个月3 年S3 年T 6 年6 年T 8 年8 年T2) 上述婚假需以相关部门开具的结婚证明为准(结婚日期早于员工入公司日期的,不能享受婚假) ;Marriage leave shall be served with marriage certificate which is possessed during the serv

35、ice in the company.3) 员工的下列亲属死亡,可享受三天丧假:祖父母、父母、配偶父母、配偶、子女、兄弟姐妹(须持有医院的死亡证明及与本人关系的证明) ;Staff is entitled for the funeral leave for the following relatives: grandparent ,parent, parent of spouse,spouse,child,sister or brother (evidence of the death and relation shall be served)4) 婚、丧假期间,视同出勤,工资、补贴及奖金全额

36、发放.Marriage leave and funeral leave are paid leave。5) 婚嫁期间包括法定假及公休假。The term of marriage leave includes weekends and national holidays.第二十七条产假/Maternity leave1) 员工生育、流产符合国家计划生育政策规定的,凭相关证明(准生证等),可以申请休产假;Staff meet lawful maternity regulation can take such leave;2) 产假期限根据国家法规,按以下标准执行:The term of mater

37、nity leave is as follows:a.正常分娩的,享受 98 天产假,其中产前可以休假 15 天;Normal delivery, 98 days, among which, 15 days can be took before the delivery;b.分娩时遇有难产实施剖宫产或助产手术的,增加产后假 15 天;Cesarean delivery, 15 days extra;c.生育多胞胎的,每多生育 1 个婴儿,增加产后假 15 天;Multiple births, 15 days extra for each baby;d.妊娠未满 3 个月流产的(含自然流产、人工

38、流产),享受产假 20 天;Abortion within 3 months, 20 days;e.妊娠 3 个月及以上、7 个月以下流产的(含自然流产、人工流产),享受 50 天的产假;Abortion in between 3 months and 7 months, 50 days.3) 产假期间,发放其标准工资作为生育津贴,月工资高于统筹地区职工平均工资的 300,按统筹地区职工平均工资的 300%计发。Maternity leave is paid leave。 If the monthly salary is above 300 of the average salary in N

39、ingbo, the Company willpay 300% of the said as the benchmark.第二十八条陪产假/Paternity leave1) 公司男性员工,如配偶符合国家晚育政策的,可享受七天陪产假。Male staff meeting lawful maternity regulation is entitled for 7 days paternity leave.2) 员工请陪产假,需出示子女的出生医学证明和准生证 。陪产假在子女出生的一个月内有效,逾期作废.Evidence shall be served when staff takes patern

40、ity leave which is valid for only 1 month after the birth of baby.3) 陪产假期间视同出勤,工资、补贴及奖金全额发放。Paternity leave is paid leave。第二十九条哺乳假/Breastfeeding leave1) 有不满一周岁婴儿的女员工,每天给予哺乳时间二次,共计 1 小时;多胎生育的女员工每多哺乳一个婴儿,哺乳时间每天增加三十分钟;Staff with baby of less than 1 year old is entitled for 1 hour leave; Multiple birth,

41、 grant 30 minutes more for each baby.2) 哺乳假期限为一年,起始日期为员工子女的出生日期。员工请哺乳期,需出示子女的出生医学证明.The term of breastfeeding leave is 1 year, starting from the birth date of the baby.3) 哺乳假期间视同出勤,工资、补贴及奖金全额发放.Breastfeeding leave is paid leave。第三十条产检假/Leave for physical check of pregnant staff怀孕女工在工作时间内进行产前检查的,凭医院出

42、具的证明,检查时间视为正常工作时间,公司支付期间工资、奖金及补AuthorAuditorApprover贴。产前检查的时间一般不得超过半天(含来回路程).怀孕女工产前检查的周期定义如下:Pregnant staff is entitled to get the prenatal examination with the evidence from the hospital。The time ofprenatal examination shall not be more than half day (include the time spent on the way) 。 Such leave

43、 is paidleave。 The period for the examination is as follows:a.怀孕 4 个月到 6 个月的女员工,每个月检查一次;Pregnant in between 4 months and 6 months, 1 time/month;b.怀孕 7 个月到 9 个月的女员工,每半个月检查一次;Pregnant in between 7 months and 9 months, 2 times/month;c.怀孕 9 个月以上的女员工,每一周检查一次。Pregnant above 9 months, 1 time/week。第三十一条工伤假/

44、Work injury leave员工发生事故后,由其所在部门于 24 小时内出具工伤认定申请表 ,记录事故经过,经相关领导审核后,上交人力资源部。人力资源部上报工伤保险机构及劳动管理部门,上述部门调查取证,确认属实后,出具工伤认定书 。Staff suffer fromwork injury shall inform HR within 24 hours after the occurrence。1) 人力资源部在未收到劳动部门出具的工伤认定书前,员工请假,视病假支付期间薪资。确定属工伤后,按工伤假待遇补发期间差额。如工伤事故有第三方民事赔偿责任的,且民事赔偿额度高于工伤保险标准的,公司将扣

45、除视病假期间支付的薪资;如民事赔偿额度低于工伤保险标准的,公司只支付差额部分.Before getting the Work Injury Protocol, company will release sick leave salary to staff, and make up the rest part ofsalary once the injury is confirmed as work injury by the labor office.2) 员工请假,需提供县级及以上公立医院的诊断证明,工伤假期限按国家相关法规执行。Application of work injury leav

46、e shall be served with evidence from hospital。3) 工伤假期间,视同出勤,工资、补贴及奖金等全额发放。Work injury leave is paid leave。第三十二条年休假/Annual leave1) 公司根据生产、工作的具体情况,统筹安排职工年休假。Company may arrange annual leave comprehensively based on the production and business requirement。2) 连续为公司工作一年及以上者,可按照相关规定享受年休假。Those work in the

47、 company successively 1 year and above are entitled to the annual leave.3) 年休假假期期限/Term of annual leave4) 员向供计明合S=累计工作年限 Cumulative seniority1 年 S 2 年2 年 S 3 年3 年 S 5 年5 年 S年休假期限 Days of annual leave3 天5 天7 天10 天工 必 须公 司 提有 效 累工 龄 证( 劳 动同、社保缴纳年限证明、公司工龄证明)才能享受年休假;无法提供有效证明的,则按在本公司工作年限起算。Staff must ser

48、ve valid seniority evidence to the company(labor contract, insurance, seniority proof from previouscompany); otherwise, the seniority is calculated from the date that staff joins the company。5) 员工年休假期间,视同出勤,工资、补贴及奖金全额发放。Annual leave is paid leave.6) 年休假可在一个年休假期间内一次或多次累计使用,不作跨年度累计。Annual leave shall

49、not be taken cross the years7) 有下列情形者,不享受当年年休假资格;如当年已享受的,则不享受下一年度的年休假:Staff with circumstances below is not entitled for annual leave; if the annual leave of the year has already been taken,then the one of the next year is not allowed:a.累计工作满 1 年不满 10 年的员工,请病假累计 2 个月以上的;AuthorAuditorApproverCumulati

50、ve seniority in between 1 year and 10 years, takes sick leave for 2 months and above;b.累计工作满 10 年不满 20 年的员工,请病假累计 3 个月以上的;Cumulative seniority in between 10 years and 2 years, takes sick leave for 3 months and above;c.累计工作满 20 年以上的员工,请病假累计 4 个月以上的。Cumulative seniority above 20 years, takes sick leav

51、e for 4 months and above;第三章第三章附附则则Chapter 3 Supplemental ProvisionChapter 3 Supplemental Provision第三十三条公司员工可以通过内部共享链接确认出勤情况;若与事实不符,应及时补办相关手续。员工未按制度规定的时限内提交的考勤数据调整,经核准后,人力资源部将统一于次月工资中做相应的补发.Staff may log on company intranet to check his/her attendance ; if there is any inconformity, he/she shall mak

52、e upprocedures in time.第三十四条本制度由人力资源部负责解释,本规范如有未尽事宜,由人力资源部修订并呈总经理办核准后发布。修订时亦同。HR is responsible for the interpretation of this regulation; matters not covered herein shall be amended and shall beapproved by GM to release。第三十五条本制度自批准之日起实施.原有关规定作废。This regulation comes into force as of the approval date; the previous regulation shall be invalid simultaneously。AuthorAuditorApprover



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