高中英语 Unit2 The Olympic Games Part3 Learning about language课件 新人教版必修2

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《高中英语 Unit2 The Olympic Games Part3 Learning about language课件 新人教版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit2 The Olympic Games Part3 Learning about language课件 新人教版必修2(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 一、句型转换一、句型转换 将下列句子变为被动句。将下列句子变为被动句。1. She will send me a book written by Shakespeare._ 2. He is going to hold an art exhibition at the museum._ _ 3. They are to hold the English party on Monday._A book written by Shakespeare will be sent to me (by her).An art exhibition is going to be held at the m

2、useum (by him).The English party is to be held (by them) on Monday.4. Well ask her to help you tomorrow. _ 5. How many people will you invite to attend the lecture? _ 6. They wont invite Tom to dinner tonight. _ She will be asked to help you (by us) tomorrow.Tom wont be invited to dinner (by them) t

3、onight.How many people will be invited to attend the lecture(by you)? 二、动词填空二、动词填空 1. Hundreds of jobs _ (lose) if the factory closes. 2. I _ (praise) if I finish the work within one day. 3. If it doesnt rain tomorrow, the sports meet _ (hold) on the playground of our school. will be heldwill be los

4、tshall be praised4. The water will be further polluted unless some measures_ (take).5. A party is going to_ (organize) tonight. 6. We _ (punish) if we break the rule.are takenbe organizedshall be punished7. You _ (not allow) to take so much luggage with you on the plane. 8. These dictionaries _ (not

5、 take) out of the library again (by you). wont be takenwont be allowed 三、完成句子三、完成句子1.Many of the small coal mines have been closed, or_ (就要关闭了就要关闭了).2. Another bridge_ (被建造被建造) over the river next year. will be closedwill be built3. The kind of cloth _ (容易洗容易洗).4. The library_ (十点钟开门十点钟开门).5. He say

6、s he will leave the company if he _ (因此事被惩罚因此事被惩罚).is punished for thiswashes easilyopens at ten 四、同步作业四、同步作业 All kinds of wonderful activities have been arranged, for our schools birthday is approaching. The ceremony will be held on the playground on the morning of 18, December, during which a 30-m

7、inute speech will be made by the headmaster. Afterwards, a lecture will be given to all the students. Besides, a hearty lunch will be provided for all that attend the ceremony for free. To our great joy, all kinds of activities will also be arranged for the students to take part in in the afternoon. What is more exciting is that a wonderful performance will be put on in the evening. Wish the coming ceremony a great success!



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