English Writing2

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《English Writing2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《English Writing2(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、致辞致辞ceremonial speeches概述概述n n致辞一般用于周年庆祝,就职典礼,宴会祝词,建筑奠基,开业揭幕,会议开、必幕式等场合。n n致辞一般有上司出面做,你起草时撰写必须注意角度,语语气的转换,还要了解具体客户国家及地域的风俗习惯,公关礼仪等。n n致辞由标题,日期,称谓,正文组成n n常见的称谓有:Mr. President / Mr. Chairman/ Chairwoman/Chairperson/ Distinguished Guests/ Ladies and Gentlemen/ Dear Friends祝词的分类祝词的分类n n欢迎辞 welcoming spe

2、echesn n祝酒词 Toast Speeches (atparty)n n答谢词 Thanksgiving speechesn n离别致辞 Farewell speechesn n开业致辞 inauguration speeches Useful expressions1. 1.Good ,everyone. May I have your attention for a Good ,everyone. May I have your attention for a minute, please?minute, please?2. 2.It is a great pleasure for

3、us to have It is a great pleasure for us to have MrMr.with us .with us today. Please allow me now to extend our warm today. Please allow me now to extend our warm welcome and cordial greeting to our distinguished welcome and cordial greeting to our distinguished guest, on behalf of my colleagues and

4、 staff present guest, on behalf of my colleagues and staff present here.here.3. 3.First of all, on behalf of my colleagues and the First of all, on behalf of my colleagues and the company , I wish to warmly welcome.on your company , I wish to warmly welcome.on your tour of +tour of +地名地名4. I feel ve

5、ry pleased to attend your reception and have the 4. I feel very pleased to attend your reception and have the opportunity to talk with all the friends here, and thank you for opportunity to talk with all the friends here, and thank you for your nice welcome.your nice welcome.5. We, A.andB., have bee

6、n close partners since .we are 5. We, A.andB., have been close partners since .we are confident that your visit will surely further the development confident that your visit will surely further the development of our cooperation.of our cooperation.6. Now please raise your glasses and drink a toast,6

7、. Now please raise your glasses and drink a toast, to the health of our distinguished guest, to the health of our distinguished guest, to the development of cooperation between us, to the development of cooperation between us, to the . to the .7. Now I should like to propose a toast7. Now I should l

8、ike to propose a toast to the. to the. to the. to the.致辞之致辞之-开业典礼上的致辞开业典礼上的致辞开业典礼时企业活动中非常重要的一环,而在典礼上的演讲更是宣传企业自身形象的绝佳舞台。撰写发言稿应注意:1.简单回顾企业发展历程,让来宾了解企业的成长2.介绍企业的资质和使命,突出自身优势3. 展望未来的机遇和挑战,提出希望4. 言辞恳切,为未来的合作发展留出余地范例范例首先,对各位今天来参加。开业典礼这一声大聚会,我表示由衷的感谢和热烈的欢迎。衷心感谢您对我们的支持和关注。今天揭开了Sunflower在中国发展的崭新一页。事实上,S活跃在中国


10、展之路上的一个重要开端。我们深信,中国制造业在未来10年内必将快速发展,我们很荣幸参与其中,共同创造繁荣的未来。范例参考文本范例参考文本First, let me express my warmest thanks and welcome you First, let me express my warmest thanks and welcome you all for joining us on this great occasion-the all for joining us on this great occasion-the inauguration of S Corporatio

11、ns Shanghai Plant. We inauguration of S Corporations Shanghai Plant. We appreciate your interest and time.appreciate your interest and time.This day marks a new beginning for Ss presence in China, This day marks a new beginning for Ss presence in China, even though we have been active in the even th

12、ough we have been active in the chinesechinese market market for more than 15 years. Very early on, we realized the for more than 15 years. Very early on, we realized the unprecedented opportunity in the vast unprecedented opportunity in the vast chinesechinese market.Especiallymarket.Especially so

13、in manufacturing, as chinas so in manufacturing, as chinas development opened up its economy to the outside development opened up its economy to the outside world.world.Our business has grown dramatically, first through sales representative offices, Our business has grown dramatically, first through

14、 sales representative offices, and later, with the establishment of our first plant in Shenzhen. Now, we are and later, with the establishment of our first plant in Shenzhen. Now, we are here to celebrate the opening of our second plant in here to celebrate the opening of our second plant in shanhai

15、.ourshanhai.our supporting supporting staff,andstaff,and onsite engineers, have kept pace with this rapid expansion to create onsite engineers, have kept pace with this rapid expansion to create the foundation of a very capable team in the foundation of a very capable team in china.wechina.we are pr

16、oud of our staff, and are proud of our staff, and all they have accomplished as a team, in reaching the milestone we are all they have accomplished as a team, in reaching the milestone we are marking today.marking today.We We recganizerecganize that success in china requires a committed and capable

17、team of that success in china requires a committed and capable team of local talent. I want to thank each of you for your commitment to the local talent. I want to thank each of you for your commitment to the outstanding performance of the S C.outstanding performance of the S C.We really upon your c

18、apability, experience, creativity We really upon your capability, experience, creativity and commitment to successfully carry out our and commitment to successfully carry out our mission. Thank you for your excellent mission. Thank you for your excellent peerformancepeerformance and for your future

19、success as well.and for your future success as well.We cherish our opportunity in china. We regard this We cherish our opportunity in china. We regard this inauguration as a beginning of our new journey. We inauguration as a beginning of our new journey. We know the manufacturing industry in china i

20、s bound know the manufacturing industry in china is bound to grow dramatically over the next 10 years and it is to grow dramatically over the next 10 years and it is our our honourhonour tobetobe part of that prosperous future. part of that prosperous future.Thank you. Thank you. 邀请信之邀请信之-邀请参加会议邀请参加

21、会议一一. 有关会议问题的概述有关会议问题的概述举办会议的程序; 设计会议议程,制作会议议程表-发出邀请信(附议程表)-做好会议纪要、记录-感谢与会者1.设计会议议程,议程表设计会议议程,议程表n n设计时注意:设计时注意:1. 1.设定明确的会议目标设定明确的会议目标2. 2.必要时设定明确的最终结论,即告诉与会者每个必要时设定明确的最终结论,即告诉与会者每个议题最终需取得怎样的结果,如议题最终需取得怎样的结果,如; ;采纳或否决。以采纳或否决。以避免讨论偏题。避免讨论偏题。3 3。如果讨论的议题较多,可设置指导时间,即每个。如果讨论的议题较多,可设置指导时间,即每个问题讨论不超过多长时间,

22、还应为总结概括腾出问题讨论不超过多长时间,还应为总结概括腾出时间时间4. 4. 将与会者分为必选,可选,排除。即必须参会者,将与会者分为必选,可选,排除。即必须参会者,可选择参会者,不能参会者可选择参会者,不能参会者5. 5. 将签到时间放入议程,即要求提前多长时间到会场将签到时间放入议程,即要求提前多长时间到会场6. 6. 将会议须知放在议程后,须知包括会场路线图,需要与会将会议须知放在议程后,须知包括会场路线图,需要与会者准备的物品和信息,关闭手机提醒,主办方联系方式,者准备的物品和信息,关闭手机提醒,主办方联系方式,会议要求或着装要求等等。会议要求或着装要求等等。7. 7. 会议时间和活

23、动安排不宜过于紧凑,留出一定的休息时间,会议时间和活动安排不宜过于紧凑,留出一定的休息时间,一般是五一般是五十五分钟,可以提供点心和水果,咖啡等。十五分钟,可以提供点心和水果,咖啡等。8. 8. 提前奋发会议材料,即提前将会议中要用的材料发到各与提前奋发会议材料,即提前将会议中要用的材料发到各与会者手中会者手中9. 9. 一般会以都是两天,与会者提前一天到达,主办方应安排一般会以都是两天,与会者提前一天到达,主办方应安排接待住宿,休息消遣,甚至宵夜。从第二天早上一直到第接待住宿,休息消遣,甚至宵夜。从第二天早上一直到第三天中午都是会议时间,中间留出十分或十五分钟休息时三天中午都是会议时间,中间

24、留出十分或十五分钟休息时间。第三天午饭后,组织参观,旅游等娱乐活动,最后主间。第三天午饭后,组织参观,旅游等娱乐活动,最后主办方应提供大会纪念品,资料,合影,主办方及与会者的办方应提供大会纪念品,资料,合影,主办方及与会者的联系录等。联系录等。10. 10. 一般,主办方的工作人员在会议召开前的三天内,会再一般,主办方的工作人员在会议召开前的三天内,会再次联系与会者,确认他们会准时出席会议。次联系与会者,确认他们会准时出席会议。11. 11. 一般在开会的两天内与会者的食宿都是主办方负责的,一般在开会的两天内与会者的食宿都是主办方负责的,所以要照顾到特殊人群的饮食和风俗习惯。所以要照顾到特殊人

25、群的饮食和风俗习惯。12. 12. 大型会议的主办方一定要在会议现场安排足够的人手负大型会议的主办方一定要在会议现场安排足够的人手负责各项服务工作,如引路,提供点心饮料,安排主要的发责各项服务工作,如引路,提供点心饮料,安排主要的发言人到雅厅休息,卫生的打扫,酒店的住宿及饮食安排,言人到雅厅休息,卫生的打扫,酒店的住宿及饮食安排,等等,每个环节都要预备好专人负责。等等,每个环节都要预备好专人负责。13. 13. 在特殊的季节或政治时期的会议,一定要做好安保工作在特殊的季节或政治时期的会议,一定要做好安保工作14. 14. 一定要提前设想好估计到各种意外情况的发生,提前防一定要提前设想好估计到各

26、种意外情况的发生,提前防范。如:话筒或其他多媒体设备突然出现问题;夏季有人范。如:话筒或其他多媒体设备突然出现问题;夏季有人中暑或晕厥;发言人突然有事不能出席会议等等,最好的中暑或晕厥;发言人突然有事不能出席会议等等,最好的措施就是准备两套措施或替补者。措施就是准备两套措施或替补者。议程表范例议程表范例meeting Agendan nDateDateSubjectSubject Required Attendees Required Attendees remarksremarks8:45-9:008:45-9:00 ArrivalArrival9:00-10:509:00-10:50Sen

27、ior Senior executives executives discussion discussionAll senior executivesAll senior executives10:50-11:0010:50-11:00Coffee breakCoffee break11:00-12:00Business head 11:00-12:00Business head presentation presentationAll business heads All business heads Eachheadhas45mEachheadhas45m12:00-13:30 12:00

28、-13:30 Lunch&breakLunch&break All people All peoplen n13:45-14:4513:45-14:45discussiondiscussionAll peopleAll peoplen n14:45-15:0014:45-15:00Coffee breakCoffee breakn n15:00-17:0015:00-17:00Feedback to each BU HeadFeedback to each BU HeadBU BU HeadsHeadsn n17:30-19:3017:30-19:30Dinner Dinner All peo

29、pleAll people邀请信邀请信-参加会议参加会议n n许多企业都希望借参加研讨会之际,与政府部门,潜在客户,建立联系,因此尽可能全面的介绍你的主讲嘉宾和已经确认要参会的客户,对提升业绩很有帮助。你也可加上pending一览,表明将有多少企业可能会参会。邀请参会信内容邀请参会信内容n n包括: 为什么举办会议会议议题或主要内容与会者已经确认的嘉宾主旨发言者会议详情(附件)范例范例 为了在日益激烈的市场营销大战中保持利润增长,营销总监们必须对机遇进行评估和排序,找到真正的工作重点-即市场,渠道和产品交汇的地方来开展工作。事实上,由于消费者75%的购买决定是在商店决定购买商品时作出的,因此了

30、解消费者的购买过程和决策流程,并找到最有效的市场渠道就变得很重要了。 一般,消费品生产商会将净销售额的10%投入到店铺关系维护和其他交易支出中。为了使这笔投资换来的回报物有所值,企业必须积极采取有效方式与潜在的客户进行沟通。为此我们精心组织了一个为期三天的研讨会,帮助营销总监们优化品牌形象,是投资的回报最大化。 今年的会议主要为下列人士设计:今年的会议主要为下列人士设计:今年的会议主要为下列人士设计:今年的会议主要为下列人士设计: 高级销售经理,高级贸易代表,大客户、关键渠道高级销售经理,高级贸易代表,大客户、关键渠道高级销售经理,高级贸易代表,大客户、关键渠道高级销售经理,高级贸易代表,大客

31、户、关键渠道的营销总监和经理,销售规划人员,市场营销策划人员等的营销总监和经理,销售规划人员,市场营销策划人员等的营销总监和经理,销售规划人员,市场营销策划人员等的营销总监和经理,销售规划人员,市场营销策划人员等 适用行业:食品饮料,家庭用品和卫生保健用品,适用行业:食品饮料,家庭用品和卫生保健用品,适用行业:食品饮料,家庭用品和卫生保健用品,适用行业:食品饮料,家庭用品和卫生保健用品,美容和化妆品,消费电子产品,耐用消费品和非处方药美容和化妆品,消费电子产品,耐用消费品和非处方药美容和化妆品,消费电子产品,耐用消费品和非处方药美容和化妆品,消费电子产品,耐用消费品和非处方药(OTC) OTC

32、) OTC) OTC) 产品等产品等产品等产品等 详细的会议主题,案例分析简介,发言嘉宾履历和详细的会议主题,案例分析简介,发言嘉宾履历和详细的会议主题,案例分析简介,发言嘉宾履历和详细的会议主题,案例分析简介,发言嘉宾履历和会议时间安排均在附件中找到会议时间安排均在附件中找到会议时间安排均在附件中找到会议时间安排均在附件中找到 如果您希望参加或赞助本会议,欢迎于。联系。如果您希望参加或赞助本会议,欢迎于。联系。如果您希望参加或赞助本会议,欢迎于。联系。如果您希望参加或赞助本会议,欢迎于。联系。Invitation to the “2nd Sales and Marketing Executi

33、ve Summit”Dear Dear MrMr. to accelerate profitable growth in todays marketing environment, Marketing Directors must assess and prioritize opportunities at points where proliferating segments, channels, and product categories intersect. With 75% of purchasing decision made in the stores at the point

34、of purchase, it is more important than ever to understand the purchase and decision process as well as the channels to market. on average, consumer goods suppliers invest nearly 10% of net sales in in-store investment and trade expenditure. To ensure a decent reward, they should adapt effective, pro

35、active, ways of communicating with their potential customers. To assist sales and marketing professionals in optimizing their brand image, and maximize the payback of marketing investment; we are putting togather a three day, workshop, conference. this year, the conference has been designed to addre

36、ss the needs this year, the conference has been designed to address the needs of a wide variety of Sales and Marketing of a wide variety of Sales and Marketing professinalsprofessinals in the in the consumer goods sectors of consumer goods sectors of Food&BeverageFood&Beverage, Home Care & Hygiene,

37、Beauty Care, , Home Care & Hygiene, Beauty Care, Consumer Electronic, Consumer Durables, Pharmacy and OTC Consumer Electronic, Consumer Durables, Pharmacy and OTC products. products. The targeted participants will be The targeted participants will be Senior Sales personnel, Commercial and Modern Tra

38、de Senior Sales personnel, Commercial and Modern Trade Directors, Trade, Customer and Channel Marketing Directors plus Directors, Trade, Customer and Channel Marketing Directors plus Managers and Principals of key accounts in channel development, Managers and Principals of key accounts in channel de

39、velopment, sales planning, customer sales planning, customer amdamd market operation. market operation. topic for discussion, case studiess, speaker profiles and the timing, in detail, will be put together as an apprendix. for sponsorship or registration, please contact Louisa Maze. Best Regards邀请客户

40、参观公司邀请客户参观公司n n对于企业来说,生产设备的先进程度,生产过程奉行的质量标准,企业管理水平和员工素质是合作方最为看重的因素。n n合作洽谈到一定程度后,邀请对方参观企业,既是建立互信的重要步骤,又是最直观的企业水平展示。邀请参观函包括邀请参观函包括提出邀请,说明原因简单介绍参观对象介绍日程安排再次表达邀请意图范例范例n n上周我们进行了非常愉快的会面,根据我们上次会议达成的共识,我想要请您与11,17、11,18两天亲临上海,参观我们公司的运营总部,制造厂和世界一流的配送中心。n n上海工厂的设计初衷,是为了生产质量一流,并能通过各项严格国际质量标准要求的高级零部件。该厂目前配备了众

41、多国际先进的硬件和软件设备,整个工厂只需要20名员工就能完成从系统控制到监控的所有工作。n n下面是我们设计的日程方案,请您审阅:下面是我们设计的日程方案,请您审阅:n n11,1711,17n n9 9;009:30 009:30 抵达抵达n n9:4511:45 9:4511:45 参观运营总部参观运营总部n n12:0013:30 12:0013:30 欢迎午宴欢迎午宴n n14:0016:30 14:0016:30 会见公司董事长会见公司董事长n n17:30 17:30 晚宴及娱乐活动晚宴及娱乐活动n n11.1811.18n n9:0011:30 9:0011:30 参观工厂参观工

42、厂n n11:4513:30 11:4513:30 午餐午餐n n14:0015:30 14:0015:30 参观配送中心参观配送中心n n16:0017:30 16:0017:30 讨论讨论n n18:00 18:00 晚宴晚宴n n我们热切希望您能亲临上海工场,您会发现,凭借雄厚的实我们热切希望您能亲临上海工场,您会发现,凭借雄厚的实力和信心,我们一定能成为您未来的可靠伙伴。力和信心,我们一定能成为您未来的可靠伙伴。n n我们敬候佳音我们敬候佳音Dear Mr. Following our pleasant discussion last week, I would like to inv

43、ite you to visit our Operation Headquarter at the manufacturing factory and our world class Distribution Center in Shanghai. As proposed, your visit would cover the 2 days starting from the 17th November to November the 18th. the Shanghai facility is designed to produce top-class components which ca

44、n meet even the most rigorous international quality requirments. Through the extensive use of advanced hardware and software, the whole facility only needs 20 staff for system control and supervision. Please see the following agenda for your review:Please see the following agenda for your review:Arr

45、ivalArrivalOperation Headquarter visitOperation Headquarter visitWelcome lunchWelcome lunchMeeting with chairmanMeeting with chairmanDinnerDinnerFacoryFacory visit visit LunchLunchDistribution center visitDistribution center visitDiscussionDiscussionDinnerDinner we trust these arrangements will be satisfactory and look forward to the confirmation of your visit. We are confident this visit will demonstrate our strong capacity and provide the proof of our reability as a future partner with your organisation. we look forward to hearing from you soon. best regards



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