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1、用以修饰名词,表示事物的特征用以修饰名词,表示事物的特征的词。的词。e.g. long, empty, cheap, hungry, etc.在句中作定语、表语、宾语在句中作定语、表语、宾语补足语等成分补足语等成分n n形容词(比较级和最高级)n n考试要求:n n1、掌握形容词在句中作定语、表语、宾语补足语的用法;n n2、掌握形容词比较级和最高级的构成;n n3、能够区分形容词原级、比较级和最高级所表达的不同意思;n n4、在句中能够根据语境正确选择和使用形容词原级、比较级和最高级;n n5、能够掌握形容词的其他一些基本句型:n nasas(not soas)n nmore and mor

2、e越来越n nthe more the more越是就越n n6、掌握形容词前加定冠词表示一类人或事物的用法。n形容词是用来形容词是用来修饰名词或代词修饰名词或代词,表示,表示人或事物的人或事物的性质和特征性质和特征的词。的词。n1、形容词的作用:、形容词的作用:n形容词在句中主要用作形容词在句中主要用作定语定语, 表语表语, 宾语补足语。宾语补足语。nOur country is a beautiful country. My favorite subject is English.(作定语作定语)nAre you free tomorrow? (作表语作表语)nWe keep our cl

3、assroom clean and tidy. I found him quite clever.(作宾语作宾语补足语补足语)用法用法用法用法例例 句句补充说明补充说明作定作定作定作定语语语语This is an This is an interestinginteresting book bookI have nothing I have nothing importantimportant to tell to tell youyou形容词作定语形容词作定语形容词作定语形容词作定语时放在被修饰时放在被修饰时放在被修饰时放在被修饰词之前,修饰词之前,修饰词之前,修饰词之前,修饰不定代词放在不

4、定代词放在不定代词放在不定代词放在后面后面后面后面作表作表作表作表语语语语The work is The work is difficultdifficultShe looks She looks happyhappy today today作作作作表语与系表语与系表语与系表语与系动词连用动词连用动词连用动词连用作宾作宾作宾作宾补补补补Please keep the room Please keep the room clean clean I find it very I find it very beautifulbeautiful1 1、形容词的用法、形容词的用法n2、形容词作定语n大多

5、数形容词既可作定语有可作表语,只能作定语的形容词称为定语形容词。nLive 活的 former从前的outer外面的 each, every, final, many, much, own, western, little, front, back, elder年长的, eldest ,other,upper上面的latter后者的,近来的,lower, indoor, outdoor, everyday(每天的), daily日常的,weekly, monthly, last, golden金色的, wooden, woolen(毛纺的)等。 n1)、单个形容词作定语通常前置。nIts a

6、sunny day.n2)、修饰由some, any, no, every 构成的复合不定代词时,形容词放在不定代词后面。 I have something important to tell you.Is there anything interesting in the film.n3)、表语形容词做定语时应后置。初中阶段所涉及的表语adj.包括以下这些:afraid/awake/alive/asleep/alike/alone/ ashamen Whos the greatest man alive?n4)、enough 既可以用作形容词,也可以作副词。作形容词用作定语时,放前放后均可,

7、一般多放于后面;形容词短语作定语时放后。n He is a boy clever at painting.n They have enough time to catch the bus.n n 5)、一些特殊的形容词,如:present(在场的),absent(缺席的),proper(合适的),作定语时后置。n The men present were his friends.n n 6)、当两个以上形容词修饰一个名词,形容词该如何排列?一般是谁关系密切,谁就越靠近名词。一般是:n限定词(冠词,所有格代词,数词)+描述形容词(old, new, small, big等,年龄,颜色)+类属形容

8、词(来源,国籍)+名词n nApshacom. A代表冠词;n n p代表opinion,指表示人们观点的形容词,如beautiful,horrible,lovely,nice等;n n sh代表shape,指表示形状的形容词,如long,short,round, narrow等;n n a代表age,指表示年龄、时代的形容词,如old,new, young等;n n c代表colour,指表示颜色的形容词,如red,black, orange等;n n o代表origin,指表示国籍、地区的形容词,如British,Canadian,German等;n n m代表material,指表示材料

9、的形容词,如plastic,metal等。n“县官刑令杀国豺”:一个县官,准备动刑,下令要杀一个危害国家的豺狼一样的罪人。县:同“限”,指限定词。包括定冠词(the)、不定冠词(a, an)、表确定数量(three, five)和非确定数量的词(a lot of),以及物主限定词(his, my)等。n官:同“观”,指表示示人们观点的形容词(如beautiful,terrible, wonderful等)。n刑:同“形”,指表示形状的形容词(如long,short,round等)。n令:同“龄”,指表示年龄、时代的形容词(如old,new,young等)。n杀:谐“色”,指表示颜色的形容词(如

10、red,green, orange等)。n国:同“国”,指表示国籍、地区的形容词(如Chinese, British,Canadian,German等)。n豺:谐“材”,指表示材料的形容词(如plastic,metal,class等)。nA beautiful brown leather jacket.nA long red American car.nA lovely red woollen jumper. na black young German dogna nice long new black British plastic pennthe mans first interestin

11、g little red French oil painting. nI have a beautiful large modern French glass bottle.The trees turn green in spring.We are alone on the island.只能作表语,不能作定语的形容词只能作表语,不能作定语的形容词你能说出几个?你能说出几个?alone afraid awake asleep alive ablen形容词作表语n放在be,look,feel,seem,smell等系动词之后。nLi Ping is tall.nShe is asleep.nTh

12、ose oranges taste good.n只能作表语的形容词nA、某些以a-开头的形容词:nafraid.,alive 活着的alone , ashamed ,alike,asleep , awake Dont be afraid. The baby falls asleep quickly. nShe was alone in the house. nB、某些表示健康的形容词:n fine, ill,wellnshe looks well.n“How are you?” “Im fine, thank you.” nHe was ill in bed. 以上词语若不是表示健康意思,则可

13、用作定语:fine weather 好天气,ill news 坏消息n n C、某些描述感觉或心情的形容词:nglad ,pleased ,sorry Im glad to hear that.nYou will be sorry about this later. n We are very pleased with the plan. nD、其他表语形容词:ncertain,sure,ready, fond 喜欢的,温柔的, unable 不能的.nIm certain sure he will come. He is fond of music. 他喜欢音乐。n We are ready

14、 to do it. certain表示“某”时,只能用作定语:a certain person 某人。形容词和宾语一起构成形容词和宾语一起构成复合复合宾语宾语e.g.We must keep the classroom clean.He made us happy. Colour it green.n作宾语补足语,放在宾语后面。nKeep the room clean and tidy.nLeave the door open.nThis made him angry.nThey found the man dead.n几个有不同反义词的形容词;nshort - long 长的, tall

15、高的nsoft - hard 硬的, loud 高声的nlight - dark 黑暗的, heavy 重的nthin - thick 厚的, fat 胖的nold - young 年轻的, new 新的n形容词的反义词及对应词nBad-good big-small n large-small Black-white busy-free cold-hotnCool-warm dead-living,alive dry-wet Empty-full n fast-slow high-low nill-well little-much open-closed nsame-different saf

16、e-dangerous southern-northern less-more n least-most worse-better worst-best cheap-dear,expensive easy-hard,difficult possible-impossible happy-unhappy,sad early-late n n new-old-young n easy-hard-soft n well-ill-good n wrong-right-left nlong-short-tall n fat-thin-thick nheavy-light-dark n同义词与近义词同义词

17、与近义词nLarge-big glad-happy pleased clever-brightnDear-expensive n broken-worn out hard-difficultnFine-well ill-sick nice-kind fine good beautifulnAlone-lonelynthe+形容词表示一类人,谓语用复数。nThe old are looked after.nThe rich should help the poor.n 还有:the new, the young, the poor, the sick, the blind, the rich,

18、the wounded等 n少数由加前缀和加后缀而派生出来少数由加前缀和加后缀而派生出来的形容词。的形容词。n 1)、)、-y sunny, sleepy, windy, cloudy,foggy, rainyn 2)、-ful careful, hopefuln 3)、-less careless, hopelessn 4)、un-, dis-,im-, in- unclean, unhappy, displeased, impossiblen以-ly 结尾的形容词n1)、名词+ly friendly,lovely,weekly,orderly,brotherly等。n 2)、形容词+ly

19、lively(活泼的),deadly(致命的), likely(可能的),lonely.n3)、本身就带着ly的形容词、副词 silly(愚蠢的), early(adj,adv.)n n 1)、)、open 和和 closen 这两个词既是动词又是形容词。这两个词既是动词又是形容词。n a close friend(adj.) 亲密的,近的亲密的,近的 n closed (adj.) 关闭的(无比较等级)关闭的(无比较等级) nHis home is close to the school.(adj.)nclose the window(v.)nThe door is open. n Leav

20、e the window open.nHe opened the door for me.n n做动词时是终止性的,不能和时间段状语做动词时是终止性的,不能和时间段状语连用。连用。n nThey have opened the store for two years.() Their shop has been open for two years.() How long has the shop closed?() How long has the shop been closed?() Keep the door opening.() Keep the door open.()The do

21、or was open.(表示状态表示状态)The door was opened.(表示动作表示动作)ngood 和和welln Good 可以表示多方面的可以表示多方面的“好好”;well 作形容词时表示作形容词时表示“身体健康身体健康”,否则均用作副词。,否则均用作副词。n-How is your father? -He is quite well.nAfter eating my medicine,you will be well again.n-How are you getting on with your lessons? -Im not very good at maths.n

22、 n high 和和talln nhigh 指直径和底面积大于高度的物体,指直径和底面积大于高度的物体,如楼房,高墙,高山等;也指离开地如楼房,高墙,高山等;也指离开地面的距离,此时反义词是面的距离,此时反义词是low.n nTall 相对来讲细高的人,树,电线杆,相对来讲细高的人,树,电线杆,烟囱,高楼,反义词是烟囱,高楼,反义词是short。n nThe plane is high in the sky.n nThe tall boy is standing under a tall tree.n nThere are many tall buildings in big cities.n

23、ill 和 sickn都有“生病”之意,作表语时可以互换。不同的是:ill 只能作表语,作定语时意思就成了“坏的”,“邪恶的”。Sick 可作表语也可作定语,作表语时还有“恶心”、“想吐”的意思。n My mother is ill/sick in hospital.n I feel sick as soon as I see fat meat. nI have ill luck in many things. (不顺利)n be on ill leaven the sick people (= the sick 病人们) 不能说:the ill peoplen His manners mad

24、e me sick.(他的举止使我感到厌恶)nreal 和和truen Real 是指材料真实而非假冒,实是指材料真实而非假冒,实际存在的东西。如实物、实例等。际存在的东西。如实物、实例等。n True 事实是真的而非虚假,正确事实是真的而非虚假,正确的的事情,如故事、言语等。的的事情,如故事、言语等。n The real diamond necklace.n The story is true. n1-fuln在很多名词或动词后面加上ful就变成相关的形容词,表示“充满的,有性质的)例如:color-colorful, beauty-beautiful, care-careful, wonder-wonderful, thank-thankful, help-helpful, use-usefuln2-ingning结尾的形容词表示“本身具有性质的”例如:interesting, exciting, boringn3-edned结尾的形容词表示被动关系“被的,令人的”例如:interested,excited, bored



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