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1、九年级英语全册九年级英语全册Unit 3Unit 3Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Period 5Period 5ContentContentSection BSection B2a, 2b, 2c, 2d2a, 2b, 2c, 2d教学目标要求教学目标要求1能掌握重点词汇和表达,如:visit a foreign country, be similar to, Its enough to do sth., spend time

2、doing sth., It seemsadj. to do sth. 等。2能认读并能工整书写所学单词,如:politely, request, direction, correct, polite, direct, indirect, speaker, whom, impolite, address, underground等。3能运用快速略读技巧,了解文章概貌。4能了解在不同场合下如何选择使用适当的语言表达。5能熟练运用目标语言进行交际。6能流利朗读文章。教学过程教学过程活动活动步骤步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教与学活动目的及其操作复习已学目标语,导入话题。复习已学目标语,导入话题。Sho

3、w some pictures and let students use proper language toask for information.1A: Excuse me, could you please tell where theres a good placeto have fun?复习复习时间4 m4 mB: Of course. Good. Now lets watch and listen.模仿上述对话,组织模仿上述对话,组织 Pair workPair work活动。活动。OK. Lets make up co nversations with your partner.

4、 Ask andanswer in pairs.2学生两人活动,教师抽查几组学生。学生观看动画边观看边跟读(反馈评价和强化)。Well, lets watch, listen and repeat.导入导入时间3 m3 m3导入新课话题。导入新课话题。Lets watch the cartoon again.Well, were going to go on learning Section B today.教学资源运用教学资源运用引入单元标题。引入单元标题。教师板书或课件显示:4Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?P

5、eriod 5读前准备,激活学生思维。读前准备,激活学生思维。Ask students to compare two pictures.52a2a时间5 m5 m6Where do you need to make polite requests? Think of somepossible situations. Discuss them with your partner.读前活动。读前活动。2b2bStudents look at these sentences to know about some rules时间8 m8 mStudents read these sentences t

6、ogether.7when they choose language.Students answer:1In which picture are people talking politely?2Why do you say so?学生进行讨论,为阅读做准备。学生进行讨论,为阅读做准备。Students discuss in a group of four:快速阅读短文,完成活动所需完成任务,初步理解文章。快速阅读短文,完成活动所需完成任务,初步理解文章。8Ask students: How can you find the topic sentence of eachparagraph?We

7、 can usually find the topic sentence from the beginning of aparagraph.Please read the article and underline the topic sentence foreach paragraph.理解课文理解课文 2b2b 部分的部分的 Use suitable languageUse suitable language跟课文的关系。跟课文的关系。提问。提问。9跟读跟读 2b2b 课文,复述课文。课文,复述课文。Listen and repeat.10细读课文,完成阅读任务。细读课文,完成阅读任务。2

8、c2cFind all the direct questions and polite requests from the时间8 m8 mCheck the answers.11passage.根据文章内容,说出如何判断出有礼貌的询问和直接的询根据文章内容,说出如何判断出有礼貌的询问和直接的询12问。问。Use more words to help you sound more polite语言学习。学习用目标语言解决实际问题。语言学习。学习用目标语言解决实际问题。Please finish the task.132d2dCheck the answers.时间跟读、齐读、自读短文,提高口语和

9、听力。跟读、齐读、自读短文,提高口语和听力。7 m7 mFirst, read the messages after the tape. Imitate the14pronunciation and intonation.Now, read together aloud.This time, read by yourself as quickly as possible.检查评价。归纳、反馈、强化本节课学习目标。检查评价。归纳、反馈、强化本节课学习目标。小结小结时间4 m4 m151请几名学生进行展示。鼓励学生多表达。2总结本节课重点短语和句型,鼓励学生用这些短语句型造句。学生完成任务,教师巡视指导,进行必要的帮助、点评及辅导。HomeworkHomework( (布置作业布置作业) )作业作业161 m1 m



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