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1、leadin:Waysofgettinginformationonthetouristspots:leadin:Waysofgettinginformationonthetouristspots:TVleadin:Waysofgettinginformationonthetouristspots:TVInternetleadin:Waysofgettinginformationonthetouristspots:TVTravel agencyInternetleadin:Waysofgettinginformationonthetouristspots:TVRecommendations fr

2、om other peopleTravel agencyInternetleadin:Waysofgettinginformationonthetouristspots:TVRecommendations from other peopleTravel agencyTravel leaflets & magazinesInternetleadin:Waysofgettinginformationonthetouristspots:TVRecommendations from other peopleTravel agencyTravel leaflets & magazinesInternet

3、 What is a leaflet?Conclusion:Conclusion:Features of a typical travel leafletConclusion:Features of a typical travel leafletBrief introduction of the place; Conclusion:Features of a typical travel leafletBrief introduction of the place; location;Conclusion:Features of a typical travel leafletBrief i

4、ntroduction of the place; location;scenery;Conclusion:Features of a typical travel leafletBrief introduction of the place; location;scenery;peopleConclusion:Features of a typical travel leafletBrief introduction of the place; location;scenery;peopleclimate;Conclusion:Features of a typical travel lea

5、fletBrief introduction of the place; location;scenery;peopleclimate;history;Conclusion:Features of a typical travel leafletBrief introduction of the place; location;scenery;peopleclimate;history;customConclusion:Features of a typical travel leafletBrief introduction of the place; location;scenery;pe

6、opleclimate;history;customConclusion:Features of a typical travel leafletBrief introduction of the place; location;scenery;peopleclimate;history;customculture;hotel;Conclusion:Features of a typical travel leafletBrief introduction of the place; location;scenery;peopleclimate;history;customculture;ho

7、tel;food Conclusion:Features of a typical travel leafletBrief introduction of the place; Pictures!location;scenery;peopleclimate;history;customculture;hotel;food Mountainswhicharecoveredwithsnowtowerovertheland.2008年下学期年下学期制作制作052008年下学期年下学期制作制作05The sunshine reflects on the many lakes, making them

8、shine like diamonds against the rich countryside.2008年下学期年下学期制作制作052008年下学期年下学期制作制作05Sheep, cattle and horses wander on the green grass.hometomanybirdsandanimalsPeopleliveinperfectharmonywithnature.2008年下学期年下学期制作制作05Do you know where this is?2008年下学期年下学期制作制作05Do you know where this is?1.1.厌倦做厌倦做2.2.

9、高耸入云高耸入云3.3.被雪覆盖被雪覆盖4.4.永葆青春永葆青春5.5.采用采用的名字的名字Project. P38betiredofdoingsth.reachtotheskybecoveredwithsnowstayyoungforevertakethenameof6.6.旅游景点旅游景点7.7.耸立于耸立于8.8.是是的家园的家园9.9.与与和谐相处和谐相处10.10.为某人提供某物为某人提供某物touristspotstoweroverbehometoliveinharmonywithprovidesb.withsth.Project. P38Into the text1. Where

10、 is Shangri-la? 2. How can you get there? 3. What can you see in Shangri-la? Fast reading1.Where is it? In the southwest of China.2. How can you get there? By driving north along the Yunnan- Tibet Highway until you reach Zhongdian (Shangri-la).3. What can you see in Shangri-la?Mountains, grasslands

11、,lakes, birds and animals, forests and people in harmony with nature.2008年下学期年下学期制作制作05We can see:snowy mountains / lakes / grasslands / forests / animals / birds / people in harmony with natureWe can see:2008年下学期年下学期Part1Brief(简短的简短的) _ to Shangri-laPart2Location: (where) how to get there Part3_ Pa

12、rt4Description of attractive scenery Part5_ History and cultureWeatherintroductionThe structure of the passagecareful reading1.Whichstatementisright?A.ThereisnohighwaybetweenDaliandShangri-la.B.Shangri-lais659kilometersawayfromDali.C.ThereisnootherwaytogetShangri-lafromKunming,butflight.D.Theflights


14、coveredbygrasslands.C.Becausetherearesometowersonthegrasslands.D.Because people like talking about them.5.Whatistheweatherlike?A.Itisalwayssnowy.B.It is always rainy.C.Thetemperatureinthefallorsummeristhebest.D.The temperature in the fall is better.Brief introduction to Shangri-la.A place of mystery

15、 and _1_ in the southwest of China.Its history and_2_First _3_ in the 1933 novel by the British writer James Hilton._4_ of thescenery of Shangri-laCovered with snow , many snowy mountain tops. Lakes, _5_ by vast grassland, look like diamonds.Sheep, cows and horses_6_ on the green grassland and the f

16、orests around are home to many birds and animals.How to _7_thereStart in the city of Dali and drive northalong the Yunnan-Tibet Highway until You reach Zhongdian, the _8_of Diqing.What the _9_ is likeThe weather changes so quickly that people can experience four_10_in one day.beautycultureappearedDe

17、scriptionsurroundedwandergetcapitalweatherseasonsLanguage points1.StartinthecityofDalianddrivenorthalongtheYunnan-TibetHighwayuntilyoureachZhongdian,thecapitalofDiqing.(L5)HiltondescribedabeautifulkingdomwherethreeriversJoinedtogether,steepmountainsreachedtothesky,andfieldsoflonggrasscoveredtheearth


19、tofmyreach,butreadinganarticleiswithinmyreach.He_forthebook,buttheshelfwasjusttootall.A. put B. lookedC. watched D. reachedbeyond / out of ones reach:超出某人能力范围超出某人能力范围within ones reach:在某人能力范围之内在某人能力范围之内2.Inthisperfectworldlivedpeoplewhohaddiscoveredhowtostayyoungforever.(L14-15)=Peoplewhohaddiscover

20、edhowtostayyoungforeverlivedinthisperfectworld .表示地点的介词短语作状语置于句首时表示地点的介词短语作状语置于句首时,句子要完句子要完全倒装全倒装:介词短语介词短语vi.主语(必须是名词)。主语(必须是名词)。 Out of the crowded bus _, who was dressed in a black suit, waving to a woman.A. a tall man stepped B. stepped a tall manC. did a tall man step D. a tall man did stepB3.Th

21、ree mountains ,Meili, Baimang and Haba, which are covered with snow, tower over the land.(L23)tower: vi, 高耸,高耸, 屹立,屹立,(在能力、品德,名声等方在能力、品德,名声等方面)超过面)超过 (+ over/ above) n, 塔塔They rebuilt the church tower in the 1870s.Zi Jinghua Hotel towered over all the buildings in Chaling.He towers over his brothers

22、 in painting.4.Their snowy mountaintops form a beautiful picture that will leave you at a loss for words.(L24) form: v, 形成,构成形成,构成,组建组建 n, 形式,外形,格式,表格形式,外形,格式,表格She has a tall graceful form.外形,外形, 身材身材He seems to dislike any form of exercise.The biscuit were all in the form of stars.Please fill in t

23、he form.When we were young , we should form good habits.He want to form a club. form a habit of :养成养成的习惯的习惯in the form of :以以的形式的形式fill in / out a form: 填写表格填写表格形成形成表格表格以以形式形式组建组建形式形式5. Sheep, cattle and horses wander on the green grass, and the surrounding forests are home to many birds and animals

24、.(L27)wander: v.Her thoughts wandered and didnt hear what herMother said.The road wanders through the mountain.漫步,闲逛漫步,闲逛走神走神蜿蜒蜿蜒surrounding: adj.周围的周围的surroundings:环境环境surround: v.包围,环绕包围,环绕be surrounded by: 被被 环绕环绕/ 包围包围这房子四面环山。这房子四面环山。The house is surrounded by hills in all sides.6. Nature has pr

25、ovided Shangri-la with endlessnatural treasures, making the land a happy home for the local people .(L32)provide / supply sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物为某人提供某物= provide sth. for sb.= supply sth. to sb. =offer sth to sb/ offer sb sth: 把某物提供给某人把某物提供给某人他为警察提供了许多有用的证据。他为警察提供了许多有用的证据。He provided the police with m

26、uch valuableevidence.NaturehasprovidedShangri-lawithendlessnaturaltreasures,makingthelandahappyhomeforthelocalPeople.现在分词现在分词doing作结果状语,位于句尾,表自然而然的结作结果状语,位于句尾,表自然而然的结果。有时其前加果。有时其前加thus(这样这样).He was caught in the rain, (thus) making himself catch a cold.现在分词做结果状语现在分词做结果状语1.Europeanfootballisplayedin8

27、0countries,_itthemostpopularsportintheworld.(全国卷全国卷)A.makingB.makesC.madeD.tomake2.Theglassdoorshavetakentheplaceofthewoodenonesattheentrance,_inthenaturallightduringtheday.(全国卷全国卷)A.toletB.lettingC.letD.havingletListen to the tape.2008年下学期年下学期制作制作05East West Home is Best. Everyone likes his hometown.



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