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1、如何写概要如何写概要 概括记叙文的内容要点,主要是概括记叙文的内容要点,主要是找出:谁?做了什么事?结果如何找出:谁?做了什么事?结果如何?如果有从经历中得出什么经验教?如果有从经历中得出什么经验教训的,也找出来,然后用自己的话训的,也找出来,然后用自己的话将这些要点表达出来就行了。将这些要点表达出来就行了。What is more serious is that it was not bound to any rope.The big dog licked my shoes and I was really frightened. However,the owner was not regr

2、etful at all and he even didnt say sorry to me.I was really angry about this uncivilized behavior. While it is true that people have right to keep pets,they still have to consider other peoples feelings.For example,when they walk the dog outside,they,at least,have to bind the dog to a rope and keep

3、it under control. As I know,in some western countries,it is illegal to walk the dog without a rope to bind it.I think measures should be taken to prevent this kind of uncivilized thing happening again.名师点拨:名师点拨:这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,作者这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,作者在讲述了一件事在讲述了一件事(I was really frightened)之之后,还对这件事发表了看法后,还对这件事发

4、表了看法(I was really angry about this uncivilized behavior),并,并在最后一段提出建议在最后一段提出建议(measures should be taken)。 为避免抄袭嫌疑,用自己的话概括时为避免抄袭嫌疑,用自己的话概括时要注意同义转换,如把作者的情感要注意同义转换,如把作者的情感frightened转换成名词转换成名词fright,把最后一,把最后一句用句用argued for 来替代来替代I think,用,用bad-mannered来替代来替代uncivilized 并对并对prevent进行词性转换成进行词性转换成 preventi

5、on。 Having suffered the fright of a big dog from a stranger,who behaved extremely impolitely,the author strongly argued for the prevention of this bad-mannered behavior.(26 words) 说明文,通常会有中心句,写概要时要说明文,通常会有中心句,写概要时要注意要找出中心句,抓住关键词,然后用自注意要找出中心句,抓住关键词,然后用自己的话重组文章的信息。己的话重组文章的信息。 即时练习即时练习阅读下列短文,然后以约阅读下列短文

6、,然后以约30个词概括其内容要点。个词概括其内容要点。 You may not be very familiar with “ecotourism“-a new term in todays tourism industry-but in an era of growing environmental consciousness,it is not too difficult for us to imagine and work out the meaning of this new form of holiday. Ecotourism is typically defined as tra

7、vel to places where the unique flowers,plants,animals and the cultural heritage are the primary attractions.It is considered as a kind of responsible tourism which seriously takes ecology and culture into consideration. Therefore,programs involving the conservation and preservation of some natural a

8、nd cultural sites also form a part of ecotourism. Ecotourism is developing at great speed.According to a report by the World Tourism Organization,ecotourism in recent years has enjoyed an annual growth of about 5% worldwide.Over 80 activities have been listed for ecotourism,such as bird watching,hik

9、ing,diving,photography,mountaineering and participating in various kinds of local cultural events. Although big cities are still the major places that absorb tourists in our society today,it looks like some smaller towns and rural areas rich in ecological,cultural and historical resources may well b

10、ecome the new destinations for people to visit tomorrow. 名师点拨:名师点拨:这篇文章的主题段在第二段这篇文章的主题段在第二段及最后一段,主要告诉人们什么是生态游。及最后一段,主要告诉人们什么是生态游。因此,在概括时要把文章的主题段的中心词因此,在概括时要把文章的主题段的中心词(cultural heritage,takes ecology and culture into consideration and historical resources)用自己的话表述出来。用自己的话表述出来。 为避免抄袭嫌疑,原文的为避免抄袭嫌疑,原文的t

11、akes ecology and culture into consideration可以用可以用attracts tourists by natural and cultural heritage来进来进行转述,同时还要注意词性的转换。行转述,同时还要注意词性的转换。 Ecotourism is a new fastdeveloping form of holiday which attracts tourists by natural and cultural heritage,as well as historical resources.It can be a way to prote

12、ct the environment. (31 words) 新闻报道一般包括标题、导语、主体和结新闻报道一般包括标题、导语、主体和结语四个部分。标题是编辑对最有新闻价值内语四个部分。标题是编辑对最有新闻价值内容的浓缩、概括、提炼和再创造;导语是消容的浓缩、概括、提炼和再创造;导语是消息开头的第一段或第一句话,它扼要地揭示息开头的第一段或第一句话,它扼要地揭示出消息的核心内容;主体是用充足的事实表出消息的核心内容;主体是用充足的事实表现主题,是对导语内容的进一步展开和阐释;现主题,是对导语内容的进一步展开和阐释;结语一般是最后一句话或者一段话,通常对结语一般是最后一句话或者一段话,通常对全文内

13、容作概括性的总结,或对新闻事件的全文内容作概括性的总结,或对新闻事件的发展趋势作出预测,有时,作者根据报道的发展趋势作出预测,有时,作者根据报道的事实在结语中提出令人深思的问题。但结语事实在结语中提出令人深思的问题。但结语不一定每篇报道都有。不一定每篇报道都有。 读写任务中的阅读文章若是新闻报读写任务中的阅读文章若是新闻报道,一般会没有标题,因此,写摘要关道,一般会没有标题,因此,写摘要关键是读懂导语,即第一段或第一句,这键是读懂导语,即第一段或第一句,这是该文的核心内容,然后用自己的话概是该文的核心内容,然后用自己的话概括性地表达出来即可。括性地表达出来即可。即时练习即时练习阅读下列短文,然

14、后以约阅读下列短文,然后以约30个个词概括其内容要点。词概括其内容要点。 BEIJING Chinese astronaut Zhai Zhigang slipped out of the orbital module(舱舱)of Shenzhou VII on Saturday afternoon,starting Chinas first spacewalk or extravehicular activity(EVA)in the outer space. Donning (穿上穿上,戴上戴上)a US$4 million homemade Feitian space suit,Zhai

15、 waved to the camera mounted on the service module after pulling himself out of the capsule(太空太空舱舱) in head-out-first position,video monitor at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC)showed. “Shenzhou VII is now outside the spacecraft.I feel well.I am here greeting the Chinese people and people

16、of the whole world,“the 42-year-old astronaut reported to the ground control in Beijing.” Video monitor at the ground control showed Zhai slowly moved towards a test sample of solid lubricant(润滑油润滑油)placed outside the orbital module.He took the sample and handed it over to Liu Boming,who stayed in t

17、he orbital module and closely monitored Zhais moves.After the handover,Zhai,who dreamed of flying into space as an impoverished teenager,started the core part of the space adventure,spacewalk. The Shenzhou VII spacecraft took off from northwest Chinas Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 9:10 pm on Th

18、ursday,and is scheduled to land on the Inner Mongolia steppe on Sunday. 名师点拨:名师点拨:这是一篇新闻报道,其这是一篇新闻报道,其主题句就是文章的第一句主题句就是文章的第一句(Chinese astronaut Zhai Zhigang slipped out of.,starting Chinas first spacewalk. in the outer space),我们用自己的话将其,我们用自己的话将其表述出来即可。表述出来即可。 The news report mainly talks about the pr

19、ocess of Chinas first spacewalk in the outer space conducted by astronaut Zhai Zhigang. The Shenzhou VII spacecraft will land on schedule on the Inner Mongolia steppe.(34 words)议论文的概括则先要弄清楚文章的观点、议论文的概括则先要弄清楚文章的观点、论据和结论,注意文章的首尾句或首尾段,论据和结论,注意文章的首尾句或首尾段,文章有多个段落的,几个段落的中心就是主文章有多个段落的,几个段落的中心就是主旨。文中有一分为二的观

20、点的,两种观点都旨。文中有一分为二的观点的,两种观点都要概括,不要漏掉其中一方的观点。同时注要概括,不要漏掉其中一方的观点。同时注意使用合理的过渡词语或句型,把概要和发意使用合理的过渡词语或句型,把概要和发表议论的段落有机地联系起来,使文章连贯表议论的段落有机地联系起来,使文章连贯和流畅。和流畅。即时练习即时练习阅读下列短文,然后以约阅读下列短文,然后以约30个词概括其内容要点。个词概括其内容要点。 Students should think now about what extracurricular activities they would like to participate in.

21、Participating in extracurricular activities may help you deepen your physical,creative,social,political,and career interests by bringing you into communication with other likeminded people you didnt previously know. You can join groups as a way to get support from other students.A club or group can

22、also be a great way to meet people who are different from you. Lots of youth programs bring people together with those who are different as a way to break down the barriers between people. Participating in extracurricular activities helps you in other ways,too. It looks good on college and job appli

23、cations and shows admissions officers and employers youre well-rounded and responsible. Specific activities help with specific goals. The most basic reason for joining a club or team is that it gives you something better to do than staring at the wall,wandering the hall,or sleeping all afternoon.Peo

24、ple who are participating are less likely to pick up bad habits,like smoking or drinking. 名师点拨:名师点拨:这篇议论文主要说了参这篇议论文主要说了参加课外活动的好处,一个段落说到一个加课外活动的好处,一个段落说到一个好处好处(may help you deepen your interests,break down the barriers,helps you in other way,are less likely to pick up bad habits),在概括时只需,在概括时只需把这几个段落的

25、大意用自己的话来转述把这几个段落的大意用自己的话来转述出来。出来。 第一、二段可以用第一、二段可以用widen social circle and improve communicating skills来表来表达,第三、四段用达,第三、四段用prepare for their future and form good habits来概括。再来概括。再运用定语从句和一些并列连词运用定语从句和一些并列连词and,as well as把信息点合并成一个句子。把信息点合并成一个句子。 The writer argues for the strengths of extracurricular act

26、ivities,which help students better themselves in widening their social circle and improving communicating skills,making preparations for their future as well as forming good habits.(34 words) 发言稿通常会很明确地表明观点或态度,发言稿通常会很明确地表明观点或态度,写概要时要从发言者的语言中明确作者的态写概要时要从发言者的语言中明确作者的态度,把握作者的写作目的。度,把握作者的写作目的。 即时练习即时练习阅

27、读下列短文,然后以约阅读下列短文,然后以约30个个词概括其内容要点。词概括其内容要点。Dear Chinese friends, Tonight,we come to the end of 16 glorious days which we will cherish forever.Thank you to the people of China,to all the wonderful volunteers and to BOCOG! Through these Games,the world learned more about China,and China learned more a

28、bout the world.Athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees came to these dazzling venues and awed us with their talent.New stars were born. Stars from past Games amazed us again.We shared their joys and their tears,and we marveled at their ability.We will long remember the achievements we witnesse

29、d here.To the athletes tonight: You were true role models.You have shown us the unifying power of sport. The Olympic spirit lives in the warm embrace of competitors from nations in conflict.Keep that spirit alive when you return home. These were truly exceptional Games! Thank you! 名师点拨:名师点拨:从这篇发言稿所用

30、的词语从这篇发言稿所用的词语(glorious,the wonderful volunteers,amazed,marveled,achievements,keep the Olympic spirit alive)我们可知奥委会主我们可知奥委会主席罗格高度评价了北京奥运会以及运动员席罗格高度评价了北京奥运会以及运动员们出色的表现,并且希望大家能够发扬奥们出色的表现,并且希望大家能够发扬奥运精神运精神(Keep that spirit alive when you return home)。写这篇概要时,可以用更概。写这篇概要时,可以用更概括的词语括的词语spoke in praise of或

31、或spoke highly of 来替换以上的词语,并用一个定语从句使来替换以上的词语,并用一个定语从句使句子连贯。句子连贯。 The spenker spoke highly of the Beijing Olympic Games,in which the athletes did their utmost to achieve their goals,and he hoped people should keep up the Olympic spirit.(30 words) 在注意阅读原文体裁的同时,考生在注意阅读原文体裁的同时,考生也需注意写作体裁。例如,如果要求的也需注意写作体裁

32、。例如,如果要求的作文为书信体,作文为书信体,summary除了要具备除了要具备概括原文的功能外,作为书信的开头,概括原文的功能外,作为书信的开头,summary还应具备书信文体的写作特还应具备书信文体的写作特点。考生应正确使用人称,体现出书信点。考生应正确使用人称,体现出书信的交流功能。的交流功能。即时练习即时练习阅读下列短文,然后以约阅读下列短文,然后以约30个个词概括其内容要点。词概括其内容要点。 Growing up is not always easy. When facing difficulties,courage and a spirit of independence can

33、 be more useful than crying for help. Thats what Hong Zhanhuis story of growing from boy to man with family hardships tells us. Hong who was born in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County,Henna Province is now a hero in peoples mind.When he was only 11,his father became mentally ill and one day came

34、back with an abandoned baby girl. A year later,Hongs mother and younger brother both left home because of poverty and pressure from his ill father.Their burdens fell onto the 12-year-olds shoulders: to treat his fathers illness,bring up the adopted sister Chenchen,and to go on to study.Hong didnt gi

35、ve up. Since a young age,he has worked in parttime jobs to feed his family.At the same time,he has studied at college.To take care of Chenchen,he worked hard to rent a room near his campus for her,and send her to school.After Hongs story went public,people were moved to tears by his unselfishness. H

36、ard as his life was,Hong didnt abandon his father and the adopted sister,because they needed his help.With his hardwon money,he even aided other students struggling against misfortunes. Hongs story shows that with love and willpower,no hardship can defeat a person but himself.So when facing difficul

37、ties,dont complain about bad luck. Consider what more you could do for your family and society and youll find the world smiling back. 写作内容写作内容假设你是一名读者,名叫李假设你是一名读者,名叫李华,你读了以上关于洪战辉的报道后,想写华,你读了以上关于洪战辉的报道后,想写信与他交朋友,在鼓励他的同时和他分享你信与他交朋友,在鼓励他的同时和他分享你自己的成长经历。自己的成长经历。 信的开头和结尾已为你写好。请在第一段信的开头和结尾已为你写好。请在第一段介绍你读到

38、的关于洪战辉的报道,以约介绍你读到的关于洪战辉的报道,以约30个个词概括以上文章的内容要点。词概括以上文章的内容要点。Dear Mr.Hong, Recently I have been deeply touched by your story.名师点拨:名师点拨:上文是一篇夹叙夹议型的文章,上文是一篇夹叙夹议型的文章,在叙述了洪战辉坚强独立的故事后,作者就在叙述了洪战辉坚强独立的故事后,作者就此发表了观点,认为困难都是可以克服的,此发表了观点,认为困难都是可以克服的,应该勇敢面对。但是,作文要求以书信体呈应该勇敢面对。但是,作文要求以书信体呈现,所以必须注意这两点:现,所以必须注意这两点:1

39、.收信人就是洪战辉,所以对洪战辉故事的收信人就是洪战辉,所以对洪战辉故事的叙述应采用第二人称;叙述应采用第二人称;2.Summary 除了叙述洪战辉的事迹和概括原除了叙述洪战辉的事迹和概括原文作者的观点外,应注意书信格式和语气。文作者的观点外,应注意书信格式和语气。Dear Mr.Hong, Recently I have been deeply touched by your story that you,a poor student,grow up to be independent by looking after your sick father and bringing up your adopted sister,which shows that difficulties can be overcome if we take an active attitude.(34 words)结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!55



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