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1、Chinese-English Chinese-English TranslationTranslationUnit 2 Unit 2 Syntax Syntax Lecturer: Qiaonan Deng Personal blog: 2.1 Prepositional Phrase2.1.1 化为从句E.g.1 未经审批机关批准,合同中不得含有限制受方利用引进技术生产的产品出口的条款。E.g.2 技术服务合同是指供方利用其技术为受方提供服务或咨询以达到特定目标的合同。E.g.1 未经审批机关批准,合同中不得含有限制受方利用引进技术生产的产品出口的条款。No provisions of

2、restrictions on exportation of products manufactured by the recipient with the imported technology may be included in the contract without the approval of the competent authority. Unless approval has been obtained from the examining and approving organ, a contract shall not include provisions restri

3、cting the recipient from using the imported technology to manufacture products for export. E.g.2 技术服务合同是指供方利用其技术为受方提供服务或咨询以达到特定目标的合同。Contracts for technical services refer to those for providing services or consultations to the recipient by the supplier with his technology for achieving a specific g

4、oal. This type of contract (a technical service contract) refers to a contract whereby the supplier uses certain technology to provide service or consultancy to the recipient in order to achieve a specific target. 2.1.2 后置转前置E.g. 3 要使大多数国有大中型亏损企业摆脱困境。E.g. 4 此类投资应按照国家有关外商投资企业的法律和规定办理。E.g. 3 要使大多数国有大中

5、型亏损企业摆脱困境。We should have extricated most of the large and medium-sized State-owned enterprises operating at a loss from their predicament. We should have extricated most unprofitable large and medium-sized State-owned enterprises from their predicament. E.g. 4 此类投资应按照国家有关外商投资企业的法律和规定办理。This will be

6、dealt with in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the State for foreign investment enterprises. It shall be handled in accordance with State laws and regulations on foreign investment enterprises. 2.1.3 改用具体词修饰远处词汇E.g. 5 垃圾接受单位应按照环境保护行政主管部门有关危险废物管理规定,将船舶垃圾运往指定的处理场所进行处置。E.g. 6 对在两年内出

7、现三次违规行为的企业,暂停其6个月单项商品或单项业务的对外贸易经营许可证。E.g. 5 垃圾接受单位应按照环境保护行政主管部门有关危险废物管理规定,将船舶垃圾运往指定的处理场所进行处置。A garbage collecting unit shall send the vessel garbage to the designated place for treatment in accordance with the stipulations on the management of hazardous substances by the competent department of envi

8、ronmental protection. A garbage collecting unit shall send the vessel garbage to the designated place for treatment in accordance with the stipulations on the management of hazardous substances as formulated by the competent department of environmental protection. E.g. 6 对在两年内出现三次违规行为的企业,暂停其6个月单项商品或

9、单项业务的对外贸易经营许可证。A six-month suspension of the foreign trade license for one single commodity or one single business item for three violations in two years. A six-month suspension of the foreign trade license for one single commodity or one single business item imposed on three violations in two years

10、. 2.2 Adverbial 2.2.1 modification disorder2.2.1.1 缩短修饰距离E.g. 7 对供方提供或者传授的专有技术和有关技术资料,受方应当按照合同约定的范围和期限承担保密义务。E.g. 8 它运用历史唯物主义揭示了人类社会发展的规律。E.g. 7 对供方提供或者传授的专有技术和有关技术资料,受方应当按照合同约定的范围和期限承担保密义务。The recipient shall undertake the obligations to keep confidential for know-how and relevant information provi

11、ded or imparted by the supplier in accordance with limits and duration as agreed in the contract. A recipient shall undertake the obligation to keep confidential, in accordance with the scope and duration agreed on in the contract, the proprietary technology and related technical information provide

12、d or imparted by the supplier. E.g. 8 它运用历史唯物主义揭示了人类社会发展的规律。It has uncovered the law governing the development of human society by using historical materialism.Using historical materialism, it has uncovered the laws governing the development of human society. 是否修饰两个对象E.g. 9加强依法治税,强化税收征管,严厉打击

13、偷税漏税。We should levy taxes according to law, tighten tax collection and management, and severely fight tax evasion and tax fraud. 限制性或非限制性状语E.g. 10 对港区内非法悬挂中华人民共和国国旗航行的外国船舶处以500元的罚款。 E.g. 11 对非法出借船员证件的处以100元至300元的罚款。E.g. 10 对港区内非法悬挂中华人民共和国过期航行的外国船舶处以500元的罚款。Within the port zone a foreign vesse

14、l illegally flying the flag of PRC is subject to a fine of 500 yuan.A foreign vessel flying the flag of PRC, which is illegal, is subject to a fine of 500 yuan. E.g. 11 对非法出借船员证件的处以100元至300元的罚款。A crew member who illegally lends his seafarer certificates to others is subject to a fine from 100 to 300

15、 yuan. A crew member who lends his seafarer certificates to others, which is illegal, is subject to a fine from 100 to 300 yuan. 2.2.2 多状语E.g.12 民族地区在国家的扶持和其他地区的支援下,通过自己的艰苦奋斗,经济增长加快,各项事业全面发展。E.g. 13 在受方承担保密义务期限内,由于非受方原因技术被公开,受方承担的保密义务即行终止。E.g.12 民族地区在国家的扶持和其他地区的支援下,通过自己的艰苦奋斗,经济增长加快,各项事业全面发展。Assisted

16、 by the State and aided by other regions, ethnic minority areas, by their own efforts, accelerated their economy development and achieved an all-round development. Assisted by the State and supported by other regions, ethnic minority areas witnessed an acceleration in economic growth and an all-roun

17、d development in various undertakings through heir own efforts and hard work. E.g. 13 在受方承担保密义务期限内,由于非受方原因技术被公开,受方承担的保密义务即行终止。Within the duration in which the recipient undertakes the obligation to keep confidential, if the technology is publicized not owing to the recipient, obligations to keep con

18、fidential undertaken by the recipient shall be immediately terminated. If, during the period that the recipient is obliged to maintain confidentiality, details of the technology are made public through no connection with the recipient, the obligation of the recipient to maintain confidentiality shal

19、l be terminated immediately. 2.3 attributive 2.3.1 modification2.3.1.1 nomination 1950s the Korean War1960s the Vietnam War贸易公司A trade company vs A trading company陆家嘴金融贸易区the Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zonethe Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone2.3.1.2 pre- or post- modifier E.g. 13 省、自治区、直辖市、沿海开放城市、经

20、济特区和计划单列省辖市E.g. 14 上海将建成国际经济、金融、贸易、航运中心E.g. 13 省、自治区、直辖市、沿海开放城市、经济特区和计划单列省辖市provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under jurisdiction of the central government, coastal open cities, special economic zones and cities under provinces with separate economic plans.provinces, autonomous r

21、egions, directly administered municipalities, open port cities, special economic zones and provincially administered cities which are authorized to formulate their own independent plans E.g. 14 上海将建成国际经济、金融、贸易、航运中心Shanghai will turn into an international economic, financial, trade and shipping cente

22、r. Shanghai will turn into an international center of economy, finance, trade and shipping. Length of pre-modifier the College of Education BuildingThe Department of Foreign Languages BuildingThe Department of Foreign Languages and Literature Building overuse of nounsE.g. 15 上海组合港管理委

23、员会E.g. 16 技术引进合同批准证书E.g. 15 上海组合港管理委员会Shanghai combination port administration CommitteeThe Administrative Committee of the Shanghai combination PortThe Shanghai Combined Port AdministrationE.g. 16 技术引进合同批准证书Technology Import Contract Approval CertificateApproval certificate for a Technology Import

24、contract2.3.2 long attributive balance modifiersE.g. 17 我国进行了卓有成效的双边和多边外交活动。E.g. 18 合同自批准之日起生效,由审批机关颁发经贸部统一制刷和编号的统一制刷和编号的技术引入合同批准证书。E.g. 17 我国进行了卓有成效的双边和多边外交活动。China has done fruitful bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities. China has conducted fruitful diplomatic activities in both

25、 bilateral and multilateral contexts. E.g. 18 合同自批准之日起生效,由审批机关颁发经贸部统一制刷和编号的统一制刷和编号的技术引入合同批准证书。The contract shall come into force on the date of approval and the competent authority shall issue a unified Approval Certificate for a Technology Import Contract printed and numbered by Ministry of Foreign

26、 Economic Relations and Trade. A contract shall be valid from the date of its approval and the examining and approving organ shall issue a Technology Import Contract Approval Certificate which is uniformly designed and numbered by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. turn ph

27、rase into attributive clauseE.g. 19 本市有进出口经营权的所有企业在进行国际运费费用结算时必须使用统一发票。E.g. 20 该母公司在华的各家子公司现享受的高科技投资优惠政策,从四月一日起改为国民待遇。E.g. 19 本市有进出口经营权的所有企业在进行国际运费费用结算时必须使用统一发票。(?)All enterprises of this municipality authorized with the right to import or export must use the Uniform Invoices in their international

28、transport fee settlement. E.g. 20 该母公司在华的各家子公司现享受的高科技投资优惠政策,从四月一日起改为国民待遇。(?)All subsidiaries under that parent company in China enjoying the preferential policies for their investment in high technology projects shall receive national treatment starting on April 1st. turn long attributive in

29、to a clause E.g. 21 由国务院各部、委和各直属机关批准可行性研究报告的项目,其技术引入合同由经贸部审批。E.g. 21 由国务院各部、委和各直属机关批准可行性研究报告的项目,其技术引入合同由经贸部审批。Technology import contracts for projects with feasibility study reports approved by the ministries, commissions and departments under the State Council are to be examined and approved by the

30、 Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. A technology import contract for a project which had its feasibility study approved by a State Council ministry or commission or one of the various organs directly under the State Council shall be examined and approved by the Ministry of Foreign Eco

31、nomic Relations and Trade. re-organize E.g. 22 本条例所指的开发区公司,是指经北京市人民政府批准的从事开发区的开发建设和经营管理的经济实体。E.g. 22 本条例所指的开发区公司,是指经北京市人民政府批准的从事开发区的开发建设和经营管理的经济实体。The companies of development zones as stated in these Regulations refer to economic entities engaged in the development, construction and operati

32、on of the development zones with the approval of the Beijing Municipal Peoples Government. The development zone corporations referred to in these Regulations are economic entities approved by the Beijing Municipal Peoples Government and engaged in the construction, development, operation and adminis

33、tration of the development zones. repetitionE.g. 23 引航是指熟悉一定水域的地理环境,水文气象及有关法规,并具有丰富的驾驶经验和船舶操纵技能的人员引领船舶进出港口,或在江河内海一定区域航行。E.g. 23 引航是指熟悉一定水域的地理环境,水文气象及有关法规,并具有丰富的驾驶经验和船舶操纵技能的人员引领船舶进出港口,或在江河内海一定区域航行。Pilotage refers to the guidance by personnel familiar with the geographical, hydrological and me

34、teorological conditions in given water zones, proficient in the relevant statutes, rich in navigational expertise and skillful in ship maneuvering, the guidance of vessels entering or leaving ports or sailing in certain areas on rivers and territorial seas. 2.4 omission 2.4.1 补主语E.g. 24 基本路线要管100年,动

35、摇不得。E.g. 25 说过来说过去,就是一句话,坚持这个路线、方针、政策不变。E.g. 24 基本路线要管100年,动摇不得。The basic line should be adhered to for 100 years, and there must be no vacillation.We should adhere to the basic line for a hundred years, with no vacillation. E.g. 25 说过来说过去,就是一句话,坚持这个路线、方针、政策不变。After all thats been said, one sentence

36、 sums it up: stick to this line and these principles and policies. After all thats been said, I can sum up our position in one sentence: we shall keep to this line and these principles and policies. 2.4.2 转被动E.g. 26 因特殊情况需要超过合同有效期的,应当在合同中订明,并在申请办理审批手续时申明理由。E.g. 26 因特殊情况需要超过合同有效期的,应当在合同中订明,并在申请办理审批手续

37、时申明理由。If special circumstances demand that the duration shall exceed the term of the contract, it shall be expressly specified in the contract, and reasons shall be given when applying for examination and approval. If in special circumstances it is necessary to exceed the duration of the contract, t

38、his shall be stated clearly in the contract and the reason shall be declared when examination and approval procedures are conducted. 2.4.3 转主语E.g. 27 合同期满时,应当按照有关规定办理。E.g. 28 合营企业申请用地,由合营企业中方合营业者办理。E.g. 27 合同期满时,应当按照有关规定办理。When the contract has expired, the relevant stipulations shall govern. On the

39、 expiry of a contract, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions. E.g. 28 合营企业申请用地,由合营企业中方合营业者办理。The application of a joint venture for the right to use land shall be made by the Chinese joint venturer on behalf of the join venture. The Chinese participant of the joint v

40、enture shall be responsible for the application for the right to the use of land. 2.4.4 补宾语E.g. 29 (发展才是硬道理。这个问题要搞清楚。)如果分析不当,造成误解,就会变得谨小慎微,不敢解放思想,不敢放开手脚。E.g. 29 如果分析不当,造成误解,就会变得谨小慎微,不敢解放思想,不敢放开手脚。If we fail to make a proper analysis and this incur misunderstanding, we will become overcautious and da

41、re not emancipate our minds and act boldly. If we fail to analyze it properly and to understand it correctly, we shall become overcautious, not daring to emancipate our minds and act freely.2.5 主从关系的处理2.5.1 词汇词组的主从E.g. 30 我们完全有决心、有能力最终解决台湾问题。E.g. 31 只有这样,才会明了发展问题既是发展中国家自己的责任,也是发达国家的责任。E.g. 30 我们完全有决

42、心、有能力最终解决台湾问题。We are completely determined and able to finally solve Taiwan problem. With full determination, we are capable of finding a final solution to the Taiwan question. E.g. 31 只有这样,才会明了发展问题既是发展中国家自己的责任,也是发达国家的责任。Only in this way can one see that the issue of development is the responsibilit

43、y of developed countries as well as developing countries. Only thus will we recognize that it is the responsibility not just of the developing countries but also of the developed countries. 2.5.2 分句的主从E.g. 32 中国执行改革开放政策,争取在50到70年间内发展起来。E.g. 32 中国执行改革开放政策,争取在50到70年间内发展起来。China pursues a policy of ref

44、orm and opening to the outside world, striving to become developed within a 50-70 year period. China is carrying out the policies of reform and will strive to become developed in 50-70 years. By pursuing a policy of reform and opening to the outside world, China is striving to become developed withi

45、n a 50-70 period. 2.6 合并与分拆2.6.1 收缩合并E.g. 33 任何组织或个人不得侵占、买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地。E.g. 34 这五年,首先是农村改革带来许多新的变化,农作物大幅度增产,农民收入大幅度增加,乡镇企业异军突起。E.g. 33 任何组织或个人不得侵占、买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地。No organization or individual may appropriate, buy, sell or otherwise engage in the transfer of land by unlawful means. No organization

46、 or individual may appropriate, buy, sell or otherwise transfer land unlawfully. E.g. 34 这五年,首先是农村改革带来许多新的变化,农作物大幅度增产,农民收入大幅度增加,乡镇企业异军突起。During those five years, rural reform brought about many changes, which were characterized by substantial increase in crop production and farmers income and the ri

47、se of rural enterprises as a new force. During those five years, rural reform brought about many changes: grain output increased substantially, as did the peasants income, and rural enterprises emerged as a new force. 2.6.2 非连接词并句E.g. 35 重复建设比较严重,造成了一些浪费。 E.g. 36 她对自己取得的成就充满了自豪,这也不是没有道理的。E.g. 35 重复建

48、设比较严重,造成了一些浪费。Duplicate construction was prevalent and caused waste.There was much wasteful duplicate construction. E.g. 36 她对自己取得的成就充满了自豪,这也不是没有道理的。She is proud of the achievements she has made and this is reasonable. It is reasonable that she is proud of her achievements. She is justifiably proud

49、of her achievements. 2.6.3 分拆E.g. 37 开发区内的外商投资企业,按规定纳税有困难的,经企业申请,税务部门批准,可减免工商统一税(CICT)。CICT: Consolidated Industrial and Commercial Tax E.g. 37 开发区内的外商投资企业,按规定纳税有困难的,经企业申请,税务部门批准,可减免工商统一税。Enterprises with foreign investments in development zones that have difficulty over tax payments may, on the app

50、roval of their application by tax authorities, be allowed reductions of or exempted from CICT. Where a foreign investment enterprise has difficulties in paying the stipulated tax, it may apply to tax authorities and may enjoy, if the application is approved, reduction or exemption of the CICT. 2.7 并

51、列平衡结构E.g. 38 他负责联系船舶修理和船舶燃料供应。E.g. 39 我们欢迎发达国家与我们合作,也欢迎发展中国家相互之间的合作。E.g. 38 他负责联系船舶修理和船舶燃料供应。He is in charge of arranging for vessel repairing and providing vessel fuels.He is in charge of arranging for vessel repairs and providing vessel fuels. He is in charge of arrangement for vessel repairing an

52、d provision of vessel fuels. E.g. 39 我们欢迎发达国家与我们合作,也欢迎发展中国家相互之间的合作。While developed countries are welcome to cooperate with us, cooperation with developing countries is also welcome. China welcomes cooperation with developed countries, and we should also be happy to see cooperation between developing

53、 countries. 2.8 多层次并列关系2.8.1 改变英语词性E.g. 40 政府部门不准违反有关规定购买豪华车;不准利用手中权力调换价格更昂贵的小汽车,向下级单位或企业借车,或强迫下属单位或企业为自己买车。E.g. 40 政府部门不准违反有关规定购买豪华车;不准利用手中权力调换价格更昂贵的小汽车,向下级单位或企业借车,或强迫下属单位或企业为自己买车。Government departments are not allowed to purchase luxury cars in violation of relevant regulations, to use their power

54、 to trade for more expensive cars, to borrow cars from subordinate units or enterprises, or to force subordinate units or enterprises to buy cars on their behalf.E.g. 40 政府部门不准违反有关规定购买豪华车;不准利用手中权力调换价格更昂贵的小汽车,向下级单位或企业借车,或强迫下属单位或企业为自己买车。Government departments will be prohibited from purchasing luxury

55、cars in violation of relevant regulations, or using their power to trade for more expensive cars, to borrow cars from subordinate units or enterprises, or to force subordinate units or enterprises to buy cars on their behalf.2.8.2 增减连接词E.g. 41 必须正确处理发展经济同人口、资源、环境的关系。E.g. 42 要加速实现两岸直接通邮、通航、通商。E.g. 41

56、 必须正确处理发展经济同人口、资源、环境的关系。We must correctly handle the relationship between economic development and population, natural resources and environment. We must correctly handle the relationship between economic development on the one hand and population, natural resources and environment on the other. E.g

57、. 42 要加速实现两岸直接通邮、通航、通商。We should speed up the establishment of direct links of postal, air and shipping services and trade. We should speed up the establishment of three direct links of mail, air and shipping services, and trade. 2.9 提取公因式E.g. 43 大力提倡社会公德,职业道德和家庭美德E.g. 44 要坚定信心,勇于探索,大胆实践。E.g. 45 国际上

58、议论纷纷,国内也有各种意见。E.g. 43 大力提倡社会公德,职业道德和家庭美德We should vigorously advocate social ethics, occupational morals and family virtues. We should vigorously advocate social, occupational and family ethics. E.g. 44 要坚定信心,勇于探索,大胆实践。We should be firm in determination, brave in exploration and bold in practice. We

59、 should be firm in determination and bold in exploration and practice. E.g. 45 国际上议论纷纷,国内也有各种意见。There has been much discussion about this worldwide and also various views concerning it at home. There are various opinions on this question both at home and abroad. 2.10 逻辑顺序E.g. 46 贪污腐化、奢侈浪费等现象仍在蔓延滋长。E

60、.g. 47 归根到底,我们要靠自己来摆脱贫困,靠自己发展起来。 E.g. 46 贪污腐化、奢侈浪费等现象仍在蔓延滋长。Corruption, extravagance and waste are still spreading and growing. Corruption, extravagance and waste are still growing and spreading. E.g. 47 归根到底,我们要靠自己来摆脱贫困,靠自己发展起来In the final analysis, we must rely on ourselves to get rid of poverty a

61、nd develop. In the final analysis, we have to depend on ourselves to develop and lift ourselves out of poverty. 2.11 Grammar 2.11.1 tense and aspectE.g. 48 高科技领域的一个突破,带动一批产业的发展。E.g. 49 老年人要帮助年轻人,对于办的不妥当的事,也要好心好意的帮。E.g. 48 高科技领域的一个突破,带动一批产业的发展。Our breakthrough in the high-tech field will promote the

62、growth of several industries. Our breakthrough in the field of high technology promotes the growth of several industries. E.g. 49 老年人要帮助年轻人,对于办的不妥当的事,也要好心好意的帮。Older people should, out of good will, help them when matters are handled improperly. Out of good will, they should help them when things are

63、 not being handled properly. 2.11.2 modal verbE.g. 50 标书的正本和副本应使用不褪色的墨水打印或书写,并应由正式授权过的一个人或几个人签字。E.g. 51 在北京设立的经济技术开发区均适用本条例。E.g. 50 标书的正本和副本应使用不褪色的墨水打印或书写,并应由正式授权过的一个人或几个人签字。The original and duplicates of the tender should be typed or written in indelible ink and should be signed by a person or pers

64、ons duly authorized. The original and duplicates of the tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized.E.g. 51 在北京设立的经济技术开发区均适用本条例。These regulations shall apply to all economic and technological development zones in Beijing. These regulat

65、ions apply to any economic and technological development zone established in Beijing. 2.12词性转换E.g. 52 中国政府成对不对无核国家使用核武器。E.g. 53 自然保护区的划定和管理,按照有关规定办理。E.g. 54 人民群众的健康水平普遍提高。 E.g. 52 中国政府成对不对无核国家使用核武器。The Chinese government undertakes not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries. The Chines

66、e government undertakes non-use of nuclear weapons against nonnuclear countries. E.g. 53 自然保护区的划定和管理,按照有关规定办理。The designation and administration of nature reserves shall be effected in accordance with the relevant provisions. Nature reserves shall be designated and administrated according to the relevant provisions.E.g. 54 人民群众的健康水平普遍提高。The health level of the Chinese people has been raised. The Chinese people have become healthier. Summary 1. 充分利用介词,但若是介词过多,则调整为动词或从句;2. 状语要注意修饰目标,且前后置需平衡;3. 定语前后置平衡,调整词性、位置、距离;4. 省略句需填补相关信息,或作被动;5. 分清主从关系,按照英语结构和逻辑合并或分拆;6. 灵活翻译,词性可变化。



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