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1、介词和介词短语介词和介词短语介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一,使用频率非常高。介词往往与名词、代词或相当于名词的其他词类、短语、从句等一起构成介词短语,以表示它与其他词在时间、方式、方向、位置等方面的关系。搭配比较活跃的介词主要有in, out, up, down, on, off, to, from, for, over, with等。在语法填空题中重点考查考生根据语境灵活运用介词的能力。考生应注意总结介词与名词、形容词、副词、动词等搭配构成的短语的意思和用法。1(2015新课标卷)When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat

2、 and are now cold enough to cool the house during the hot day; _ the same time, they warm up again for the night.2(2014辽宁卷)Dont laugh _ me. I may look funny.3(2014新课标卷)I got a place next _ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk.atat历史考题历史考题to语法填空题中,如果空空格格后后是是名名词词、代代词词、动动词词ing形形式式或或what从从句句

3、,且它们不是在句中作主语,也不是作动词的宾语时,这个空格就很可能是填介词。这是因为:1介词必须要接宾语,其宾语可以是名词、代词、动词ing形式或what从句。2名词、代词、动词ing形式或what从句在句中通常作主语、动词的宾语或介词的宾语。如果不作主语,也不作动词的宾语,就应该是作介词的宾语。1(2015新课标卷)Tony saw a toy on a shop window.答案与解析:onin在橱窗里看到了玩具应用in。历史考题历史考题2(2015陕西卷短文改错)My soccer coach retired in last week.答案与解析:去掉inlast week/last y

4、ear/last month等前不加介词。3(2015四川卷短文改错)Please help with me and give me some advice.答案与解析:去掉with help sb.“帮助某人”为固定用法。4(2014新课标卷短文改错)Nearly five years ago, with the help by our father, my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes.答案与解析:byof在父亲的帮助下,应该是with the help of sb. 。5(2014新课标卷短文改错)We can lie on the

5、grass for a rest, or sit by the lake listening music.答案与解析:listening后加tolisten to music“听音乐”。6(2014辽宁卷短文改错)We appreciate your apologies and goodwill, but we hope that you can figure a good way of settling the matter.答案与解析:figure后加outfigure out .“想出”。1固定搭配中介词的误用2介词在句中的多余或漏用及物动词后直接加宾语,不用介词,而不及物动词后需加介词

6、。last, next, this等后接名词表时间时前不用介词。易错点易错点介词用法with和一起;随着因为具有具有/带有有;with复合复合结构构at表示片刻的时间点表示“在某处”,指在一个较小的地点表示表示产生某种情生某种情绪的原因,意的原因,意为“因因为而而”“”“一听到一听到/ /看到看到/ /想到想到就就”in表方位,在某范围内,特别注意在在报纸上、上、书上有上有什么内容,要用什么内容,要用in表时间,后接表时间段的名词短语,指在某一段时间内或在带有将来时态的语句中表示某一段时间将发生句子谓语动词所表示的动作表示材料、语言、方式、声音介词用法on表示时间,指在特定的某一天(的上午、下

7、午或晚上)或一星期的某一天。注意in the morning与on the morning of 1st, May的区别表示方位,指在某一事物表面上或与某物毗邻表示与某一方面内容相关,意为“关于关于”与名与名词或或动名名词连用,意用,意为“一一就就”from表示“来自”或“从时间开始”through表示从事物内部穿过,与介词in有关表示通过,凭借across从事物的表面通过,与介词on有关介词用法over表示在表面的正上方,与under相对表示“从某事物上方越过”表示“在上面”,指部分或全部覆盖与表示与表示时间段的名段的名词(短短语)连用,表示用,表示“经过、跨、跨过某一个某一个时间段段”be

8、yond表示方位,意为“超过,在较远的一边”表示超出理解、信任的范围或能力所及的范围for表示“对于,至于,适合于”表示“为了(目的);支持”against表示“反对,反抗,违背”表示“倚,靠,逆着(水流、潮流、风等)”或“与相对抗”1介词与名词类at breakfast在吃早饭;at home在家里;at the cinema在电影院;by accident偶然;access to能够进入;能够使用;attitude to/towards对的态度;effect on对的影响;lack of缺乏。2动词介词类worry about为担忧;talk about谈论;hear about听说;la

9、ugh at嘲笑;smile at对微笑;shout at对大喊;knock at敲击;hear from收到的来信;show off炫耀;meet with遇到;遭受;accuse sb. of sth.因某事指控某人;remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事。3介词与形容词busy with忙于;good for对有好处;pleased with对感到满意;interested in对感兴趣;kind to对友好。1Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves half an hour.2The two bro

10、thers decided to leave midnight, for they had many miles to cover.3Mr. Smith met his wife a shop in 1941.4The athletes from all over the world arrived Beijing yesterday.5They jumped the fence and fled away.6His father goes to work car every day.7He made a living selling newspapers when he was young.

11、8The skiers red clothes stood out clearly the snow.9The young mother whispered something her children.10Its obvious that the new manager is rich experience.in inatininoverbybyagainst to.语法填空What do you know about Scotlands famous Loch Ness monster(尼斯湖水怪)? One thing you may not know is that “Nessie”

12、could have been named _ Queen Elizabeth of the UK.Recently _ (discover) papers show that Sir Peter Scott, the first person to study the mythical animal _ the Scottish Highlands, asked the Queen if she would let the monster be named “Elizabethia Nessie” if it were ever found.After he found out that t

13、he Queen was very interested _ the mythical animal, he came up _ the idea of naming it Elizabeth Nessie. The Independent reported.with after discovered in in The documents _ (discover) in the scientists archive(档案) at Cambridge University. It _ (show) that the Queen even asked to be sent personal updates about the search _ “Nessie”. But Martin Charteris, the Queens private secretary at the time, said in a reply _Sir Peters letter that there would have to be enough _ (evident) of the monster before it could. evidencewere discovered showed for to



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