Unit 8First aid

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《Unit 8First aid》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 8First aid(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 First aid1.fall fell fallen lfall off 从掉落lfall over 摔倒lfall asleep/ill/silent 变得lfall behind 落后lfall into 掉入;养成;变为lfall in love with 爱上lfall n 秋天;跟头 falls n 瀑布lget off 下车/take off脱下/turn off关掉lcut off 切断,割下来/tear off 拉下来,撕掉lbite off咬下来/call off取消/come off 脱落2. knocklKnock off 从撞下; 停止(工作) lkno

2、ck against sth. 撞到 上lKnock down 打倒; 撞倒 lknock over 打翻lKnock on/at 敲 lknock out of 从 中敲(打)出来lKnock into 撞入lA. The boxer soon knocked his opponent_.lB. The office staff knocks _ at six every day.lC. Try knocking _ the window and see if theres anyone indoors.lD. He was so absorbed in his book that he k

3、nocked_ the car parked there. lE. The man knocked_by the speeding car was bland.l(a.down b.off c. on/at d. into e. down)3. holdlhold a meeting 举行会议lhold back 阻挡,抑制, 控制lhold on 不挂断(电话),等一等lhold out 伸出lhold up 阻挡,使停顿(常用于被动语态)l- Why are you so late?l- Bad luck. A car accident took place not far outside

4、 the town, and so we were _ on the way. lA. stopped B. kept C. held up D. preventedC4. deal with l1. This book mainly deals with pollution.(涉及)l2. deal with a difficult situation (the problem)l 处理困难的局面(这个问题)l注意:do with 常与what 搭配,deal with 常与how 搭配l I dont know how to deal with the problem.l I dont k

5、now what to do with the problem.5. aidln. 1. give/offer/do sb. first aidl = give/offer/ do first aid to sb. 对进行急救l2. with the aid of sb. = with the help of sb.l3. come /go to ones aid = come/go to help sb. vt. aid sb. to do sth. = help sb. to do sth. He often aids me with money when I am in trouble.

6、6. injure wound hurtlInjure vt 指人的面容或机能的损伤,也可指伤害某人的自尊心,名誉等。lThe misunderstanding injured their friendship.l injury n. injuries pl. l wound vt. 指人在战斗中的刀,枪,剑伤,攻击中受伤;身体上出现明显的伤口。l He was wounded in the battle.lHurt vt. 可指人在平时或事故中受伤,也指精神上的伤害。lWhat they said hurt our feelings.7. harm hurt wound injurel1.

7、My _ left leg still _.l2. Smoking does great _ to our health.l3. She was unhappy, because his refusal _ her pride.l4. The soldier badly_ in the battle was being operated on. A. injured;hurts B. harm C. hurt D. wounded8. breathe lbreathe in 吸入lbreathe out 呼出lbreathe hard: breathe with difficultylbrea

8、th: n lhold/take a deep breath 深呼吸 llose ones breath 喘不过气lout of breath 上气不接下气lin the same breath 同时9. lay lie lLay-laid-laid-laying 放置;架设;产卵;及物 可被动leg. lay the table/lay eggs/lay sth.in sp.=place sth in sp.lLie lied lied lying 说谎;不及物,不可被动leg. lie in + n. 在于 lHis failure lay in his laziness.llie on

9、ones back 仰卧lie on ones side 侧卧llie on ones face/stomach 俯卧lI found the boy _ to his mother.lA bridge is _ across the river next year. lHe went over and _ down his cup on the tray.lI saw a wallet _ on the ground.lI saw a radio _ on the table.lKey: lying; to be laid; laid; lying; laidl1. You should h

10、ave _ on your side while sleeping.l2. He was drinking with the dog _ at his feet.l3. The answer _ in two facts, I thought.l4. We have all the tables _ before the dinner.l5. The eggs _ by the hen have already been _ into the basket.l6. East of the town _ a still works, which turns out twenty tons ste

11、el every day. l7. Its said that they are _ a new pipe.l1. lain 2. lying 3. lay 4. laid 5. laid;laid/lyingl6. lies 7. laying10.quantitylThere is only a small quantity left. la large/great/small quantity of +可数名词复数或不可数 large/great/small quantities of (用法同上)l比较:Large quantities of time are needed.l A l

12、arge/great quantity of people is needed there.lin quantity 大量地 in large quantities大量地 lHe buys things in quantity. /in large quantities.l他大量购物。11. pay attention to l*pay a visit to sb./sp.l pay off the debtsl pay sb. money for sthl* 含有介词to的短语有:l look forward to 盼望 turn to 转向l get down to 开始着手做 objec

13、t to 反对l stick to坚持 be/get used to 习惯于l be opposed to 反对 refer to 提及,关于l get close to 靠近 belong to 属于l lead to 导致 devote to 12.reach n.伸手可达的距离lOut of (ones) reach 够不着lBeyond (ones) reach 够不着lWithin (ones) reach 伸手可及l have a dictionary within (arms) reachl 把词典放在(伸手)够得着的地方13. bylby accident 意外地lby any

14、 chance 万一lby chance(accident) 偶然lby hard work 以苦干lby effort 努力 lby experience 靠经验lby force 用强力lby mistake 错误地14. Still/quiet/silent/calml1. Please keep _ while I take a picture of you .l2. When asked again, he remained _. l3. Keep _ in time of danger. l4. Please keep _; the baby is sleeping. l(a. s

15、till b. silent c. calm d. quiet)15.Chen Wei and Susan are walking down the street when they see an accidentlwhen=and at that time (suddenly)l 常见的句型有:lwere/was doing sth. when-clauselhad done sth. when-clauselwere/was about to do sth. when-clauseleg. He was about to go out when an old friend of his c

16、ame to see him.课堂检测l1. I was really anxious about you. You _ home without a word.lA. mustnt leave B. neednt leavelC. couldnt have left D. shouldnt have leftl2. A boy running into the classroom _ my book _ my desk.lA . threw; out B. knocked; offlC. pulled; off D. fell; offDBl3. Much attention _ pronu

17、nciation if you want to speak English well.lA. should pay to B. must be paidlC. should be paid to D. will be taken ofl4. Its nearly six oclock. Rose _ be here at any moment. lA. must B. need C. should D. canCCl5. Im sorry to have taken your umbrella _, because I mistook it _ mine.lA. for mistake; as B. with mistake; withlC. by mistake; for D. out of mistake; aboutl6._ I told him the secret.l _ .lA. You must not have done thatlB. You ought not to have done thatlC. Why didnt you?lD. I am sorry to hear thatBC



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