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1、Translation of School Names and Departments Translation of School Names文科大学 university of liberal arts理科大学 university of science师范学院 teachers college工业大学 polytechnical university农业大学 agricultural university医科大学 medical university音乐学院 conservatory of music美术学院 academy of fine artsTranslation of Depar

2、tments外语系 department of foreign languages 中文系 department of Chinese languages and literature 数学系 department of mathematics 物理系 department of physics 化学系 department of chemistry 生物系 department of biology 天文系 department of astronomy 心理学系 department of psychology 建筑工程系 department of architecture and ci

3、vil engineering 化工机械系 department of chemical mechanics engineering工业学院 engineering instiute 化工学院 chemical engineering institute 林学院 forestry institute 航空学院 aeronautical engineering institute 体育学院 physical culture institute电影学院 cinema institute戏剧学院 drama institute 纺织工学院 textile engineering institute建

4、筑工程学院 architectural engineering institute Some Common MistakesRoom for librariansDirector: a person in charge of a particular activity or dept in a company or a collegeModern Education Technology CenterOn-duty officers roomRoom for the On-dutyJanitor:caretaker休闲吧休闲吧: Leisure Center (bar)图书借阅室图书借阅室:

5、Reading Room服务台服务台: Information Desk (reception desk更多用在 hotels or office building)采编部采编部: Collecting & Cataloging Dept. Collecting & Compiling Dept.(acquisition & cataloging dept.)Security DepartmentSafeguard: vt.维护, 保护, 捍卫 n.安全装置, 安全措施Financial DepartmentEducationTeaching BuildingSchool Building请保

6、持馆内安静整洁。Please Keep Our Library Quite and Clean请勿携带食物入馆。No Food Here, Please!资料室a reference(data/resource) room收发室Mail room /Receiving and Dispatching Office 请注意举止文明得体。Please be Respectful and Civilized.Measures of Translation of School Names拼音法拼音法拼音模糊法就是为了避免直接翻译对其原意的片面误解,而采用拼音加翻译的方法进行高校校名的翻译方法。上海交通

7、大学 Shanghai Jiaotong University中国人民大学 Renmin University of China北京航空航天大学 Beihang University西安电子科技大学 Xidian University意译法意译法 意译法就是根据意义进行直接的翻译的方法,这种方法使用最为广泛。 山东师范大学 Shandong Teachers University广州医学院 Guangzhou Medical College北京化工大学 Beijing University of Chemical Technology借用法借用法 借用法就是直接把英语母语国家的说法直接借用过来进行翻译的方法。山东师范大学 Shandong Normal University(借用过去西方对于师范学校的特殊用词)香港理工大学 Hong Kong Polytechnic University综合法综合法 综合法就是综合运用其他的几个校名的翻译进行校名翻译的翻译方法。中山大学 Sun Ya-tsen University(西方人说到孙中山先生的时候,一般会用“Dr. Sun Ya-tsen”)北京外国语大学 Beijing Foreign Studies University中国海洋大学 China Ocean University



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