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1、开放作文开放作文 Open-endedOpen-ended w writingriting 开开 放放 作作 文文2. 训练类型训练类型4. 训练中的训练中的问题及策略问题及策略1. 命题命题3. 训练步骤训练步骤命题命题 开放作文开放作文Open-ended writing 2005-20112005-2011北京高考北京高考开放开放作文题型作文题型时间时间开放作文开放作文2005小孩照镜子小孩照镜子 图图画画 议论文议论文2006城市城市街头街头雕塑雕塑 图图画画 议论文议论文2007大鸟与小鸟大鸟与小鸟 图图画画 议论文议论文2008铅笔与圆规铅笔与圆规 图图画画 议论文议论文 2009

2、老外吃面条老外吃面条 图图画画 议论文议论文2010高楼与大树高楼与大树 图图画画 议论文议论文2011够果子够果子 图图画画 议论文议论文命题命题 开放作文开放作文 1. 2007-2012年北京高考皆为看图写一篇议年北京高考皆为看图写一篇议论文。从近年高考英语书面表达命题趋势来论文。从近年高考英语书面表达命题趋势来看,新课标地区书面表达有从控制性向开放看,新课标地区书面表达有从控制性向开放性过过渡的趋势。山东、湖南等地的书面表性过过渡的趋势。山东、湖南等地的书面表达趋向于半开放,北京、上海等一直有开放达趋向于半开放,北京、上海等一直有开放作文。作文。2. 自由发挥和相像的空间大,对考生的语

3、言自由发挥和相像的空间大,对考生的语言能力提出了更高的要求。能力提出了更高的要求。开放作文:开放作文:2. 训练类型训练类型(1)图画图画类类(2)提纲类)提纲类 (计划、建议、可能性等)计划、建议、可能性等)(3)续写类(以故事为主)续写类(以故事为主)3. 开放作文训练步骤开放作文训练步骤指导上范文分析指导上范文分析2008北京卷北京卷 开放作文开放作文请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。 In an English speech competition, you are asked to describe the following pict

4、ure and explain to the judges how you understand it. In an English class, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain how you understand it. 2011北京高考北京高考请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于5050。You are discussing the following picture with your English friend Jim. Now you are telli

5、ng him how you understand the picture and what makes you think so.关注关注20122012年开放作文变化年开放作文变化文章结构:描图立意解图议图升华、回扣主题3. 开放作文训练步骤开放作文训练步骤立意立意提出论点提出论点 The vivid picture is trying to convey to us a message that; What the picture attempts to tell us is that(1)(1)如何立意?)如何立意?寻找要素,及之间联系寻找要素,及之间联系a tall treegoal

6、s too high for somebody, a new height/challenge a short/ small/ dwarf tree -appropriate target / goals that can be achieved/reached a giraffe a person who is trying to achieve its goal /reach a target 1. People should set themselves targets that they can reasonably hope to achieve. 给自己制定有望达到的目标给自己制定

7、有望达到的目标2. The picture tries to tell us the importance of appropriate goal-setting.3. We shouldnt set goals that are too high for us. 4. We always need to develop ourselves to a higher level instead of being satisfied with the present situation. 5. Before we decide to do something, we should analyse

8、our abilities and the situation around. 6. People should know their own advantages and ability, and not to do what is impossible for them. 7. We should pursue our breakthrough like the giraffe. 8. People should set proper goals to achieve. 9. We should be more flexible when we are pursuing what we w

9、ant. 10. We should set a suitable goal for ourselves, neither too high nor too low. 11. We should do things within our ability and not pursue something too unrealistic.3. 开放作文训练步骤开放作文训练步骤(2)描图)描图As we can see from the picture,; From the picture we can see that 一个什么样的事物在以一种什么样的状态做什么样的事一个什么样的事物在以一种什么样

10、的状态做什么样的事情,情,while另一个什么样的事物在以一种什么样的状态做另一个什么样的事物在以一种什么样的状态做什么样的事情。造成了什么样的结果。什么样的事情。造成了什么样的结果。 描图篇幅一般不超过描图篇幅一般不超过1/31/3 第三人称第三人称 一般现在时一般现在时、现在进行时、现在进行时 描图时不加入个人观点。描图时不加入个人观点。 描图时做到内容充实、具体、形象、生动描图时做到内容充实、具体、形象、生动 有的放矢、中心突出有的放矢、中心突出1. In the picture, a tree full of fruit tempts a man into getting the de

11、licious fruit. Between them, however, flows a deep stream. Standing on the edge of the bank of a stream, the man is reaching out for the fruit with a net attached to a pole. Not far way is a bridge which can lead him to the opposite side.2. In the picture, a tree full of fruit becomes the envy of a

12、man. However, it annoys the man that a stream separates the tree and him. Determined to get the fruit, he reached out a pole with a net attached to it at the risk of falling off the edge of stream. Just then, a bridge lies peacefully not far over the stream.3. As is vividly shown in the picture, the

13、 man is sparing no effort to reach for the fruits on the tree across the river with a long net, neglecting a bridge nearby. Hard as he is trying, all his effort seems in vain.4. As is vividly depicted in the picture, a huge cliff with water running fast down has created a considerable gap between a

14、tree full of peach luxury and a man who is eager to get some. Instead of seeking for the wood bridge that is already presented nearly to reach the tree, he stupidly risks his life to use the tool to get the peach.In the picture, we can see it is raining hard. But to our surprise, a gentleman is wate

15、ring flowers, holding an umbrella in his hand.From the picture I can see a pair of proud compasses and a hard-working pencil. The compasses are big, drawing a circle with ease, while the pencil is small, drawing a line with great effort.In the picture, a boy is trying hard to push forward the hour h

16、and of the clock while an old man is making a great effort to push backward the minute hand of the same clock. Both of them are trying their best, but in the opposite directions. As can be seen in the picture, a tree is broken by the strong wind, while the grass still stays as it is. Weak and small

17、as the grass is, it can stand the strong wind. 3. 开放作文训练步骤开放作文训练步骤(3)带图议论)带图议论 As indicated in the picture, if the man is willing to look for other possibilities, he can find a better and more rewarding way to achieve his goal. All he has to do is to turn around, cross the bridge and walk to the tre

18、e.3. 开放作文训练步骤开放作文训练步骤(4)议论)议论 From my point of view, this picture reflects a phenomenon in our life that parents often offer their children too much protection which does harm to their growth. Just like the mother cactus in the picture, although it tries its best to care for its baby, the mother cac

19、tus fails to realize that sunshine is exactly what the little cactus needs and is a vital factor to its growth. The shade it offers, in fact, is what prevents the baby cactus from growing healthily. 3. 开放作文训练步骤开放作文训练步骤(4)议论)议论 It is the same in our life. Chances are that parents tend to serve as a p

20、rotective umbrella which helps the children defend any harmful factors, just like difficulties in life. With parents solving every problem for us, we in turn, lack the ability to face a difficult situation bravely, let alone find a way out on our own. This lack of ability undoubtedly prevents us fro

21、m forming an independent personality and surely affects our growth. Whats worse, when we came to realize the fact, it is often too late and parents can do nothing to help us just as the picture shows. In conclusion, parents shouldnt provide too much protection to their children, or they will end up

22、wearing a worried look seeing their badly grow children just like the mother cactus. So sometimes parents should learn to let go, and give the “small cactus” a chance to truly face the “sun”.3. 开放作文训练步骤开放作文训练步骤(5)升华)升华 1.工具、方法选择类工具、方法选择类2.意志品质类意志品质类3.克服困难类克服困难类4.目标类目标类5.团结合作分享类团结合作分享类6.创新类创新类7.人生态度类

23、人生态度类8.模仿类模仿类常考立意常考立意 In the picture, I can see a giraffe holding his head high towards a tall tree, trying to eat the leaves on it. Obviously, she is challenging herself, although she can eat the leaves from the small trees easily. In my opinion, the picture conveys a message that we always need to

24、 develop ourselves to a higher level instead of being satisfied with the present situation. The giraffe is tall enough to reach leaves from the lower trees, but she still works hard trying to get the upper leaves. Thats because she knows the small trees will sooner or later grow into big trees. Thin

25、gs are the same in our real life. The situation is always changing and there is no reason for us to be satisfied with what we have now. Instead, we must develop ourselves to a higher level to be well prepared for the unpredictable future. Without the seemingly “useless” attempts, the giraffe may not survive in nature. As for human beings, the endless development means a way to a better life.So lets develop ourselves to a higher level to make a wonderful life.



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