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1、温馨提醒温馨提醒温馨提醒温馨提醒在在2012年年1月月1日前完成综合课所有单元自主学日前完成综合课所有单元自主学习的测试,此部分成绩占总评成绩的习的测试,此部分成绩占总评成绩的10%。艾滋病相关影视资料艾滋病相关影视资料News News Chinas School Bus Donation to Macedonia Criticized ¥200billions spent on official cars every yearMinistry of Education: ¥300billions for school buses is too expensiveA Small Review

2、Environmental Protection Translation(+4) 1. Global warming has given birth to climate change which raises the global death rates. 2. While some parts of the world prepare for heavy rains and floods, other parts face drought, poor crops and starvation.3. The Forums report was a methodological embarra

3、ssment. 4. Military personnel and aid groups worked day and night to shelter the survivors before winter set in.5. Aid workers estimated that it will take years to rebuild what the earthquake took away.6.我们的社会与经济的发展也引发了一系列环境污染危机。我们的社会与经济的发展也引发了一系列环境污染危机。7.我们应该采取措施去限制有毒有害气体的排放。我们应该采取措施去限制有毒有害气体的排放。8.

4、使用可持续的材料是最环保的解决方法。使用可持续的材料是最环保的解决方法。Translation-key1. Global warming has given birth to climate change which raises the global death rates. 1. 全球变暖产生了气候变化,这导致全球死亡率上升。全球变暖产生了气候变化,这导致全球死亡率上升。2. While some parts of the world prepare for heavy rains and floods, other parts face drought, poor crops and s

5、tarvation.2. 当世界的一些地区为暴雨和洪水做准备时,其他的地区却面临干旱、歉收当世界的一些地区为暴雨和洪水做准备时,其他的地区却面临干旱、歉收以及饥荒。以及饥荒。3. The Forums report was a methodological embarrassment. 3. 该论坛的报告是一个方法论上的尴尬。该论坛的报告是一个方法论上的尴尬。4. Military personnel and aid groups worked day and night to shelter the survivors before winter set in.4.军人和救援组织日以继夜地工

6、作去庇护那些幸存者,在冬天到来前。军人和救援组织日以继夜地工作去庇护那些幸存者,在冬天到来前。5. Aid workers estimated that it will take years to rebuild what the earthquake took away.5. 救援工人估计需要花很多年的时间去重建地震所带走的一切。救援工人估计需要花很多年的时间去重建地震所带走的一切。Translation(+4) 我们的社会与经济的发展也引发了一系列环境污染危机。我们的社会与经济的发展也引发了一系列环境污染危机。Our social and economic development has

7、also triggered a series of crises of environmental pollution.我们应该采取措施去限制有毒有害气体的排放。我们应该采取措施去限制有毒有害气体的排放。We should take measures to limit the emission of harmful and poisonous gas.使用可持续的材料是最环保的解决方法。使用可持续的材料是最环保的解决方法。Using sustainable materials is the most environmentally friendly solution. 阅读专题III cam

8、pus + education + studying历年真题Campus-related 校园相关1111年年6 6月月 阅读阅读2 roommate of another race 2 roommate of another race 0909年年1212月月 快速阅读快速阅读Merit-based aidMerit-based aid 阅读阅读2 Educator (good at fund-raising)2 Educator (good at fund-raising)0808年年6 6月月 完形填空完形填空 University and StudentsUniversity and

9、Students0707年年1212月月 快速阅读快速阅读InternationalizedInternationalized 阅读阅读1 Distant Education (Internet-based)1 Distant Education (Internet-based)Early Education 早年教育相关早年教育相关1010年年6 6月月 复合听写复合听写 How children learnHow children learn0909年年1212月月 选词填空选词填空 Parents Parents Impact on Children Impact on Children

10、 s Languages Language Learning Learning0808年年1212月月 快速阅读快速阅读 How to Deal with other PeopleHow to Deal with other People s Kidss Kids 完型填空完型填空 Organized Sports and ChildrenOrganized Sports and Children0707年年1212月月 阅读阅读2 Children should be free to grow through experience2 Children should be free to gr

11、ow through experience0707年年6 6月月 复合听写复合听写 StudentStudent s pressure partly comes from parentss pressure partly comes from parents0606年年1 1月月 阅读阅读2 Teach your children to apologize2 Teach your children to apologizeLesson7 Early EducationStudying学习相关学习相关09年年12月月 复合听写复合听写 Writing09年年06月月 选词填空选词填空 How t

12、o Write09年年06月月 复合听写复合听写 How to remember new words07年年06月月阅读阅读2 Writing06年年12月月完形填空完形填空 LanguageVocabularyeducationPrimary/elementary schoolsSecondary schoolsHigher educationuniversities + colleges academic institutionsrankingrankingr recruit, admit, enroll studentsPersonnel: Principal: fund-raising

13、Dean: keep financial budgetsFaculty: give lectures & seminars小学小学中学中学高等教育高等教育大学大学+学院学院学术机构学术机构排名排名招生招生人员人员大学校长:筹集资金大学校长:筹集资金系主任:维持财政预算系主任:维持财政预算大学员工:做讲座与研讨会大学员工:做讲座与研讨会Vocabularystudentstuition feescholarship/grantaid: merit-based /need-basedDining hallDormitory accommodationLodge 学费学费奖学金奖学金助学金:绩助学金

14、:绩优优/贫困贫困助学金助学金饭堂饭堂宿舍宿舍n. 住宿住宿v.寄宿寄宿教育学习类听力11年6月 对话 1 How to write a paper10年6月 复合听写 How children learn2011年年6月月 19-2119. A) Beautiful scenery in the countryside. B) Dangers of cross-country skiing. C) Pain and pleasure in sports. D) A sport he participates in. 20.A) He cant find good examples to il

15、lustrate his point. B)He cant find a peaceful place to do the assignment. C)He doesnt know how to describe the beautiful country scenery. D)He cant decide whether to include the effort part of skiing.21.A) New ideas come up as you write. B)Much time is spent on collecting data. C)A lot of effort is

16、made in vain. D)The writers point of view often changes.20102010年年6 6月月 复合听写复合听写Almost every child, on the first day he sets foot in the school building, is smarter, more (36)_, less afraid of what he doesnt know, better at finding and (37)_ things out, more confident, resourceful, persistent, and (

17、38)_ than he will ever be again in his schoolingor unless he is very (39)_ and very lucky, for the rest of his life. Already, by paying close attention to and (40)_ with the world and people around him, and without any school-type (41)_ instruction, he has done a task far more difficult, complicated

18、 and (42)_ than anything he will be asked to do in school, or than any of his teachers has done for years. He has solved the (43)_ of language. He has discovered itbabies dont even know that language existsand(44)_curiousfiguringindependentunusualinteractingformalabstractmysteryVocabulary academicAd

19、j. 学术的学术的 Merit-based aid is generally known as academic, athletic and artistic merit scholarship.(09.12)n. academy n. academy 学院学院The Academy Awards奥斯卡金像奖奥斯卡金像奖雅典学派雅典学派 Platos School of Athensintellectual Adj. 智力的智力的智力发达的智力发达的n. n. 知识分子知识分子The professor took a 30% salary cut but felt it worthwhile

20、for the greater intellectual opportunities. (10.12)据估计,成年男性比女性智力上要更成熟,但心理与身体上则相反。据估计,成年男性比女性智力上要更成熟,但心理与身体上则相反。It is estimated that adult males are more mature than adult females intellectually. But mentally and physically it is the opposite. n. intelligence . intelligence 智力智力IQ? EQ?Intelligence Qu

21、otient Emotional Quotient institutionn. 机构Universities are institutions that teach a wide variety of subjects at advanced levels. 08.06教育/医疗/金融/政府机构Educational / Medical / Financial /Governmental institutionsSimilar: institute Similar: institute insurance insurance insult insultn. 保险保险vt./n. 侮辱侮辱n.

22、研究所研究所instructvt. 指示、训导、授课指示、训导、授课Effective communication is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want it to do. (01.1)n.? instruction similar: instrument similar: instrument 仪器仪器tuitionn. 教学教学学费学费tuition feetuition feeMany aid recipients still pay enough tuition dollars above the scholarsh

23、ip amount to keep the institution running. 09.12许多助学金的接收者所交的学费还是高于他们所获得的奖学金,以保持学校的运作。tutor 导师导师-ology学学 & -graphy画画/记录记录EcologyBiologyZoologyTechnology GeographyBiographyCalligraphy-ship (状态、身份、职业状态、身份、职业)ScholarshipHardshipFriendshipCitizenshipUnit 8 Text AvocabularytolerateVt. 忍受,忍耐忍受,忍耐(书面书面)simi

24、lar: bear, stand(口语口语), put up with, endure(强调持久忍强调持久忍耐耐) 中国人很吃苦耐劳。中国人很吃苦耐劳。Chinese can _ much pain and discomfort.我真不知道他老婆怎么受得了他的!我真不知道他老婆怎么受得了他的!I dont know how his wife can _him!忍受严重的噪音污染忍受严重的噪音污染tolerate serious noise pollution endurestandinheritvt. 遗传遗传他遗传了父亲的高大和母亲的善良。他遗传了父亲的高大和母亲的善良。He has inh

25、erited his fathers tallness and his mothers kindness. N. 遗产?遗产?heritage intangible cultural heritage非物质文化遗产非物质文化遗产curiosityn. 好奇心好奇心It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.传统教育下学生还能存留有好奇心实在是奇迹。传统教育下学生还能存留有好奇心实在是奇迹。爱因斯坦爱因斯坦Curiosity kills the cat.好奇杀死猫。好奇杀死猫。引起引起/培养某人对培养某人对的好奇心的好奇心ar

26、ouse/cultivate ones curiosity in adj.?Curious 他对风水很好奇。他对风水很好奇。Hes very curious about Fung shui. Unit 8 Text AA Clone is Born语法点语法点同位语同位语 apposition And yet her creator, Ian Wilmut, a quiet balding fifty-two-year-old embryologist, does not remember where he was when he heard that the lamb, named Doll

27、y, was born. Task: 找出前找出前5段中所有含同位语的句子。段中所有含同位语的句子。LL. 1415, LL. 2123, etcWhat if 要是要是,会怎样?,会怎样?But what if the child inherited my looks and your brains?=what would happen if可能性较大:可能性较大:What if + 一般现在时一般现在时But what if it rains tomorrow?但要是明天下雨怎么办?但要是明天下雨怎么办?可能性不大:可能性不大:What if +虚拟时态虚拟时态要是我是百万富翁呢?你会嫁给

28、我吗?要是我是百万富翁呢?你会嫁给我吗?What if I were a millionaire? Would you marry me?Similar: if only+虚拟虚拟 要是要是就好了!就好了!If only time could go backwards!Suppose 假设。假设。Suppose, for example, you needed a bone marrow transplant.比如说,假设你需要进行骨髓移植。比如说,假设你需要进行骨髓移植。可能性较大:可能性较大:Suppose+一般现在时一般现在时可能性不大:可能性不大:suppose+虚拟时态虚拟时态Sup

29、pose you lost all your money while taking a vacation overseas. What would you do? (11.6.18小小题题)Assignments:2011年年6月真题。月真题。小组作业:整理并列出小组作业:整理并列出社会类社会类的四级阅读题以及总的四级阅读题以及总结其中的常见社会类词汇。结其中的常见社会类词汇。第第8单元课后练习单元课后练习.Movie of the week-Outsourcedoutsourced: 外包外包世界是平的世界是平的Part division GR(Part)PartsParas Main Ideas1234Dolly was born.Dollys birth has made cloning a reality and human cloning a possibility.The ethical problems of human cloning.The possibilities of cloning technology can bring great benefits to people.1-23-67-1112-16



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