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1、2019 年海南小升初英语真题及答案班级:_姓名:_分数:_题号一得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人二三四五六七八九十总分得 分一、选择题 do you want _.A. I want a guitar B. I want to be a doctor C. I want to watch TV【答案】【解析】略2.读短文,选择正确的答案。(每题2 分,共 10 分)A: Lets play a game, Summer, can you swimB: No, I can fly. Because Im a bird.A: What c

2、an you do, TingtingC: I can climb.A: WhyC: Because Im a monkey.B: Who can runA: I can.B: Yes. Lele, you are a horse.A: Who can jumpD: Im Linlin. I can. Because Im a kangaroo. many characters(人物) in the gameA. 4 B. 2 C. 3 can _.A. swim B. run C. climb3. Summer can _.A. jump B. fly C. run4. Who can ru

3、nA. Summer B. Tingting C. Le le5. Who can jumpA. Summer B. Tingting C. Linlin【答案】【解析】略3.补全单词,选择正确答案的序号填入括号里。( A. u B. o A. o B. u _ning B. er _y B. er _oo B. ar【答案】10 分)【解析】略 Mary like monkeys .AYes , she doesntBNo , she doesCYes , she does.【答案】C【解析】肯定回答 Yes , she does.否定回答 No, she doesnt 固定搭配。故选 C。

4、 have a map my neighbourhood.A. of B. at C. in【答案】A【解析】句意为“我有我的社区地图”neighbourhood 指“社区” of 表示“的”,词组 amap of.指 “.地图”如: a map of China 一幅中国地图,而这里是: a map of myneighbourhood,指“社区地图”故选A。 need to _.Abe carefully【答案】【解析】略: Whats your English teacher likeB: _. is tall and thin likes shopping is tiredBbe ca

5、refulCcarefulDcarefully【答案】【解析】略 you go hiking _ your friends【答案】【解析】略 desk is this ItsAJim and TomBJims and TomsCJims and TomDJim and Toms【答案】【解析】略10.选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)【答案】【解析】略11.你想告诉别人你受伤了,怎么说呢A. Im hurt. hurt my knee.【答案】【解析】略12. heavier than your sisterAWhoBWhoseCHow【答案】【解析】略13.( ) T

6、his apple_tastyA. looks C. looking【答案】A【解析】this apple 为第三人称单数,系动词 look 加 s。14.选出不同类的一项。( )(1) B. book C. pencil( )(2) B. park C. brother( )(3) B. bike C. cold( )(4) B. bell C. breakfast( )(5) B. bike C. dream【答案】(1) A(2) B(3) B(4) B(5)C【解析】 third day of a week is_.WhosDA. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Mon

7、day【答案】A【解析】西方国家把星期天算作一周的第一天,故Tuesday 为一周的第二天。规律总结:星期的由来1.一周各日由诸神的名字命名:星期日(Sunday)是太阳(Sun)之日,即 Sun 太阳+day 日Sunday 献给太阳的日子(星期日);星期一(Monday)是月亮(Moon)之日;星期二(Tuesday)是战神蒂尤(Tiu)之日;星期三(Wednesday)是诗神(Woden)之日;星期四(Thursday)是雷神(Thor)之日;星期五(Friday)是爱神(Freya)之日;星期六(Saturday)是农神(Saturn)之日评卷人得 分二、填空题16.介词填空 (to/

8、for/on/at)。( 16 分 )(1)Ill invite you_my birthday party.(2)What day is it_(3)Heres a present_you.(4)Kate is going to have a birthday party_(5):00 pm.【答案】(1)to (2)on (3)for (4)at【解析】略17.选择方框内的单词填空(15 分)(1) a great museum.(2)A: do you go to school B: I go to school by bike.(3)A: do you usually get up B

9、: At 6:00.(4)A: is your English teacher B: Miss Li.(5)A: is the hospital B: Its next to the post office.【答案】【解析】略18.翻译词组。(8 分)(1)最好的季节_(2) 大部分时间_(3)下周_(4)堆雪人 _(5) 将要,打算_ (6)Sounds great!_(7)need some warm clothes_ (8)pick apples _【答案】the best season most of the time next weekmake snowmen be going to

10、听起来很棒!需要一些温暖的衣服摘苹果【解析】略19.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(1) (Lily) father is at home.(2)Those (man) bikes are under the tree.(3)Is this (he) pencil(4)The (map) on the wall are Chinese.(5) (come) there, theres a bird in the tree.【答案】(1) Lilys(2) men(3) his (4)maps(5)Come【解析】(1)词意:丽丽的。由句意可知,Lily 的父亲在家,名词所有格,在名词后加。(2)词

11、意:男人。句中 be 动词 are 为复数,因此前面名词也应为复数,man-men.(3)词意:他的。修饰名词pencil,应用形容词性的物主代词,he-his.(4)词意:地图。句中 be 动词 are 为复数,因此前面名词也应为复数,map-maps.故答案为 maps。(5)词意:来。该句为祁使句,动词应用原形,故答案为为come.20.根据提示,填充句子。(1)How was your .(暑假)(2)It is Amys birthday today. I for her yesterday.(去买礼物)(3)Did you on the Labor Day(拍照)(4)Wu Yif

12、an the day before yesterday(游泳)(5) is this book(多少钱)【答案】(1) summer holiday(2) bought gift(3) took picture(4) went swimming(5) How much【解析】评卷人得 分三、阅读理解21.阅读理解。(10 分)Its Sunday. All the children of Class1 are going on a trip. The children are very excited. They willgo to the zoo.Mr. Black: Look! The e

13、lephants!John: Wow! Look at the big one. Its much bigger than others. Its legs are longer. And itsstronger.Wu Yifan: Yes. I think its older, too.Amy: Look at the monkeys. They are fnnier.Sarah: There is a little monkey. Its so sad, isnt it WhyAmy: Oh! Look at its tail. Its tail is shorter than the o

14、ther monkeys.Sarah: It is so poor.They go to the _ on Sunday.The big elephant is much _ than others.The monkeys are shorter but _ than the elephants.The little monkeys tail _.The little monkey feels so _.【答案】(1))zoo (2) bigger(3) funnier(4))hurts (5))sad【解析】略22.阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,选择恰当的答案回答问题,并将该答案前面的字母编

15、号填在题号前的括号内My parents work in a shoe factory. They get up at 5:30. They first cook breakfast. Then they go towork by bus. They work there from 8:00am to 5:00pm. They come home at about 6:00pm andcook supper for us in the evening. Mother washes clothes in the evening. Father often makes toysfor us in

16、the evening. They are busy all day. But they like their jobs very much and the boss likesthem too.(1)Father gets up at_.A. 5:30 B. 6:00(2)My parents are _.A. teachers B. workers(3)Do my parents work in the factory the eveningA. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont.(4)My parents work for _ hours every day.

17、 B. 9(5)My parents are _ workers.A. good B. bad【答案】【解析】略 and answer.读一读,回答后面的问题。What does Lisa want to buyDoes Lisa like a chocolate cakeWhat shape would Lisa likeHow much are the cake and the ice_cream【答案】She wants to buy a cakeNo, she doesntShed like a square cakeThey are seventy-seven【解析】略24.阅读理解

18、。A)阅读短文,选择正确的选项。Mr. White looks out of his window. There is a boy at the other side of the street. The boy takessome bread out of a bag and begins to eat it. There is a very thin dog in the street, too. The boysays to it, “Ill give you some bread.” The dog is hungry and goes to the boy, but he does

19、notgive it any bread. He kicks the dog. It runs away, and the boy laughs.Then Mr. White comes out of his house and says to the boy.“Ill give you a shilling (先令).”The boy is happy and says,“Yes.” “Come here,” Mr. White says. The boy goes to him, but Mr.White does not give him a shilling. He hits him

20、with a stick. The boy cries and says,“Why do youhit me I do not ask you for any money.” “No,” Mr. White says,“and the dog does not ask youfor any bread, but you kick it.”(1) Where is Mr. White at firstA. He is in the room. B. He is in the street.C. He is in front of the house. D. He stands close to

21、the boy.(2) Why does the dog go to the boy Because_.A. it wants to eat B. the boy asks it to do soC. the boy is the dogs owner D. the boy is friendly to it(3) Why does the dog run awayBecause_.A. the boy gives some bread B. the dog doesnt like breadC. the dog doesnt like the boy D. the boy kicks the

22、 dog(4) Why does Mr. White tell the boy to come up to himBecause he wants to _.A. give him a shilling B. give him a good lesson (教训)C. give him some more bread D. help the boy(5) What kind of man do you think Mr. White isHe is a_ man.A. cruel (粗鲁的) B. sympathetic (富有同情心的)C. friendly D. polite (有礼貌的)

23、B)阅读短文,回答问题。Look at the photo. It is Mr. Lees house. There was a sofa beside the window. Now it is besidethe desk. The mirror was above the sofa. Now there is a map above the sofa. There was a greenrug (地毯)in the sitting-room. Now there is a blue rug. The shelf is on the right. There was a radioon i

24、t. But now theres no radio. There are some books on it. Mr. Lee liked music. Now he likesreading.(1)Whose house is this_(2)Where is the sofa now_(3)Is there a mirror above the sofa now_(4)What colour was the rug_(5) Did Mr. Lee like music_【答案】A.(1) A (2)A (3)D (4)B (5)BB. (1) Its Mr. Lees house (2)

25、Now it is beside the desk. (3) No, there isnt (4) Itwas green. (5) Yes, he did.【解析】评卷人得 分四、单词拼写25.补全单词Fo est wo ds li ht pla et rob t h ge【答案】forest woods light planet robot huge【解析】略评卷人得 分五、书面表达26.作文以“My weekend”为题,记录你的一次愉快周末吧!要求:语法正确,条理清晰,书写工整、规范,不少于5 句话。【答案】My weekendYesterday was Sunday. In the

26、morning My father, my mother and I went shopping. First ,we went to the supermarket on foot. We bought some pineapples and oranges there.My mother bought a nice T-shirt for me. It is yellow and white. I like it very much.Then we ate there in the noon and the food was tasty. After lunch we went to th

27、e were so many kinds of books. I bought three English story books.Finally in the evening we went home by a happy day!【解析】写作指导:这是一篇关于介绍周末的记叙文。对于周末的介绍可以时间为顺序进行叙述,早午晚所做的具体事情;或写某件具体的事情,介绍事情的起因,经过和结果。时态用过去时。常用词汇和句型:叙述事实时常引用表顺序性的词汇first, second(then),third(finally)等;there be句式很多功能,常引用。用感叹句What a ! 表达情感。评卷

28、人得 分六、句型转换27.句型转换。(30 分)(1)Were you at the shop last Sunday(作肯定回答)_(2)What about you (同义句)_(3)David is a cartoon artist.(改成否定句)_(4)I was in_the_playground(就画线部分提问)_(5)David was in the classroom.(改成一般疑问句)_【答案】(1)Yes, I was./Yes,we were.(2)How about you(3)David isnt a cartoon artist.(4)Where were you(

29、5)Was David in the classroom【解析】略评卷人得 分七、翻译28.翻译下列短语。(5)分)(1)多锻炼 _(2)看病_(3)穿暖和的衣服_(4)深呼吸_(5)数到十_【答案】(1)do more exercise(2)see a doctor(3)wear warm clothes(4)take a deep breath(5)count to ten【解析】略评卷人得 分八、判断题29.根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错。(10 分)(1)John was busy last weekend.(2)John can play chess.(3)John went

30、 hiking last Saturday afternoon.(4)On Sunday morning, John did homework.(5)John and his mother watched TV at home on Sunday afternoon.【答案】【解析】【听力材料】John was very happy last weekend. On Saturday, he went hiking with his parents. In the morning,they went to a forest park by car. There is a river in th

31、e park. His father and John went fishing inthe river. In the afternoon, they read a funny story-book together. Then they played chess. AndJohn won. They went home at 4:30. On Sunday morning, John helped his mother do housework. Inthe afternoon, John and his mother went to the cinema and watched Harr

32、y Potter 3. Wow, it wasgreat.30.判断下列句子与汉语意思是(T)否(F)相符。( ) sun is shining. 太阳正在升起。( ) ducks are eating our bread.鸭子们正在吃我们的面包。( ) write to me soon.请尽快给我回信。( )s raining now. 现在正在下雨。( )5. The cows are drinking water.牛正在喝水。( ) are in the mountains.我们在山顶上。【答案】【解析】略 at the ducks.看鸭子们。【答案】T【解析】略32.根据短文内容,判断

33、下列句子是否正确,正确的在括号里写“正确”,否则写“错误”。The National Day is coming. Im going to Beijing to see the Great Wall. Im going to with myparents. Were going there by plane. Its very fast. When I come back from Beijing, I will go to visitGrandpas farm. Its so big. I love it! Oh, I cant wait!(1)Im going to the Great W

34、all on the National Day.(2)Im going there with my grandparents.(3)Grandpa has a farm.(4)There arent any horses on it.(5)Im going to the farm by plane.【答案】(1)1(2)0(3)1(4)1(5)0【解析】(1)根据文中句子 The National Day is coming. Im going to Beijing to see the GreatWall.可知答案正确,故填:正确。(2)根据文中句子 Im going to with my

35、parents.可知答案错误,故填:错误。(3)根据文中句子 I will go to visit Grandpas farm.可知答案正确,故填:正确。(4)文中并没有提到 horses 马,可以判断为正确,故填:正确。(5)文中提到乘飞机去北京,从北京回来后去爷爷的农场,并没有说去的交通方式,可以判断为错误。故填:错误。【点评】此题考查阅读判断。先在文章中找到和题干相关的信息,再进行判断分析。33.根据实际情况或所给图片,判断句子正“T”误“F”。 China, we must look right before crossing the road. ( )2. This is a boo

36、kstore. ( ) buy a postcard in the hospital. ( ) can eat in the restautant. ( ) eat Zongzi in Mid-Autumn Festival. ( )【答案】TTFTF【解析】略评卷人得 分九、连线题34.将短语和对应的图片连起来。(5 分)gofishing;take pictures;go cycling;play badminton;go swimming【答案】E,C,D,B,A.【解析】go fishing 的意思是“钓鱼”,和图片E 意思相符。take pictures 的意思是“照相”,和图片C

37、意思相符。go cycling 的意思是“骑自行车”,和图片D 意思相符。play badminton 的意思是“打羽毛球”,和图片B 意思相符。go swimming 的意思是“游泳”,和图片A 意思相符。评卷人得 分十、排序题35.下面是一组打乱顺序的对话,请你将正确的排序写在括号内。(10 分)( )Plant trees( )Thats great!( )What are you going to do this weekend( )Yes. I need some plants. So Im going to buy a magazine about plants.( )Im going to plant trees.【答案】【解析】略



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