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1、carriedcarried out practiout practice lice line pine pioneoneer standard, aer standard, a ndnd postpost spurs members concentratedspurs members concentrated service mservice months, activities, education guionths, activities, education gui de memberde member s always everys always every wherewhere b

2、earing ibearing in mind iden mind ide ntity,ntity, basebased job post, actived job post, active play role. Toplay role. To develdevelopop differentiated learnidifferentiated learni ng educating education gon guideuide party members iparty members i n accorn accordance with theirdance with their owno

3、wn situatisituation, target theon, target the problems to,problems to, basebased on the wd on the w ork done.ork done.Pay attention to the room aPay attention to the room a nd rnd room for grass-roots party orgaoom for grass-roots party orga nizations, grass-rnizations, grass-r ootsoots party organi

4、zatiparty organizations have morons have mor e autonomy in ee autonomy in e ducation, making education, making e ducation more ground, full of vitality, gducation more ground, full of vitality, g ood effect. Finally,ood effect. Finally, highlighighlight the normal longht the normal long -term. To hi

5、g-term. To highlight the characteristihlight the characteristi cs of recs of recurrent ecurrent education, withducation, with long fllong flowingowing, continuous li, continuous li ne of perne of perseverance theseverance the perseverapersevera nce tnce to pro promote educatiomote educati onal effor

6、ts to reaonal efforts to rea lize thelize the partys ipartys i deoldeological aogical andnd politipolitical constructical constructi onon of routine institof routine instit utionalization.utionalization. WitWith the party branch ah the party branch a s thes the base unit.base unit. Play thePlay the

7、rolrole of party brae of party bra nches shouldnches should be, ibe, is the key to es the key to e ducational success. Eaducational success. Ea chch branch must take strictbranch must take stricteducation aeducation and mand management responsinagement responsi bility of party memberbility of party

8、member s, educatis, education basedon based on learon learning tning to make speo make specific arrangemecific arrangeme nts, fully mobilize tnts, fully mobilize t he enthe enthusiasm of party memberhusiasm of party member s involves involved in the education, ed in the education, e nsure tnsure the

9、 Orgahe Organization innization in placeplace, measure, measures in pls in place,ace, put iput in plan place. To thece. To the party organizatiparty organization aon as the basic form. In ts the basic form. In t he standardihe standardized development of learzed development of lear ning, make learni

10、ng, make lear ning more effective efforts, aning more effective efforts, a nd wnd will adhere to the good party group,ill adhere to the good party group,organizeorganized partd party, party members ay, party members a nd tnd the Gehe General Assembly, tell a good party leneral Assembly, tell a good

11、party le ctures,ctures, cancan drive a good topic adrive a good topic a bout, prevebout, preve nt showy witnt showy wit houthout substance, Sham mulesubstance, Sham mule s. Ts. To imo implement the education managemeplement the education manageme nt system for basint system for basi c support. Demc

12、support. Dem ocratic mutocratic mutual evalual eval uationuation onon party members iparty members i n accordan accordance with the regulations, tnce with the regulations, t he real performance criteria ahe real performance criteria a nd ornd order estader established, soundblished, sound carefully

13、dicarefully di sposespose of unqualifiedof unqualified party members, tparty members, t o further impro further impr ove the dreove the dredge exdge export team, pure self cleaport team, pure self clea ning mening mechachanism. Party leanism. Party lea dingding cadrescadres shoulshould adhere to ad

14、adhere to a nd implnd implement theement the central groupcentral grouplearning sylearning system, to whistem, to whichch branchbranch of learning exof learning ex chachanges, participatinges, participati on ion in a dual organ a dual orga nization witnization wit h comrades. Focus on recurrent educ

15、atih comrades. Focus on recurrent educati on, yon, you alou alsoso need tneed to continue too continue to strengthestrengthen then the buildibuilding of grassng of grass -roots-roots party organizations.party organizations. Now, theNow, the city also hacity also ha s 88 villages 88 village party org

16、anizations are weparty organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the vilak and lax, first Secretary of the vil lage,lage, butbut conversion requires aconversion requires a process. Reprocess. Recentlcently, they, the citys partycitys party organizatiorganization focused inveon focused inve

17、 stigation,stigation, checkcheck out a totalout a total of lostof lost members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find t members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find there are 640 lost party membershere are 640 lost party membersare not contactedare not contacted 148 Pocket party members a148 Pocket party memb

18、ers a nd imnd im plemeplementationntation of organizatiof organizational relational relationshionships. Educatips. Educational maonal managementnagement of party members iof party members i nto thento the Organization, there iOrganization, there i s a lot of ws a lot of w ork to do. Weork to do. Wea

19、k and lax party contiak and lax party conti nuenued reorganid reorganization as anzation as an importaimportant task, finish perfent task, finish perfe ct organizatict organization,on, with a gwith a g ood teamood team Good system. SGood system. S pepecial higcial highlightshlights of grass-rof gras

20、s-rootsoots party organizations, tparty organizations, t o beo be dealt with first idealt with first i n plan place, furtce, further educatiher education, reon, reorganizatiorganization, traon, transformation and educationalnsformation and educationalinteraction.interaction.In short, through solid a

21、In short, through solid a nd effective wnd effective w ork initiativesork initiatives初试:初试:考试科目名称:考试科目名称:809809 自动控制原理自动控制原理考查要点:一、控制系统的数学模型1、控制系统运动的建立;2、控制系统的传递函数的概念及求取、方框图及其简化、信号流图及梅森公式。二、线性系统的时域分析1、一阶、二阶系统的时域分析;2、线性系统的稳定性基本概念及熟练掌握劳斯(Routh) 稳定判据判别稳定性的方法;3、控制系统稳态误差分析及其计算方法;4、复合控制。三、根轨迹法1、根轨迹、根轨迹方程及


23、过程、采样定理、零阶保持器的基本概念。八、数字控制系统1、Z 变换的基本概念、基本定理及 Z 反变换;2、数字控制系统的数学描述;3、数字控制系统稳定性分析;4、数字控制系统的暂态、稳态、误差分析。5、数字控制系统的离散化设计方法及最少拍离散系统设计。九、线性系统的状态空间描述1、线性时不变系统状态空间描述;2、线性定常系统的运动分析、状态转移阵、脉冲响应阵;3、线性离散系统的状态空间描述;4、线性系统的能控性和能观性判别方法。十、线性定常系统的线性变换1、状态空间表达式的线性变换;brokenbroken problem, fill the shortproblem, fill the sh

24、ort BoarBoard, so td, so that the majority of party members ahat the majority of party members a nd fullynd fully qualifiequalified, comprehensived, comprehensive skillsskills of grass-rof grass-r oots party organizatioots party organizati ons, grassons, grass-roots-roots party level upgrade.party l

25、evel upgrade. ComradeComrades, do a two learnis, do a two learni ng educating education ison is of great significaof great significa nce, rence, responsibilitiesponsibilitie s, carry significas, carry significa nt implicatint implications.ons.City levels party and geCity levels party and ge neral me

26、mbersneral members cadres, to decadres, to deep awareep awareness two learn aness two learn a do leardo learning ening educatiducationon of importance aof importance a nd need, tnd need, to heigo height of politiht of political conscical consci ously aously and fulnd full of politil of political eca

27、l enthusiasm, put two learnthusiasm, put two lear n a do learn a do learning ening education carrieducation carrie d out gd out good, for coordiood, for coordi nation advanation adva nce fournce four a full strategy layout, and aa full strategy layout, and a chichieved Thirteeeved Thirtee n-Five goo

28、d start, and speedn-Five good start, and speedup constructiup construction moron more highe high ecological vitality happineecological vitality happine ss of Cityss of City provides strong powerful guaraprovides strong powerful guara ntee. Two, starting from the reverentee. Two, starting from the re

29、vere d Constitutid Constitution reon respespected the party Constitcted the party Constit ution was XI Jinpiution was XI Jinpi ng, General Seng, General Se cretary to thecretary to the parpar ys requestys request, 18 six pl, 18 six plenary sessienary sessi onon of the Ceof the Central Commission for

30、ntral Commission for disciplidiscipline inspene inspection report five experience first.ction report five experience first.Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party ConstitFull strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the

31、 wution, and pipe the w holehole party, tparty, the rulihe ruling party of the party Constituting party of the party Constituti on. Reveredon. Revered ConstitutiConstitution reflecteon reflected in awe. Party a party of idead in awe. Party a party of idea ls and belils and beliefs purefs purpose, su

32、mmed up the partys fipose, summed up the partys fi ne tradition and style; ane tradition and style; a clear party members and wclear party members and w hat cahat can ben be done and what must bedone and what must be done, whatdone, what cannot be done. Eacannot be done. Ea chch Communist Party Cons

33、titCommunist Party Constit ution tution to awe and wary eye eo awe and wary eye e nhanhancincing the sang the sacredcred sense of responsibility and mission.sense of responsibility and mission.Hearts filled with party ConstitutiHearts filled with party Constituti on,on, holhold the party lid the par

34、ty line,ne, BA obligations unconditiBA obligations unconditi onallyonally carry out pacarry out pa rty members, accordirty members, accordi ngng to the to the ConstitutiConstitution of direon of direction towarction towar ds standards efforts. Respeds standards efforts. Respe ct reflected ict reflec

35、ted in the stn the study theudy the party Constitutiparty Constituti on meaon means. Sns. Some party members joineome party members joine d thed the party Constitutiparty Constituti onon on the shelf, not to learn,on the shelf, not to learn, some lsome longong-term party accordi-term party accordi n

36、g to theng to the ConstitutiConstitution of theon of the partys orgapartys organizatnization, the party is not required toion, the party is not required to pay membership dues, lpay membership dues, l oose concept,oose concept, party organizatiparty organizations of the partyons of the party organiz

37、atiorganization,on,and turand turned aned a blind eye on the tasks ablind eye on the tasks a ssignessigned by the Organid by the Organi zation, were forgotten, forgottezation, were forgotten, forgotte n vowsn vows performance theperformance the party Constitutiparty Constituti on.on.Constitution is

38、the fundamental standardConstitution is the fundamental standard of our Communiof our Communi sts are slim, the party Constitutists are slim, the party Constituti on ton to repeateo repeatedly learn,dly learn, practipractice, thice, thinking, lnking, learniearning and tng and thinkihinking, tng, thi

39、nkihinking and rng and row, row, row, everow, ever-spiraling increase in the le-spiraling increase in the le arniarning process. Respeng process. Respe ct party linect party lines reflected is reflected in practin practice. Twce. Two to learn ao to learn a basibasic Constitutic Constitution Party ru

40、les,on Party rules, series of speeseries of spee cheches, the key to be qualified party members, the key to be qualified party member s. To bes. To be qualifiedqualified party members, staparty members, sta ndarndards are not higds are not hig h, but if he doeh, but if he doe s take a ruler of the p

41、arty Constitution to cars take a ruler of the party Constitution to car d, truly it is not ead, truly it is not ea sy.sy. Carry out stCarry out study audy and end educatiducation, every party must control ton, every party must control t he partys ehe partys eight obligations, ask, light obligations,

42、 ask, l ook for gaps, ideook for gaps, ide ntify problems, clntify problems, cl ear direear direction, work to solve specifiction, work to solve specifi c problems.c problems.Actively practiActively practicing icing in then the productiproduction life of the eigon life of the eig ht oblight oblig at

43、ions, to plations, to play a vanguard aay a vanguard a nd exemplary rolnd exemplary rol e, truly a partye, truly a party banner. Two fight to higbanner. Two fight to hig hlight grasshlight grass -roots party orga-roots party orga nizationsnizationscarriedcarried out practiout practice lice line pine

44、 pioneoneer standard, aer standard, a ndnd postpost spurs members concentratedspurs members concentrated service mservice m onths, activities, education guionths, activities, education gui de memberde member s always everys always every wherewhere bearing ibearing in mind iden mind ide ntity,ntity,

45、basebased job post, actived job post, active play role. Toplay role. To develdevelopop differentiated learnidifferentiated learni ng educating education gon guideuide party members iparty members i n accorn accordance with theirdance with their ownown situatisituation, target theon, target the probl

46、ems to,problems to, basebased on the wd on the w ork done.ork done.Pay attention to the room aPay attention to the room a nd rnd room for grassoom for grass -roots party orga-roots party orga nizations, grass-rnizations, grass-r ootsoots party organizatiparty organizations have morons have mor e aut

47、onomy in ee autonomy in e ducation, making education, making e ducation more ground, full of vitality, gducation more ground, full of vitality, g ood effect. Finally,ood effect. Finally, highlighighlight the normal longht the normal long -term. To hig-term. To highlight the characteristihlight the c

48、haracteristi cs of recs of recurrent ecurrent education, withducation, with long fllong flowingowing, continuous li, continuous li ne of perne of perseverance theseverance the perseverapersevera nce tnce to pro promote educatiomote educati onal efforts to reaonal efforts to rea lize thelize the part

49、ys ipartys ideoldeological aogical andnd politipolitical constructical constructi onon of routine institof routine instit utionalization.utionalization. WitWith the party branch ah the party branch a s thes the base unit.base unit. Play the rolPlay the role of party brae of party bra nches shouldnch

50、es should be, ibe, is the key to es the key to e ducational success. Eaducational success. Ea chch branch must take strictbranch must take stricteducation aeducation and mand management responsinagement responsi bility of party memberbility of party member s, educatis, education basedon based on lea

51、ron learning tning to make speo make specific arrangemecific arrangeme nts, fully mobilize tnts, fully mobilize t he enthe enthusiasm of party memberhusiasm of party member s involves involved in the education, ed in the education, e nsure tnsure the Orgahe Organization innization in placeplace, mea

52、sure, measurein plin place,ace, put iput in plan place. To thece. To the party organizatiparty organization aon as the basic form. In ts the basic form. In t he standardihe standardized development of learzed development of lear ning, make learning, make lear ning more effective efforts, aning more

53、effective efforts, a nd wnd will adhere to the good party group,ill adhere to the good party group,organizeorganized partd party, party members ay, party members a nd tnd the Gehe General Assembly, tell a good party leneral Assembly, tell a good party le ctures,ctures, cancan drive a good topic adri

54、ve a good topic a bout, prevebout, prevent showy witnt showy wit houthout substance, Sham mulesubstance, Sham mule s. Ts. To imo implement the education managemeplement the education manageme nt system for basint system for basi c support. Demc support. Dem ocratic mutocratic mutual evalual evaluati

55、onuation onon party members iparty members i n accordan accordance with the regulations, tnce with the regulations, t he real perfhe real perf ormance criteria aormance criteria a nd ornd order estader established, soundblished, sound carefully dicarefully disposespose of unqualifiedof unqualified p

56、arty members, tparty members, t o further impro further impr ove the dreove the dredge exdge ex port team, pure self cleaport team, pure self clea ning mening mechachanism. Party leanism. Party lea dingding cadrescadres shoulshould adhere to ad adhere to a nd implnd implement theement the central gr

57、oupcentral grouplearning sylearning system, to whistem, to whichch branchbranch of learning exof learning ex chachanges, participatinges, participati on ion in a dual organ a dual orga nization witnization wit h comrades. Focus on recurrent educatih comrades. Focus on recurrent educati on, yon, you

58、alou alsoso need tneed to continue too continue to strengthestrengthen then the buildibuilding of grassng of grass -roots-roots party organizations.party organizations. Now, theNow, the city also hacity also ha s 88 villages 88 village party organizations are weparty organizations are we ak and lax,

59、 first Secretary of the vilak and lax, first Secretary of the vil lage,lage, butbut conversion requires aconversion requires a process. Reprocess. Recentlcently, they, the citys partycitys party organizatiorganization focused inveon focused inve stigation,stigation, checkcheck out a totalout a total

60、 of lost members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find tof lost members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find there are 640 lost party membershere are 640 lost party membersare not contactedare not contacted 148 Pocket party members a148 Pocket party members a nd imnd implemeplementationntation of organizatio

61、f organizational relational relationshionships. Educatips. Educational maonal managementnagement of party members iof party members i nto thento the Organization, there iOrganization, there i s a lot of ws a lot of w ork to do. Weork to do. Weak and lax party contiak and lax party conti nuenued reor

62、ganid reorganization as anzation as an importaimportant task, finish perfent task, finish perfe ct organizatict organization,on, with a gwith a g ood team,ood team, Good system. SGood system. S pepecial higcial highlightshlights of grass-rof grass-r ootsoots party organizations, tparty organizations

63、, t o beo be dealt with first idealt with first i n plan place, furtce, further educatiher education, reon, reorganizatiorganization, traon, transformation and educationalnsformation and educationalinteraction.interaction.In short, through solid aIn short, through solid a nd effective wnd effective

64、w ork initiativesork initiatives2、对偶性原理;3、线性系统的结构分解。十一、李雅普诺夫稳定性分析1、李亚普诺夫意义下运动稳定性的基本概念;2、李亚普诺夫第二法主要定理;3、系统运动稳定性判据。十二、线性反馈系统的时间域综合1、状态反馈和输出反馈;2、极点配置的设计方法;3、状态观测器的设计;4、状态观测器和状态反馈组合系统.考试总分:150 分考试时间:3 小时考试方式:笔试考试题型:分析计算题(150 分)brokenbroken problem, fill the shortproblem, fill the short BoarBoard, so td,

65、 so that the majority of party members ahat the majority of party members a nd fullynd fully qualifiequalified, comprehensived, comprehensive skillsskills of grass-rof grass-roots party organizatioots party organizati ons, grassons, grass-roots-roots party level upgrade.party level upgrade. ComradeC

66、omrades, do a two learnis, do a two learni ng educating education ison is of great significaof great significa nce, rence, responsibilitiesponsibilitie s, carry significas, carry significa nt implicatint implications.ons.City levels party and geCity levels party and ge neral membersneral members cad

67、res, to decadres, to deep awareep awareness two learn aness two learn a do leardo learning ening educatiducationon of importance aof importance a nd need, tnd need, to heigo height of politiht of political conscical consciously aously and fulnd full of politil of political ecal enthusiasm, put two l

68、earnthusiasm, put two lear n a do learn a do learning ening education carrieducation carrie d out gd out good, for coordiood, for coordi nation advanation adva nce fournce four a full strategy layout, and aa full strategy layout, and a chichieved Thirteeeved Thirteen-Five good start, and speedn-Five

69、 good start, and speedup constructiup construction moron more highe high ecological vitality happineecological vitality happine ss of Cityss of City provides strong powerful guaraprovides strong powerful guara ntee. Two, starting from the reverentee. Two, starting from the revere d Constitutid Const

70、itution reon respespected the party Constitcted the party Constit ution was XI Jinpiution was XI Jinpi ng, General Seng, General Se cretary to thecretary to the partpartys requestys request, 18 six pl, 18 six plenary sessienary sessi onon of the Ceof the Central Commission forntral Commission for di

71、sciplidiscipline inspene inspection report five experience first.ction report five experience first.Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party ConstitFull strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the wution, and pipe the w

72、 holehole party, tparty, the rulihe ruling party of the party Constituting party of the party Constituti on. Reveredon. Revered ConstitutiConstitution reflecteon reflected in awe. Party a party of idead in awe. Party a party of idea ls and belils and beliefs purefs purpose, summed up the partys fipo

73、se, summed up the partys fi ne tradition and style; ane tradition and style; a clear party members and wclear party members and w hat cahat can ben be done and what must bedone and what must be done, whatdone, what cannot be done. Eacannot be done. Ea chch Communist Party ConstitCommunist Party Cons

74、tit ution tution to awe and wary eye eo awe and wary eye e nhanhancincing the sang the sacredcred sense of responsibility and mission.sense of responsibility and mission.Hearts filled with party ConstitutiHearts filled with party Constituti on,on, holhold the party lid the party line,ne, BA obligati

75、ons unconditiBA obligations unconditi onallyonally carry out pacarry out pa rty members, accordirty members, accordi ng to theng to the ConstitutiConstitution of direon of direction towarction towar ds standards efforts. Respeds standards efforts. Respe ct reflected ict reflected in the stn the stud

76、y theudy the party Constitutiparty Constituti on meaon means. Sns. Some party members joineome party members joine d thed the party Constitutiparty Constituti onon on the shelf, not to learn,on the shelf, not to learn, some lsome longong-term party accordi-term party accordi ng to theng to the Const

77、itutiConstitution of theon of the partys orgapartys organizatnization, the party is not required toion, the party is not required to pay membership dues, lpay membership dues, l oose concept,oose concept, party organizatiparty organizations of the partyons of the party organizatiorganization,on,and

78、turand turned aned a blind eye on the tasks ablind eye on the tasks a ssignessigned by the Organid by the Organi zation, were forgotten, forgottezation, were forgotten, forgotte n vowsn vows performance theperformance the party Constitutiparty Constituti on.on.Constitution is the fundamental standar

79、dConstitution is the fundamental standard of our Communiof our Communi sts are slim, the party Constitutists are slim, the party Constituti on ton to repeateo repeatedly learn,dly learn, practipractice, thice, thinking, lnking, learniearning and tng and thinkihinking, tng, thinkihinking and rng and

80、row, row, row, everow, ever-spiraling increase in the le-spiraling increase in the le arniarning process. Respeng process. Respe ct party linect party lines reflected is reflected in practin practice. Twce. Two to learn ao to learn a basibasic Constitutic Constitution Party rules,on Party rules, ser

81、ies of speeseries of spee cheches, the key to be qualified party members, the key to be qualified party member s. To bes. To be qualifiedqualified party members, staparty members, sta ndarndards are not higds are not hig h, bh, but if he doeut if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to car

82、s take a ruler of the party Constitution to car d, truly it is not ead, truly it is not ea sy.sy. Carry out stCarry out study audy and end educatiducation, every party must control ton, every party must control t he partys ehe partys eight obligations, ask, light obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, id

83、eook for gaps, ide ntify problems, clntify problems, cl ear direear direction, work to solve specifiction, work to solve specifi c problems.c problems.Actively practiActively practicing icing in then the productiproduction life of the eigon life of the eig ht obligations, to plht obligations, to pl

84、ay a vanguard aay a vanguard a nd exemplary rolnd exemplary rol e, truly a partye, truly a party banner. Two fight to higbanner. Two fight to hig hlight grasshlight grass-roots party orga-roots party orga nizationsnizationscarriedcarried out practiout practice lice line pine pioneoneer standard, aer

85、 standard, a ndnd postpost spurs members concentratedspurs members concentrated service mservice months, activities, education guionths, activities, education gui de memberde member s always everys always every wherewhere bearing ibearing in mind iden mind ide ntity,ntity, basebased job post, active

86、d job post, active play role. Toplay role. To develdevelopop differentiated learnidifferentiated learni ng educating education gon guideuide party members iparty members i n accorn accordance with theirdance with their ownown situatisituation, target theon, target the problems to,problems to, baseba

87、sed od on the wn the work done.ork done.Pay attention to the room aPay attention to the room a nd rnd room for grassoom for grass -roots party orga-roots party orga nizations, grass-rnizations, grass-r ootsoots party organizatiparty organizations have morons have mor e autonomy in ee autonomy in e d

88、ucation, making education, making e ducation more ground, full of vitality, gducation more ground, full of vitality, g ood effect. Finally,ood effect. Finally, highlighighlight the normal longht the normal long -term. To hig-term. To highlight the characteristihlight the characteristi cs of recs of

89、recurrent ecurrent education, withducation, with long fllong flowingowing, continuous li, continuous li ne of perne of perseverance theseverance the perseveraperseverance tnce to pro promote educatiomote educati onal efforts to reaonal efforts to rea lize thelize the partys ipartys ideoldeological a

90、ogical andnd politipolitical constructical constructi onon of routine institof routine instit utionalization.utionalization. WitWit h the party branch ah the party branch a s thes the base unit.base unit. Play the rolPlay the role of party brae of party bra nches shouldnches should be, ibe, is the k

91、ey to es the key to e ducational success. Eaducational success. Ea chch branch must take strictbranch must take stricteducation aeducation and mand management responsinagement responsi bility of party memberbility of party member s, educatis, education basedon based on learon learning tning to make

92、speo make specific arrangemecific arrangeme nts, fnts, fully mobilize tully mobilize t he enthe enthusiasm of party memberhusiasm of party member s involves involved in the education, ed in the education, e nsure tnsure the Orgahe Organization innization in placeplace, measure, measures in pls in pl

93、ace,ace, put iput in plan place. To thece. To the party organizatiparty organization aon as the basic form. In ts the basic form. In t he standardihe standardized development of learzed development of lear ning, make learning, make lear ning more efning more effective efforts, afective efforts, a nd

94、 wnd will adhere to the good party group,ill adhere to the good party group,organizeorganized partd party, party members ay, party members a nd tnd the Gehe General Assembly, tell a good party leneral Assembly, tell a good party le ctures,ctures, cancan drive a good topic adrive a good topic a bout,

95、 prevebout, prevent showy witnt showy wit houthout substance, Sham mulesubstance, Sham mule s. Ts. To imo implement the education managemeplement the education manageme ntnt system for basi system for basi c support. Demc support. Dem ocratic mutocratic mutual evalual evaluationuation onon party mem

96、bers iparty members i n accordan accordance with the regulations, tnce with the regulations, t he real performance criteria ahe real performance criteria a nd ornd order estader established, soundblished, sound carefully dicarefully disposespose of unqualifiedof unqualified party members, tparty mem

97、bers, t o further impro further impr ove the dreove the dredge exdge export team, pure self cleaport team, pure self clea ning mening mechachanism. Party leanism. Party lea dingding cadrescadres shoulshould adhere to ad adhere to a nd implnd implement theement the central groupcentral grouplearning

98、sylearning system, to whistem, to whichch branchbranch of learning exof learning ex chachanges, participatinges, participati on ion in a dual organ a dual orga nization witnization wit h comrades. Focus on recurrent educatih comrades. Focus on recurrent educati on, yon, you alou alsoso need tneed to

99、 continue too continue to strengthestrengthen then the buildibuilding of grassng of grass -roots-roots party organizations.party organizations. Now, theNow, the city also hacity also ha s 88 villages 88 village party organizations are weparty organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the v

100、ilak and lax, first Secretary of the vil lage,lage, butbut conversion requires aconversion requires a process. Reprocess. Recentlcently, they, the citys partycitys party organizatiorganization focused inveon focused inve stigation,stigation, checkcheck out a totalout a total of lost members 4,507, P

101、ocket members 1037, find tof lost members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find there are 640 lost party membershere are 640 lost party membersare nare n ot contactedot contacted 148 Pocket party members a148 Pocket party members a nd imnd implemeplementationntation of organizatiof organizational relatio

102、nal relationshionships. Educatips. Educational maonal managementnagement of party mof party m embers iembers into thento the Organization, there iOrganization, there i s a lot of ws a lot of w ork to do. Weork to do. Weak and lax party contiak and lax party conti nuenued reorganid reorganization as

103、anzation as an importaimportant task, finish perfent task, finish perfe ct organizatict organization,on, with a gwith a g ood team,ood team, Good system. SGood system. S pepecial higcial highlightshlights of grass-rof grass-r ootsoots party organizations, tparty organizations, t o beo be dealt with

104、first idealt with first i n plan place, furtce, further educatiher education, reon, reorganizatiorganization, traon, transformation and educationalnsformation and educationalinteraction.interaction.In short, through solid aIn short, through solid a nd effective wnd effective w ork initiativesork ini

105、tiatives复试:复试:考试科目名称考试科目名称: : 微机原理及应用微机原理及应用考查要点:一、计算机基础知识1要求考生熟练掌握数制及转换,熟练掌握符号数、无符号数在计算机中的表示2要求考生熟练掌握补码加、减法计算,溢出及判断3要求考生熟练掌握 BCD 编码及加减法运算调整原则二、微处理结构1要求考生了解微处理发展、微型计算机系统组成2要求考生掌握 8086/8088 微处理器结构、主要引脚功能、特点及工作原理,掌握各寄存器功能和使用方法3要求考生熟练掌握 8086/8088 存储器管理。对物理地址、段地址、偏移地址有明确的认识4要求考生掌握总线周期及时序,了解 8086/8088 读写

106、操作时序三、指令系统1要求考生熟练掌握 8086/8088 寻址方式,堆栈概念2要求考生掌握数据传送指令,算术运算指令,逻辑运算指令及移位指令 ,控制转移指令3要求考生能灵活运用 8086/8088 指令系统四、汇编语言程序设计基础1要求考生掌握汇编语言语句种类、格式,表达式及运算符2要求考生熟练掌握主要伪指令的使用,能够正确分析汇编语言源程序3要求考生能熟练进行顺序程序、分支程序、循环程序、子程序设计五、输入/输出及中断系统1要求考生掌握中断的基本概念、处理过程,熟练掌握8086/8088 中断系统及中断种类2要求考生对中断向量、中断向量表、向量地址有明确的认识,熟练掌握中断向量表的设置3要

107、求考生掌握 8259A 中断控制器的结构、功能、主要工作方式、熟悉初始化编程及应用实例六、可编程接口芯片及应用1要求考生熟练掌握 8255A、8253 的结构、功能及初始化编程2要求考生能灵活掌握 8255A 的方式 0、方式 1 及 8253 方式 1、方式 2、方式 3 的应用3要求考生熟练掌握 8255A 应用举例(简易键盘、LED 显示器、打印机等)4要求考生通过学习单个接口芯片的特性、功能和使用方法后 ,能利用这些芯片进行简单接口电路设计brokenbroken problem, fill the shortproblem, fill the short BoarBoard, so

108、td, so that the majority of party members ahat the majority of party members a nd fullynd fully qualifiequalified, comprehensived, comprehensive skillsskills of grass-rof grass-r oots party organizatioots party organizati ons, grassons, grass-roots-roots party level upgrade.party level upgrade. Comr

109、adeComrades, do a two learnis, do a two learni ng educating education ison is of great significaof great significa nce, rence, responsibilitiesponsibilitie s, carry significas, carry significa nt implicatint implications.ons.City levels party and geCity levels party and ge neral membersneral members

110、 cadres, to decadres, to deep awareep awareness two learn aness two learn a do leardo learning ening educatiducationon of importance aof importance a nd need, tnd need, to heigo height of politiht of political conscical consciously aously and fulnd full of politil of political ecal enthusiasm, put t

111、wo learnthusiasm, put two lear n a do learn a do learning ening education carrieducation carrie d out gd out good, for coordiood, for coordi nation advanation adva nce fournce four a full strategy layout, and aa full strategy layout, and a chichieved Thirteeeved Thirtee n-Five good start, and speedn

112、-Five good start, and speedup constructiup construction moron more highe high ecological vitality happineecological vitality happine ss of Cityss of City provides strong pprovides strong p owerful guaraowerful guarantee. Two, starting from the reverentee. Two, starting from the revere d Constitutid

113、Constitution reon respespected the party Constitcted the party Constit ution was XI Jinpiution was XI Jinpi ng, General Seng, General Se cretary to thecretary to the parpar ys requestys request, 18 six pl, 18 six plenary sessienary sessi onon of the Ceof the Central Commission forntral Commission fo

114、r disciplidiscipline inspene inspection report five experience first.ction report five experience first.Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party ConstitFull strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the wution, and pipe t

115、he w holehole party, tparty, the rulihe ruling party of the party Constituting party of the party Constituti on. Reveredon. Revered ConstitutiConstitution reflecteon reflected in awe. Party a party of idead in awe. Party a party of idea ls and belils and beliefs purefs purpose, summed upose, summed

116、u p the partys fip the partys fi ne tradition and style; ane tradition and style; a clear party members and wclear party members and w hat cahat can ben be done and what must bedone and what must be done, whatdone, what cannot be done. Eacannot be done. Ea chch Communist Party ConstitCommunist Party

117、 Constit ution tution to awe and wary eye eo awe and wary eye e nhanhancincing the sang the sacredcred sense of responsibility and mission.sense of responsibility and mission.Hearts filled with party ConstitutiHearts filled with party Constituti on,on, holhold the party lid the party li ne,ne, BA ob

118、ligations unconditiBA obligations unconditi onallyonally carry out pacarry out pa rty members, accordirty members, accordi ng to theng to the ConstitutiConstituti on of direon of direction towarction towar ds standards efforts. Respeds standards efforts. Respe ct reflected ict reflected in the stn t

119、he study theudy the party Constitutiparty Constituti on meaon means. Sns. Some party members joineome party members joine d thed the party Constitutiparty Constituti onon on the shelf, not to learn,on the shelf, not to learn, some lsome longong-term party accordi-term party accordi ng to theng to th

120、e ConstitutiConstitution of theon of the partys orgapartys organizatnization, the party is not required toion, the party is not required to pay membership dues, lpay membership dues, l oose concept,oose concept, party organizatiparty organizations of the partyons of the party organizatiorganization,

121、on,and turand turned aned a blind eye on the tasks ablind eye on the tasks a ssignessigned by the Organid by the Organi zation, were forgotten, forgottezation, were forgotten, forgotte n vowsn vows performance theperformance the party Constitutiparty Constituti on.on.Constitution is the fundamental

122、standardConstitution is the fundamental standard of our Communiof our Communi sts are slim, the party Constitutists are slim, the party Constituti on ton to repeateo repeatedly learn,dly learn, practipractice, thice, thinking, lnking, learniearning and tng and thinkihinking, tng, thinkihinking and r

123、ng and row, row, row, everow, ever-spiraling increase in the le-spiraling increase in the le arniarning process. Respeng process. Respe ct party linect party lines reflected is reflected in practin practice. Twce. Two to learn ao to learn a basibasic Constitutic Constitution Party rules,on Party rul

124、es, series of speeseries of spee cheches, the key to be qualified party members, the key to be qualified party member s. To bes. To be qualifiedqualified party members, staparty members, sta ndarndards are not higds are not hig h, but if he doeh, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution

125、 to cars take a ruler of the party Constitution to car d, truly it is not ead, truly it is not ea sy.sy. Carry out stCarry out study audy and end educatiducation, every party must control ton, every party must control t he partys ehe partys eight obligations, ask, light obligations, ask, l ook for g

126、aps, ideook for gaps, ide ntify problems, clntify problems, cl ear direear direction, work to solve specifiction, work to solve specifi c problems.c problems.Actively practiActively practicing icing in then the productiproduction life of the eigon life of the eig ht obligations, to plht obligations,

127、 to pl ay a vanguard aay a vanguard a nd exemplary rolnd exemplary rol e, truly a partye, truly a party banner. Two fight to higbanner. Two fight to hig hlight grasshlight grass -roots party orga-roots party orga nizationsnizationscarriedcarried out practiout practice lice line pine pioneoneer stand

128、ard, aer standard, a ndnd postpost spurs members concentratedspurs members concentrated service mservice m onths, activities, education guionths, activities, education gui de memberde member s always everys always every wherewhere bearing ibearing in mind iden mind ide ntity,ntity, basebased job pos

129、t, actived job post, active play role. Toplay role. To develdevelopop differentiated learnidifferentiated learni ng educating educati on gon guideuide party members iparty members i n accorn accordance with theirdance with their ownown situatisituation, target theon, target the problems to,problems

130、to, basebased on the wd on the w ork done.ork done.Pay attention to the room aPay attention to the room a nd rnd room for grassoom for grass -roots party orga-roots party orga nizations, grass-rnizations, grass-r ootsoots party organizatiparty organizations have morons have mor e autonomy in ee auto

131、nomy in e ducation, making education, making e ducation more ground, full of vitality, gducation more ground, full of vitality, g ood effect. Finally,ood effect. Finally, highlighighlight the normal longht the normal long -term. To hig-term. To highlight the characteristihlight the characteristi cs

132、of recs of recurrent ecurrent education, withducation, with long fllong flowingowing, continuous li, continuous li ne of perne of perseverance theseverance the perseverapersevera nce tnce to pro promote educatiomote educati onal efforts to reaonal efforts to rea lize thelize the partys ipartys ideol

133、deological aogical andnd politipolitical constructical constructi onon of routine institof routine instit utionalization.utionalization. WitWith the party branch ah the party branch a s thes the base unit.base unit. Play the rolPlay the role of party brae of party bra nches shouldnches should be, ib

134、e, is the key to es the key to e ducational success. Eaducational success. Ea chch branch must take strictbranch must take stricteducation aeducation and mand management responsinagement responsi bility of party memberbility of party member s, educatis, education basedon based on learon learning tni

135、ng to make speo make specific arrangemecific arrangeme nts, fully mobilize tnts, fully mobilize t he enthe enthusiasm of party memberhusiasm of party member s involves involved in the education, ed in the education, e nsure tnsure the Orgahe Organization innization in placeplace, measure, measurein

136、plin place,ace, put iput in plan place. To thece. To the party organizatiparty organization aon as the basic form. In ts the basic form. In t he standardihe standardized development of learzed development of lear ning, make learning, make lear ning more effective efforts, aning more effective effort

137、s, a nd wnd will adhere to the good party group,ill adhere to the good party group,organizeorganized partd party, party members ay, party members a nd tnd the Gehe General Assembly, tell a good party leneral Assembly, tell a good party le ctures,ctures, cancan drive a good topic adrive a good topic

138、a bout, prevebout, prevent showy witnt showy wit houthout substance, Sham mulesubstance, Sham mule s. Ts. To imo implement the education managemeplement the education manageme nt system for basint system for basi c support. Demc support. Dem ocratic mutocratic mutual evalual evaluationuation onon pa

139、rty members iparty members i n accordan accordance with the regulations, tnce with the regulations, t he real perfhe real perf ormance criteria aormance criteria a nd ornd order estader established, soundblished, sound carefully dicarefully disposespose of unqualifiedof unqualified party members, tp

140、arty members, t o further impro further impr ove the dreove the dredge exdge ex port team, pure self cleaport team, pure self clea ning mening mechachanism. Party leanism. Party lea dingding cadrescadres shoulshould adhere to ad adhere to a nd implnd implement theement the central groupcentral group

141、learning sylearning system, to whistem, to whichch branchbranch of learning exof learning ex chachanges, participatinges, participati on ion in a dual organ a dual orga nization witnization wit h comrades. Focus on recurrent educatih comrades. Focus on recurrent educati on, yon, you alou alsoso need

142、 tneed to continue too continue to strengthestrengthen then the buildibuilding of grassng of grass -roots-roots party organizations.party organizations. Now, theNow, the city also hacity also ha s 88 villages 88 village party organizations are weparty organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary

143、 of the vilak and lax, first Secretary of the vil lage,lage, butbut conversion requires aconversion requires a process. Reprocess. Recentlcently, they, the citys partycitys party organizatiorganization focused inveon focused inve stigation,stigation, checkcheck out a totalout a total of lost members

144、 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find tof lost members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find there are 640 lost party membershere are 640 lost party membersare not contactedare not contacted 148 Pocket party members a148 Pocket party members a nd imnd implemeplementationntation of organizatiof organizational

145、 relational relationshionships. Educatips. Educational maonal managementnagement of party members iof party members i nto thento the Organization, there iOrganization, there i s a lot of ws a lot of w ork to do. Weork to do. Weak and lax party contiak and lax party conti nuenued reorganid reorganiza

146、tion as anzation as an importaimportant task, finish perfent task, finish perfe ct organizatict organization,on, with a gwith a g ood team,ood team, Good system. SGood system. S pepecial higcial highlightshlights of grass-rof grass-r ootsoots party organizations, tparty organizations, t o beo be dea

147、lt with first idealt with first i n plan place, furtce, further educatiher education, reon, reorganizatiorganization, traon, transformation and educationalnsformation and educationalinteraction.interaction.In short, through solid aIn short, through solid a nd effective wnd effective w ork initiative

148、sork initiatives5了解串行通讯的一些基本概念七、内存储器1要求考生掌握半导体存储器的分类、结构,了解存储芯片的存储原理2要求考生掌握地址译码电路,熟练掌握存储芯片的“位扩充” 、 “地址扩充”及与8086/8088 CPU 系统总线的连接,能够熟练进行实例分析和设计考试总分:150 分考试时间:3 小时考试方式:笔试考试题型: 填空题或单选题(20-25 分)简答题(35-40 分)程序分析题(15-20 分)程序设计题(10-15 分)接口芯片应用(3540 分)内存扩展(10-15 分)brokenbroken problem, fill the shortproblem,

149、 fill the short BoarBoard, so td, so that the majority of party members ahat the majority of party members a nd fullynd fully qualifiequalified, comprehensived, comprehensive skillsskills of grass-rof grass-roots party organizatioots party organizati ons, grassons, grass-roots-roots party level upgr

150、ade.party level upgrade. ComradeComrades, do a two learnis, do a two learni ng educating education ison is of great significaof great significa nce, rence, responsibilitiesponsibilitie s, carry significas, carry significa nt implicatint implications.ons.City levels party and geCity levels party and

151、ge neral membersneral members cadres, to decadres, to deep awareep awareness two learn aness two learn a do leardo learning ening educatiducationon of importance aof importance a nd need, tnd need, to heigo height of politiht of political conscical consciously aously and fulnd full of politil of pol

152、itical ecal enthusiasm, put two learnthusiasm, put two lear n a do learn a do learning ening education carrieducation carrie d out gd out good, for coordiood, for coordi nation advanation adva nce fournce four a full strategy layout, and aa full strategy layout, and a chichieved Thirteeeved Thirteen

153、-Five good start, and speedn-Five good start, and speedup constructiup construction moron more highe high ecological vitality happineecological vitality happine ss of Cityss of City provides strong powerful guaraprovides strong powerful guara ntee. Two, starting from the reverentee. Two, starting fr

154、om the revere d Constitutid Constitution reon respespected the party Constitcted the party Constit ution was XI Jinpiution was XI Jinpi ng, General Seng, General Se cretary to thecretary to the partpartys requestys request, 18 six pl, 18 six plenary sessienary sessi onon of the Ceof the Central Comm

155、ission forntral Commission for disciplidiscipline inspene inspection report five experience first.ction report five experience first.Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party ConstitFull strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, an

156、d pipe the wution, and pipe the w holehole party, tparty, the rulihe ruling party of the party Constituting party of the party Constituti on. Reveredon. Revered ConstitutiConstitution reflecteon reflected in awe. Party a party of idead in awe. Party a party of idea ls and belils and beliefs purefs p

157、urpose, summed up the partys fipose, summed up the partys fi ne tradition and style; ane tradition and style; a clear party members and wclear party members and w hat cahat can ben be done and what must bedone and what must be done, whatdone, what cannot be done. Eacannot be done. Ea chch Communist

158、Party ConstitCommunist Party Constit ution tution to awe and wary eye eo awe and wary eye e nhanhancincing the sang the sacredcred sense of responsibility and mission.sense of responsibility and mission.Hearts filled with party ConstitutiHearts filled with party Constituti on,on, holhold the party l

159、id the party line,ne, BA obligations unconditiBA obligations unconditi onallyonally carry out pacarry out pa rty members, accordirty members, accordi ng to theng to the ConstitutiConstitution of direon of direction towarction towar ds standards efforts. Respeds standards efforts. Respe ct reflected

160、ict reflected in the stn the study theudy the party Constitutiparty Constituti on meaon means. Sns. Some party members joineome party members joine d thed the party Constitutiparty Constituti onon on the shelf, non the shelf, n ot to learn,ot to learn, some lsome longong-term party accordi-term part

161、y accordi ng to theng to the ConstitutiConstitution of theon of the partys orgapartys organizatnization, the party is not required toion, the party is not required to pay membership dues, lpay membership dues, l oose concept,oose concept, party organizatiparty organizations of the partyons of the pa

162、rty organizatiorganization,on,and turand turned aned a blind eye on the tasks ablind eye on the tasks a ssignessigned by the Organid by the Organi zation, were forgotten, forgottezation, were forgotten, forgotte n vowsn vows performance theperformance the party Constitutiparty Constituti on.on.Const

163、itution is the fundamental standardConstitution is the fundamental standard of our Communiof our Communi sts are slim, the party Constitutists are slim, the party Constituti on ton to repeateo repeatedly learn,dly learn, practipractice, thice, thinking, lnking, learniearning and tng and thinkihinkin

164、g, tng, thinkihinking and rng and row, row, row, everow, ever-spiraling increase in the le-spiraling increase in the le arniarning process. Respeng process. Respe ct party linect party lines reflected is reflected in practin practice. Twce. Two to learn ao to learn a basibasic Constitutic Constituti

165、on Party rules,on Party rules, series of speeseries of spee cheches, the key to be qualified party members, the key to be qualified party member s. To bes. To be qualifiedqualified party members, staparty members, sta ndarndards are not higds are not hig h, bh, but if he doeut if he does take a rule

166、r of the party Constitution to cars take a ruler of the party Constitution to car d, truly it is not ead, truly it is not ea sy.sy. Carry out stCarry out study audy and end educatiducation, every party must control ton, every party must control t he partys ehe partys eight obligations, ask, light ob

167、ligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ideook for gaps, ide ntify problems, clntify problems, cl ear direear direction, work to solve specifiction, work to solve specifi c problems.c problems.Actively practiActively practicing icing in then the productiproduction life of the eigon life of the eig ht obliga

168、tions, to plht obligations, to pl ay a vanguard aay a vanguard a nd exemplary rolnd exemplary rol e, truly a partye, truly a party banner. Two fight to higbanner. Two fight to hig hlight grasshlight grass-roots party orga-roots party orga nizationsnizationscarriedcarried out practiout practice lice

169、line pine pioneoneer standard, aer standard, a ndnd postpost spurs members concentratedspurs members concentrated service mservice months, activities, education guionths, activities, education gui de memberde member s always everys always every wherewhere bearing ibearing in mind iden mind ide ntity

170、,ntity, basebased job post, actived job post, active play role. Toplay role. To develdevelopop differentiated learnidifferentiated learni ng educating educati on gon guideuide party members iparty members i n accorn accordance with theirdance with their ownown situatisituation, target theon, target

171、the problems to,problems to, basebased on the wd on the w ork done.ork done.Pay attention to the room aPay attention to the room a nd rnd room for grassoom for grass -roots party orga-roots party orga nizations, grass-rnizations, grass-r ootsoots party organizatiparty organizations have morons have

172、mor e autonomy in ee autonomy in e ducation, making education, making e ducation more ground, full of vitality, gducation more ground, full of vitality, g ood effect. Finally,ood effect. Finally, highlighighlight the normal longht the normal long -term. To hig-term. To highlight the characteristihli

173、ght the characteristi cs of recs of recurrent ecurrent education, withducation, with long fllong flowingowing, continuous li, continuous li ne of perne of perseverance theseverance the perseveraperseverance tnce to pro promote educatiomote educati onal efforts to reaonal efforts to rea lize thelize

174、the partys ipartys ideoldeological aogical andnd politipolitical constructical constructi onon of routine institof routine instit utionalization.utionalization. WitWith the party branch ah the party branch a s thes the base unit.base unit. Play the rolPlay the role of party brae of party bra nches s

175、houldnches should be, ibe, is the key to es the key to e ducational success. Eaducational success. Ea chch branch must take strictbranch must take stricteducation aeducation and mand management responsinagement responsi bility of party memberbility of party member s, educatis, education basedon base

176、d on learon learning tning to make speo make specific arrangemecific arrangeme nts, fnts, fully mobilize tully mobilize t he enthe enthusiasm of party memberhusiasm of party member s involves involved in the education, ed in the education, e nsure tnsure the Orgahe Organization innization in placepl

177、ace, measure, measures in pls in place,ace, put iput in plan place. To thece. To the party organizatiparty organization aon as the basic form. In ts the basic form. In t he standardihe standardized development of learzed development of lear ning, make learning, make lear ning more effective efforts,

178、 aning more effective efforts, a nd wnd will adhere to the good party group,ill adhere to the good party group,organizeorganized partd party, party members ay, party members a nd tnd the Gehe General Assembly, tell a good party leneral Assembly, tell a good party le ctures,ctures, cancan drive a goo

179、d topic adrive a good topic a bout, prevebout, prevent showy witnt showy wit houthout substance, Sham mulesubstance, Sham mule s. Ts. To imo implement the education managemeplement the education manageme ntnt system for basi system for basi c support. Demc support. Dem ocratic mutocratic mutual eval

180、ual evaluationuation onon party members iparty members i n accordan accordance with the regulations, tnce with the regulations, t he real performance criteria ahe real performance criteria a nd ornd order estader established, soundblished, sound carefully dicarefully disposespose of unqualifiedof un

181、qualified party members, tparty members, t o further impro further impr ove the dreove the dredge exdge export team, pure self cleaport team, pure self clea ning mening mechachanism. Party leanism. Party lea dingding cadrescadres shoulshould adhere to ad adhere to a nd implnd implement theement the

182、central groupcentral grouplearning sylearning system, to whistem, to whichch branchbranch of learning exof learning ex chachanges, participatinges, participati on ion in a dual organ a dual orga nization witnization wit h comrades. Focus on recurrent educatih comrades. Focus on recurrent educati on,

183、 yon, you alou alsoso need tneed to continue too continue to strengthestrengthen then the buildibuilding of grassng of grass -roots-roots party organizations.party organizations. Now, theNow, the city also hacity also ha s 88 villages 88 village party organizations are weparty organizations are we a

184、k and lax, first Secretary of the village,ak and lax, first Secretary of the village,butbut conversion requires aconversion requires a process. Reprocess. Recentlcently, they, the citys partycitys party organizatiorganization focused inveon focused inve stigation,stigation, checkcheck out a totalout

185、 a total of lost members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find tof lost members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find there are 640 lost party membershere are 640 lost party membersare nare n ot contactedot contacted 148 Pocket party members a148 Pocket party members a nd imnd implemeplementationntation of or

186、ganizatiof organizational relational relationshionships. Educatips. Educational maonal managementnagement of party mof party m embers iembers into thento the Organization, there iOrganization, there i s a lot of ws a lot of w ork to do. Weork to do. Weak and lax party contiak and lax party conti nue

187、nued reorganid reorganization as anzation as an importaimportant task, finish perfent task, finish perfe ct organizatict organization,on, with a gwith a g ood team,ood team, Good system. SGood system. S pepecial higcial highlightshlights of grass-rof grass-r ootsoots party organizations, tparty orga

188、nizations, t o beo be dealt with first idealt with first i n plan place, furtce, further educatiher education, reon, reorganizatiorganization, traon, transformation and educationalnsformation and educationalinteraction.interaction.In short, through solid aIn short, through solid a nd effective wnd e

189、ffective w ork initiativesork initiatives考试科目名称:考试科目名称: 工程数学工程数学考查要点: 线性代数和复变函数各占 50线性代数部分:一、行列式1.行列式的定义与性质。2。低阶行列式,高阶规律性较强的行列式计算。二、矩阵1。矩阵的运算 2。矩阵的逆三、向量组的线性相关性和矩阵的秩1.线性相关、线性无关 2。矩阵的秩3.矩阵的初等变换四、线性方程组1.解齐次线性方程组 2。 解非齐次线性方程组五、二次型1.特征值、特征向量有关问题2.化二次型为标准形 3.正定性问题的证明六、线性空间1。线性空间与子空间的概念2.基、维数与坐标3.线性变换复变函数部

190、分一、复数与复变函数1复数的代数运算2复数的乘幂和方根3复变函数及其极限和连续性二、解析函数1解析函数定义,复变函数的导数,柯西黎曼条件brokenbroken problem, fill the shortproblem, fill the short BoarBoard, so td, so that the majority of party members ahat the majority of party members a nd fullynd fully qualifiequalified, comprehensived, comprehensive skillsskills

191、of grass-rof grass-r oots party organizatioots party organizati ons, grassons, grass-roots-roots party level upgrade.party level upgrade. ComradeComrades, do a two learnis, do a two learni ng educating education ison is of great significaof great significa nce, rence, responsibilitiesponsibilitie s,

192、 carry significas, carry significa nt implicatint implications.ons.City levels party and geCity levels party and ge neral membersneral members cadres, to decadres, to deep awareep awareness two learn aness two learn a do leardo learning ening educatiducationon of importance aof importance a nd need,

193、 tnd need, to heigo height of politiht of political conscical consciously aously and fulnd full of politil of political ecal enthusiasm, put two learnthusiasm, put two lear n a do learn a do learning ening education carrieducation carrie d out gd out good, for coordiood, for coordi nation advanation

194、 adva nce fournce four a full strategy layout, and aa full strategy layout, and a chichieved Thirteeeved Thirtee n-Five good start, and speedn-Five good start, and speedup constructiup construction moron more highe high ecological vitality happineecological vitality happine ss of Cityss of City prov

195、ides strong pprovides strong p owerful guaraowerful guarantee. Two, starting from the reverentee. Two, starting from the revere d Constitutid Constitution reon respespected the party Constitcted the party Constit ution was XI Jinpiution was XI Jinpi ng, General Seng, General Se cretary to thecretary

196、 to the parpar ys requestys request, 18 six pl, 18 six plenary sessienary sessi onon of the Ceof the Central Commission forntral Commission for disciplidiscipline inspene inspection report five experience first.ction report five experience first.Full strictly administering the party, first of all, t

197、o exalt the party ConstitFull strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the wution, and pipe the w holehole party, tparty, the rulihe ruling party of the party Constituting party of the party Constituti on. Reveredon. Revered ConstitutiConstitution ref

198、lecteon reflected in awe. Party a party of idead in awe. Party a party of idea ls and belils and beliefs purefs purpose, summed upose, summed u p the partys fip the partys fi ne tradition and style; ane tradition and style; a clear party members and wclear party members and w hat cahat can ben be do

199、ne and what must bedone and what must be done, whatdone, what cannot be done. Eacannot be done. Ea chch Communist Party ConstitCommunist Party Constit ution tution to awe and wary eye eo awe and wary eye e nhanhancincing the sang the sacredcred sense of responsibility and mission.sense of responsibi

200、lity and mission.Hearts filled with party ConstitutiHearts filled with party Constituti on,on, holhold the party lid the party li ne,ne, BA obligations unconditiBA obligations unconditi onallyonally carry out pacarry out pa rty members, accordirty members, accordi ng to theng to the ConstitutiConsti

201、tuti on of direon of direction towarction towar ds standards efforts. Respeds standards efforts. Respe ct reflected ict reflected in the stn the study theudy the party Constitutiparty Constituti on meaon means. Sns. Some party members joineome party members joine d thed the party Constitutiparty Con

202、stituti onon on the shelf, not to learn,on the shelf, not to learn, some lsome longong-term party accordi-term party accordi ng to theng to the ConstitutiConstitution of theon of the partys orgapartys organizatnization, the party is not required toion, the party is not required to pay membership due

203、s, lpay membership dues, l oose concept,oose concept, party organizatiparty organizations of the partyons of the party organizatiorganization,on,and turand turned aned a blind eye on the tasks ablind eye on the tasks a ssignessigned by the Organid by the Organi zation, were forgotten, forgottezation

204、, were forgotten, forgotte n vowsn vows performance theperformance the party Constitutiparty Constituti on.on.Constitution is the fundamental standardConstitution is the fundamental standard of our Communiof our Communi sts are slim, the party Constitutists are slim, the party Constituti on ton to r

205、epeateo repeatedly learn,dly learn, practipractice, thice, thinking, lnking, learniearning and tng and thinkihinking, tng, thinkihinking and rng and row, row, row, everow, ever-spiraling increase in the le-spiraling increase in the le arniarning process. Respeng process. Respe ct party linect party

206、lines reflected is reflected in practin practice. Twce. Two to learn ao to learn a basibasic Constitutic Constitution Party rules,on Party rules, series of speeseries of spee cheches, the key to be qualified party members, the key to be qualified party member s. To bes. To be qualifiedqualified part

207、y members, staparty members, sta ndarndards are not higds are not hig h, but if he doeh, but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to cars take a ruler of the party Constitution to car d, truly it is not ead, truly it is not ea sy.sy. Carry out stCarry out study audy and end educatiducat

208、ion, every party must control ton, every party must control t he partys ehe partys eight obligations, ask, light obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ideook for gaps, ide ntify problems, clntify problems, cl ear direear direction, work to solve specifiction, work to solve specifi c problems.c problems.

209、Actively practiActively practicing icing in then the productiproduction life of the eigon life of the eig ht obligations, to plht obligations, to pl ay a vanguard aay a vanguard a nd exemplary rolnd exemplary rol e, truly a partye, truly a party banner. Two fight to higbanner. Two fight to hig hligh

210、t grasshlight grass -roots party orga-roots party orga nizationsnizationscarriedcarried out practiout practice lice line pine pioneoneer standard, aer standard, a ndnd postpost spurs members concentratedspurs members concentrated service mservice m onths, activities, education guionths, activities,

211、education gui de memberde member s always everys always every wherewhere bearing ibearing in mind iden mind ide ntity,ntity, basebased job post, actived job post, active play role. Toplay role. To develdevelopop differentiated learnidifferentiated learni ng educating educati on gon guideuide party m

212、embers iparty members i n accorn accordance with theirdance with their ownown situatisituation, target theon, target the problems to,problems to, basebased on the wd on the w ork done.ork done.Pay attention to the room aPay attention to the room a nd rnd room for grassoom for grass -roots party orga

213、-roots party orga nizations, grass-rnizations, grass-r ootsoots party organizatiparty organizations have morons have mor e autonomy in ee autonomy in e ducation, making education, making e ducation more ground, full of vitality, gducation more ground, full of vitality, g ood effect. Finally,ood effe

214、ct. Finally, highlighighlight the normal longht the normal long -term. To hig-term. To highlight the characteristihlight the characteristi cs of recs of recurrent ecurrent education, withducation, with long fllong flowingowing, continuous li, continuous li ne of perne of perseverance theseverance th

215、e perseverapersevera nce tnce to pro promote educatiomote educati onal efforts to reaonal efforts to rea lize thelize the partys ipartys ideoldeological aogical andnd politipolitical constructical constructi onon of routine institof routine instit utionalization.utionalization. WitWith the party bra

216、nch ah the party branch a s thes the base unit.base unit. Play the rolPlay the role of party brae of party bra nches shouldnches should be, ibe, is the key to es the key to e ducational success. Eaducational success. Ea chch branch must take strictbranch must take stricteducation aeducation and mand

217、 management responsinagement responsi bility of party memberbility of party member s, educatis, education basedon based on learon learning tning to make speo make specific arrangemecific arrangeme nts, fully mobilize tnts, fully mobilize t he enthe enthusiasm of party memberhusiasm of party member s

218、 involves involved in the education, ed in the education, e nsure tnsure the Orgahe Organization innization in placeplace, measure, measurein plin place,ace, put iput in plan place. To thece. To the party organizatiparty organization aon as the basic form. In ts the basic form. In t he standardihe s

219、tandardized development of learzed development of lear ning, make learning, make lear ning more effective efforts, aning more effective efforts, a nd wnd will adhere to the good party group,ill adhere to the good party group,organizeorganized partd party, party members ay, party members a nd tnd the

220、 Gehe General Assembly, tell a good party leneral Assembly, tell a good party le ctures,ctures, cancan drive a good topic adrive a good topic a bout, prevebout, prevent showy witnt showy wit houthout substance, Sham mulesubstance, Sham mule s. Ts. To imo implement the education managemeplement the e

221、ducation manageme nt system for basint system for basi c support. Demc support. Dem ocratic mutocratic mutual evalual evaluationuation onon party members iparty members i n accordan accordance with the regulations, tnce with the regulations, t he real perfhe real perf ormance criteria aormance crite

222、ria a nd ornd order estader established, soundblished, sound carefully dicarefully disposespose of unqualifiedof unqualified party members, tparty members, t o further impro further impr ove the dreove the dredge exdge ex port team, pure self cleaport team, pure self clea ning mening mechachanism. P

223、arty leanism. Party lea dingding cadrescadres shoulshould adhere to ad adhere to a nd implnd implement theement the central groupcentral grouplearning sylearning system, to whistem, to whichch branchbranch of learning exof learning ex chachanges, participatinges, participati on ion in a dual organ a

224、 dual orga nization witnization wit h comrades. Focus on recurrent educatih comrades. Focus on recurrent educati on, yon, you alou alsoso need tneed to continue too continue to strengthestrengthen then the buildibuilding of grassng of grass -roots-roots party organizations.party organizations. Now,

225、theNow, the city also hacity also ha s 88 villages 88 village party organizations are weparty organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the vilak and lax, first Secretary of the vil lage,lage, butbut conversion requires aconversion requires a process. Reprocess. Recentlcently, they, the ci

226、tys partycitys party organizatiorganization focused inveon focused inve stigation,stigation, checkcheck out a totalout a total of lost members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find tof lost members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find there are 640 lost party membershere are 640 lost party membersare not con

227、tactedare not contacted 148 Pocket party members a148 Pocket party members a nd imnd implemeplementationntation of organizatiof organizational relational relationshionships. Educatips. Educational maonal managementnagement of party members iof party members i nto thento the Organization, there iOrga

228、nization, there i s a lot of ws a lot of w ork to do. Weork to do. Weak and lax party contiak and lax party conti nuenued reorganid reorganization as anzation as an importaimportant task, finish perfent task, finish perfe ct organizatict organization,on, with a gwith a g ood team,ood team, Good syst

229、em. SGood system. S pepecial higcial highlightshlights of grass-rof grass-r ootsoots party organizations, tparty organizations, t o beo be dealt with first idealt with first i n plan place, furtce, further educatiher education, reon, reorganizatiorganization, traon, transformation and educationalnsf

230、ormation and educationalinteraction.interaction.In short, through solid aIn short, through solid a nd effective wnd effective w ork initiativesork initiatives2.初等函数三、复变函数的积分1积分的定义、存在条件、计算方法2柯西古萨定理3柯西积分公式四、级数1罗伦级数2泰勒级数五、留数1孤立奇点2留数定理3留数的计算六、保角映射1保角映射的概念2分式线性映射3幂函数和指数函数所构成的映射考试总分:100 分考试时间:3 小时考试方式:笔试考

231、试题型: 填空题判断题选择题计算题brokenbroken problem, fill the shortproblem, fill the short BoarBoard, so td, so that the majority of party members ahat the majority of party members a nd fullynd fully qualifiequalified, comprehensived, comprehensive skillsskills of grass-rof grass-roots party organizatioots party

232、 organizati ons, grassons, grass-roots-roots party level upgrade.party level upgrade. ComradeComrades, do a two learnis, do a two learni ng educating education ison is of great significaof great significa nce, rence, responsibilitiesponsibilitie s, carry significas, carry significa nt implicatint im

233、plications.ons.City levels party and geCity levels party and ge neral membersneral members cadres, to decadres, to deep awareep awareness two learn aness two learn a do leardo learning ening educatiducationon of importance aof importance a nd need, tnd need, to heigo height of politiht of political

234、conscical consciously aously and fulnd full of politil of political ecal enthusiasm, put two learnthusiasm, put two lear n a do learn a do learning ening education carrieducation carrie d out gd out good, for coordiood, for coordi nation advanation adva nce fournce four a full strategy layout, and a

235、a full strategy layout, and a chichieved Thirteeeved Thirteen-Five good start, and speedn-Five good start, and speedup constructiup construction moron more highe high ecological vitality happineecological vitality happine ss of Cityss of City provides strong powerful guaraprovides strong powerful gu

236、ara ntee. Two, starting from the reverentee. Two, starting from the revere d Constitutid Constitution reon respespected the party Constitcted the party Constit ution was XI Jinpiution was XI Jinpi ng, General Seng, General Se cretary to thecretary to the partpartys requestys request, 18 six pl, 18 s

237、ix plenary sessienary sessi onon of the Ceof the Central Commission forntral Commission for disciplidiscipline inspene inspection report five experience first.ction report five experience first.Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party ConstitFull strictly administering

238、 the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the wution, and pipe the w holehole party, tparty, the rulihe ruling party of the party Constituting party of the party Constituti on. Reveredon. Revered ConstitutiConstitution reflecteon reflected in awe. Party a party of idead in

239、awe. Party a party of idea ls and belils and beliefs purefs purpose, summed up the partys fipose, summed up the partys fi ne tradition and style; ane tradition and style; a clear party members and wclear party members and w hat cahat can ben be done and what must bedone and what must be done, whatdo

240、ne, what cannot be done. Eacannot be done. Ea chch Communist Party ConstitCommunist Party Constit ution tution to awe and wary eye eo awe and wary eye e nhanhancincing the sang the sacredcred sense of responsibility and mission.sense of responsibility and mission.Hearts filled with party ConstitutiH

241、earts filled with party Constituti on,on, holhold the party lid the party line,ne, BA obligations unconditiBA obligations unconditi onallyonally carry out pacarry out pa rty members, accordirty members, accordi ng to theng to the ConstitutiConstitution of direon of direction towarction towar ds stan

242、dards efforts. Respeds standards efforts. Respe ct reflected ict reflected in the stn the study theudy the party Constitutiparty Constituti on meaon means. Sns. Some party members joineome party members joine d thed the party Constitutiparty Constituti onon on the shelf, non the shelf, n ot to learn

243、,ot to learn, some lsome longong-term party accordi-term party accordi ng to theng to the ConstitutiConstitution of theon of the partys orgapartys organizatnization, the party is not required toion, the party is not required to pay membership dues, lpay membership dues, l oose concept,oose concept,

244、party organizatiparty organizations of the partyons of the party organizatiorganization,on,and turand turned aned a blind eye on the tasks ablind eye on the tasks a ssignessigned by the Organid by the Organi zation, were forgotten, forgottezation, were forgotten, forgotte n vowsn vows performance th

245、eperformance the party Constitutiparty Constituti on.on.Constitution is the fundamental standardConstitution is the fundamental standard of our Communiof our Communi sts are slim, the party Constitutists are slim, the party Constituti on ton to repeateo repeatedly learn,dly learn, practipractice, th

246、ice, thinking, lnking, learniearning and tng and thinkihinking, tng, thinkihinking and rng and row, row, row, everow, ever-spiraling increase in the le-spiraling increase in the le arniarning process. Respeng process. Respe ct party linect party lines reflected is reflected in practin practice. Twce

247、. Two to learn ao to learn a basibasic Constitutic Constitution Party rules,on Party rules, series of speeseries of spee cheches, the key to be qualified party members, the key to be qualified party member s. To bes. To be qualifiedqualified party members, staparty members, sta ndarndards are not hi

248、gds are not hig h, bh, but if he doeut if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to cars take a ruler of the party Constitution to car d, truly it is not ead, truly it is not ea sy.sy. Carry out stCarry out study audy and end educatiducation, every party must control ton, every party must co

249、ntrol t he partys ehe partys eight obligations, ask, light obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ideook for gaps, ide ntify problems, clntify problems, cl ear direear direction, work to solve specifiction, work to solve specifi c problems.c problems.Actively practiActively practicing icing in then the p

250、roductiproduction life of the eigon life of the eig ht obligations, to plht obligations, to pl ay a vanguard aay a vanguard a nd exemplary rolnd exemplary rol e, truly a partye, truly a party banner. Two fight to higbanner. Two fight to hig hlight grasshlight grass-roots party orga-roots party orga

251、nizationsnizationscarriedcarried out practiout practice lice line pine pioneoneer standard, aer standard, a ndnd postpost spurs members concentratedspurs members concentrated service mservice months, activities, education guionths, activities, education gui de memberde member s always everys always

252、every wherewhere bearing ibearing in mind iden mind ide ntity,ntity, basebased job post, actived job post, active play role. Toplay role. To develdevelopop differentiated learnidifferentiated learni ng educating educati on gon guideuide party members iparty members i n accorn accordance with theirda

253、nce with their ownown situatisituation, target theon, target the problems to,problems to, basebased on the wd on the w ork done.ork done.Pay attention to the room aPay attention to the room a nd rnd room for grassoom for grass -roots party orga-roots party orga nizations, grass-rnizations, grass-r o

254、otsoots party organizatiparty organizations have morons have mor e autonomy in ee autonomy in e ducation, making education, making e ducation more ground, full of vitality, gducation more ground, full of vitality, g ood effect. Finally,ood effect. Finally, highlighighlight the normal longht the norm

255、al long -term. To hig-term. To highlight the characteristihlight the characteristi cs of recs of recurrent ecurrent education, withducation, with long fllong flowingowing, continuous li, continuous li ne of perne of perseverance theseverance the perseveraperseverance tnce to pro promote educatiomote

256、 educati onal efforts to reaonal efforts to rea lize thelize the partys ipartys ideoldeological aogical andnd politipolitical constructical constructi onon of routine institof routine instit utionalization.utionalization. WitWith the party branch ah the party branch a s thes the base unit.base unit.

257、 Play the rolPlay the role of party brae of party bra nches shouldnches should be, ibe, is the key to es the key to e ducational success. Eaducational success. Ea chch branch must take strictbranch must take stricteducation aeducation and mand management responsinagement responsi bility of party mem

258、berbility of party member s, educatis, education basedon based on learon learning tning to make speo make specific arrangemecific arrangeme nts, fnts, fully mobilize tully mobilize t he enthe enthusiasm of party memberhusiasm of party member s involves involved in the education, ed in the education,

259、 e nsure tnsure the Orgahe Organization innization in placeplace, measure, measures in pls in place,ace, put iput in plan place. To thece. To the party organizatiparty organization aon as the basic form. In ts the basic form. In t he standardihe standardized development of learzed development of lea

260、r ning, make learning, make lear ning more effective efforts, aning more effective efforts, a nd wnd will adhere to the good party group,ill adhere to the good party group,organizeorganized partd party, party members ay, party members a nd tnd the Gehe General Assembly, tell a good party leneral Ass

261、embly, tell a good party le ctures,ctures, cancan drive a good topic adrive a good topic a bout, prevebout, prevent showy witnt showy wit houthout substance, Sham mulesubstance, Sham mule s. Ts. To imo implement the education managemeplement the education manageme ntnt system for basi system for bas

262、i c support. Demc support. Dem ocratic mutocratic mutual evalual evaluationuation onon party members iparty members i n accordan accordance with the regulations, tnce with the regulations, t he real performance criteria ahe real performance criteria a nd ornd order estader established, soundblished,

263、 sound carefully dicarefully disposespose of unqualifiedof unqualified party members, tparty members, t o further impro further impr ove the dreove the dredge exdge export team, pure self cleaport team, pure self clea ning mening mechachanism. Party leanism. Party lea dingding cadrescadres shoulshou

264、ld adhere to ad adhere to a nd implnd implement theement the central groupcentral grouplearning sylearning system, to whistem, to whichch branchbranch of learning exof learning ex chachanges, participatinges, participati on ion in a dual organ a dual orga nization witnization wit h comrades. Focus o

265、n recurrent educatih comrades. Focus on recurrent educati on, yon, you alou alsoso need tneed to continue too continue to strengthestrengthen then the buildibuilding of grassng of grass -roots-roots party organizations.party organizations. Now, theNow, the city also hacity also ha s 88 villages 88 v

266、illage party organizations are weparty organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village,ak and lax, first Secretary of the village,butbut conversion requires aconversion requires a process. Reprocess. Recentlcently, they, the citys partycitys party organizatiorganization focused inveo

267、n focused inve stigation,stigation, checkcheck out a totalout a total of lost members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find tof lost members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find there are 640 lost party membershere are 640 lost party membersare nare n ot contactedot contacted 148 Pocket party members a148 Po

268、cket party members a nd imnd implemeplementationntation of organizatiof organizational relational relationshionships. Educatips. Educational maonal managementnagement of party mof party m embers iembers into thento the Organization, there iOrganization, there i s a lot of ws a lot of w ork to do. We

269、ork to do. Weak and lax party contiak and lax party conti nuenued reorganid reorganization as anzation as an importaimportant task, finish perfent task, finish perfe ct organizatict organization,on, with a gwith a g ood team,ood team, Good system. SGood system. S pepecial higcial highlightshlights o

270、f grass-rof grass-r ootsoots party organizations, tparty organizations, t o beo be dealt with first idealt with first i n plan place, furtce, further educatiher education, reon, reorganizatiorganization, traon, transformation and educationalnsformation and educationalinteraction.interaction.In short

271、, through solid aIn short, through solid a nd effective wnd effective w ork initiativesork initiatives考试科目名称:考试科目名称: 电路基础电路基础考查要点:一、线性网络分析的一般方法1 要求考生掌握网孔分析法。2 要求考生掌握节点分析法。3 要求考生掌握回路分析法。 。二、线性网络分析的几个定理1 要求考生熟练掌握叠加定理。2 要求考生熟练掌握置换定理。3 要求考生熟练掌握代文宁定理.4 要求考生熟练掌握诺顿定理。5 要求考生会应用代文宁定理分析受控源电路.三、一阶网络的分析1 要求考生掌握

272、零状态与零输入响应。2 要求考生掌握电压初值、电流初值的计算.3 要求考生掌握三要素法.四、正弦稳态分析1要求考生掌握基尔霍夫定律的相量形式。2. 要求考生熟练掌握电路基本元件的相量形式.3. 要求考生熟练掌握阻抗及导纳的概念。4. 要求考生能熟练分析稳态电路.五、三相电路 1.要求考生掌握有效值的概念. 2.要求考生熟练掌握电路元件的能量关系。 3。要求考生了解无功功率的概念。考试总分:100 分考试时间:3 小时考试方式:笔试考试题型:分析计算题(100 分)brokenbroken problem, fill the shortproblem, fill the short BoarBo

273、ard, so td, so that the majority of party members ahat the majority of party members a nd fullynd fully qualifiequalified, comprehensived, comprehensive skillsskills of grass-rof grass-r oots party organizatioots party organizati ons, grassons, grass-roots-roots party level upgrade.party level upgra

274、de. ComradeComrades, do a two learnis, do a two learni ng educating education ison is of great significaof great significa nce, rence, responsibilitiesponsibilitie s, carry significas, carry significa nt implicatint implications.ons.City levels party and geCity levels party and ge neral membersneral

275、 members cadres, to decadres, to deep awareep awareness two learn aness two learn a do leardo learning ening educatiducationon of importance aof importance a nd need, tnd need, to heigo height of politiht of political conscical consciously aously and fulnd full of politil of political ecal enthusias

276、m, put two learnthusiasm, put two lear n a do learn a do learning ening education carrieducation carrie d out gd out good, for coordiood, for coordi nation advanation adva nce fournce four a full strategy layout, and aa full strategy layout, and a chichieved Thirteeeved Thirtee n-Five good start, an

277、d speedn-Five good start, and speedup constructiup construction moron more highe high ecological vitality happineecological vitality happine ss of Cityss of City provides strong pprovides strong p owerful guaraowerful guarantee. Two, starting from the reverentee. Two, starting from the revere d Cons

278、titutid Constitution reon respespected the party Constitcted the party Constit ution was XI Jinpiution was XI Jinpi ng, General Seng, General Se cretary to thecretary to the parpar ys requestys request, 18 six pl, 18 six plenary sessienary sessi onon of the Ceof the Central Commission forntral Commi

279、ssion for disciplidiscipline inspene inspection report five experience first.ction report five experience first.Full strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party ConstitFull strictly administering the party, first of all, to exalt the party Constitution, and pipe the wution, an

280、d pipe the w holehole party, tparty, the rulihe ruling party of the party Constituting party of the party Constituti on. Reveredon. Revered ConstitutiConstitution reflecteon reflected in awe. Party a party of idead in awe. Party a party of idea ls and belils and beliefs purefs purpose, summed upose,

281、 summed u p the partys fip the partys fi ne tradition and style; ane tradition and style; a clear party members and wclear party members and w hat cahat can ben be done and what must bedone and what must be done, whatdone, what cannot be done. Eacannot be done. Ea chch Communist Party ConstitCommuni

282、st Party Constit ution tution to awe and wary eye eo awe and wary eye e nhanhancincing the sang the sacredcred sense of responsibility and mission.sense of responsibility and mission.Hearts filled with party ConstitutiHearts filled with party Constituti on,on, holhold the party lid the party li ne,n

283、e, BA obligations unconditiBA obligations unconditi onallyonally carry out pacarry out pa rty members, accordirty members, accordi ng to theng to the ConstitutiConstituti on of direon of direction towarction towar ds standards efforts. Respeds standards efforts. Respe ct reflected ict reflected in t

284、he stn the study theudy the party Constitutiparty Constituti on meaon means. Sns. Some party members joineome party members joine d thed the party Constitutiparty Constituti onon on the shelf, not to learn,on the shelf, not to learn, some lsome longong-term party accordi-term party accordi ng to the

285、ng to the ConstitutiConstitution of theon of the partys orgapartys organizatnization, the party is not required toion, the party is not required to pay membership dues, lpay membership dues, l oose concept,oose concept, party organizatiparty organizations of the partyons of the party organizatiorgan

286、ization,on,and turand turned aned a blind eye on the tasks ablind eye on the tasks a ssignessigned by the Organid by the Organi zation, were forgotten, forgottezation, were forgotten, forgotte n vowsn vows performance theperformance the party Constitutiparty Constituti on.on.Constitution is the fund

287、amental standardConstitution is the fundamental standard of our Communiof our Communi sts are slim, the party Constitutists are slim, the party Constituti on ton to repeateo repeatedly learn,dly learn, practipractice, thice, thinking, lnking, learniearning and tng and thinkihinking, tng, thinkihinki

288、ng and rng and row, row, row, everow, ever-spiraling increase in the le-spiraling increase in the le arniarning process. Respeng process. Respe ct party linect party lines reflected is reflected in practin practice. Twce. Two to learn ao to learn a basibasic Constitutic Constitution Party rules,on P

289、arty rules, series of speeseries of spee cheches, the key to be qualified party members, the key to be qualified party member s. To bes. To be qualifiedqualified party members, staparty members, sta ndarndards are not higds are not hig h, but if he doeh, but if he does take a ruler of the party Cons

290、titution to cars take a ruler of the party Constitution to car d, truly it is not ead, truly it is not ea sy.sy. Carry out stCarry out study audy and end educatiducation, every party must control ton, every party must control t he partys ehe partys eight obligations, ask, light obligations, ask, l o

291、ok for gaps, ideook for gaps, ide ntify problems, clntify problems, cl ear direear direction, work to solve specifiction, work to solve specifi c problems.c problems.Actively practiActively practicing icing in then the productiproduction life of the eigon life of the eig ht obligations, to plht obligations, to pl ay a vanguard aay a vanguard a nd exemplary rolnd exemplary rol e, truly a partye, truly a party banner. Two fight to higbanner. Two fight to hig hlight grasshlight grass -roots party orga-roots party orga nizationsnizations



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