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1、Page:1高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧高效演讲技巧High Effective PresentationSkillsSpecial Designed for高效演讲技巧Page:2高效演讲技巧高效演讲技巧High Effective Presentation Skills课程结构课程结构Program Structure第一天第一天 Day 1有效演讲的根基Essential Presentation Skills实战练习:任何主题的开场Practice Session:Five Minute Presentation第二天第二天 Day 2如何加强演讲效果Make

2、a Powerful Presentation实战练习:结构和视觉辅助演示Practice Session: Seven Minute Presentation Using Visual Aids“业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。”- 唐 韩愈 劝学解高效演讲技巧Page:3模块模块 1Module 1演讲技巧概论演讲技巧概论Overview ofPresentation Skills高效演讲技巧Page:4卓越演讲者具有的特征卓越演讲者具有的特征Characteristics of Outstanding Presentersu合作,民主 Cooperative,Democrativeu

3、友好,周到 Kind,Considerateu耐心 Patientu兴趣广泛 Wide Interestsu公正,无私 Fair,Impartialu使人愉悦,有幽默感 Sense of Humoru关注听众的困难困惑 Focusing on Audiences Concernu善于肯定,赞美 Giving Recognition Praiseu具灵活性 Flexibleu精通专业知识 Proficient in Subject4种额外品质种额外品质4Xtrasu不设防Vulnerabilityu关怀 Humilityu可靠 Reliabilityu纪律 Discipline高效演讲技巧Pag

4、e:5模块模块 2Module 2为演讲而准备为演讲而准备Preparing YourPresentation高效演讲技巧Page:6为什么演讲?为什么演讲?WhyWhy PresentPresent?l To inform 告知l To Persuade 说服l To Sell 销售l To Inspire 鼓舞设计精彩演讲的个关键点设计精彩演讲的个关键点Two Points for Designing an Excellent Presentation 我为什么要做这样一次演讲? The Purpose:Why am I doing this presentation? 我期望我的听众了解

5、/做什么? What do I want my audience to know/do?PurposeResult当我结束演讲时,我要改变谁?改变什么?Whom and what do I want to change when I finish this presentation?高效演讲技巧Page:7接受一次演讲任务接受一次演讲任务Deciding to do a Presentation检查清单检查清单 C When:_ Where:_ What:_ Why held:_ Who else:_ How:_高效演讲技巧Page:8自身准备阶段自身准备阶段 Self Preparation

6、 专业的外表专业的外表 Professional Image: 演讲者的外表会极大地影响听众 Presenters Image will Greatly influence the Audience 第一印象几乎就是“终身”印象 First Image is Almost the Image for Life 专业演讲者的外表之“可”与“不可” “Can or Cant” of Professional Presenters Image 积极的形象对演讲的成功十分重要 Positive image is Important to the Successful Presentation充分的自信

7、充分的自信 Plenary Confidence: 了解你的听众-给所以人留下好印象的方法 Understand Your Audience the Way to Impress Others 积极思考,想象成功 Positive Thinking, Visualize Your Success 表现自然,以亲和力拉动听众 Behave Naturally, Build Rapport to Impress Audience高效演讲技巧Page:9 塑造第一印象塑造第一印象 Formulating Your First Impressions 80%的理论 80% Theory 形象的个人定位

8、形象的个人定位 Personal Session for Imaging 你的个人形象反映了你的职业信息及职业和文化内涵 Your personal Image reflects on your professional,information and quality 姿态 Poise 位置 Standing Position 穿着印象 Attire/Appearance 肢体语言 Open/Close Gesture 视觉接触 Eye Contact 动作幅度 Intensity of Gesture 脸部表情 Facial Expression 笑容 Smile高效演讲技巧Page:10模

9、块模块 3Module 3开场开场The Opening高效演讲技巧Page:11听众的吸收率听众的吸收率Getting Your Message Across 1. 传达速度 Speed of delivery 2. 演示技巧 Presentation techniques开场白要解决的问题开场白要解决的问题Issue to Address in the Opening1.开场白需要回答以下问题:开场白需要回答以下问题:Opening Should Answer the Following Questions:n 我们为什么会在这儿?Why we are here?n 为什么这很重要? Wh

10、y this is very important?n 对我(我的公司)来说有什么作用? How is it useful to me(my company)?n 你和你的同事是谁? Who are your partner and yourself?2.鼓励并赞美听众鼓励并赞美听众 Encourage and Appreciate Your Audience高效演讲技巧Page:12好的开场白包括:好的开场白包括:A Good Opening Includes:l 创造舒适安全的环境 Create a safe environmentl 鼓励参与 Encourage involvementl

11、建立对听众的期望 Set expectationsl 激发听众的兴趣 Motivate the interestl 纲要 Outlinel 破冰 Ice breakerl 首5句话 The first 5 sentences高效演讲技巧Page:1310件对开场白重要的事情件对开场白重要的事情The Important Things for Your Opening1.预想开场 Visualize2.认识听众 Get to know3.微笑 Smile4.专注于冲击力 Focus on impact5.让观众发笑 Get them laughing1.播放开场音乐 Opening music2

12、.让听众动起来 Get them moving4.眼神交流 Eye contact5.与众不同 Create a difference1.10. 获得所有人注目 Get full attention高效演讲技巧Page:14打破僵局和前打破僵局和前3分钟分钟Icebreakers and the First 3 Minutes 获得听众注意后才开始演说获得听众注意后才开始演说 Be Seen Before the Presentation 撰写自我介绍撰写自我介绍 Write Your Own Introduction 前前3分钟分钟 The First 3 Minutes 破冰法 The I

13、cebreaker 承上启下 Link it and move on 高效演讲技巧Page:15100字简介Your 100 word personal introduction (Biography)l不是简历 This is not a CVl列出3-5个要点,再连贯起来 Three to Five key points and make them consistentl内容包含经验、专长、学历、成绩等 Contents includes: specialty, education, achievement and etc.l如工作不久,可叙述梦想、价值观、目标等 If your work

14、ing experience is not rich enough, you can describe your dreams, view of value, objectives and etc. l有趣,生动 interesting and vividl人性化,与听众有关联 Relate to the audience and humanityl可叙述您名字的故事等 The story of your namel真实,坦诚 Real and honest高效演讲技巧Page:16高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料10种开场白Ten openers1.引用事例 Outline an i

15、ncident(要真实)2.举手表决 Ask for show of hands3.提问 Ask questions4.戏剧化出场 Make a dramatic entrance5.让观众笑 Get them laughing6.玩游戏 Play a game(课堂游戏:一张A4纸在不撕断的情况下能钻进人)7.”惊人之语” Make a startling statement (例如:微软离破产只有18个月了)8.有趣的示范 Interesting demonstration9.用直观教具 Use visual aid or prop10.讲故事 Tell stories(可以虚构)高效演讲

16、技巧Page:17高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料Module 4模块模块 4处理紧张与怯场处理紧张与怯场Dealing with Nervousness and Stage Fright高效演讲技巧Page:18高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料“对于大多数人而言,挺身而说是最大的恐惧对于大多数人而言,挺身而说是最大的恐惧”To most of the people, speaking if front of an audience is the most frightening thing害怕什么?Fear of What?-F错误false-E证据evidence-A显示a

17、ppearing-R真实real明确您的聚焦点明确您的聚焦点Find your Angle帮助他人理解和做积极性地改变帮助他人理解和做积极性地改变Help others understand and make positive change无我状态无我状态(不要自己太关注自己)(不要自己太关注自己)Being Selfless高效演讲技巧Page:19高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料小技巧 Tips:准备、准备、再准备 Prepare, Prepare, Prepare提前到场,会前和与会者交谈 Arrive beforehand and talk with the participa

18、nts牢记开场 Remember your opening关注演讲的目的 Focus on the objective of the presentation关注于观众 Focus on the audience预想移动范围 Visualize your moving area使用提示卡片,扫视笔记 Use memo cards and scan your notes深呼吸 Deep breath咖啡或茶 Coffee or tea高效演讲技巧Page:20高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料What are your strong points?你的优点是什么?你的优点是什么?What

19、do you need to improve?有什么改进的地方?有什么改进的地方?高效演讲技巧Page:21高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料现现 场场 演演 练(练(1)Practice Session I5分钟演讲分钟演讲Five Minute Presentation高效演讲技巧Page:22高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料点评的原则Rules of Evaluation:u对行为进行观察和评价 Observe and evaluate behaviorsu叙述,而非判断 Describe, not judgeu明确具体,具有建设性 Specific and constru

20、ctiveu全面评价:先优点,后提议 Comprehensive evaluation: strong points first, then recommendationsu尽量用正面的词 Try to use positive wordsu无借口,不辩解 No excuse, no blame高效演讲技巧Page:23高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料做好后勤准备Preparationu为了确保演讲成功,组织工作必须完美无缺 To maximize your presentations chances of success, organization must be thoroughu

21、演讲前要考虑的要点 Choose your key pointsu合理安排日程 Arrange the schedule reasonablyu旅行安排 Travel arrangementu自己组织演讲和组织小组演讲 Organize self and group presentation高效演讲技巧Page:24高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料熟悉环境Become Familiar with Your Environment:u熟悉会场:查看会场,考虑细节 Become familiar with the room: check the room and consider the

22、detailsu座位安排、视听设备 Seats arrangement and audio equipmentu大环境的考虑 Consider the environment高效演讲技巧Page:25高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料模块模块5Module 5加强信息的清晰度加强信息的清晰度Providing Clarity to your Message高效演讲技巧Page:26高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料在演讲中,观众对你的印象一般基于三个要素:在演讲中,观众对你的印象一般基于三个要素:Your impression from the audience is based

23、on 3 elements:Verbal(语言的)Vocal(声音的)Visual(视觉的)词语的选择词语的选择Choosing Your Words你使用的词语会暴露你的性格,告诉听众你是什么样的人:你使用的词语会暴露你的性格,告诉听众你是什么样的人:The words you use, lay you bare and tell us what is in you and who you are:u犹豫性的语言,例如“我想”、“也许” Tentative language e.g. “I think”, “May be”u控制性的语言,例如“我告诉你”、“我要你去” Dominant la

24、nguage e.g. “I tell you”, “I want you to”u正面及负面的用词,例如,“可以更好吗?”、“你说错了” Positive and negative sentences, e.g. “Can it be better”, “You are wrong”高效演讲技巧Page:27高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料恰当的使用语言符合听众情况 Match the audiences situation语言表达要保证听众能听懂 Understandable language有些专用语在使用前要先解释其定义 Define proper nouns强调利益,而非但存

25、特点 Emphasis on the benefit, not only the features形象生动,运用各种方法加强表达的力度 Vivid, use a variety methods of expression to enhance the power of your presentation自信果断,清晰明确 Confident and decisive; clear and specific高效演讲技巧Page:28高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料你的声音交流 Your Vocal Communication你的语音 Your Voice你的语调 Your Tone你的热

26、情 Your Passion你的声音变化 Your Vocal Variety措辞和清晰度 Diction and Clarity音量 Volume阴阳顿挫,自然停顿,停顿时保持目光接触 Cadence, Naturally Pause and Keep on Eye Contact注意速度和节奏,不时改进讲话的速度,以求达到戏剧性效果 Pay attention to your speed and pace, change your talking speed from time to time to achieve the dramatic effectiveness高效演讲技巧Page:

27、29视觉 Visualu仪容举止/穿着 Appearance and behavior/Attire Appearanceu姿势 Postureu面部表情 Countenanceu手势 Gesturesu位置移动 Movementu眼神 Expression in the eyesu使用视觉辅助器材的方式 Using visual aids高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:30目光交流Eye Contact避免避免 Avoid:X短暂扫视 ScanningX集中在少数 Focusing on the minorityX盯着观众头部看 Focusing on the

28、audience members headsX看其他物体 Looking at other things高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料提示提示 Hints:关注每一位观众 One by one范围应覆盖全长 Cover all areas轮流看每一个人 Looked at everyone in turn适当的时候眼神接触 Maintain eye contact for some time对听众讲话 Speaking only when looking at audience小窍门小窍门 Tips:持续35秒 Pause 3 5 seconds将意图表达完整 Until you e

29、xpress your meaning fully保持目光交流 Keep eye contact高效演讲技巧Page:31模块模块6Module 6演讲架构演讲架构The Structure of Your Presentation高效演讲技巧Page:32组织演示结构黄金准则Presentation Structure Golden Rules首先告诉听众您将告诉他们哪些内容; First, tell the audience what you will tell them然后把情况告诉他们 Then tell them the situation接下来把已经讲的内容再陈述一遍 Summar

30、ize what you have said高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:33组织演讲结构Presentation Structureu需要构筑一个总体结构需要构筑一个总体结构 General Structure-概述 Outline-详述 Describe-总结 SummarizeuPOP模型模型 POP Model-情况 Position-可选方案 Options-建议 Proposalu引导兴趣法引导兴趣法 AIDA-Attention(给个关键或注意点)-Interest(引出观众的兴趣)-Desire(听众的期望是什么)-Action(给出行动方案的建

31、议)高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:34u简单四步法简单四步法 PREP-Point(点)-Reason(原因)-Example(举例)-Point(总结)u6步专业法步专业法1.引起注意 Attention2.事件 Issue3.建议 Recommendation4.益处 Benefits5.证据 Evidence6.总结 Close高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:35构建演讲架构8步骤Eight Steps for organizing Your Presentation1.用一句话来说明问题或机会 One sentence de

32、scribe the problem and opportunity2.阐明如果不抓住这个机会或解决这个问题的负面结构 Explain the risks of failure3.用一句话阐述你的建议 One sentence to describe your recommendation4.介绍你的建议的特点 Introduce the features of your recommendation5.这些特点,会带来何种效益 The benefits there features provide6.有什么证据可以支持你的建议,如例子、数据、专家观点 Evidence to support

33、your suggestion, e.g. Examples, data and experts view7.总结,用简单的话,重提问题建议利益 Summarize, short sentences, repeat OSB8.表达对下一步行动的建议 Detail your recommended action plan高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:36准备转接语和技术语Transition and Closing准备转接语的目的准备转接语的目的Objective of the transitionl总结与上个话题有关的特点 Summarize the featu

34、res related to the needsl链接下个话题,使观众转移注意力 Link to the next item, transition the audiences attention准备结束语准备结束语Closingl综述产品/服务有关的特点、利益和详情 Summarize the features, benefit and details of the product/servicel要求听众承诺和行动以达到演讲的目标 Ask for audiences commitment and action plan to achieve the objective of the pre

35、sentation高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:37鼓励听众参与Encourage Involvementl向听众提出问题 Ask questionsl请听众提问并回答提问 Ask for questions, then answerl与听众交流,获得反馈 Communicate with the audience and get feedbackl游戏、活动、联系 Game, Activity and exercisel观察某个项目、试验或结果 Observe events, test and get resultsl倾听、感觉、触摸或品尝实物 Listen,

36、 feel touch and tastel参加一项示范表演 Take part in a demonstrative performancel取阅物件或信息 Read and get information高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:3810大提问法则 Ten Questioning Rules1.提前计划 Plan beforehand2.两种方式: 信息性 VS 观点性 Two Ways:Information and view point 3.相关背景 Related Background4.从一般到具体 From General to Specifi

37、c5.简单明了 Short and Specific6.集中一个焦点 Focus on a point7.提供转接 Provide transition8.避免“是”或“否”的单一回答 Avoid YES or NO Question9.先问群体,再问个人 Ask the group before the individual10.避免打搅 Avoid disturb高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:39提问技巧Questioning Techniques问问题前先思考。考虑以下问题的目的。Think before you ask questions. Consid

38、er the purpose of the question.l是否为挑战他人而设计? Is the question designed to challenge another individual?l是否在探索更深层次的信息? Is the question seeking further information? l这个问题本身是否明确? Is the question specific enough to understand?l你自己能正确回答吗? Can you answer it correctly?l你能将它反馈给学员吗? Can you reflect it back to

39、the audience?高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:40提问技巧Questioning Techniquesl这个问题是封闭式问题,还是开放式问题? Is the question an open question or closed question? 游戏:Who am I?l这个问题是否有唯一的标准答案 Does this question have only one single answer?l这个问题对于情况是否有帮助? Is this question helpful to the situation?l如果没人回答问题,你将怎么做? What

40、 will you do if no one answer this question?l尽量避免有关个人隐私或设计宗教信仰,政治立场的问题 Try to avoid questions related to individual privacy, religion faith or politics standpoints高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:41回答问题Answering Questions:1.倾听 Listen2.认可 Acknowledge3.阐明 Clarify4.答复 Answer5.核实是否满意 Verify Satisfaction回答

41、问题(避免)回答问题(避免)Answering Questions(Avoid)X 不耐烦 ImpatienceX 无反应 UnresponsivenessX 耍太极 DivertingX 离题 Off tangent高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:42回答问题的备选方案Three Options to Deal with Questionsl直接回答直接回答 Directly Answer 对于一些重要问题和需要做出对观众可能有用的简单明了的回答时采 用(如果回答不了,请直言不讳) Use when the question is very important

42、or useful to the audience. The answer is short and clearl将问题还给提问者将问题还给提问者 Divert Questions to whom asks 用于”你会怎么做.?“之类的问题,回答形式有:有些什么选择,哪 一种更有效果。 Ask “what would you do” These types of the question include: Any better choices? Or which one is more effective?l将问题交给有相关专长的人去回答将问题交给有相关专长的人去回答 Divert the Q

43、uestions to the expert 例如“小王,去年你也碰到过这种情况,当时你是怎么处理的?” e.g. “ Mr. Wang, you had a situation like this last year. How did you deal with it at that time?” 高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:43现场演练(现场演练(2)Presentation session II七分钟演讲七分钟演讲A Seven Minute Presentation Using Visual Aids高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧

44、Page:44控制局面 Maintaining Control安排各个环节 Plan stages专节提示 Signpost提问技巧 Question techniques检查听众是否理解 Check understanding走动 Moving把握时间 Time control辅助视觉器材 Utilize visual aids灵活应付 Flexibility高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:45Getting Attention建立和保持注意力掌握节奏(停顿)Control the pace(Pause) 让观众鼓掌 Get the audience to cl

45、ap 参与互动 Interactive involvement 语言幽默 Humorous language 变换位置 Change your moving 提问 Ask questions 高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:46模块模块7Module7商务会议演示商务会议演示Business Meeting高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:47nBusiness Report业务汇报 目标 Objective 调研结果 Findings 重点(机会/挑战 )Learning Points(opportunities/challenges

46、) 提议(方案/选择)Proposal (resolutions/alternatives) 益处 Benefits 行动计划 Action plan高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:48分析讨论会议 Problem Solving at Meetingn目前存在的问题 Actual problem (Complains)n分析问题形成的原因 Analyze the cause of the problemn如何改善或解决问题 How to solve the problem or to improve the situationn有关费用或改变流程 Related

47、 to expense or changing the proceduren是否需要寻求帮助 Ask for help or notn未来的趋势走向 Future trendsn提议 Suggestionn时间点 Deadline高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:49会议注意事项 Meeting Logisticsn时间把握 Actual problem (Complains)n应用数据、事例,有理有据 Utilize the data and case studynPPT简单清晰,配合讲义 PPT is simple, clear and matches the

48、handouts as welln突出重点 Emphasis the key pointsn保持热情,避免情绪化 Keep the passion and avoid too emotionaln公平公开公正,有利于公司立场 Fair, open and justified; in favor of your companyn注意仪容仪表,礼貌用语 Pay attention to your appearance, etiquette and languagen语音语速恰当 Proper pace of your speech高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:50T

49、EXTTEXTTEXTTEXTTEXTTitle ATitle BTitle CTitle DTitle ETitle F高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料Diagram 图表图表Add Your TitleTable 表格表格高效演讲技巧Page:51Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料Diagram 图表图表3 D Pie Chart 3维饼图维饼图Progress Diagram 流程图流程图高效演讲技巧Page:52模块模块8Module 8环境和视觉辅助物环境和视觉辅助物Organizing the Environment and

50、Visual Aids高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:53视觉辅助器具使用原则 Rules of Visual Aidsl保持简洁 Short and Clearl图表文字大小适中(不小于24号) Proper size of the font(=size 24)l每页PPT文字不超过8行 Less than 8 lines per slidel使用让眼睛感到舒服的颜色,避免 使用红色 Use comfortable color to your eyes , avoid REDl利用图表及数据,但避免太多有趣的事物及图画 Utilize the chart and

51、 date , avoid too many interesting things and picturesl面对观众演讲,不要挡住观众视线 Face to the audience , dont block the audiencel演讲者始终是中心,而不是辅助器具 You are the centre of the presentation, not the aids 高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:54视觉辅助Visual Aids投影 Projectedu录像 VCD / DVDu幻灯片 Slidesu影片片断 Film Stripsu电脑图像 Compu

52、ter Graphicsu胶片投影机 OHP 高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:55视觉辅助Visual Aids非投影 Non-projectedu照片 Pictureu道具 Propsu海报 Postersu模型 Modelsu图画 Graphsu布告栏 Bulletin Boardu白板 Marker boardu讲义 Handouts 高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:56通病 Common Mistakes投影仪盖着 Projector Covered影子 Shadow没对焦 Out of Focus背对学员 Back faci

53、ng Audience对屏幕阅读 Reading the Screen激光笔颤抖 Shaky Pointer最后几分钟 Last Minutes高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:57小贴士 Tips保证最后一排能看到 Make sure people in the back row can see.不要太随意,对着屏幕 讲话 Dont be too cause or start talking to the screen不要长时间开着 Do not leave it on too long房间光线不要太暗 Do not have the room too dark

54、that cannot 、不要用手指指 Do not point with your finger运用显现 技术 Use revelation technique高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:58u观众位置的安排 Arrangement of the audience seatsu光线 Lightsu音响,设备 Sound system and equipmentu窗户 Windowsu温度 Temperature会场的布置Room Layout:高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:59不守时 Not punctual准备不足 Lack

55、 of preparation设备质量差 Bad setting信息太多 Too much information节奏不适当 Inappropriate pacing不与观众互动 Not relating to audience没有眼神交流 No eye contact不是真心诚意地 No “heart”没有结构 No Structure无趣 No Spice10种常见错误Ten Common Mistakes:高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧Page:60成功的秘诀Secret of Success:优质的演讲很少是演讲者与生俱来的特质,它来自于练习A good presentation seldom comes naturally. It comes from practicing.练习!练习!练习!Practicing!Practicing!Practicing! 新时代的领导者必须同时作为教师、启蒙者以及问题解决者来为企业增加价值。 杰克韦尔奇高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧培训资料高效演讲技巧



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