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1、非谓语动词非谓语动词什么是非谓语动词?在句子中充当在句子中充当除谓语以外除谓语以外的各种句子成分的的各种句子成分的动词形式动词形式叫作非谓语动词。叫作非谓语动词。(例:(例:照顾照顾病人病人是是我们的天职。)我们的天职。)非谓语动词有三种:非谓语动词有三种:不定式,动名词和分词不定式,动名词和分词(现在分(现在分词和过去分词)词和过去分词)非谓语动词的非谓语动词的否定式:否定式:把把not放在非谓语动词之前放在非谓语动词之前非谓语动词有非谓语动词有时态时态(一般时,进行时,完成时一般时,进行时,完成时)和)和语语态态(主动语态,被动语态主动语态,被动语态)的变化)的变化一. 结构一. 用法二.

2、 时态和语态一一. .结构结构结构:to +动词原形:to do 本身无意义本身无意义否定:not to do二二.用法用法 动词不定式可以在句中作动词不定式可以在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语等语、补足语等, ,但但不能作谓语不能作谓语。动动词词不不定定式式(Not)To do that sort of thing is foolish。I want to see you this evening.All you have to do is to finish it quickly.We found a house to live in.She came

3、 here to study English. I warned the patient not to drink cold water after the operation. 主语主语 宾语宾语表语表语 定语定语 状语状语 宾补宾补作主语作主语动词不定式作主语,动词不定式作主语,相当于名词和代词相当于名词和代词的作用。的作用。动词不定式作主语常用动词不定式作主语常用形式主语形式主语 it替代,替代,而把而把不定式置于句末不定式置于句末。注:不定式作主语时,谓语动词用注:不定式作主语时,谓语动词用单数单数学学好英语好英语是是不容易的。不容易的。To learn English well is

4、 not easy.= It is not easy to learn English well.通过玩电脑和看电视通过玩电脑和看电视来放松来放松是是很好的。很好的。To relax by playing computer and watching TV is good.= It is good to relax by playing computer and watching TV .作主语作主语To master a foreign language is really important nowadays.To give up smoking is right.1.当今当今掌握掌握一门外

5、语真的一门外语真的是是很重要的。很重要的。2. 放弃放弃吸烟吸烟是是对的。对的。= It is really important nowadays to master a foreign language.= It is right to give up smoking .注:在注:在itit先行词作主语的句型中,常用先行词作主语的句型中,常用for sb. for sb. 或或of of sb. sb. 作不定式的逻辑主语。作不定式的逻辑主语。1. 1. 如果说明不定式短语是如果说明不定式短语是由谁做的由谁做的,则在不定式前加,则在不定式前加for sb.for sb.常常用形容词有:用形容

6、词有:difficult, easy, important, necessary, interesting, (im)possible等。等。It is important for us to express our feelings.对于我们来说,对于我们来说,表达表达我们的情感我们的情感是是很重要的。很重要的。It is difficult for us to finish the work in such a short time.对于我们来说,对于我们来说,在这么短的时间在这么短的时间完成完成这项工作这项工作是是困难的。困难的。2. 2. 如果表语形容词是说明如果表语形容词是说明逻辑主

7、语的性格特征逻辑主语的性格特征,则用,则用of sb.of sb. 常常用的形容词有:用的形容词有:good, kind, nice, wise, clever, silly, foolish, rude, (im)polite等。等。It is very nice of you to help us.你来你来帮助帮助我们我们真是真是太好了。太好了。It is impolite of him to say so.他这样他这样说是说是不礼貌的。不礼貌的。作宾语作宾语He promised not to tell anyone about it.他答应不告述任何人这事。他答应不告述任何人这事。不定

8、式作一些及物动词的宾语:不定式作一些及物动词的宾语:want, like, wish, hope, continue, try, ask, promise, pretend, decide, agree, expect, determine, plan, manage, refuse, choose等。等。I want to go home.我想回家。我想回家。作宾语作宾语I didnt have money, so I decided to look for a job.1. 1. 我没有钱,所以我决定找一份工作。我没有钱,所以我决定找一份工作。2. 2. 当我从他旁边经过时,他装作没看见我

9、。当我从他旁边经过时,他装作没看见我。He pretended not to see me when I passed by. 3. 3. 他决定呆在家里。他决定呆在家里。He chooses to stay at home.注:注:有些动词后常用有些动词后常用it 作形式宾语,而把真正作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语(不定式)放在后面。的宾语(不定式)放在后面。常见动词:常见动词:find(觉得),(觉得),consider(认为),(认为),think(认为),(认为),feel(以为),(以为),make(使成为)(使成为) He finds it difficult to find a jo

10、b in the society.他觉得在社会上找一份工作很难。他觉得在社会上找一份工作很难。我认为按时完成作业是有可能的。我认为按时完成作业是有可能的。I consider/think it possible to finish my homework on time. 作表语作表语My job is to teach English.我的工作是教英语。我的工作是教英语。作表语的不定式往往作表语的不定式往往说明主语的内容。说明主语的内容。主语通常是主语通常是: :hope, wish, idea, job, plan, 且常在且常在be, seem, remain, appear 等动词后。

11、等动词后。My wish is to be a nurse.我的愿望是成为一名护士。我的愿望是成为一名护士。作表语作表语1. 我的意见是召开一次会议。我的意见是召开一次会议。My idea is to have a meeting.2. 2. 他今天的职责是擦黑板。他今天的职责是擦黑板。His duty today is to clean the blackboard.作定语作定语1. 不定式不定式放在放在一些一些名词后面名词后面,用于,用于说明它所修饰的名词说明它所修饰的名词的内容的内容(与被修饰词是同位关系)。如:(与被修饰词是同位关系)。如:chance, way, opportunit

12、y, time等。等。不定式作定语一般都位于被修不定式作定语一般都位于被修饰的名词或代词之后。饰的名词或代词之后。We have no chance to go there.我们没我们没有有机会机会去去那。那。I had no time to watch the movie.我没我没有有时间时间去看去看电影。电影。取得取得好成绩的方法好成绩的方法是是好好好好学习学习。The way to get good results is to study hard.作定语作定语2. 在在the first, the second, the last, the only等词后,常用不定式作定等词后,常用不

13、定式作定语。(固定结构)语。(固定结构)神农神农是是第一个第一个发现发现茶的人。茶的人。Shen Nong was the first (person) to discover the tea.Madam Curie is the first (person) to receive two Nobel prizes in the world.居里夫人是世界上第一位两次获诺贝尔奖的人。居里夫人是世界上第一位两次获诺贝尔奖的人。Betty是最后一个知道这真相的人。是最后一个知道这真相的人。Betty was the last to know the truth.作定语作定语3. 3. 不定式与被修

14、饰的名词在不定式与被修饰的名词在逻辑上有逻辑上有动宾关系动宾关系。注:注:不定式必须是不定式必须是及物动词及物动词(后面不后面不再有宾语再有宾语);如果不定式是);如果不定式是不及物动不及物动词词,则后面要,则后面要跟相应的介词跟相应的介词。He has a lot of books to read.他他有有许多书许多书要读要读。他正在他正在找找一间房子一间房子住住。He is looking for a room to live in. I have something to say.1. 我我有有一些话一些话说说。I had nothing to eat this morning.2. 今

15、天早上我什么也没吃。今天早上我什么也没吃。3. 我想要看杂志。我想要看杂志。I want a magazine to look at.There is no one to take care of.4. 没有人需要照顾。没有人需要照顾。作状语作状语不定式作状语表示不定式作状语表示目的,目的,结果,原因结果,原因。1. 1. 表示目的表示目的常用的结构常用的结构to do; in order (not) to do; so as (not) to doI open the window to let fresh air in.我把窗户我把窗户打开打开好让新鲜空气好让新鲜空气进来进来。I come

16、 to see him.我我来来 看看他。他。We get up early in order to/so as to catch the early bus.= To catch the early bus, we get up early.To search for gold, many people went to California.我们我们早起早起以便以便赶上赶上早班车。早班车。为了为了寻找寻找金子,很多人金子,很多人去了去了加利福尼亚。加利福尼亚。作状语作状语2. 2. 表示结果表示结果enough to do (足够足够.), too.to do (太太.以至于以至于.), s

17、o+adj./adv. +as to do 或或such+n. +as to do。only+to do 表示表示出人意料的出人意料的结果。结果。The boy is old enough to join the army. 那个男孩已经够了参军的年龄。那个男孩已经够了参军的年龄。She is too young to go to school.她太小了,而不能上学。她太小了,而不能上学。She was so kind as to help the old lady off the bus.她心很好,把那位老妇人扶下了车。她心很好,把那位老妇人扶下了车。Im such a fool as to

18、 believe that.我傻到相信那种事情。我傻到相信那种事情。I hurried to the playground only to find nobody there.我匆忙赶到操场,结果发现没人在那。我匆忙赶到操场,结果发现没人在那。He lifted a stone only to drop it onto his own foot.他搬起石头却砸了自己的脚。他搬起石头却砸了自己的脚。作状语作状语3. 3. 表示原因表示原因不定式不定式可用在作表语的可用在作表语的形容词后面作状语形容词后面作状语,说明产,说明产生的原因,主语可是人或物。常见形容词:生的原因,主语可是人或物。常见形容

19、词:happy, glad, surprised, sorry, disappointed, afraid; easy, difficult, comfortable等。等。Im happy to hear that.我我很很高兴高兴听见听见这件事。这件事。Im glad to see you.很高兴见到你。很高兴见到你。The book is difficult to understand.这本书这本书很很难难理解理解。The word is easy to remember.这个单词很容易记。这个单词很容易记。The sofa is comfortable to sit on.这个沙发坐起

20、来很舒服这个沙发坐起来很舒服 。作宾补作宾补在动词后用不定式作宾补。在动词后用不定式作宾补。1.大多数及物动词后要用不定式作宾补。这类的动词:大多数及物动词后要用不定式作宾补。这类的动词:ask, want, invite, help, expect, prefer, tell, allow, advise, require等等 (及物动词及物动词+sb.+to do sth) She wants Tom to tell her truth. 她想让她想让Tom告诉她真相。告诉她真相。Our teacher tells us to hand in the homework.我们老师告诉我们上交

21、作业。我们老师告诉我们上交作业。She asked me to stay there.1. 她叫我呆在这儿。她叫我呆在这儿。2.请允许我介绍请允许我介绍Mr. White。 Please allow me to introduce Mr. White.作宾补作宾补使役动词使役动词make, have, let; 感官动词感官动词see, watch, hear, notice, feel 等后面等后面用动词原形作宾补用动词原形作宾补。但在但在被动语态中被动语态中则则不能省略不能省略to.2.2.不带不带toto的不定式的不定式( (动词原形动词原形) )作宾补作宾补。 He makes a f

22、ace and makes everybody laugh. 他做了一个鬼脸他做了一个鬼脸, 逗得大家都笑了。逗得大家都笑了。He makes a face and everybody is made to laugh. 他做了一个鬼脸他做了一个鬼脸, 每个人都被逗笑了。每个人都被逗笑了。I see her read the book.She is seen to read the book.我看到她在读书。我看到她在读书。她被看到在读书。她被看到在读书。I hear him play the piano.He is heard to play the piano.我听到他弹钢琴。我听到他弹钢

23、琴。他被听到在弹钢琴。他被听到在弹钢琴。注意注意 A. 否定副词否定副词not, never, seldom, hardly 等要等要置于置于to前前My father decided not to take up the job.The teacher told us not to be late again.My mother told me never to do it again.注意注意B. “疑问词疑问词+不定式不定式” 在句中作主语,宾语,表语等在句中作主语,宾语,表语等成分。成分。(who, what, which, how, when, where, why)When to

24、leave for London has not been decided. 主语主语什么时候什么时候前往前往伦敦还没有伦敦还没有确定确定。My question is where to find the answer. 表语表语我的问题我的问题是是哪里能哪里能找到找到答案。答案。Mr. Lin teaches us how to use the computer. 宾补宾补Can you tell me where to get the book?She had no idea which book to read first. 同位语同位语她不她不知道知道先先读读哪本书。哪本书。She l

25、earns how to make Chinese food. 宾语宾语她她学习学习如何如何做做中餐。中餐。林先生林先生教教我们如何我们如何使用使用电脑。电脑。你能你能告诉告诉我哪里我哪里得到得到这本书吗?这本书吗?注意注意 C. 含不定式的特殊句式。含不定式的特殊句式。1. Why not+do.? “为什么不为什么不.?”Why not join us? For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?你下次度假,为什么不考虑去游览巴黎呢?你下次度假,为什么不考虑去游览巴黎呢?为什么不加入我们?为什么不加入我们?2. had

26、better+(not)+do. “最好(不)最好(不).”We had better send you to hospital.我们最好送你去医院。我们最好送你去医院。You had better not turn off the light.你最好不要把灯关掉。你最好不要把灯关掉。3. would rather do.than do.“宁愿宁愿.也不愿也不愿.”You would rather sleep than go to class.你宁愿睡觉也不愿上课。你宁愿睡觉也不愿上课。I would rather sing than dance.我宁愿唱歌也不愿跳舞。我宁愿唱歌也不愿跳舞。注

27、意注意D. 作简短回答或避免不必要的重复时,动词作简短回答或避免不必要的重复时,动词不定式常常省去不定式常常省去to 后面后面的动词,只的动词,只保留保留to 。A:Would you like to come to my party?Mary wanted to use my bike, but I asked her not to ( use my bike).B: Yes , Id love to ( come to your party).Mary想用我的自行车,但我叫她别用。想用我的自行车,但我叫她别用。二二. . 时态与语态时态与语态主动语态主动语态被动语态被动语态一般时一般时进行

28、时进行时完成时完成时完成进行时完成进行时不定式 to do to be done to be doing to have done to have been done to have been doing-动词不定式的时态动词不定式的时态1. He seems to know this.2. I hope to see you next week. 一般式一般式( to do ).不定式的一般式所不定式的一般式所表示的动作(状态)表示的动作(状态)与句子谓语的动作与句子谓语的动作同时(或几乎同时)同时(或几乎同时)发生,或之后发生。发生,或之后发生。.进行式进行式( to be doing)1

29、.He pretended to be working when I came in.2. He seems to be thinking deeply,without noticing me passing him.表示谓语表示的动作表示谓语表示的动作(情况)发生时,不(情况)发生时,不定式所表示的动作正定式所表示的动作正在进行。在进行。动词不定式的时态动词不定式的时态动词不定式的时态动词不定式的时态.完成式(完成式(to have done)1. I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.2. You seemed to have read t

30、he novel written by Mr. Smith.不定式的动作不定式的动作发生在谓语表发生在谓语表示的动作之前。示的动作之前。动词不定式的语态动词不定式的语态.主动式主动式( to do / to be doing /to have done)We want to learn English well.当不定式逻辑上的主语是不定式所表示的当不定式逻辑上的主语是不定式所表示的动作的执行者时动作的执行者时.同上同上动词不定式的语态动词不定式的语态.被动式被动式( to be done / to have been done)1. He didnt like to be laughed a

31、t.2. He claimed _in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.A.being badly treated B.treating badlyC. to be treated badly D. to have been badly treated.当不定式逻辑上的主语是不定式所表示当不定式逻辑上的主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时的动作的承受者时.1. The light in the office is still on. -Oh, I forgot . A. turning it off B. turn it

32、off C.having turned it off D. to turn it off练习练习3. Not everybody has the ability in public. A. of speak B. speaking C. spoken D. to speak4. Mary is always the first student to answer the teachers questions in class. A. rising B. to rise C. rose D. risen5. Mum ,why do you always ask me to eat an egg

33、every day? -_ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up. A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting6.Would you be so kind as us out? -With pleasure. A. helping B. in helping C. help D. to help7 The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation. A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to e

34、at D. not eating8. We agreed _ here, but so far she hasnt turned out yet. A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met9. Paul doesnt have to be made _. He always works hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning10. Wet umbrellas are not allowed into this hotel according to the rule.A. to

35、 be taken B. to take C. taken D. taking 11. Robert is said _ abroad, but I didnt know what country he studied in. A to have studied B to study C to be studying D to have been studying1.My teacher was made _ his teaching because of poor health.A.giving up B. to give up C. give up D. given up2.The sen

36、tence wants _ once more.A.explained B. to explain C. being explained D. explaining3.The Arctic is considered _ the northern part of the Atlantic.A.having been B. to have beenC. to be D. being4.The Emperor ordered the wonderful cloth _ for him without delay.A.to have woven B. to be wovenC. to be weav

37、ing D. to weave5.I found the German language hard _.A.learned B. learning C. to be learned D. to learn6.The light in the office is still on. - Oh, I forgot _.A.turning it off B. turn it offC. to turn it off D. having turned it off7.-How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the c

38、ustomers? -The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers.A.to solving, making B. to solving, madeC. to solve, making D. to solve, made8. -What do you think of the school? -It is a very good _.A.school to study in B. school for children to studyC. studying school D. school to study9.

39、 -Did you get a job? - No, I _ , but its no use.A.expected B. tried to C. managed to D. planned10.We find it impossible for the work _ ahead of time.A.to finish B. finishing C. being finished D. to be finished11.-I usually go to Shanghai by train. -Why not _ there by boat for a change?A.to try to go

40、 B. try going C. to try going D. try to go 12._ a living, she had to work from morning till night.A.To make B. MadeC. Making D. To have made13. I would rather starve to death than _ for food.A.beg B. begging C. begged D. to beg14.The boy pretended _ when his mother entered.A.reading B. to read C. to

41、 be reading D. being read1. Robert is said _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in.A.to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying2. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _ it more difficult.A.not make B. not to make C. not making D. dont make3

42、. Ive worked with children before, so I know what _ in my new job.A.expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects4. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it.A.to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. see5. It is said in Australia there is

43、more land than the government knows _.A.it what to do with B. what to do with it C. what to do it with D. to do what with it6. The mother didnt know _ to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.A. who B. when C. how D. why 7. Paul doesnt have to be made _. He always works hard. A

44、. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning8. We agreed _ here but so far she hasnt turned up yet. A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met9. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _. A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to10. The patient was warn

45、ed _ oily food after the operation. A. to eat not B.eating not C. not to eat D.not eating11. I would love _ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone12. Charles Babbage is generally considered _the first computer. A. to

46、 invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. having invented13. Little Jim should love _ to the theatre this evening. A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking14. _ late in the afternoon, Bob turned off the alarm. A. To sleep B. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Having sleep15. The teacher asked us _ so

47、much noise. A. dont make B. not make C. not making D. not to makeIts clever _ him to say so. It is impossible _ you to finish it. It was wrong _ you to tell a lie. It was careless _ you to make so many mistakes in the exam. It is silly _ her to do such a thing. It is important _ you to learn English

48、 well. offorof of of fore.gExercises1. - Youve done very well this time. - Its really kind _.A. for you to say so B. for you saying soC. of you to say so D. of you saying so2. It is better to lose ones life than _.A. if you lose your spiritB. losing his spiritC. to lose ones spiritD. your spirit get

49、ting lostCC3. I cant work in this way. - Why not _ it in some other way?A. try to doB. try doingC. trying to doD. trying doing4. Since you find it difficult _ a decision, youd better _a discussion( 讨论讨论) with your parents.A. reach; haveB. reaching; haveC. reach; havingD. to reach; haveBD7. There isn

50、t any difference between the two. I really dont know _.A. where to chooseB. which to chooseC. what to choose D. to choose which8. The bag is too heavy for me _.A. to carry itB. not to carry itC. to carryD. not to carry9. The teacher will teach him _.A. to useB. use itC. how to use itD. usesBCC找出句子中的

51、不定式找出句子中的不定式, 并说出作用:并说出作用:1. It takes you ten minutes to get there.2. I hope to see him soon.3. His wish is to become an artist.4. People eat to live, but not live to eat.状语状语表语表语宾语宾语主语主语5. I have a lot to tell you.6. Its not right to be always thinking of oneself.7. We often see him play football.定

52、语定语主语主语宾语补足语宾语补足语1. 跳舞非常有趣。跳舞非常有趣。2. 种些植物是非常有必要的。种些植物是非常有必要的。To dance is a lot of fun.It is a lot of fun to dance.To grow plants is very important.3. 说英语对我来说并不容易。说英语对我来说并不容易。4. 听到你的声音真高兴。听到你的声音真高兴。To hear your voice is so nice.It is so nice to hear your voice.To speak English is not easy for me.1. 我

53、的工作是每天打扫这间屋子。我的工作是每天打扫这间屋子。2. 最上策的计划就是马上离开这儿。最上策的计划就是马上离开这儿。3. 我的梦想就是成为一名科学家。我的梦想就是成为一名科学家。My work is to clean the room every day.The best plan is to leave at once.My dream is to be a scientist.1. 他想借用我的录音机。他想借用我的录音机。2. 他们开始读和写。他们开始读和写。3. 李琳喜欢玩什么?她喜欢踢足球。李琳喜欢玩什么?她喜欢踢足球。4. 你长大了想做什么?你长大了想做什么?He wants t

54、o borrow my radio.They began to read and write.What sports does Li Lin like to play? She likes to play soccer.What do you want to be when you grow up?1. 我有许多书要看。我有许多书要看。2. 她有几个问题要问。她有几个问题要问。3. 他有一台电视要修。他有一台电视要修。4. 我没什么可担心的。我没什么可担心的。I have many books to read.She has a few questions to ask.He has a TV set to repair.I have nothing to worry about.5. 他是一个值得信赖的人。他是一个值得信赖的人。6. 爱迪生是第一个发明电灯的人。爱迪生是第一个发明电灯的人。7. 他那生病母亲最多可活三个月。他那生病母亲最多可活三个月。He is a man to believe in.Edison was the first man to invent the lights.His sick mother has three months to live at most.



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