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1、一一. .表示时间介词表示时间介词三三. .表示方位介词表示方位介词二二. .表示地点介词表示地点介词四四. .表示方法、手段表示方法、手段五五. .常见介词的搭配常见介词的搭配介词介词 1.1.是一种用来表示是一种用来表示是一种用来表示是一种用来表示: : : :词与词词与词词与词词与词, , , , : : : :词与句词与句词与句词与句之间的关系的词。之间的关系的词。之间的关系的词。之间的关系的词。 2 2 2 2. . . .在句中不能单独作句子成分在句中不能单独作句子成分在句中不能单独作句子成分在句中不能单独作句子成分介词介词 后面一般有后面一般有后面一般有后面一般有: : : :名

2、词、代词名词、代词名词、代词名词、代词或或或或相当于名词的其他相当于名词的其他相当于名词的其他相当于名词的其他词类词类词类词类,短语短语短语短语或或或或从句从句从句从句作它的宾语。作它的宾语。作它的宾语。作它的宾语。介词的含义介词的含义什么是介词?它的作用是什么?什么是介词?它的作用是什么?v1.Look at me.( )v2.He goes to school by bike.( )v3.He is interested in drawing.( )v4.The book is on the desk.( )代词代词名词名词 动名词动名词 介词介词:通常用在_、_、_ 之前,表示某个人、事

3、物/东西、事件与 另一个之间的_。名词名词代词代词代词代词名词名词名词名词动名词动名词动名词动名词关系关系介词的主要分类:介词的主要分类:v1. at the cinema, in the hospital _v2. Write with a pen, go by bus _ v3. in summer, on Septemper 1st _v4. by the way, at last, in the end _地点介词地点介词方式介词方式介词时间介词时间介词固定搭配固定搭配一一. .时间介词时间介词1.in年、月、季节及时间段(早、午、晚)年、月、季节及时间段(早、午、晚)on 具体某一天

4、,星期、节日具体某一天,星期、节日at 钟点、节日、(一段时间)的起点钟点、节日、(一段时间)的起点注意:atnoon 在中午在中午 atnight 在夜间在夜间 inthemorning 在早上在早上 onthemorningofJuly1st 在七月一日的早上在七月一日的早上 onarainyday 在雨天在雨天. .地点介词地点介词At:At:表示表示表示表示小地方用小地方用小地方用小地方用In:In:表示表示表示表示大地方大地方大地方大地方用用用用一一. .地点介词地点介词v1.at the village , at home, at the corner of the street.

5、 _v2.in Shanghai , in the country, in Asia, in the world, in space _v3. in the box, on the chair, under the desk, next to Kate, on the right of Lucy, in front of the house, behind the door _表示小地方用表示小地方用at表示大地方用表示大地方用in表示不同地方用具体不同的介词表示不同地方用具体不同的介词填上正确的地点介词填上正确的地点介词:1.在广州在广州_Guangzhou2.在电影院在电影院_thecin

6、ema3.在湖边在湖边_thelake4.在海里在海里_thesea5.树上的苹果树上的苹果apples_thetree6.书上的小鸟书上的小鸟birds_thetree7.在天空上在天空上_thesky8.在农场上在农场上_thefarm19.在街道上在街道上_thestreetinatatinonininonin表示大地方用表示大地方用表示大地方用表示大地方用inin方式介词方式介词使用工具用介词使用工具用介词使用工具用介词使用工具用介词 withwith使用器官用介词使用器官用介词使用器官用介词使用器官用介词 withwith使用语言用介词使用语言用介词使用语言用介词使用语言用介词 in

7、in使用声音用介词使用声音用介词使用声音用介词使用声音用介词 inin使用方法用介词使用方法用介词使用方法用介词使用方法用介词 inin或或或或 byby二二. .方式介词方式介词1.write with a pen, cut with a knife, lock with a lock _2. see with our eyes, do with our hands, smell with our noses, eat with our mouths _3. in English , in French , in your own words, in three language _4. i

8、n a loud voice, in a low voice _5. in this way, by this means _使用工具用介词使用工具用介词使用工具用介词使用工具用介词 withwith使用器官用介词使用器官用介词使用器官用介词使用器官用介词 withwith使用语言用介词使用语言用介词使用语言用介词使用语言用介词 inin使用声音用介词使用声音用介词使用声音用介词使用声音用介词 inin使用方法用介词使用方法用介词使用方法用介词使用方法用介词 inin或或或或 byby6.by bike, by bus, by train, by plane, by ship, by car

9、(on foot) by land 陆路, by sea 水路,by air 空运 _ 但:但:但:但:on the bike, on the bus, on the train, on the plane, on the ship, in the car7. Shanghai lies _the east of China.( ) Japan lies _the east of China.( ) Hubei lies _the north of Hunan.( )8.in a read coat, the girl in yellow, the boy in white _9.lie in

10、 bed, after a while, in the sun(在阳光下) under the sun(天下,世界上;到底,究竟)使用交通工具用使用交通工具用使用交通工具用使用交通工具用 bybyintoon在中国内部在中国内部在中国内部在中国内部在中国外部在中国外部在中国外部在中国外部两地接壤两地接壤两地接壤两地接壤表示穿衣服用表示穿衣服用表示穿衣服用表示穿衣服用 inin固定搭配固定搭配()()三三. .时间介词时间介词1.at six oclock, at noon, at that time, at half past three, at mid-night _2.on Sunday,

11、 on New Years Day, on March 21st, on my birthday _3. in three days, in a week, in a month, in May, in 1998 _4. in the morning, in the afternoon , in the evening _ 但: on the morning of May 1st5. at night = _ _ night6. in the day = in the _表示点钟或具体一点时间用表示点钟或具体一点时间用表示点钟或具体一点时间用表示点钟或具体一点时间用 atat表示在某一天用表示

12、在某一天用表示在某一天用表示在某一天用 onon表示大于一天的时间用表示大于一天的时间用表示大于一天的时间用表示大于一天的时间用 inin在早上在早上在早上在早上/ /下午下午下午下午/ /傍晚傍晚傍晚傍晚 用用用用 ininintheday-time1.MaryisflyingtoFrancesoon.ShewillarriveinParis_themorningofJuly9.A.onB.inC.at2.Thetwinswereborn_aFridayevening.A.inB.onC.at3.WetravelledovernighttoParisandarrived_5oclock_th

13、emorning.A.on,inB.at,inC.at,in4.Wefinishourlessons_11:30andthenhavearest_noon.A.in,inB.at,atC.in,at2. in+时间段时间段 在在之后(内),之后(内),多用于将来时多用于将来时 after+时间段时间段 在在之后,之后, 多用于过去时多用于过去时 1.MrBrownhasgonetoCanada.Hewillbeback_twoweeks.A.forB.afterC.in2.Ourmanagercameback_anhour.A.inB.afterC.at3.for+时段since+时段 + a



16、ewall.Its_theblackboard.A.onB.inC.above二二. .地点介词地点介词1.on在在的上面的上面,与表面接触与表面接触over在在的正上方的正上方,不接触表面不接触表面under在在下面下面(是是on,over的反义词的反义词)1.Look!Thereisabridge_theriver.A.onB.overC.above2.Canyouseetheegg_theplate?A.onB.inC.over3.Thelight_usisverybright.A.overB.underC.on4.Aroadis_ourcityandthereismuchtraffic


18、表示表示表示表示 在在在在上上上上 时,不是都用时,不是都用时,不是都用时,不是都用onon,有时须用,有时须用,有时须用,有时须用inin。在树上在树上在树上在树上inthetreeinthetree用于指树上的鸟、人等。用于指树上的鸟、人等。用于指树上的鸟、人等。用于指树上的鸟、人等。onthetreeonthetree用于指生长在树上的叶子、果实。用于指生长在树上的叶子、果实。用于指生长在树上的叶子、果实。用于指生长在树上的叶子、果实。在墙上在墙上在墙上在墙上inthewallinthewall镶嵌在墙内,指窗户、门、钉子等。镶嵌在墙内,指窗户、门、钉子等。镶嵌在墙内,指窗户、门、钉子等



21、.towards2.Wilyoutakeatrain_Tianjian.A.toB.forC.at3.Imleaving_Beijingnextweek.A.toB.forC.towards1.in在某范围之内在某范围之内to在某范围之内在某范围之内on与某地相邻、接壤与某地相邻、接壤1.Chinalies_theeastofAsiaand_thenorthofAustralia.A.in,onB.in,toC.to,in2.Mongoliais_thenorthofChina.A.inB.onC.to三三. .方位介词方位介词4.cross表面穿过表面穿过through中间穿过中间穿过1.T


23、,用于过去过去时。如:时。如:Mymothercamehomeafterhalfanhour.in表示表示“一段时间之后一段时间之后”,用于,用于将来将来时。如:时。如:Wellgotoschoolintwoweeks.between/among1)1)betweenbetween 多指多指多指多指两者两者两者两者之间。如:之间。如:之间。如:之间。如:WhatsthedifferenceWhatsthedifferencebetweenthetwowords?betweenthetwowords?2)2)amongamong 指指指指三者或三者以上三者或三者以上三者或三者以上三者或三者以上的

24、同类事物之间,在或笼统的一群的同类事物之间,在或笼统的一群的同类事物之间,在或笼统的一群的同类事物之间,在或笼统的一群人或一些物之中,表示人或一些物之中,表示人或一些物之中,表示人或一些物之中,表示“ “在在在在中间,在中间,在中间,在中间,在之中之中之中之中” ”。如:。如:。如:。如:Theyoungpeoplelivedandworkedamongtheworkers.Theyoungpeoplelivedandworkedamongtheworkers. 注意:注意:注意:注意:我们可以说我们可以说我们可以说我们可以说betweenyouandmebetweenyouandme,但不能

25、说,但不能说,但不能说,但不能说 betweenyouandIbetweenyouandI,因为,因为,因为,因为betweenbetween是介词。是介词。是介词。是介词。 3)3)betweenbetween还可以用来指还可以用来指还可以用来指还可以用来指三个或三个以上的人或物的每两个之三个或三个以上的人或物的每两个之三个或三个以上的人或物的每两个之三个或三个以上的人或物的每两个之间间间间。三个或三个以上的名词用。三个或三个以上的名词用。三个或三个以上的名词用。三个或三个以上的名词用andand连接,前面用连接,前面用连接,前面用连接,前面用betweenbetween,而,而,而,而不用

26、不用不用不用amongamong。如:。如:。如:。如:ThereisnotmuchdifferenceThereisnotmuchdifferencebetweenbetweenthethreeofthemthethreeofthem. .Switzerlandlies_France,Ger-many,AustriaandSwitzerlandlies_France,Ger-many,AustriaandItaly.Italy.betweenbetweenbesides/exceptWehaveseenthecrocodileWehaveseenthecrocodilebesidesbesi


28、dcold.Becausehehadabadcold.AAExceptBExceptBbesidesCbesidesCBesideDBesideDwithoutwithout【解析解析解析解析】except“except“除除除除之外之外之外之外” ”,排除,排除,排除,排除在外的意思;在外的意思;在外的意思;在外的意思;besides“besides“除除除除之外之外之外之外” ”,包含,包含,包含,包含在内;在内;在内;在内;beside“beside“在在在在旁边旁边旁边旁边” ”;without“without“没有没有没有没有” ”。根据题意可知用。根据题意可知用。根据题意可知用。根

29、据题意可知用exceptexcept,故,故,故,故选选选选A A。 overover表示与某物不接触的表示与某物不接触的表示与某物不接触的表示与某物不接触的“ “正上方正上方正上方正上方” ”,underunder与其相对,表与其相对,表与其相对,表与其相对,表示示示示“ “正下方正下方正下方正下方” ”。TheskyisTheskyisoveroverourheads.ourheads.天空在我们头顶上。天空在我们头顶上。天空在我们头顶上。天空在我们头顶上。ThecatisThecatisunderunderthetable.thetable.那只猫在桌子底下。那只猫在桌子底下。那只猫在桌

30、子底下。那只猫在桌子底下。aboveabove表示表示表示表示“ “在在在在的上方的上方的上方的上方” ”,“ “高于高于高于高于” ”;belowbelow与其相对,与其相对,与其相对,与其相对,表示表示表示表示“ “在在在在的下面的下面的下面的下面” ”,“ “低于低于低于低于” ”。ThetemperaturewillstayThetemperaturewillstayabovezeroabovezerointhedaytimeinthedaytime,butatnightitwillfallbelowzeroagain.butatnightitwillfallbelowzeroagai

31、n.白天气温将保白天气温将保白天气温将保白天气温将保持在零度以上,但在晚上又将降到零度以下。持在零度以上,但在晚上又将降到零度以下。持在零度以上,但在晚上又将降到零度以下。持在零度以上,但在晚上又将降到零度以下。onon指两个物体表面接触,一个在另一的上面。指两个物体表面接触,一个在另一的上面。指两个物体表面接触,一个在另一的上面。指两个物体表面接触,一个在另一的上面。TheyputsomeflowersTheyputsomeflowersontheteachersdeskontheteachersdesk. .他们把一他们把一他们把一他们把一些花放在讲桌上。些花放在讲桌上。些花放在讲桌上。些

32、花放在讲桌上。over,above,on1.cross1.cross作动词用,作动词用,作动词用,作动词用,“ “穿过,越过穿过,越过穿过,越过穿过,越过” ”的意思。主要表示在的意思。主要表示在的意思。主要表示在的意思。主要表示在物体表面物体表面物体表面物体表面上上上上横横横横穿。如横过马路、过桥、过河等,与穿。如横过马路、过桥、过河等,与穿。如横过马路、过桥、过河等,与穿。如横过马路、过桥、过河等,与goacrossgoacross同义。同义。同义。同义。crosscross作名词用是作名词用是作名词用是作名词用是“ “十字架,十字形饰物十字架,十字形饰物十字架,十字形饰物十字架,十字形饰

33、物” ”的意思。的意思。的意思。的意思。2.across2.across是介词,有是介词,有是介词,有是介词,有“ “横跨,横穿,穿越横跨,横穿,穿越横跨,横穿,穿越横跨,横穿,穿越” ”之意。之意。之意。之意。acrossacross与与与与go/walkgo/walk等动词连用表示等动词连用表示等动词连用表示等动词连用表示“ “穿过,越过,横穿穿过,越过,横穿穿过,越过,横穿穿过,越过,横穿” ”的意思。与的意思。与的意思。与的意思。与crosscross基本同义,也是表示从物体基本同义,也是表示从物体基本同义,也是表示从物体基本同义,也是表示从物体表面经过表面经过表面经过表面经过。 cr

34、oss,across,through3.through3.through是介词,是介词,是介词,是介词,“ “在在在在.之中,透过之中,透过之中,透过之中,透过” ”的意思,常与的意思,常与的意思,常与的意思,常与go,walkgo,walk等动词连用,主要表示从物体等动词连用,主要表示从物体等动词连用,主要表示从物体等动词连用,主要表示从物体内部穿内部穿内部穿内部穿过。如穿过过。如穿过过。如穿过过。如穿过森林、隧洞等森林、隧洞等森林、隧洞等森林、隧洞等1.Wemust_theroadverycarefully.1.Wemust_theroadverycarefully.2.Beforegoi


36、ghtthematlast.caughtthematlast.5.Itsdangeroustoswim_theriver.5.Itsdangeroustoswim_theriver.6.Go_thebridgeandyouwillseethestation.6.Go_thebridgeandyouwillseethestation.crosscrossacrossacrossacrossacrossacrossacrossacrossacrossthroughthroughinfrontofinfrontof 表示表示表示表示“ “在某人或某物的前面在某人或某物的前面在某人或某物的前面在某人或

37、某物的前面” ”,在某个范,在某个范,在某个范,在某个范围围围围以外;以外;以外;以外;inthefrontofinthefrontof 表示表示表示表示“ “在在在在的前部的前部的前部的前部” ”,在某个范围以,在某个范围以,在某个范围以,在某个范围以内内内内例如:例如:例如:例如:TherearesometalltreesTherearesometalltreesinfrontofinfrontofthebuilding.thebuilding.在楼前有一些高树。在楼前有一些高树。在楼前有一些高树。在楼前有一些高树。TheteacherissittingTheteacherissittin

38、ginthefrontofinthefrontofthetheclassroom.classroom.老师坐在教室前面老师坐在教室前面老师坐在教室前面老师坐在教室前面infrontof,inthefrontofaboveoveronbelowunderaboveaboveoveroverbelowbelowunderunderononBe careful, there is a heavy box_ your head.Be careful, there is a heavy box_ your head.The sun is _ the mountain in the east.The su

39、n is _ the mountain in the east.There are some stamps _ the desk.There are some stamps _ the desk.The position he pointed to was _ the sea The position he pointed to was _ the sea level.level.The little mouse is _ the table, so it is not easy to The little mouse is _ the table, so it is not easy to

40、find it.find it.overabove onabovebelowunder表示表示“延续的一段时间延续的一段时间”时,可用时,可用“for时间时间段段”或或“since过去的时间点过去的时间点”,常与含,常与含延续延续动词的完成时动词的完成时连用。连用。Howlonghaveyoubeeninthiscity?你在这座城市待了多久了?你在这座城市待了多久了?Fortenyears.十年。十年。MrSmithhaslivedheresince1998.史密斯先生自从史密斯先生自从1998年就住在这。年就住在这。since,for单词拼写单词拼写: :1.There are _( 超过

41、 )sixty students in our class.2. Fish cant live_( 没有 ) water. 3. We havent seen each other for a long time _(自从 ) we met last time.4. Do you worry about _( 他们 ) ?5. Whos _( 值日 ) duty today?6. Have you paid _( 付款 ) the book?7. Please turn_( 关掉 ) the lights.8. Its bad for your health to go to school_(

42、 不吃) breakfast. overwithoutsincethemonforoffwithout1.Weusuallyhavelunch_noon.2.LinTaowasborn_February18th.3.Annsits_myright,_Katesleft.Shesits_us.4.Myfatherisleaving_Suzhoutomorrow.5.Wemustlearn_eachother.atatononononononbetweenbetweenforforfromfrom用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空6.Theywent_thegateandenteredthegard

43、en.7.Wecandoallthings_ourhands.8._theendofthelastcap,hecaughtup_theothers.9.Bekind_people.Dontshout_people.10.Lastmonthheworked_ateacher_threeweeks.throughthroughwithwithAtAtwithwithtotoatatasasforfor1.His father is very angry_him his study. A. at,with B.with,at C.to,about D.about,to2.Paper is made_

44、wood. A.from B.of C.by D.in3.The basket is full_apples. A.with B.of C.in D.by4.Kate cant come. Lets ask wei Hua instead_her. A.of B.for C.to D.with5.The heavy rain stopped me_getting to school on time. A. to B.from C.on D.for B BA AB BA AB B6.Li Lidas parents are very proud _ their son. A.to B.in C.

45、for D.of7.The fox looked up_ a cock sitting the tree. A. to,in B.at,in C. for,on D.at,on8.Please wait _ the bus stop near my home. A.for B.at C.next D. in front9.Where is your bike made_? A.in B.from C. of D./10.When the red light is on,its dangerous to go_the street. A.across B.through C. cross D.

46、toD DB BB BD DA A11.He is rich _ unhappy. A.or B.and C.so D.but12.Take a rest _ you finish the work. A.before B.after C.until D.while13.You cant pass the exam, _ you study hard. A.if B.of C.unless D.and14._our team tried best, _ we failed. A.Though,but B.Because,so C.If,and D. Though,/15.Dont get of

47、f _the bus stops. A.when B.after C.until D.soD DB BD DC CC C16.There is a good play_TV this evening. A. on B. by C. in 17. How far is it _ Guangzhou_Beijing? A. fromto B. fromfor C. awayto18. Japan lies _the east of China. A. to B. in C. on19. Mr. Brown has gone to Canada. He will be back _ tow week

48、s. A. for B. after C. in20. A: What time did you get there this morning? B: _ eight. A. In B. At C. On21. We all agree _you. Lets start at once. A. to B. for C. withAAACBC22. My aunt arrived here _a warm spring morning. A. in B. at C. on23. A:When did your uncle arrive _ China? B: He got to Guangzho

49、u_the morning of the 16th of April. A. in, on B. in, in C. at, on24. Hawaii is famous _its beautiful beaches. A. in B. for C. with25. We must stop children from_with fire. A. play B. played C. playingCABC26. Look, Tina is waiting _ the bus stop.26. Look, Tina is waiting _ the bus stop. A Afor Bfor B

50、at Cat Cin Din DToTo27. 27. What would you like to do _ such a bad boy?What would you like to do _ such a bad boy? A Awithwith B Bon Con Catat D Dinin28.28.The young man walked _ the forest and came to The young man walked _ the forest and came to a big river at last.a big river at last. A Aon on B

51、Boverover C Cthrough through D Dacrossacross29.29.The food _ my country is quite different _ that here.The food _ my country is quite different _ that here. A Ain; like Bin; like Bto; fromto; from C Cfrom; to from; to D Din; fromin; from30. Taiwan is a beautiful island and its _ the east of 30. Taiw

52、an is a beautiful island and its _ the east of Fujian.Fujian. A Ain Bin Bon Con CtotoB BA AC CD DC C31.It is said that a new zoo will be built in our town.31.It is said that a new zoo will be built in our town. Im _ it. Zoos are terrible for animals. Im _ it. Zoos are terrible for animals. A Athroug

53、h Bthrough Bbesides Cbesides Cagainst Dagainst Dexceptexcept32.32.When will the party be held?When will the party be held? _ two weeks time, _ 15th July. _ two weeks time, _ 15th July. A A. .In; on In; on B B. .In; inIn; in C C. .On; on On; on D D. .At; onAt; on33.33.Lin Lin often practices English

54、_ chatting with Lin Lin often practices English _ chatting with her American friend.her American friend. A A. .in in B B. .byby C C. .for for D D. .withwith34. 34. You look tired. _ working indoors you should be You look tired. _ working indoors you should be out for a walk.out for a walk.A A. .Ahea

55、d of BAhead of B. .Instead ofInstead of C C. .In front of DIn front of D. .In spite ofIn spite of35. Last night he had a bed to sleep _35. Last night he had a bed to sleep _, but I had but I had only a chair to sit only a chair to sit _. . A.in; on B./; / C.on; in D.in; to A.in; on B./; / C.on; in D

56、.in; toA AC CB BA AB B36.When I got in to the room36.When I got in to the room,Sue was busy talking _ Sue was busy talking _ the phone. A.with B.on C.to D.inthe phone. A.with B.on C.to D.in 37.37.Would you like some coffee?Would you like some coffee?Yes, and please get me some milk. I prefer coffee

57、_milk.Yes, and please get me some milk. I prefer coffee _milk. A A. .with Bwith B. .to to C C. .of Dof D. .onon38. 38. Sally is very happy. There is a big smile_ her face.Sally is very happy. There is a big smile_ her face. A A. .on on B B. .toto C C. .in Din D. .atat39.39.Many teenagers have hobbie

58、s. But sometimes these Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these hobbies can get _ of schoolwork.hobbies can get _ of schoolwork.A A. .on the wayon the way B B. .by the wayby the way C C. .in the wayin the way D D. .out of the wayout of the way40.Why are you standing there, Maggie?40.Why are you standing there, Maggie? I cant see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are I cant see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sitting _ me.sitting _ me.A.behind B.in front of C.beside D.next toA.behind B.in front of C.beside D.next toA AB BC CA AB B



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