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1、Contrast Between English and ChineseChineseMeaning-focused with Meaning-focused with emphasis on emphasis on implicit coherence implicit coherence ( (隐性连贯隐性连贯) )ParatacticParatactic语义型语言语义型语言( (以意统形以意统形) )EnglishForm-focused with Form-focused with emphasis on emphasis on explicit cohesionexplicit co

2、hesion(显性联接)(显性联接)HypotacticHypotactic形态型语言形态型语言( (以形驭意以形驭意) )Definition of HypotaxisHypotaxis: The dependent or subordinate construction of relationship of clauses with connectives, for example, I shall despair if you dont come (The American Heritage Dictionary)形合:以连接词构筑的附属或从属结构小句之间的关系,如:要是你不来的话,我会

3、失望的。美国传统语言大词典)English: Hypotactic Ways English has clear-cut formal markers to indicate the relation between sentence components. They help make sentences compact and clearly defined. It is impossible to calculate the meaning though the relationships. Those markers include: 1 Formal changes and cohe

4、rence between subject and predicate, as well as reference of pronouns. 2 Relatives and conjunctions 3 PrepositionsEnglish: Hypotactic WaysBackCohesive TiesRelatives Conjunctions Prepositions Relative AdverbsRelative PronounCoordinate Subordinate Differences between Relatives and Conjunctions Relativ

5、es are used in connecting attributive, subject, object or predicative clauses, which are part of the main clause without which the main clause would be incomplete. n n关系词用来连接主语和定语,主语从句,宾语从关系词用来连接主语和定语,主语从句,宾语从句或表语从句。这些从句与主句关系紧密,是主句或表语从句。这些从句与主句关系紧密,是主句中的一个组成部分,缺少这些从句,主句就不句中的一个组成部分,缺少这些从句,主句就不完整。完整。n

6、 nConjunctions are used to connect words, phrases, clauses or adverbial clauses, which are mutually independent. In particular, conjunction to adverbial clauses mark that adverbial clause is detachable form the main clause. 请谈谈你对连接词的认识?英语重形合英语重形合,汉语重意合汉语重意合.n n跑得了和尚跑得了和尚, ,跑不了庙跑不了庙. .n nThe monks ma

7、y run away,The monks may run away, butbut the temple cannot run the temple cannot run away with him.away with him.n n一个英国人一个英国人, ,不会说中国话不会说中国话, ,有一次在中国旅行有一次在中国旅行. .n nAn Englishman An Englishman who who could not speak Chinese was could not speak Chinese was once traveling in China.once traveling in

8、 China.n n那太阳那太阳, ,整天躲在云层里整天躲在云层里, ,现在又光芒四射了现在又光芒四射了. .n nThe sun, The sun, whichwhich had hidden all day, now came out in had hidden all day, now came out in full splendor.full splendor.英语重形合英语重形合,汉语重意合汉语重意合.n n他不去我去他不去我去. .n nId like to goId like to go if if he wouldnt. he wouldnt.n n他不去我也去他不去我也去.

9、 .n nId go there Id go there even ifeven if he wouldnt to with me. he wouldnt to with me.n n他不去我才去他不去我才去. .n nId go there Id go there only ifonly if he wont. he wont.n n人穷志短人穷志短n nWhenWhen a man is poor his ambition is not far-reaching. (Poverty stifles a man is poor his ambition is not far-reaching

10、. (Poverty stifles ambition.)ambition.)n n人穷志不短人穷志不短. .n nThoughThough one is poor, he has high ambition. one is poor, he has high ambition.n n人有脸人有脸, ,树有皮树有皮. .n nThe face is The face is asas important to a man important to a man asas the bark to a tree. the bark to a tree.病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。Sickness come

11、s like an avalanche, but goes like reeling silk.The position will not be given up so long as we are still living.人在阵地在。人无远虑,必有近忧。他人老心不老。Although he has aged physically, he remains young at heart.If one has no long-term considerations, he will find trouble at his doorstep.我来他已去。 He had left when I ar

12、rived.(Condition 条件条件)(Contrast, Opposition 对照、转折对照、转折)(Time Order 时间先后时间先后)(Concession 让步让步)Please translate the following:你再说一个字,我马上走。If you should say one more word, I would go at once.你死了,我去当和尚。If you should die, I would go and be a monk. Chinese Paratactic: Chinese Paratactic: 汉语意合的手段与规律汉语意合的手段

13、与规律汉语意合的手段与规律汉语意合的手段与规律 汉语造句少用或不用形式连接手段,注重隐性连贯,注汉语造句少用或不用形式连接手段,注重隐性连贯,注意功能和意义,注重以意统形,介词和连词常常可以省意功能和意义,注重以意统形,介词和连词常常可以省略,甚至不用,尤其是口语,用了反而显得多余,高名略,甚至不用,尤其是口语,用了反而显得多余,高名凯指出:凯指出:“ “汉人说话平常不喜欢用太多的没有基本意义汉人说话平常不喜欢用太多的没有基本意义的虚词,只是把事情或意思排列起来,让人去了解两个的虚词,只是把事情或意思排列起来,让人去了解两个事情两意思之间所发生的关系如何。事情两意思之间所发生的关系如何。意合规

14、律:意合规律: 1 1、语序、语序 (orderorder) 2. 2. 反复(反复(repetitionrepetition) 排比排比 ( parallel) ( parallel) 对偶对偶(couple) (couple) 对照对照(antithesis) (antithesis) 等等 3. 3. 紧缩句紧缩句 (compacted sentence) (compacted sentence) 4. 4. 四字格四字格 ( four letter fixed phrase)( four letter fixed phrase)Chinese Organization Law 汉语的意

15、合规律汉语的意合规律Organization Law逻辑律 Logic Law心理律 Psycho. Law音韵律 Phonetic Law时间先后 Time Sequence因果关系 Cause-effect 时空大小 Time& Spatial Specification心理重轻 Important-less inportant陈述评论 Statementcomment 上下远近 Top-bottom, farnear 整体部分 Overall-partial Logic Laws time sequence: 先后 浮动 始终 迟早 过河拆桥 汗流浃背 他五岁的时候生了一场大病,发高烧,

16、听力没了,什么也听不见。time& spatial specification: 粗细 深浅 大大小小 分分秒秒cause-effect: 放大 收紧 开门见山 杀鸡取卵 无欲则刚 人逢喜事精神爽 Psychological LawsImportantless important 乾坤 新旧 男女老少 国内外 许多干部都不属于这个集团,因此受到了打击,排斥或轻视。 Overallpartial/topbottom/far-near 他大约二十五六岁,长得憨实,头戴一顶大草帽,身穿白色汗褂,下身是一条灯笼裤,脚上穿着的是一双黑面布鞋。 rhythm and rhyme consideration

17、 Violation to the said laws 迟早 死活(时间先后) 出入(因果关系) 草术 肢体 千军万马(时空大小) 阴阳 雌雄 粗茶淡饭 (心理) Those violations are mostly due to rhythm and rhyme considerations. As some regularities suggest, those are for the four tones of Chinese letter(汉字四声), and for the sonority of words. 汉英语言对比n nChineseChineseChineseChine

18、se: : : : 表意文字,构词,词法,句法篇章,修辞都不表意文字,构词,词法,句法篇章,修辞都不表意文字,构词,词法,句法篇章,修辞都不表意文字,构词,词法,句法篇章,修辞都不同于英语;同于英语;同于英语;同于英语;n nLiu Liu Liu Liu XieXieXieXie “ “ “ “积字成句,积句成章积字成句,积句成章”(如(如(如(如“接到接到接到接到你的信,很高兴你的信,很高兴你的信,很高兴你的信,很高兴”)n n以神驭形,得以神驭形,得以神驭形,得以神驭形,得“神神神神”忘忘忘忘“形形形形”(parataxisparataxisparataxisparataxis意合),意

19、合),意合),意合),是一种意境语言,重暗示,含蓄,可以说汉语是一种是一种意境语言,重暗示,含蓄,可以说汉语是一种是一种意境语言,重暗示,含蓄,可以说汉语是一种是一种意境语言,重暗示,含蓄,可以说汉语是一种“ “ “ “ 联想语言联想语言联想语言联想语言” ” ” ” 、“ “ “ “ 意境语言意境语言意境语言意境语言” ” ” ” 、“ “ “ “ 艺术语言艺术语言艺术语言艺术语言”和和和和“ “ “ “ 文采语言文采语言文采语言文采语言”,朦胧中传达信息,疏放中透出美朦胧中传达信息,疏放中透出美朦胧中传达信息,疏放中透出美朦胧中传达信息,疏放中透出美感,具有整体效应。感,具有整体效应。感,

20、具有整体效应。感,具有整体效应。n nEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish: Indo-European language family; : Indo-European language family; : Indo-European language family; : Indo-European language family; intonation languageintonation languageintonation languageintonation language(语调语言)(语调语言)(语调语言)(语调语言)n以形摄神以形摄神, ( ( ( (Hyp

21、otaxisHypotaxisHypotaxisHypotaxis形合形合形合形合) ) ) ),语言形式重逻辑、语言形式重逻辑、语言形式重逻辑、语言形式重逻辑、分析、写实,重视讲究表达的逻辑性,一致性分析、写实,重视讲究表达的逻辑性,一致性分析、写实,重视讲究表达的逻辑性,一致性分析、写实,重视讲究表达的逻辑性,一致性(consistency)(consistency)(consistency)(consistency)形合与意合n n形合与意合是英汉在语言学上最重要的一个区别形合与意合是英汉在语言学上最重要的一个区别形合与意合是英汉在语言学上最重要的一个区别形合与意合是英汉在语言学上最重要

22、的一个区别n n英语:形合英语:形合英语:形合英语:形合HypotaxisHypotaxis ,长句多,强调结构的完整性和形,长句多,强调结构的完整性和形,长句多,强调结构的完整性和形,长句多,强调结构的完整性和形态的严谨性,结构严密紧凑,主次分明,依靠代词、介词、态的严谨性,结构严密紧凑,主次分明,依靠代词、介词、态的严谨性,结构严密紧凑,主次分明,依靠代词、介词、态的严谨性,结构严密紧凑,主次分明,依靠代词、介词、连词建立骨架并将句子串起。连词建立骨架并将句子串起。连词建立骨架并将句子串起。连词建立骨架并将句子串起。n n汉语:意合汉语:意合汉语:意合汉语:意合Parataxis Para

23、taxis (形散),强调内容和表意的完整性,(形散),强调内容和表意的完整性,(形散),强调内容和表意的完整性,(形散),强调内容和表意的完整性,常靠语意的逻辑将句子串起,连词介词都少于英语。常靠语意的逻辑将句子串起,连词介词都少于英语。常靠语意的逻辑将句子串起,连词介词都少于英语。常靠语意的逻辑将句子串起,连词介词都少于英语。 n n英译汉时,往往要先分析句子的结构,形式,才能确定句英译汉时,往往要先分析句子的结构,形式,才能确定句英译汉时,往往要先分析句子的结构,形式,才能确定句英译汉时,往往要先分析句子的结构,形式,才能确定句子的功能、意义;子的功能、意义;子的功能、意义;子的功能、意

24、义;n n汉译英时,往往要先分析句子的功能、意义,才能确定句汉译英时,往往要先分析句子的功能、意义,才能确定句汉译英时,往往要先分析句子的功能、意义,才能确定句汉译英时,往往要先分析句子的功能、意义,才能确定句子的结构、形式。(基本方法)子的结构、形式。(基本方法)子的结构、形式。(基本方法)子的结构、形式。(基本方法)例例1:Accomplishment is often deceptive because we dont see the pain and perseverance that produced it. So we may credit the achiever with br

25、ains, brawn or lucky break and let ourselves off the hook because we fall short in all three.【译文译文】成就常常使人产生错觉,使人只看到功成名就,成就常常使人产生错觉,使人只看到功成名就,却看不到成就的来之不易,和为之所付出的艰辛困却看不到成就的来之不易,和为之所付出的艰辛困苦,总以为成功者之所以成功是因为人家身体棒、苦,总以为成功者之所以成功是因为人家身体棒、脑子灵、运气好,从而为自己找借口开脱,说自己脑子灵、运气好,从而为自己找借口开脱,说自己没有获得成功是因为自己不具备上述这三条。没有获得成功是

26、因为自己不具备上述这三条。例例2:And yet it almost provokes a smile at the vanity of human ambition, to see how they are crowded together and jostled in the dust; what parsimony is observed in doling out a scanty nook, a gloomy corner, a little portion of earth, to those, whom, when alive, kingdoms could not satisf

27、y; and how many shapes, and forms, and artifices are devised to catch the casual notice of the passenger and save from forgetfulness, for a few short years, a name which once aspired to occupy ages of the worlds thought and admiration.【译文译文】现在这些伟人只是横七竖八地挤在一起,埋现在这些伟人只是横七竖八地挤在一起,埋在黄土中;他们在世之时,堂堂英国却不足以供


29、几乎忍不住要惨然一笑了。乎忍不住要惨然一笑了。小节结束 本节小结汉语的意合法: 汉语造句少用甚至不用形式连接手段,注重隐性连贯(covert coherence),注重逻辑事理顺序,注重功能、意义,注重以神统形。英语的形合法 英语造句常用各种形式手段连接词、语、分句或从句,注重显性接应(overt cohesion),注重句子形式,注重结构完整,注重以形显义。英语句中的连接手段和形式(cohesive ties)不仅数量大,种类多,而且用得十分频繁 Possible AnswerTreat a king like a king, a minister like a minister, a father like a father and a son like a son.A king should behave like a king, a minister like a minister, a father like a father and a son like a son. 工作还有另一个好处, 那就是可以避免无聊。乏味的工作让人感到无聊,但相比那些整天无所事事的无聊,实在算不得什么。



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