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1、精品文档人教版四年级第一学期英语学科四年级期末检测题班级听力部分姓名学号(一. Listen and circle. (听录音圈出你所听到的单词。 )1、 windowwall3、fatstrong5、 friendlythin7、 floorreallylos9、 cutet2、 notebookmaths book()(4)Is she in the living room?)(5) My mother is acook.4、Chinese bookEnglish book笔试部分6、long hairshort hair一 . 读一读,选一选。8、 clean the desks ope

2、n thedoor10、 a yellow bagblue shoes二. Listen and number. ( 听录音,按顺序给图片排序。)三. Listen and choose(.听录音选择句子。)()1、A. My bag is under the chair. B. My bag isblue.()2、A. We have a newB. I have a newroom.pen.()3、A . Whats in yourbox?B. What colour is it?()4、A. Are they on the table? B. Where are thekeys?()5、

3、A. My father is a teacher. B. My uncle is adriver.四. Listen, tick or cross. (听录音,在听到的图片下打“”。)tt五 Listen and choose 给.听到的问题选择合适的答语。)1. A. My family has six(people.B. Yes, it is.(B. No, it)2. A. Shes in the kitchen.isnt.B. Yes, I()3.A. Yes, they are.am.B. I like()4.A. It s blue and white.rice.六、 Liste

4、n and number.( 听录音,给下列句子排序。)()Yes, it is. Hes a football player.()Is this your uncle, Sarah ?()Whats your aunts job?()She is a nurse.()Is this your baby brother?()No, it s me.七. Listen and judge. (听录音 ,判断下列句子与所给内容是否相符,相符的打 “”,不相符的打“” 。)()(1) This is my new computer.()(2) How many people are there in

5、 your family?()(3) Would you like some vegetables?精品文档A. Open the door.B. Turn on the light.C. Clean theD. Clean theblackboard.window.E. Put up the picture.二找出不同类的单词。() 1. A red(B. doctorC. yellowB.) 2. A. unclebasketballC. auntC. motherC. light() 3. A. spoonB. father() 4. A. fork() 5. A. her(B. bow

6、lB. hisC. parentsB.)kitchenC. sofa6.A bathroom)B. floorC. wall7.A. candyB.)A.quietC. hat8.friendly)B. driverC. cook9.A. keyC.) 10. A. babyB. footballbasketball三请在 B 栏中找出 A 栏每个句子的答语,并将其字母代号填在 A 栏前面的括号里。A() What s your uncle job? s) Whats in your schoolbag?) What colour is it?) How many people are the

7、re in your family?) Is she in the study?BA .Yes, she is.B. He is a football player.D. Three. My parents and me.C. It s blue and white.E. An English book, a Chinese book and somestorybooks. 四将单词与图片连线。vegetableschickensoupspoonjuice五请选择正确答案,完成下列句子。() 1_is in the classroom?精品文档A.HowB. WhatC. How many()

8、 2 Is it in your desk?A Yes, it isnt.B Yes, it is.C Yes, they are.() 3.some noodles?Yes, please.A. What would you likeB. Would you likeC. What do you like() 4. Is she in the living room? A. Yes, she is. B.No, he isnt.C. Yes, heis.() 5. Are they near the phone?A. Yes, they are.B. Yes, it is. C. No, t

9、hey are.() 6. My grandparents are_.A . farmers B. farmerC. teacher() 7. Can Ia knife and a fork?Yes,please.A. hasB. isC. have() 8. What s his name?A .His name is Zhang Peng.B. He is tallC. Shes Amy.() 9. Let _ clean the board.A. meB.toC. go() 10. I have a good friend. He _ glasses andhisshoes are bl

10、ue.A. hasB. haveC. are六读一读,判断正“”误“” 。()1. My mother is a teacher.()2. She has short hair.()3. I have two Chinese books.()4. The boy is short and thin.()5. Look! This is my study. It s nice.七认真阅读文章,并判断“”错“” 。This is my family. My grandparents are farmers.Mymother is a teacher. My father is a doctor.

11、My auntis a nurse. She has long hair. My brother and I aregood students. This is my family. My family ishappy.()1. My father is a doctor.()2. My grandmother is a farmer.精品文档() Thank you so much.) OK. What s in it?()3.My grandfather is a driver.)4. My mother is a cook.)5.My aunt is a teacher.(八根据图画提示

12、选择合适的单词填空,一空一词,注意书写规范。study评分标准:computershoessofarice1.A: What would you like for dinner?Id like some2. Where is the?3.These are my, they re green.4. I have a new5. Theis in the living room.九读一读,字母发音相同的打“”不同的“”。()1.facecake)3. cutemum)5. heshe()2. rose dog()4. bike(ricemak)6. cate十找出下列句子的反义词。写在括号里。H

13、e is tall. She is1.short .()()Mike is strong . Mary is2.thin .()()She has small nose and big eyes .3.()()The boy and the girl are friends .4.()()Zhang Peng has black hair, butgrandpa s hair5. hisiswhite. () ()十一 .给下列句子排序。() What colour is it?) Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag.) An English book, two to

14、ys and a notebook.) It s yellow and black.) Here it is.(精品文档听力 40 分一 Listen and circle. (10x1=10 分)A A 二 Listen and number.(5x1=5 分)三. Listen and choose. ( 5x1=5 分)AABBA四. Listen, tick or cross. (5x1=5 分)1.A2.A3.B4.A5.A五. Listen, tick or cross. (4x1=4 分)1.A2.A3.B4.B六 Listen and number. (6x1=6 分)2134

15、56七. Listen and judge. (5x1=5 分)笔试部分 80 分一读一读,选一选。( 5x1=5 分)ADBCE二找出不同类的单词。(10x1=10 分)BBBBACCCAA三请在 B 栏中找出 A 栏每个句子的答语,并将其字母代号填在 A 栏前面的括号里( 5x1=5 分)BDCEA四将单词与图片连线。( 5x1=5 分)五请选择正确答案,完成下列句子。(10x1=10 分)BBBAAACAAA六读一读,判断正“”误“” 。( 5x1=5 分)七认真阅读文章 “My family ”,并判断“” 错“”。5x1=5 分)八根据图画提示选择合适的单词填空,一空一词,注意书写规范。(5x1=5 分)rice study shoes computer sofa精品文档九读一读,字母发音相同的打 “”不同的“”。(6x1=6 分)十找出下列句子的反义词。写在括号里。(5x1=5 分)1. tall short2. strong thin3. small big4. boy girl5. black white十一 . 给下列句子排序。(4x1=4 分)



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