IPO Brochure V05

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1、China InvestmentConferences 2011The Must-AttendConference of the YearChengdu - October 132011中国投资峰会:本年度不容错过的会议成都 - 10月13日ChengduShenyangSponsors赞助商Media partner媒体合作伙伴Contributors参会企业China IPOs in Germany中国企业在德国首次公开募股IPOs of Chinese companies in Germany are a fairly new but very successfultrend.中国企业在

2、德国首次公开募股是一个崭新的、但非常成功的趋势。Salans equity capital markets team has been actively involved in China IPOsfrom the very beginning. Members of our team have advised on the firsttwo China IPOs in Germany in 2007 and have since been involved in manysubsequent cases. Having advised on nearly half of all China

3、IPOs in Germanyso far, we are one of the most experienced legal advisors for Chinesecompanies planning to list in Germany.胜蓝律师事务所的股权资本市场团队一直积极参与中国企业的首次公开募股。我们团队的成员于 2007 年为最早两次中国企业在德国首次公开募股提供咨询,并且在此后参与了多起其他的项目。迄今为止,在中国企业赴德国上市的所有成功案例中,我们参与了其中近半数的项目,因此本所是为计划在德国上市的中国企业提供法律服务的最富经验的律师事务所之一。The Frankfurt

4、Stock Exchange has awarded Salans with the official title ofChina Expert and Listing Partner of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Weprovide of an excellent relationship with the Frankfurt Stock Exchangeand with the German Financial Supervisory Authority BaFin which is theequivalent to the CSRC in China.

5、法兰克福证券交易所授予胜蓝是法兰克福证券交易所的“中国专家”和“上市合作伙伴”的官方称号。我们与法兰克福证券交易所和德国联邦金融监管局 (“BaFin”,其相当于中国证券监督管理委员会) 建有良好的关系。For more information please contact:欲了解更多信息,请联系:Dr. Hermann Meller ( 麦荷曼 博士 )Salans LLP Berlin Office胜蓝律师事务所柏林办事处Markgrafenstrae 3310117 Berlin ( 柏林 )Germany ( 德国 )Tel. / 电话:+49 30 264 73 0Dr. Benja

6、min Kroymann ( 孔嘉明 博士 )Salans LLP Shanghai Office胜蓝律师事务所上海代表处22F Park Place, 1601 West Nanjing Road200040 Shanghai, China中国上海市南京西路 1601 号越洋广场 22 楼邮编:200040Tel. / 电话:+86 21 6103 6000Conference Agenda308:15 09:0009:00 09:2009:20 09:5009:50 10:3010:30 11.0011.00 11.4511.45 12.1512:15 13:4513:45 14:3014

7、:30 15.1515.15 15:4515:45 16.3016.30 17.1517:15 17:3008:15 09:0009:00 09:2009:20 09:5009:50 10:3010:30 11.0011.00 11.4511.45 12.1512:15 13:4513:45 14:3014:30 15.1515.15 15:4515:45 16.3016.30 17.1517:15 17:30RegistrationWelcome Remarks & IPO IntroductionGraham Earnshaw, CEO & Publisher, China Economi

8、c ReviewIPOs Abroad: Legal ChallengesDr. Hermann Meller, Partner, Salans BerlinPanel: Corporate Governance of Listed CompaniesDr. Hermann Meller, Partner, Salans BerlinDr. Benjamin Kroymann, Counsel, Salans ShanghaiRefreshment BreakRaising Pre-IPO Capital: PE and VC FundsJosefina Shen, Founder, Sky

9、Venture PartnersPanel Discussion: Investing in Local CompaniesLunchCommunicating with your Shareholders: What You Need to Know About Investor RelationsRobert Haag, Managing Director Asia, Hampton GrowthPanel Discussion: Choosing the Right ExchangeFranky Chung, Special Representative, HKExLloyd Loh,

10、Chief Representative, SGXRefreshment BreakAccounting Considerations for Chinese Companies Listing in the USPWCAll About Due Diligence: Checking Your Company OutJay Josef Hoenig, Chief Operating Officer Asia Pacific, Hill & AssociatesClosing RemarksGraham Earnshaw, CEO & Publisher, China Economic Rev

11、iew登记开幕及欢迎致辞晏格文,中经评论首席执行官兼出版人海外首次公开发行:法律难题赫尔曼梅勒博士,柏林胜蓝事务所合伙人 (Dr. Hermann Meller)小组讨论:上市公司的公司治理赫尔曼梅勒博士,柏林胜蓝事务所合伙人 (Dr. Hermann Meller)本杰明克罗伊曼博士,柏林胜蓝事务所法律顾问 (Dr. Benjamin Kroymann)茶歇首次公开发行前的资金募集:私募和风险基金Josefina Shen, Founder, Sky Venture Partners小组讨论:投资本土企业午餐与股东沟通:对于投资者关系你需要了解的事情罗伯特汉格,汉普顿资本亚洲区执行总监小组讨

12、论:选择合适的交易所钟创新, 香港交易及结算所有限公司华南地区特派代表罗怡德, 新加坡交易所北京代表处首席代表茶歇美国上市中国公司的会计注意事项PWC尽职调查面面观:彻底审核你的公司Jay Josef Hoenig, Chief Operating Officer Asia Pacific, Hill & Associates闭幕致辞晏格文,中经评论首席执行官兼出版人4China Investment Conferences 2011 - ChengduDr. Hermann Meller, PartnerBerlin Office, SalansDr. Hermann Meller is a

13、 partner in Salans Berlin Office. He heads the firms equity capitalmarkets practice in Germany. Dr. Meller advises numerous German and international clients,mainly in transactional business.麦荷曼博士合伙人胜蓝律师事务所柏林办事处麦荷曼博士是胜蓝柏林办事处合伙人。他负责本所在德国的股权资本市场业务。麦荷曼博士为众多德国和国际客户提供主要涉及商业交易领域的法律咨询。Dr. Benjamin KroymannC

14、ounsel Shanghai Office, SalansDr. Benjamin Kroymann is a counsel in Salans Shanghai office. He concentrates on equitycapital markets and mergers & acquisitions with a particular focus on business transactions be-tween Germany and China. Having advised on the first IPO of a Chinese company in Germany

15、in 2007 and having since been involved in half of all Chinese IPOs in Germany, Benjamin is oneof the most experienced German lawyers in this field.孔嘉明博士资深法律顾问胜蓝律师事务所上海代表处孔嘉明博士是胜蓝律师事务所上海代表处的一名资深法律顾问。他主要从事德中两国之间股权资本市场和并购业务,尤其侧重德中两国之间的商业交易。孔嘉明博士参与了2007年的首起中国企业在德国的首次公开上市项目,迄今为止,在中国企业赴德上市的所有成功案例中,他参与了其中过

16、半数的项目,由此被公认为是该领域最富经验的德国律师。5成都 - 2011中国投资峰会Josefina Shen,Founder Sky PartnersJosefina Shen is a founder of Sky Venture Partners, and currently also serves as a Senior Advisorto Asia Pacific Land, an Asian real estate investment company with operations in Japan andChina. Josefina has over 15 years of

17、experience across private equity and public market invest-ments. She has invested in private equity in China, Philippines, Indonesia and Hong Kong,and she has raised over US$400 million from both institutional investors and high net worthfamilies throughout the United States.Franky ChungSpecial Repr

18、esentative, Southern China HKExFranky Chung joined HKEx in December 2005. As the Special Representative for the South-ern China region, Franky is responsible for the issuer marketing work and the liaison with thegovernment authorities and business community. Before joining HKEx, he worked in various

19、international financial institutions, including Standard Chartered Bank, Deloitte Touche Tohm-atsu, and Rabobank, and specialized in corporate finance and mergers & acquisitions. He hasalso worked in the HKSAR government before.Mr Chung obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the

20、Chinese Universityof Hong Kong and studied in the United States before. He has obtained the professional quali-fications of Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Certified Public Accountant (CPA).钟创新香港交易及结算所有限公司, 华南地区, 特派代表钟创新于2005年12月加入香港交易及结算所有限公司。钟先生为负责华南地区的特派代表,主要工作包括上市推广,并与政府机关和商业机构保持紧密联系。在加入香港

21、交易所之前,钟先生曾于多家国际性的金融机构,包括渣打银行、德勤会计师事务所和荷兰合作银行,主要从事上市融资和收购兼并的工作,并曾任职于香港特区政府。钟先生毕业于香港中文大学,并曾于美国留学。他持有工商管理学士学位,并取得特许金融分析师(CFA)及执业会计师(CPA)的专业资格。6China Investment Conferences 2011 - ChengduMr Lloyd LohChief representativeBeijing representative officeSingapore exchangeLloyd Loh joined Singapore Exchange (S

22、GX) in April 2006 as Senior Vice President, Greater China BusinessDevelopment, managing relationships with relevant regulatory bodies, business partners and listed compa-nies. He currently serves as the Chief Representative, SGX Beijing Representative Office.Before SGX, he worked in Hong Kong as Hea

23、d of Development with Core Pacific-Yamaichi and Senior Strat-egy Advisor with Kim Eng Securities (H.K.), where he focused on providing strategic guidance to corporatestrategy and direction to their Greater China businesses.Prior to that, Lloyd was a Professor at School of Law, Taiwan Catholic Fu-Jen

24、 University in Taiwan. Lloyd pre-viously served as a member on the Listing Committees of Taiwan Stock Exchange and Taiwan OTC. He alsoserved as an advisor to the Taiwan Securities and Futures Commission.Lloyd graduated with J.D. (Juris Doctor) from the School of Law, Southern Methodist University, D

25、allas TXand was admitted to practice law in New York since 1987.罗怡德,美国南美以美大学法律学院法律博士,美国纽约州执业律师,现任新加坡交易所北京代表处首席代表,曾任新加坡交易所大中华区业务高级总监,香港金英证券集团资深策略顾问,香港京华山一证券集团企业发展与业务发展部主管,台湾辅仁大学法律系、法律研究所教授,台湾证券交易所上市审议委员会委员,台湾有价证券柜台买卖中心上柜审议委员会委员,台湾证期会顾问。Robert HaagManaging Director Asia Hampton GrowthMr. Haag lives in

26、 China and has been active in the investment industry for about 17 years. Based in Asia formore than 3 years, he previously held senior positions with a $125 million in Vietnamese investment fundand middle market Vietnamese investment bank. He was previously Director of Investments at KMVI, a USD500

27、 million plus holding company. He has been a Managing Director at several NASD member firms and hashelped companies raise approximately USD 40 million. He graduated with a BA from Hamilton College inNew York.亚洲区执行总监-Robert是Andrew的哥哥,现在主要在中国工作。他进入投资行业已有17年,目前为止他在亚洲已工作三年多。Robert曾在一家越南投资基金和一家越南投资银行担任高级

28、管理职务。他曾是KMVI公司的投资总监,这是一家资产超过五千万美金的控股公司。他曾在数家NASD注册成员公司做过高管,帮助公司融资超过四千万美元。Robert毕业于纽约的汉密尔顿大7成都 - 2011中国投资峰会Jay Josef HoenigChief Operating Officer, Hill and AssociatesAs Chief Operating Officer for Hill and Associates Group and President of Hill & Associates (PRC),Mr. Hoenig is responsible for managi

29、ng the Asia Pacific operations to include business strategy,strategic planning, executive business development, client relations, country operations and allclient projects and assignments.Hill and Associates is an enterprise wide risk management consulting firm specializing in assetand financial sec

30、urity areas such as IPO and M&A due diligence, financial and social compliance,fraud deterrence and investigations, brand protection, copyright, patent and IP theft investiga-tions.Mr. Hoenig has over 38 years experience in providing consulting services to both industry andgovernment on a global bas

31、is. He has been working in Asia since 1994 and has lived in bothSingapore and ShanghaiBefore joining H&A, Mr. Hoenig was Asia Pacific VP and General Manager with Bechtel, ManagingDirector with Parson Brinckerhoff and Senior Director at Fluor Corporation. All are major inter-national architectural, e

32、ngineering and construction organizations operating in the Asia PacificRegion.Mr. Hoenig served on the Board of Directors of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghaifor three years and was the 2001 and 2002 Vice Chairman and Chairman where is initiated theForeign Direct Investment (FDI) Advocacy

33、 Program, Engineering and Construction Committeeand the Ethics Committee.Mr. Hoenig graduated from Virginia Military Institute and attended graduate programs atJohn Hopkins and Harvard. He received a Presidential Appointment under the Reagan/Bushadministration and served in the Department of Defense.For more CER Event information:Contact: Caroline Fontaine, Chief Operating OfficerE-mail: Tel: +86 21 5385 9061China Economic Review, and its local agent Shanghai Yanran Advertising Ltd



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