2022春高考英语一轮复习 专题7 状语从句

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1、走向高考走向高考 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索人教版人教版(课标卷地区课标卷地区) 高考总复习高考总复习 语法专项突破语法专项突破 第二部分第二部分专题七状语从句专题七状语从句第二部分第二部分一、常考查的9类状语从句1时间状语从句。(1)when指的是“某一具体的时间”。When I came into the room,he was writing a letter.当我走进房间时,他正在写信。名师点拨when意为“这时”或“在那个时候”,可以看作是并列句,这种用法的when分句一般位于句末。One Friday,we were packing to l

2、eave for a weekend away when my daughter heard cries for help.一个星期五,我们正收拾行囊准备外出度周末时,突然女儿听到求救声。(2)whenever指的是“在任何一个不具体的时间”。You can ask for help whenever you need it.你如果需要帮助请随时提出来。(3)while指“在某一段时间里”,“在期间”,while引导的动作必须是持续性的。Mary made coffee while her guests were finishing their meal.当客人们将要结束用餐的时候玛丽冲完了咖

3、啡。(4)as(一边一边)引导持续性动作,强调主句和从句的动作同时发生。He hurried home,looking behind as he went.他急忙赶回家,边走边回头看。(5)before意为“在之前,才,就”。The girl had hardly rung the bell before the door was opened suddenly,and her friend rushed out to greet her.女孩还没来得及按门铃,门就突然打开了。她的朋友跑出来迎接她。(6)after意为“在之后”。Several years after theyd split

4、up they met again by chance in Beijing.他们分手几年以后在北京又偶然相遇。(7)till/until:如果主句动词是延续性动词,常用肯定式,表示“直到为止”;如果主句动词是瞬间性动词,要用否定式,表示“直到才”“在以前不”,从句放在句首表示强调,一般用until。If a lot of people say a film is not good,I wont bother to see it, or Ill wait until it comes out on DVD。如果许多人都说一部电影不好的话,我不会费心去观看,或者我将一直等到DVD版本的电影出版。

5、(8)since的主句动词应为延续性的,从句动词为瞬间性的。状语从句在主句之前时一般用逗号与主句分开,如从句在主句之后则不必用标点符号。It is three years since he came here.他来这里已经3年了。(9)as soon as/hardly.when/no sooner.than/the moment/the instant/the second/immediately/directly/instantly: hardly.when和 no sooner.than的意义相当于as soon as,但只表示过去发生的事情,主句为过去完成时,从句为过去时,如hardl

6、y或no sooner位于句首时语气强,而且主句的谓语要用部分倒装。Just use this room for the time being,and well offer you a larger one as soon as it becomes available.仅暂时使用此房间,一旦有了大的,我们就提供给你一个。He had no sooner finished his speech than the students started cheering.他一完成演讲学生们就开始欢呼起来了。Hardly had I got home when it began to rain.我刚一到

7、家就开始下雨了。(10)every time/each time/last time/next time/by the time:在时间状语从句中,不能用将来时或过去将来时,而要用一般现在时或一般过去时代替将来时。Next time you come here,I will tell you.下次你来这里,我会告诉你的。名师点拨时间状语从句的3个重点句型(1)It will be. before.过多久才It will be long before they come back.他们很久才能回来。(2)It wont be.before. 不久就John thinks it wont be l

8、ong before he is ready for his new job.约翰觉得不会过很久他就能为新工作作好准备。(3)It is/has been.since.自从以来时间注意:since引导的从句如果用瞬间性动词,表示的时间是从谓语动作算起;如果用延续性动词表示的时间是从动作或状态的结束算起。It has been a decade since he joined the club.他加入俱乐部已10年了。(从加入俱乐部后算起)It is two years and a half since he was an ambassador to France.他不担任驻法大使已两年半了。(

9、从不再担任大使算起)2地点状语从句。(1)where与wherever意义基本相同,但后者语气较强,多用于书面语。Today,we will begin where we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.今天,为了不遗漏要点,我们从昨天结束的地方开始。Wherever you go,you must obey the law.不论你去哪里,都必须要遵守法律。(2)地点状语从句在句首时常兼有抽象条件意味。Where theres a will,theres a way.有志者事竟成。(3)where引导的状语从句和定语从句的

10、区别。where引导地点状语从句直接修饰动词,而在定语从句中where作为关系副词要跟在表示地点的先行词后面。When solving the problem a second time,youd better be more careful where you made a mistake.When solving the problem a second time,youd better be more careful in the place where you made a mistake.当你第二次解决这个问题的时候,你最好在出过差错的地方更加小心。3原因状语从句。(1)becaus

11、e用来回答why的提问,语气最强,一般放在主句之后。The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair because he wanted to sit next to his wife.这位老人叫露西挪到另一把椅子上因为他想跟他妻子挨着坐。(2)since表示既然或已知的理由,稍加分析即可表明的原因,多放句首。Since everyone is here,lets begin our meeting.既然大家都到了,我们就开始开会吧。(3)as引导的从句常放在句首,说明次要的原因,主句说明结果,常用于口语中(注意比较for连接的是并列句)。As h

12、e didnt know much English,he looked up the word in the dictionary.由于他不太懂英语,所以在词典中查了那个单词。(4)considering that,seeing that,now that和since意义相似,都有“鉴于某个事实”的意思,that可以省去。He finished his task very well,considering that it was quite different.鉴于这项任务相当特殊,他完成得很不错。4目的状语从句。(1)so that/in order that引导的目的状语从句中需用情态动词

13、can,could等。The police officers in our city work hard in order that the rest of us can live a safe life.为了其余人能过上安全的生活,我们城市的警察工作很努力。(2)in order that引导的从句可位于主句之前或之后,so that引导的从句只能位于主句之后。They worked harder than usual in order that they could finish the work ahead of time.他们比平常工作更努力,目的是能提前完成这项工作。(3)for f

14、ear that(唯恐,以防)与in case所引导的目的状语从句中,谓语动词有时也用should/might/could动词原形。The boy hid himself behind the tree for fear that his father might see him.男孩藏在树后以防他父亲看见他。Take your umbrella in case it should rain.带上雨伞以防下雨。He had his camera ready in case he saw something that would make a good picture。他准备好了照相机以免他看到

15、什么可以成为很好照片的东西而无法拍摄下来。名师点拨in case当“万一,如果”讲时,引导条件状语从句。In case that he leaves,please inform me.如果他离开,请通知我。(4)目的状语从句可以用so as to,in order to等不定式代替,但主句和从句的主语必须一致。He got up early in order that he could catch the early bus.He got up early so as to/in order to catch the early bus.他早起是为了赶上早班车。5结果状语从句。(1)so th

16、at前有逗号,引导结果状语从句。We turned up the radio,so that everyone heard the news.我们开大了收音机的音量,结果每个人都听到了新闻。(2)so.that中so后面跟形容词或副词。He was so excited that he couldnt say a word.他如此兴奋以至于说不出话来。(3)such.that中such后面跟名词,如果名词是单数就要用such a/an.that,还可以转换用so.that,语气较强。Jack is so honest a worker that we all believe him.Jack

17、is such an honest worker that we all believe him.杰克是位诚实的工人,(以至于)我们大家都相信他。6条件状语从句。常用引导词:if/unless/as long as/so long as/in case/so far as/as far as。(1)unless从句的谓语只能用肯定式;unless和if.not同义,unless是书面语,if.not是口语,二者通常可以换用。The little boy wont go to sleep unless his mother tells him a story.除非他的妈妈给他讲故事,否则这个小男

18、孩是不会睡觉的。(2)条件状语从句中的谓语动词的时态一般要用现在时或过去时代替一般将来时或过去将来时。So long as you work hard,you will succeed.只要努力,你就会成功。7方式状语从句。(1)as引导状语从句,意为“按照,正如”。Do as you are told to.按照你被告知的那样去做。(2)as if或as though的意义和用法基本一样;从句中可以用陈述语气表示可能符合事实,也可以用虚拟语气表示与事实相反。Jack wasnt saying anything but the teacher smiled at him as if he ha

19、d done something very clever.杰克没说一句话,但老师却对着他微笑,好像他做了什么聪明事似的。8让步状语从句。(1)though/although: 在 句 子 中 一 般 用 了 “虽 然(though/although)”就不能再用“但是(but)”,但可以与yet或still连用;though/although意义相同,用法基本一样,前者通俗,口语化,后者正式。Frank insisted that he was not asleep although I had great difficulty in waking him up.尽管我费了好大劲才叫醒弗兰克,

20、但是他坚持说没有睡着。(2)even if和even though的意思为“即使,纵使”,有退一步设想的意味,多用于书面语中。The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities,even if they have the interest.工程师们非常繁忙,即使有户外体育活动的兴趣也没有时间去做。Tim is in good shape physically even though he doesnt get much exercise.尽管Tim锻炼不多,但他身材很好。(3)as引导

21、的状语从句多用于书面语,从句常放在句首,语序部分倒装。被倒装的部分可以是表语、状语或动词原形。Try as she might,Sue couldnt get the door open.尽管苏尽力了,但她没能把门打开。(4)no matter(who,what,when,where,which,how.):no matter.与whever引导的让步状语从句意义基本一样,no matter.引导的从句可位于主句前或主句后。No matter how dry a desert may be,it is not necessarily lifeless.不管沙漠里可能是多么干燥,它也并不一定是没

22、有生命存在的。(5)whever(whatever/whoever/whenever/wherever/whichever);however。whever从句中的动词有时可以和may连用;whever可引导让步状语从句和名词性从句。no matter.只能引导让步状语从句。To show our respect,we usually have to take our gloves off whoever we are to shake hands with.不论我们和谁握手,为了表示尊敬,我们通常要摘掉手套。(6)while也可以引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”。While all of the

23、m are strong candidates, only one will be chosen for the post.虽然他们中所有的人都是强劲的候选人,但是只能选择其中的一个来担任这个职位。9比较状语从句。(1)as.as;not so/as.as;the same.as;such.as。连词表示同程度级的比较,肯定句用as.as,否定句可用not as.as或not so.as。He doesnt run so/as fast as Jack(does)他跑得不如杰克快。Henry is not such a good worker as Peter.亨利不像彼得那样是位好工人。(2

24、)than表示不同程度的比较,主句中用形容词或副词的比较级。He runs less fast than me.他跑得不如我快。二、状语从句的4种倒装句式1not until置于句首时主句要倒装。Not until we pointed out their faults did they realize it.直到我们指出他们的错误,他们才意识到。2no sooner与hardly/scarcely引导的主句中谓语应用过去完成时,而than与when从句中谓语应用一般过去时。此外,当把no sooner和hardly/scarcely提到句首时。应用倒装语序。No sooner had we

25、arrived at the station than the train left.我们刚到车站,火车就离站了。3在so/such.that.句型中,如果so或such置于句首,主句则用部分倒装。So fast did he walk that none of us was his equal.他走得如此快,我们没有人是他的对手。4as引导让步状语从句须用倒装,句型为:adj./adv./n.(一般不带冠词)/v.(原形)as主语谓语。Angry as/though he was,he managed to speak calmly.尽管他很生气,但他努力镇静地说话。名师点拨as引导的让步状

26、语从句中,被倒装的部分可以是表语、状语或动词原形,though也可以用于这样的结构中(although引导的让步状语从句一般不能倒装)。三、状语从句的4种省略形式在时间、条件、方式、让步状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句主语一致或从句的主语为it而且从句的谓语又包含be,就可以省略从句中的“主语be”部分,构成下列结构:1连词分词。Look out while crossing the street.过街时要小心。2连词形容词。Come tomorrow if possible.可能的话明天来。3连词介词短语。While in Beijing,I paid a visit to the Great Wall.在北京的时候我参观了长城。4连词不定式。He cleared his throat as if to say something.他清了清嗓子好像要说点什么。



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