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1、8.507.6315.13.7-0.5Company reportFIGCommercial BanksEquity MalaysiaabcGlobal ResearchNeutralTarget price (MYR)Share price (MYR)Forecast dividend yield (%)Potential return (%)Note: Potential return equals the percentagedifference between the current share price andthe target price, plus the forecast

2、dividend yieldDec 2011 a 2012 e 2013 eCIMB Group Holding (CIMB)N: Higher 3Q12 cost income ratio could be transitional Strong deal pipeline and a pick up in corporate loan growthmeans 2012 earnings expectations can easily be achievedHSBC EPSHSBC PEPerformanceAbsolute (%)0.5115.11M0.10.5613.63M-2.90.6

3、412.012M11.1 Profitability beyond 2012 depends on internal restructuringand the integration of recent acquisitionsRelative (%) 2.8 -1.3Note: (V) = volatile (please see disclosure appendix)21 November 2012Kar Weng Loo*AnalystThe Hongkong and Shanghai BankingCorporation Limited, Singapore branch+65 66

4、58 .sgXiushi Cai*AnalystThe Hongkong and Shanghai BankingCorporation Limited, Singapore branch+65 6658 .sgTodd Dunivant*Head of Banks Research, Asia PacificThe Hongkong and Shanghai BankingCorporation Limited (HK)+852 2996 .hkView HSBC Global Research at:http:/*Employed by a non-US affiliate ofHSBC

5、Securities (USA) Inc, and is notregistered/qualified pursuant to FINRAregulationsIssuer of The Hongkong and Shanghaireport: Banking Corporation Limited,Singapore BranchMICA (P) 038/04/2012MICA (P) 063/04/2012MICA (P) 206/01/2012Disclaimer &DisclosuresThis report must be readwith the disclosures andt

6、he analyst certifications inthe Disclosure appendix,and with the Disclaimer,which forms part of it We have a Neutral rating and MYR8.50 price targetHigher opex eats up income growth in 3Q12 but this could be transitional. Strippingout a one-off MYR133mn gain, pre-provision profit (PPoP) fell 5% q-o-

7、q as the 9% risein operating cost more than offset the 3% growth in total income. Cost income ratioincreased to 59% (2Q12: 56%). That said, 3Q12 includes MYR30mn-MYR40mn ofrunning costs from the acquisition of RBS cash equities and equity capital marketbusinesses Asia. Revenue generation from the RB

8、S acquisition has yet to stabilise so costincome metrics should improve over time.Results were still within market expectations including ours. Core 3Q12 net profit wasdown 9% q-o-q bringing 9M12 core net profit to MYR3,127mn, accounting for 73% ofconsensus full year estimates (75% of ours). We inte

9、rpret management commentary asasserting that non-interest income can be sustained in 4Q12 and corporate loan growthcould pick up. This suggests that CIMB should easily be able to hit the markets earningsexpectations for this year.Dividend policy will depend on capital rules. Bank Negara is expected

10、to announce theBasel III framework in Nov/Dec 2012. Depending on how capital rules evolve, on a worstcase basis, CIMB may consider a one-off dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) to conservecapital. Management stressed that it is not in favour of maintaining a DRP into perpetuity.Longer term profitabilit

11、y depends on internal restructuring and the integration ofrecent acquisitions. We believe management is acutely aware of the challenges toprofitability ahead. It is in the process of restructuring its group wholesale banking, riskmanagement and Malaysian consumer businesses. This, together with the

12、successfulintegration of the acquisition of RBS and 60% of Bank of Commerce in the Philippines,should help support profitability in the long term.Neutral rating, target MYR8.50. Although we like how CIMBs management is focusedon evolving the platform to drive profitability ahead, we have a Neutral r

13、ating given thatthe stock trades at 1.9x Dec 13E BV and 12x 2013E EPS. Our MYR8.50 price targetassumes a 15.8% RoE, a 10.9% cost of equity, and a 6.4% growth rate. This implies 2.1xDec-13e BV and 14x 2013e EPS.11CIMB Group Holding (CIMB)Commercial Banks21 November 2012Financials & valuation: CIMBInc

14、ome statement(MYRm)Financial ratios and assumptions (%)abcNeutralYear toInterest incomeInterest expenseNet interest incomeIslamic banking incomeNon-interest incmeOperating incomeOperating expensePre-prov op profit (PPOP)Provision chargesAssociates & amortizationNon-op itemsProfit before taxCore prof

15、it before taxTaxation12/11a12,682(6,005)6,6761,4703,72511,872(6,630)5,242(432)1282655,2034,938(1,129)12/12e14,150(6,721)7,4291,5583,99312,980(6,975)6,006(562)16605,6105,610(1,402)12/13e15,166(7,192)7,9741,7604,34814,082(7,323)6,759(565)18306,3776,377(1,594)12/14e16,197(7,688)8,5101,9704,67415,153(7,

16、883)7,270(514)20106,9576,957(1,739)Year toGross yieldCost of fundsNet interest marginIslamic banking inc/operating incNon-int inc/operating incGross loans/depositsCost/operating income ratioCost/average assetsNet provision/ avg net loansGross NPLs/loansLoan loss coverageEffective tax rateCore RoACor

17、e RoE12/11a4.91%2.43%2.59%12%31%86%56%2.3%0.25%5.12%81%22%1.42%16.4%12/12e5.00%2.47%2.62%12%31%86%54%2.2%0.29%5.15%77%25%1.34%15.4%12/13e4.94%2.46%2.60%13%31%86%52%2.2%0.27%4.99%76%25%1.41%16.2%12/14e4.90%2.45%2.57%13%31%86%52%2.2%0.23%4.89%76%25%1.43%16.3%Minorities + preferencesAttributable profit

18、Core earningsBalance sheet summary (MYRm)Ordinary equity(44)4,0313,76625,936(42)4,1654,16528,019(48)4,7354,73530,386(52)5,1655,16532,969Growth (y-o-y, %)Earning assetsTotal assetsGross loansDeposits11%11%14%11%9%8%9%9%8%7%8%8%8%7%8%8%Customer loans (Net)Investment in securitiesCustomer depositsDebt

19、issuedInterest earning assetsInterest bearing liabilitiesTotal assetsCapital (%)RWA (MYRm)Core equity Tier 1Tier 1CARPer share data (MYR)Core EPSCore diluted EPSDPSNTABV183,83944,358221,93318,144271,270261,676300,203185,6568.6%9.2%17.4%0.510.510.302.163.49200,33945,245241,90717,705294,984282,291323,

20、525197,3509.1%9.7%17.7%0.560.560.282.443.77216,72146,150261,26018,205318,409303,278347,539211,9999.7%10.2%18.1%0.640.640.322.764.09234,32147,073282,16018,205343,157325,369372,909227,47410.2%10.6%18.2%0.690.690.353.114.44Net interest incomeIslamic banking incomeNon interest incomeOperating incomeTota

21、l costProvision chargesPre-provision profitCore PBTCore net profitCore diluted EPSDPSBVPSRoE decompositionNet interest incomeIslamic banking incomeNon-Interest IncomeOperating incomeOperating expensesPPOP1%11%-5%0%0%-31%0%12%15%4%-16%12%2.34%0.52%1.31%4.17%-2.33%1.84%11%6%7%9%5%30%15%8%3%11%70%8%2.3

22、8%0.50%1.28%4.16%-2.24%1.93%7%13%9%8%5%1%13%14%14%14%14%8%2.38%0.52%1.30%4.20%-2.18%2.01%7%12%7%8%8%-9%8%9%9%9%9%8%2.36%0.55%1.30%4.21%-2.19%2.02%Valuations multiples (x)PEP/PPoPP/NTAPBDividend yield (%)Price relative1115x10.9x3.6x2.2x3.9%14x9.5x3.1x2.0x3.7%12x8.4x2.8x1.9x4.2%11x7.8x2.5x1.7x4.5%Prov

23、isionsNon-op itemsOp inc before taxTaxationMinoritiesAttributable profitLeverageRoESource: Company data, HSBC estimates-0.15% -0.18% -0.17% -0.14%0.14% 0.05% 0.05% 0.06%1.83% 1.80% 1.90% 1.93%-0.40% -0.45% -0.48% -0.48%-0.02% -0.01% -0.01% -0.01%1.42% 1.34% 1.41% 1.43%11.6x 11.6x 11.5x 11.4x16.4% 15

24、.4% 16.2% 16.3%Priced as of market close, 20 November 2012109876510987652010201120122013CIMB Group HoldingSource: HSBC2Rel to KLSE COMPOSITE INDEXCIMB Group Holding (CIMB)Commercial Banks21 November 2012Key points from analystconference call The consumer bank in Malaysia has beenleaking market share

25、 because (1) CIMB wastaking a cautious stance on credit and (2) itwas also fixing its consumer bankingplatform. Market share for residentialmortgages and credit cards is now 13.1% and11.6% respectively (Sep 11: 13.7% and12.7%). By and large, the improvements inthe banking platform should translate t

26、oimprovements in market share ahead. Sustainable RoE for 93.2%-owned CIMBThai is likely going to be hovering at the highsingle digit levels. To move beyond that,CIMB Thai needs to either scale up itsoperations or find a profitable niche marketsegment to focus on. Management remainsreticent on how th

27、is piece of the business willevolve stating that it is looking to overcomethe scale issue but M&A opportunities arerare and expensive. Meanwhile, we believemanagement implied that it may bemisleading to look at CIMB Thai on astandalone basis as the group does leverageon the platform for regional bus

28、iness (e.g.cross border financing). Gross loans were flat q-o-q and up 9% y-o-y.However, this number was affected by aweaker Rupiah. Stripping out currencyeffects, gross loan growth would have been+3.7% q-o-q and +12.1% y-o-y. 3Q12 earnings include MYR133mn one-off There are no signs of asset qualit

29、y stress.However, management remains elusive onwhether the current credit cost charge issustainable. The proposed sale of 51%-owned CIMBAviva Assurance is expected to be completedin 1Q13. Bank Negara (BNM) is expected to announcethe Basel III framework in Nov/Dec 2012 andthe new consolidation framew

30、ork in 1Q13.Depending on how the rules on capitalevolve, on a worst case basis, CIMB mayconsider a one-off dividend reinvestment plan(DRP) to conserve capital. Managementstressed that it is not in favour of maintaininga DRP into perpetuity. The acquisition of 60% of Bank of Commercein the Philippine

31、s should be completed by earlyDecember 2012. Acquisition of selected cashequities and equity capital markets businesses ofRBS will be fully completed in 1Q13. CIMB insinuated that non-interest income in4Q12 can be sustained due to a strong dealpipeline. Management also commented thatfull year loan g

32、rowth could exceed 12% ascorporate loan growth picks up. CIMB has maintained its targets for 2012:16.4% RoE target; 16% group loans growthtarget; 16% group deposit growth target and aloan loss charge of 0.31%. Annualised 9M12RoE is 15.6% while the credit charge rate for9M12 is 0.2%.abcrecoveries fro

33、m CIMB Thai. Stripping this out,earnings would be flat y-o-y and down 9%q-o-q. 3Q12 also includes MYR30mn-MYR40mn of running cost from the acquisitionof RBS. If we take this out also, 3Q12underlying earnings would be up 3% y-o-y butdown 6% q-o-q.3CIMB Group Holding (CIMB)Commercial Banks21 November

34、2012Table 1: CIMB: 3Q12 resultabcRMmn, year-end DecInterest incomeInterest expenseNet interest incomeIslamic Banking incomeNon-interest incomeTotal incomeOperating costsPre-provision profitLoan loss provisionImpairment lossAssociatesExceptionalsProfit before taxCore profit before taxTaxMinoritiesRep

35、orted net profitCore net profit3Q113,249(1,587)1,6623889813,031(1,701)1,331(106)184401,2881,288(273)(3)1,0121,0124Q113,357(1,597)1,7603631,0083,131(1,722)1,409(289)8272501,4051,155(260)(13)1,1338831Q123,301(1,564)1,7383761,1423,256(1,792)1,463(144)(12)3401,3411,341(318)(12)1,0111,0112Q123,362(1,498)


37、(4,908)3,833(198)3912403,7983,798(869)(31)2,8982,8989M1210,078(4,590)5,4881,2913,34310,123(5,646)4,477(277)(14)11834,3074,304(999)(44)3,2633,261YoY%8%4%12%17%23%16%15%17%40%-136%-5%NM13%13%15%43%13%12%Key financial ratiosGross NPLLoan Loss CoverageNet provisions / Avg net loansNet loans / depositsGr

38、oss loan growth YoYGross loan growth QoQDeposit growth YoYDeposit growth QoQCASA deposits / Total depositsAssets / Equity (x)Core Tier I*Tier I*RWCAR*RoEPPoP RoEROAPPoP RoANon-int inc / Total incCost income ratioEffective tax rateYield on earning assetsCost of fundsNet interest margin5.52%80%0.24%81



41、%33%56%23%4.78%2.26%2.60%Source: Company, HSBC; *At CIMB Bank level4CIMB Group Holding (CIMB)Commercial Banks21 November 2012Table 2: CIMB: Loan growth and compositionabcRMmn, year-end Dec3Q114Q111Q122Q123Q12QoQMYRmnQoQ%YoYMYRmnYoY % Composition %ConstructionResidential mortgages5,13248,4815,21748,8

42、096,24049,2386,33250,5326,70551,2433737116%1%1,5732,76231%6%3%26%Non-residential mortgages 12,25712,75913,05213,54615,0411,49511%2,78423%7%Purchase of SecuritiesTransport VehiclesPersonal usesCredit cardConsumer durablesFixed assetsMerger & acquisitionsWorking capitalOthersTotal gross loansFixed rat

43、e loansFloating rate loansTotal gross loansSME loansConsumer loansCorporate loansTotal gross loans7,44416,5836,4605,365117,7652,54347,39915,510184,94051,561133,380184,94029,07588,34667,519184,9408,66816,2816,7825,604116,5285,18646,07819,479191,39354,150137,243191,39329,82589,30472,265191,39310,25516


45、934)(856)(1,072)243802562240802(97)1,466(566)8023%2%2%0%200%-6%-23%-2%1%0%1%0%0%0%2%-1%0%3,6284315291139(2,729)2563,4193,05615,8322,16913,66315,8321,9736,0697,79115,83249%3%8%2%885%-15%10%7%20%9%4%10%9%7%7%12%9%6%8%3%3%0%7%1%25%9%100%27%73%100%15%47%38%100%Source: Company, HSBCTable 3: CIMB: NPL tre

46、ndsRMmn, year-end Dec3Q114Q111Q122Q123Q12 QoQ chg (%) YoY chg (%)ConstructionResidential mortgagesNon-residential mortgagesPurchase of securitiesTransport VehiclesPersonal usesCredit cardConsumer durablesFixed assetsWorking capitalOthersTotal gross NPL1,4951,92943413153230012016903,4671,11410,2121,3

47、431,78240712442435512815573,5661,1199,8051,3611,67337410142324411306513,2189249,0811,2121,69739019941125510506233,0279308,8501,2431,7073721943872535204412,8899168,4553%1%-5%-2%-6%-1%-50%-2%-29%-5%-2%-4%-17%-11%-14%49%-27%-16%-57%-65%-36%-17%-18%-17%Gross NPL ratioConstructionResidential mortgagesNon

48、-residential mortgagesPurchase of securitiesTransport VehiclesPersonal usesCredit cardConsumer durablesFixed assetsWorking capitalOthersTotal gross NPL29.1%4.0%3.5%1.8%3.2%4.6%2.2%56.0%3.9%7.3%7.2%5.5%25.7%3.7%3.2%1.4%2.6%5.2%2.3%59.7%3.4%7.7%5.7%5.1%21.8%3.4%2.9%1.0%2.6%3.6%2.1%13.1%4.1%6.9%5.0%4.8

49、%19.1%3.4%2.9%1.9%2.5%3.7%1.9%6.1%3.9%5.8%5.1%4.4%18.5%3.3%2.5%1.8%2.3%3.6%1.0%2.0%2.9%5.7%4.9%4.2%Source: Company, HSBC5CIMB Group Holding (CIMB)Commercial Banks21 November 2012Table 4: CIMB: Balance sheetabcRMmn, year-end DecCash & ST fundsRepos purchasedInterbank loansHFT securitiesAFS securities

50、HTM securitiesNet LoansNon-interest earning assetsGoodwill & intangiblesTotal AssetsCustomer depositsInterbank borrowingsBills payableOther borrowingsRedeemable preference sharesSub debtOther liabilitiesTotal LiabilitiesMinoritiesPerpetual pref sharesShare capitalReservesLiabilities, minorities and

51、s/holders funds3Q1130,3833,9738,05617,48612,85716,047177,12919,8589,823295,612218,20216,3155,3303,92991511,94512,999269,6337112007,43317,635295,6124Q1134,6694,2304,17413,66618,42112,461183,83919,0799,854300,393221,93314,0327,5675,84588111,41811,710273,3877272007,43318,646300,3931Q1230,9684,4437,2792


53、1,788231,59423,7004,8147,33586211,47613,663293,4437912007,43319,921321,788Source: Company, HSBC62Q072Q081Q011Q03 1Q041Q06 1Q071Q09 1Q101Q101Q101Q111Q111Q112Q112Q092Q102Q121Q021Q04 1Q051Q071Q09 1Q10 1Q11 1Q121Q01 1Q02 1Q03 1Q04 1Q05 1Q06 1Q07 1Q08 1Q091Q013Q021Q043Q051Q073Q083Q111Q101Q011Q031Q05 1Q06

54、 1Q07 1Q081Q121Q021Q041Q091Q121Q011Q031Q061Q081Q121Q021Q051Q08CIMB Group Holding (CIMB)Commercial Banks21 November 2012CIMB: Quarterly trendsChart 1: CIMB: Loan and deposit growth YoY%Chart 2: CIMB: Group loan / deposit ratio %abc35%Gross loans YoY%Deposits YoY%100%Net loan-deposit ratio30%25%20%15%

55、10%5%0%-5%Source: Company, HSBCChart 3: CIMB: Net interest margin %95%90%85%80%75%70%Source: Company, HSBCChart 4: CIMB: Non-interest income / Total income %3.2%3.0%2.8%NIM%55%50%45%40%Non-interest income/Total income35%2.6%2.4%2.2%Source: Company, HSBC; Excludes Islamic banking incomeChart 5: CIMB:

56、 Gross NPL and loan loss coverage30%25%20%15%Source: Company, HSBCChart 6: CIMB: Annualised credit cost / Average net loansLoan loss cov erage (LHS)100%90%80%70%60%50%40%Source: Company, HSBCGross NPL (RHS)12%11%10%9%8%7%6%5%4%4.0%3.5%3.0%2.5%2.0%1.5%1.0%0.5%0.0%Source: Company, HSBCCredit cost/ Av

57、g net loans71Q01 1Q02 1Q03 1Q04 1Q051Q07 1Q081Q10 1Q111Q021Q041Q06 1Q071Q10 1Q111Q011Q051Q091Q061Q091Q121Q031Q081Q12CIMB Group Holding (CIMB)Commercial Banks21 November 2012Chart 7: CIMB: Annualised RoE and PPoP RoEChart 8: CIMB: Annualised RoA and PPoP RoAabc45%RoEPPoP RoE4.0%RoAPPoP RoA3.5%35%25%1

58、5%5%-5%Source: Company, HSBCValuation and risksCIMB (CIMB MK, Neutral): We value CIMB atMYR8.50 per share, based on an intrinsic PBmultiple derived from the Gordon growth model.Our target price assumes a 15.8% sustainable RoE, a10.9% cost of equity, and a 6.4% growth rate. Thisimplies 2.1x Dec-13e B

59、V and 14x 2013e EPS.Under our research model, for stocks without thevolatility indicator, the Neutral band is 5ppts aboveand below the hurdle rate for Malaysian stocks of7%, or 2-12% above the current share price. At thetime we set our target price, it implied a potentialreturn that was within the N

60、eutral band; therefore,we rate the stock Neutral. Potential return equals thedifference between the current share price and thetarget price, including the forecast dividend yield.Downside risks include stricter-than-expected ruleson capital, fierce competition for funding inIndonesia, renewed pressu

61、re on lending yields, adeteriorating asset quality cycle, and the possible riskthat Bank Indonesia might impose retrospectiveshareholding limits, forcing CIMB to sell down itsstake in CIMB Niaga. Upside risks to our estimatesand Neutral call include rules on capital that are lessstricter than what w

62、e expect, moderating competitionfor funding in Indonesia, less pressure on lendingyields, an improving asset quality cycle, and thepossibility that Bank Indonesia will not imposeretrospective shareholding limits on CIMB Niaga.83.0%2.5%2.0%1.5%1.0%0.5%0.0%-0.5%Source: Company, HSBCCIMB Group Holding

63、(CIMB)Commercial Banksabc21 November 2012Disclosure appendixAnalyst CertificationThe following analyst(s), economist(s), and/or strategist(s) who is(are) primarily responsible for this report, certifies(y) that theopinion(s) on the subject security(ies) or issuer(s) and/or any other views or forecas

64、ts expressed herein accurately reflect theirpersonal view(s) and that no part of their compensation was, is or will be directly or indirectly related to the specificrecommendation(s) or views contained in this research report: Kar Weng Loo, Xiushi Cai and Todd DunivantImportant disclosuresStock rati

65、ngs and basis for financial analysisHSBC believes that investors utilise various disciplines and investment horizons when making investment decisions, whichdepend largely on individual circumstances such as the investors existing holdings, risk tolerance and other considerations.Given these differen

66、ces, HSBC has two principal aims in its equity research: 1) to identify long-term investment opportunitiesbased on particular themes or ideas that may affect the future earnings or cash flows of companies on a 12 month time horizon;and 2) from time to time to identify short-term investment opportuni

67、ties that are derived from fundamental, quantitative,technical or event-driven techniques on a 0-3 month time horizon and which may differ from our long-term investment rating.HSBC has assigned ratings for its long-term investment opportunities as described below.This report addresses only the long-

68、term investment opportunities of the companies referred to in the report. As and whenHSBC publishes a short-term trading idea the stocks to which these relate are identified on the website Details of these short-term investment opportunities can be found under the Reports section of thiswebsite.HSB

69、C believes an investors decision to buy or sell a stock should depend on individual circumstances such as the investorsexisting holdings and other considerations. Different securities firms use a variety of ratings terms as well as different ratingsystems to describe their recommendations. Investors

70、 should carefully read the definitions of the ratings used in each researchreport. In addition, because research reports contain more complete information concerning the analysts views, investorsshould carefully read the entire research report and should not infer its contents from the rating. In an

71、y case, ratings should notbe used or relied on in isolation as investment advice.Rating definitions for long-term investment opportunitiesStock ratingsHSBC assigns ratings to its stocks in this sector on the following basis:For each stock we set a required rate of return calculated from the cost of

72、equity for that stocks domestic or, as appropriate,regional market established by our strategy team. The price target for a stock represents the value the analyst expects the stockto reach over our performance horizon. The performance horizon is 12 months. For a stock to be classified as Overweight,

73、 thepotential return, which equals the percentage difference between the current share price and the target price, including theforecast dividend yield when indicated, must exceed the required return by at least 5 percentage points over the next 12 months(or 10 percentage points for a stock classifi

74、ed as Volatile*). For a stock to be classified as Underweight, the stock must beexpected to underperform its required return by at least 5 percentage points over the next 12 months (or 10 percentage pointsfor a stock classified as Volatile*). Stocks between these bands are classified as Neutral.Our

75、ratings are re-calibrated against these bands at the time of any material change (initiation of coverage, change of volatilitystatus or change in price target). Notwithstanding this, and although ratings are subject to ongoing management review,expected returns will be permitted to move outside the

76、bands as a result of normal share price fluctuations without necessarilytriggering a rating change.9Nov-07Nov-08Nov-09Nov-10Nov-11Nov-1245%17%9876CIMB Group Holding (CIMB)Commercial Banksabc21 November 2012*A stock will be classified as volatile if its historical volatility has exceeded 40%, if the

77、stock has been listed for less than 12months (unless it is in an industry or sector where volatility is low) or if the analyst expects significant volatility. However,stocks which we do not consider volatile may in fact also behave in such a way. Historical volatility is defined as the pastmonths av

78、erage of the daily 365-day moving average volatilities. In order to avoid misleadingly frequent changes in rating,however, volatility has to move 2.5 percentage points past the 40% benchmark in either direction for a stocks status to change.Rating distribution for long-term investment opportunitiesA

79、s of 20 November 2012, the distribution of all ratings published is as follows:Overweight (Buy)(27% of these provided with Investment Banking Services)Neutral (Hold)Underweight (Sell)38%(27% of these provided with Investment Banking Services)(20% of these provided with Investment Banking Services)Sh

80、are price and rating changes for long-term investment opportunitiesCIMB Group Holding (CIMB.KL) Share Price performance MYR Vs HSBC Recommendation & price target historyrating history10FromN/AOverweightTarget PricePrice 1Price 2Price 3Price 4Source: HSBCToOverweightNeutralValue9.909.007.708.50Date18

81、 July 201115 November 2011Date18 July 201123 August 201115 November 201115 August 20125432Source: HSBC101234567891011123CIMB Group Holding (CIMB)Commercial Banks21 November 2012HSBC & Analyst disclosuresDisclosure checklistabcCompanyCIMB GROUP HOLDINGTickerCIMB.KLDisclosure6, 7Source: HSBCHSBC* has

82、managed or co-managed a public offering of securities for this company within the past 12 months.HSBC expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from this company in the next3 months.At the time of publication of this report, HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. is a Ma

83、rket Maker in securities issued by thiscompany.As of 31 October 2012 HSBC beneficially owned 1% or more of a class of common equity securities of this company.As of 30 September 2012, this company was a client of HSBC or had during the preceding 12 month period been a clientof and/or paid compensati

84、on to HSBC in respect of investment banking services.As of 30 September 2012, this company was a client of HSBC or had during the preceding 12 month period been a clientof and/or paid compensation to HSBC in respect of non-investment banking securities-related services.As of 30 September 2012, this

85、company was a client of HSBC or had during the preceding 12 month period been a clientof and/or paid compensation to HSBC in respect of non-securities services.A covering analyst/s has received compensation from this company in the past 12 months.A covering analyst/s or a member of his/her household

86、 has a financial interest in the securities of this company, asdetailed below.A covering analyst/s or a member of his/her household is an officer, director or supervisory board member of thiscompany, as detailed below.At the time of publication of this report, HSBC is a non-US Market Maker in securi

87、ties issued by this company and/or insecurities in respect of this companyAnalysts, economists, and strategists are paid in part by reference to the profitability of HSBC which includes investmentbanking revenues.For disclosures in respect of any company mentioned in this report, please see the most

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