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1、Lecture 4 Translating Long Chinese Sentences汉语长句的分析与翻译汉语长句的分析与翻译程永生(程永生(2001)提出汉语句子英译的)提出汉语句子英译的四个步骤:四个步骤:1、分析汉语原句的、分析汉语原句的意义层次意义层次及其及其相互联系相互联系,选用,选用合适的合适的英语时态英语时态;2、将各个意义层次翻译成、将各个意义层次翻译成独立的英语简单句独立的英语简单句或不或不太复杂的复合句;太复杂的复合句;3、将翻译过的英语简单句或不太复杂的复合句根、将翻译过的英语简单句或不太复杂的复合句根据汉语的据汉语的意义关系按照英语的组句规则意义关系按照英语的组句规则

2、予以予以合并合并;4、化简化简合并后的英语句子,在可能的情况下合并后的英语句子,在可能的情况下将从将从句化简成短语、将短语化简成词组甚至单词句化简成短语、将短语化简成词组甚至单词。如有必要还可对化简过的句子进行如有必要还可对化简过的句子进行调整调整,突出信息突出信息或造成或造成句式的多样性句式的多样性。 译例分析译例分析1. 我们相信他所说的,因为他受过良好教育,出生于我们相信他所说的,因为他受过良好教育,出生于受人尊敬的家庭,更重要的是他为人可靠;这些因素受人尊敬的家庭,更重要的是他为人可靠;这些因素虽不能作为判别是非的准绳,但也是重要参数。虽不能作为判别是非的准绳,但也是重要参数。1)进行

3、语法结构和意义层次分析)进行语法结构和意义层次分析 我们相信他所说的,我们相信他所说的,/(因果)(因果)因为他受过良好教育,因为他受过良好教育,/(并列)(并列)出生于受人尊敬的家庭,出生于受人尊敬的家庭,/(递进)(递进)更更重要的是他为人可靠;重要的是他为人可靠;/(因果)(因果)这些因素虽不能作为这些因素虽不能作为判别是非的准绳,判别是非的准绳,/(转折)(转折)但也是重要参数。但也是重要参数。2)将各个意义层次翻译成独立的英语简单句)将各个意义层次翻译成独立的英语简单句。We are convinced of what he said/ because he is well educ

4、ated,/ he was born into a respectable family / and more important, he is reliable. / Although all these factors cannot serve as criteria to determine right and wrong, / they are important parameters in making a decision.3)将意义关系按照英语的组句规则予以合并)将意义关系按照英语的组句规则予以合并。We are convinced of his statement based

5、on his good education, respectable family background and personal reliability, which are significant parameters, though not criteria, for the distinction of right from wrong.4) 简化,调整以突出信息,凸显结构简化,调整以突出信息,凸显结构。Such significant parameters, though not criteria for the decision on right and wrong, as his

6、 good education, responsible family background and personal reliability, all convinced us of his statement. C.f We are convinced of his statement based on his good education, respectable family background and personal reliability, which are significant parameters, though not criteria, for the distin

7、ction of right from wrong.2. 一开始我就怀疑他们之间有些感情瓜葛,随后发生的许多一开始我就怀疑他们之间有些感情瓜葛,随后发生的许多事都证明我的猜疑是正确的。事都证明我的猜疑是正确的。1)进行语法结构和意义层次分析)进行语法结构和意义层次分析一开始我就怀疑他们之间有些感情瓜葛,一开始我就怀疑他们之间有些感情瓜葛,/(递进)(递进)随后发生随后发生的许多事都证明我的猜疑是正确的。的许多事都证明我的猜疑是正确的。 2)将各个意义层次翻译成独立的英语简单句)将各个意义层次翻译成独立的英语简单句。At the very first, I was in doubt that t

8、here was some implicit love between them/ and what followed verified my suspicion.3)将意义关系按照英语的组句规则予以合并)将意义关系按照英语的组句规则予以合并。Their implicit love, as I initially suspected, turned out to be explicit with evidences becoming increasingly convincing. 4)将从句化简成短语、将短语化简成词组甚至单词)将从句化简成短语、将短语化简成词组甚至单词。My initial

9、 suspicion about their implicit love has turned out true by successive evidences. 3.这位省长,一直十分注意自己的形象,令我们吃这位省长,一直十分注意自己的形象,令我们吃惊的是,这位被誉为正直可靠的父母官竟然是个贪惊的是,这位被誉为正直可靠的父母官竟然是个贪赃枉法之徒。赃枉法之徒。1)进行语法结构和意义层次分析)进行语法结构和意义层次分析这位省长,一直十分注意自己的形象,这位省长,一直十分注意自己的形象,/(转折)(转折)令令我们吃惊的是,我们吃惊的是,/(系表)(系表)这位被誉为正直可靠的这位被誉为正直可靠的父

10、母官竟然是个贪赃枉法之徒。父母官竟然是个贪赃枉法之徒。2)将各个意义层次翻译成独立的英语简单句)将各个意义层次翻译成独立的英语简单句。The governor has been paying particular attention to his own image, /but what surprises us is/ that the governor, /who has frequently been honored as an upright and reliable local official, /has turned out to be a bad element who has

11、 perverted justice for bribery.3)将意义关系按照英语的组句规则予以合并)将意义关系按照英语的组句规则予以合并。With particular attention constantly paid to his own image, the governor, frequently honored as an upright and reliable local official, surprisingly turned out to be a bad element for his perversion of justice for bribery.4) 简化,调

12、整,突出信息简化,调整,突出信息。 Frequently honored as an upright and reliable local official for his particular attention constantly paid to his own image, the governor surprisingly turned out to be a bad element for his perversion of justice for bribery. 4. 这位教授引经据典,反复阐释,许多学生仍感这位教授引经据典,反复阐释,许多学生仍感到不得要领,如坠入五里云雾。如

13、此看来,深入到不得要领,如坠入五里云雾。如此看来,深入浅出,乃教学之秘诀也。浅出,乃教学之秘诀也。1)进行语法结构和意义层次分析)进行语法结构和意义层次分析这位教授引经据典,这位教授引经据典,/(并列)(并列)反复阐释,反复阐释,/(转折)(转折)许多学生仍感到不得要领,许多学生仍感到不得要领,/(并(并列)列)如坠入五里云雾。如坠入五里云雾。/(因果)(因果)如此看来,如此看来,/(系表)(系表)深入浅出,深入浅出,/(判断)(判断)乃教学之秘乃教学之秘诀也。诀也。 2)将各个意义层次翻译成独立的英语简单句。)将各个意义层次翻译成独立的英语简单句。The professor quoted e

14、xamples from classics and scriptures, /and explained the point repeatedly. /However, the students failed to grasp the essentials, /feeling that the professor had thrown them into foggy clouds as thick as five miles. /This shows that/ profound understanding expressed in intelligible terms can contrib

15、ute a great deal to classroom instruction 3)将意义关系按照英语的组句规则予以合并)将意义关系按照英语的组句规则予以合并,以凸显逻辑以凸显逻辑关系。关系。Although the professor quoted from classics and scriptures and explained the point repeatedly, the students remained puzzled and failed to get any nearer to the point. This illustrates that profound ide

16、as expressed in intelligible terms is of great significance in teaching. 4)将从句化简成短语、将短语化简成)将从句化简成短语、将短语化简成词组甚至单词词组甚至单词。The fact that the professors repeated quotations and patient explanations did not bring the puzzled students an inch nearer to the point necessitates expression of profound ideas in

17、 intelligible terms in teaching.5. 对化简过的句子进行对化简过的句子进行调整调整,突出信息突出信息或造成或造成句式句式的多样性。的多样性。a) The professors repeated quotations and patient explanations did not bring the puzzled students any nearer to the point, pointing to the significance of expressing profound ideas in intelligible terms in teaching

18、. b) The necessity of expressing profound ideas in intelligible terms in teaching can be best demonstrated by the fact that the professors repeated quotations and patient explanations did not bring the puzzled students an inch nearer to the point. 5. 在市场经济大潮中,即使在最有利的情况在市场经济大潮中,即使在最有利的情况下,公司要想改产较为适销的

19、产品,也难免下,公司要想改产较为适销的产品,也难免要冒一点损失利润的风险,哪怕是暂时的。要冒一点损失利润的风险,哪怕是暂时的。1)进行语法结构和意义层次分析)进行语法结构和意义层次分析在市场经济大潮中,即使在最有利的情况下,在市场经济大潮中,即使在最有利的情况下,/(并列)(并列)公司要想改产较为适销的产品,公司要想改产较为适销的产品,/(假设,让步)(假设,让步)也难免要冒一点损失利润也难免要冒一点损失利润的风险,的风险,/(让步)(让步)哪怕是暂时的。哪怕是暂时的。 2)将各个意义层次翻译成独立的英语简单句。)将各个意义层次翻译成独立的英语简单句。In the tide of market

20、 economy,/even if in the most advantageous position / and if a company wants to change its production pattern in order to adapt itself to the market demand, / it will inevitably suffer some losses in profits, / even if the suffer may not last long. 3)将意义关系按照英语的组句规则予以合并,以凸显)将意义关系按照英语的组句规则予以合并,以凸显逻辑关系

21、。逻辑关系。Surfing on the tide of market economy, a company, in the most advantageous position as it may be, will be at a risk of some profit loss in shifting its production patterns for the adaptation of itself to the market demand, though the loss may be transient. 4) 对句子进行调整,突出信息或造成句式的多样性。对句子进行调整,突出信息

22、或造成句式的多样性。In market economy, a company, even in the most advantageous position, may risk profit loss, though for the time being, in adaptation to the market demands by shifting its production patterns. a) Surfing on the tide of market economy, a company, even in the most advantageous position, may,

23、in adapting itself to the market demands by shifting its production patterns, be at the risk of some profit loss, though for the time being. (插入成分的增加造成句式的正式性)(插入成分的增加造成句式的正式性) b) In the most advantageous position as it may be, a company may, in surfing on the tide of market economy, suffer some profit loss, though temporarily, in adapting itself to the market demands by shifting its production patterns. (调整结构,突出信息)(调整结构,突出信息)



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