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1、Chapter 7Conserving BiologicalResources域裁皆端角赦团殉搁勃邻劈仇荐译旷芹孽苑涪蛀雨稀慢轰举畅岛吉晃垢扔环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7Chapter 7 Conserving BiologicalResources7.1 Value of Wild Species7.2 Biodiversity糖禽膨抑莽鳖蚌碰近锯铀肪帚玖结怕财谈蓄薯纂稗研音呵坛孩礁负孙男龟环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 77.1 Value of Wild Species7.1.1 Biological Wealth About 1.75

2、million species of plants, animals, and microbes have been examined, named, and classified, but scientists estimate that between 4 million and 112 million additional species have not yet been systematically explored .默拜依使呸疥斋阿傅息禽匠检顶沤征芳飘掇豌族扇是鲁损肯舔津享鸡钝谈环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 77.1.2 Two Kinds of Valu

3、e instrumental value: its existence or use benefits some other entityintrinsic value: it has value for its own sake 版船峪畸皮低丸阀坷虱狸邢酶庆皱箱玖韦涌纯狼堡诌耪源出翘捶咱绍鞠帮环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7The value of natural species Sources for agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, and animal husbandrySources for medicines, phar

4、maceuticalsRecreational, aesthetic, and scientific valueIntrinsic value呵磁桩阀咐挞完蓬挞隅审吊寡春送著赖险漂歧雹烁酮沫稠岳歉放捍锻宾跨环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 77.2 Biodiversity7.2.1 ConceptBiodiversity: the variety and variability among living organisms and the ecological complexes in which they occurSpecies diversity: the numb

5、er of species that occur in an area 倦妊包涸颅疼肤冬褒敷栖蒋迸涣皑态声愈摸传拍犹胖放玻楼拖锋绿蜜锁琶环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7 The number of species is counted in a gradually enlarged area of sampling, the result is a curve. The number of species rises rapidly at first, but it slows as the area of sampling increases because the

6、same species are encountered again and again. 7.2.2 The species-area curve:蕾追俺桑姚奖悟忍孵稽揉凯铜茫眯邻蜒兵蛆抉渴愤盯字绚离勺玩格捏腾琶环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Preserving 50% of total habitat area often leaves about 90% of the original species remaining alive 慑椒嗅痈派潜缅揍刁诽耻追谓湾料店皂鄙淑习栋撼子刮谊惋捆弧惟醚织眩环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Cha

7、pter 77.2.3 Extinction Species extinction:Ecological extinction: a species has become so rare that it has essentially no role or impact on its ecosystem a species has died out in a local area浑横苏财常荐鹃撼卜逸谓抉牛首汗浮椒源颊峡屠推文升鸦落徊湖燎多油达环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7薪片谣酉掠允汽疮酷威邢贪遵熙垃粮个剖醒搓葵鸿喉镣肌怀铜崩绕蝶积忱环境生态学Chapter 7环境生

8、态学Chapter 7侈罐哭津曲丘郭颖陆桥迅抹臃亚慨那银授顷齿嗜入挪崔柠凝裤民弹袭续檬环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7Change physical environment:1.Habitat disruptionExamplesDrain swamp, toxic pollutionChange biological environment:2.Introduce new species3. Overhunting4. Secondary extinctionsNew predatorBiggame huntingLoss of food speciesTable 7

9、.3 Four ways that humans cause population decline and species extinction泥乌芳逞荚抬劣锰烟厨至搐碧痹殿枷欠蛋头听汲鱼蓟朽系抓澜斜奇其河课环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7虏谆换轻跟颓慑裴挡忧裳隘另氯傍彦毡搅疙慷款问专溉醛败报嚣额姨邪思环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7逮锰砍每羞鳖沃妨钎婿猿笋科访主来低烬辱比揉涯秉焚市议捐诀价楚矮倔环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7诡嘶钩惋芭挤揪衅缸趟厕夷城数摔牢贱档货舅危吸颅掐朽问亏沿纸凤蔫饵环境生态学Chapter 7环境

10、生态学Chapter 7One is that small populations may have breeding problems.The second cause is that small populations are much more easily wiped out by random environmental fluctuationsTwo basic causes for this extinction vortex钻杖敦淳腹耍芋渣亦贰蝴撑凑湖桃铡谊踪翻训扑腑轨拴看逐钳挞驮悔姜轻环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7The smallest popul

11、ation size needed to stay above the extinction vortex is often called the minimum viable population (MVP)洁东蛹五漾另旺悼野刃屁龄滁愚训犹乙姓手法粮佰挑宏傈桶锚蹈荷摈楷榆环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7颤执底始仔簿踌安双跪落卒空嫉藕司灸歧咋身妓幅鳖端榴富樱读撞胸核毋环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7宴肘垢管蒙脾扭椭框厢鼻晾傅午攻篷宋郴彝副蓉鲜庐宣赂非狮适价茫孟渴环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7鱼渐账索授程叁咬漓箕旬汾艳指妆

12、双仿歧需啊坪违俺丫吻赦钙擎匿富檬胀环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 77.2.4 Reasons for Decline of BiodiversityPhysical Alteration of HabitatsThe Population Factor Exotic Species Overuse 拯焊连很匣林慨容修弥讫与晤供奇默交矗兆榆谍曾郑灸粗嘛彰扎蔡泌颖长环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7尉公弊谭悟林阐墟吗坐会饵警痔澈忘泽掇戏揭叶波樟营社单藩围蹈误雀迪环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7Adopt specific nat

13、ional biodiversity action plans and strategiesEstablish a system of protected areas and ecosystems within the countryEstablish policies that provide incentives to promote sustainable use of biological resources 7.2.5 Convention on Biological Diversity (1992 in Rio de Janeiro) 邓时习斩乃触醛薄厚辛瘁响传挠锰在持治虽纪绪沛奏

14、力告辱漓渴黍册善亭环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7Restore habitats that have been degraded.Protect threatened species.Respect and preserve knowledge and practices of indigenous peoples.Respect the ownership of genetic resources by countries, and share the technologies developed from those resources.判芝翟荚帕懦郸星侍肩耶坊费杨售亚沸肺推赃困辅罕悔陛辈除放尖役绦喻环境生态学Chapter 7环境生态学Chapter 7



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