高中英语 Module 5 第3课时 Cultural Corner & Task课件 外研选修8

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1、成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 选修选修8 The Conquest of the UniverseModule 51.1.1集合的概念第三课时第三课时Cultural Corner & Task 1.1.1集合的概念Module 5课内合作探究课内合作探究 2巩巩 固固 提提 升升3课后强化作业课后强化作业 4课前自主预习课前自主预习1写写 作作 指指 导导5课前自主预习课前自主预习.重点单词1有争议地(adv.)_2入侵(n.)_侵略,侵占(v.)_侵略者(n.)_3影响,作用(n.)_4观察;监视(n.)_观察(v.)_

2、arguably invasion invade invader impact observationobserve5不可避免的(adj.)_6假定,假设(n.)_7在进行中的(adj.)_8蓄意地,故意地(adv.)_故意的(adj.)_ inescapable assumption underway deliberately deliberate.重点短语1ever_从那以后2lead_导致;通向3set_motion使某事开始4_panic惊慌地5set_开始做;着手进行 since to inin out课内合作探究课内合作探究1invasion nU,C入侵The army succ

3、essfully fought off the foreign invasion.该军成功地击退外国的入侵。France itself was threatened with invasion.法国自身也受到入侵的威胁。知识拓展invade v侵略invader nC侵略者;侵入者即学即用翻译句子德国于1939年入侵波兰。_答案:German invaded Poland in 1939.2impact nC影响,作用The full impact of the news hit us several days later.那消息对我们造成的影响几天后才完全显现。Its difficult t

4、o assess the impact of the Presidents speech.很难估计总统讲话的巨大影响。知识拓展make/have a great impact on对有重大影响即学即用翻译句子他的演讲对观众有很大的影响。_答案:His speech made a great impact on the audience.3manage vt. 经营,管理Can you manage children well?你能管好孩子吗?Despite his disappointment,he managed a smile.他尽管很失望,但还是强颜微笑。知识拓展manage to do

5、 sth.设法做成某事,成功做了某事manage it 处理,对付manageable adj.易处理的,可做到的manage without 没有也行How did you manage to get their approval?你怎么得到他们的同意的?She wont be able to manage without help.没有人帮助,她将应付不了。However did you manage it?究竟你是怎么处理这事的?即学即用完成句子(1)我总算在目的站下了车。I_get out at the right station.(2)他善于理财。Hes good at_.(3)我帮

6、你提箱子好吗?多谢,我可以的。Can I help you to carry the suitcase?Thanks a lot,but I_.答案:(1)managed to (2)managing his money (3)can manage it1ever since从那以后I havent heard from him ever since last year.我自去年以来就没收到他的信。I have lived here ever since I was a child.我从孩童时就住在这儿。We came to the UK in 1974 and have lived here

7、 ever since.我们1974年来到英国,此后就一直在这里生活。知识拓展(1)ever since可作介词、连词或副词。作介词时,其后只接表示时间点的单词或短语,不接时间段;作连词时,引导时间状语从句;作副词时,表示“从那时开始”,一般用于句末。ever用在since之前起加强语气的作用。(2)(ever)since常与现在完成时连用。即学即用语法填空They_(be)good friend ever since they were in primary school.答案:have been2set out 打算,开始做,着手做They set out on the last stag

8、e of their journey.他们开始了旅行的最后一程。They are setting out to do a new experiment.他们正着手进行一项新的试验。知识拓展set about 开始,着手set out to do sth.set about doing sth.开始做某事Gathering up the thread of his story, he set about writing/set out to write.他整理好故事的线索便开始写作。Benjamin Franklin set about learning the printing at an e

9、arly age.本杰明富兰克林早年就开始学习印刷术。注意:set about与set out都表示“开始或出发”,但set about后接名词或动词ing;set out后接不定式。He set about solving the problem.他着手解决问题。即学即用语法填空The teacher set about_(write)on the blackboard and I set out_(read)the novel in class.答案:writing;to read1But when,in 1938,the American actor and director,Orson

10、 Welles set a radio drama of The war of the Worlds in the real life New Jersey town of Grovers Mill,little did he know what impact he was going to make.但是1938年当美国演员兼导演奥森韦尔斯以新泽西的格罗弗磨房镇真实生活场景为背景播出广播剧世界之战时,他根本不知道他将要造成多大的轰动。表示否定的词或短语:little,not,never,seldom,hardly,rarely,scarcely,not until,no sooner.tha

11、n.,hardly.when.,neither.(nor),by no means,in no time等,置于句首时句子要部分倒装。Never shall I forget the day.我决不会忘记这一天。Not a word would he say.他一个字也不肯说。Seldom in my life have I met so determined a person.我一生中很少遇到如此果断的人。Not until quite recently did I have any idea what a guided missile was like.直到最近我才有了一点儿对导弹的了解。

12、No sooner had he arrived there than he fell ill.他一到那里就生了病。Hardly had he began to speak when his father stopped him.他刚开始发言就被父亲制止了。Neither do I know her address,nor does he.我不知道她的地址,他也不知道。At no time in his life has he been braver than in that case.他一生中从来没有像那一回那么勇敢。即学即用完成句子(1)我再也不会做同样的事了。Never_the same

13、 thing again.(2)尽管他本人已经处于很危险的境地,但是他一点也不关心自己的安危。Little_about his own safty though he was in great danger himself.答案:(1)shall I do(2)did he care2Incredible as it may seem,both the observations of science and the evidence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption that those strange beings who land

14、ed in the New Jersey farmlands tonight are the vanguard of an invading army from the planet Mars.尽管看起来不可思议,但科学观测以及我们肉眼看到的证据都必须会让我们做出一个设想,那就是今晚降落在新泽西农场的怪物就是来自火星入侵部队的先导。Incredible as it may seemAlthough it may seem incredible;as引导让步状语从句时,通常将名词(不带冠词),形容词、副词、动词(原形)提前。Child as he is,he has to make a livi

15、ng.虽然他是个孩子,但他得谋生。Clever as he is,he doesnt study well.他虽然聪明,但学习不好。Much as I would like to help you,Im busy now.虽然我很想帮忙,但现在我很忙。Object as you may,Ill go.纵使你反对,我也要去。Go as he did,he didnt help the girl work out that difficult problem.尽管他去了,但是他并未帮助那个女孩解决那个难题。即学即用完成句子尽管听起来有些奇怪,但他的想法还是被与会者们所接受了。_it might s

16、ound,his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.答案:Strange as巩巩 固固 提提 升升.句型转换1It is likely that our team will win the match.Our team_win the match.2I shall never forget the day when I joined the party.Never_the day when I joined the party.3Although he is a child,he knows a lot of things.

17、_he is,he knows a lot of things.4While I was walking along the street,I met an old friend.I_along the street_I met an old friend.5We set about cleaning the floor after school.We set out_the floor after school.答案:1.is likely to2.shall I forget3.Child as/though4was walking;when5.to clean.单项填空1Having d

18、ecided to rent a flat,we_contacting all the accommodation agencies for help.Aset about Bset downCset out Dset up答案:Aset about“开始,看手”,后常接动词ing。2_,he still found his way to his home.AAs was the night darkBAs the night was darkCDark as was the nightDDark as the night was答案:Das引导让步状语从句时,句子部分倒装,即把句子的表语、状

19、语或动词原形等提到句首,但是句子的主谓并不倒装。句意为:尽管夜很黑,但是他还是想办法回家了。3How was the televised debate last night?Super!Rarely_so much media attention.Aa debate attracted Bdid a debate attractCa debate did attract Dattracted a debate答案:B否定词rarely位于句首,句子应部分倒装,即助动词放在主语之前。句意为:昨晚的电视辩论怎么样?精彩!还从来没有一次辩论吸引那么多媒体的关注。4That story has a g

20、reat_on children.Areason BimpactCfact Dcause答案:B 句意:那个故事对小孩子有很大的影响。impact“影响”,符合题意。reason“原因”;fact“事实”;cause“原因”。5We are making the policy on the_that the rate of inflation will not increase next year.Afact BmatterCassumption Dtheory答案:C句意:我们在假定明年通货膨胀率不增加的情况下制定政策。assumption“假定,假设”,on the assumption

21、that“在的假定之下”,符合题意。fact“事实”;matter“问题”;theory“理论”。6 The old town had narrow streets and small houses _ are built close to each other.Athey BwhereCwhat Dthat答案:D句意:这座古城镇有狭窄的街道和建筑紧凑的小房子。所选项引导定语从句,修饰先行词small houses,并在从句中作主语,故用that。they,what不能引导定语从句;where在定语从句中作地点状语。课后强化作业课后强化作业(点此链接)(点此链接)写写 作作 指指 导导如何写


23、青少年进行太空授课,并且也是“神舟”十号的最大亮点。第一次_之一_任务_青少年_用定语从句连接下面的句子:It is the first time that ShenzhouX has had science education activities for the teenagers.It is one of the highlights of the mission._3另一个重要的任务就是着手建立太空站。着手_太空站_用表语从句翻译此句:_写作提醒1必须遵循新闻报道的要求真实性、及时性、思想性。2本文必须体现新闻报道的语言精炼性。3新闻报道尽量用词科学、客观,用事实说话,而不是根据自己的

24、爱好,主观臆断。4文章要组织严密,衔接词过渡自然。连句成篇_ 【参考答案】【审题立意】新闻报道“神舟”十号发射一般现在时态第一人称【遣词造句】1 orbit carry a.ShenzhouX entered its orbit successfully,which carries three astronauts.bShenzhouX entered its orbit successfully,carrying three astronauts.2the first timeone of the最高级missionteenagersIt is the first time that She

25、nzhouX has had science education activities for the teenagers, which is one of the highlights of the mission.3set outspace stationAnother important mission is that it will set out to start a space station.【连句成篇】At 17:38,in June 11th of 2013,ShenzhouX entered its orbit successfully,which carries fema

26、le astronaut Wang Yaping and male astronauts Nie Haisheng and Zhang Xiaoguang.It is the first time that ShenzhouX has had science education activities for the teenagers,which is one of the highlights of the mission.During the activities,Wang Yaping is a chief teacher,teaching how the pendulum(钟摆)wor

27、ks under weight loss and how the top(陀螺)does and so on.Experts explain that space science education is very important for the future,marking our great motherland is working hard to realize its space dream step by step.Another important mission is that it will set out to start a space station.We all believe that it will be successful sometime in the future.



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